On to healthy living......

Oh! I'm so sorry to hear you're sick. You take good care of yourself!

Hopefully this passes quickly. Here's some :wizard: to get you through!
Hi wilderness,

I'm right there with ya! :sick: I am not feeling well either and it's been 3 days of "fun" as of now. (Plus, TOM is visiting.) I am sooo looking forward to spring! :sunny: Hope you feel better soon, wilderness! :grouphug:
Still feeling under the weather with a flu bug or something. I am eating totally off program and I could care less. How is that for a bad attitude? :rolleyes: I have been going to the gym but I literally had to drag myself there this afternoon, park my car, get out of the car and then get right back in the car to go home. Once home I did a few little things and finally had the energy to get back into the car, drive there, get out and go in. I was dragging and it took me an extra 5 minutes to do my normal 3 miles on the glider. I am feeling so out of sorts really. I have a headache, I am very tired, sick to my stomach and just not myself. I wish I would just feel either better (this would be ideal) or get really sick and get it over with! My husband's favorite aunt died suddenly yesterday so on top of not feeling well I am sad about that. She was just wonderful! I had better go lie down as my head is just pounding and I feel awful. Sorry to whine. I am thinking about everyone. :goodvibes
:hug: Wilderness,

I'm sick too, bu it is respiratory. I lasted only 20 minutes on the elliptical. Ugh.

I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about eating off program while you are ill. You need the extracarbs for energy to fight off this bug.

Get some rest,
I'm still feeling blah. My breathing is giving me a run for my money now. Must be season/weather related. I'm off to the gym and then to work for 9 hours. Have a good one. :cool1:
The gym went well. I did a body sculpt with free weights class and woke some muscles up that have been sleeping. Wow was it hard! Then I did 5.3 miles on the glider. I am beat and my stomach is iffy. I have to go to work. Take care. :goodvibes
Hi wilderness,

I'm sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. Please try and take it easy this weekend if you can. :grouphug:

Have a Happy Easter!! :flower:
I haven't been arouns since thursday becuase all 3 of us were hit hard with the stomach bug!!! It hit so fast and hard! I haven't been so violently ill in a slong time!!!! I couldn't even keep fluids down for a while!!! I know exactly how you feel!!!

I hope you start feeling better soon! :grouphug: :grouphug: Take care of yourself!
Sorry to hear your still not up to par good job still going to the gym. Take it easy the rest of this weekend.

Hi all. I am feeling better but still not 100%. Now I am getting a headcold. I'm off to the gym now and then to work. If I can I will try to get to journals today, if not then tomorrow. I am thinking about everyone. :goodvibes

P.S. Back on the straight and narrow today. A few too many jellybeans for me yesterday!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!!!! Having the stomach bug at easter puts a damper on my eating easter chocolate!

Have a great one! :flower:
A few too many jelly beans really isn't too bad :)

Hope you are feeling better :flower:

Wish I could say all I had was jelly beans :rotfl: So be pround of yourself. Sorry to hear your bug turned into a head cold. Everyone has been so sick on the Wish boards....wonder whats going on.



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