On the road to a healthy ME! Jog along with me!

Hey Wendy,

I always feel like fall is the time for me. A routine settles in, and I am (sometimes) able to schedule the things I need. Summer is always so chaotic. I hope you had a great day.
HI Beth! I agree, fall is a better time!

Tracey, I was thinking of doing just that. DH said it would be easy, and that the picture would come out just fine. So, that is what my task will be tomorrow so that you can gawk at the geek with the princess!

It has settled down a bit. Hardly seems like DS is away. We chat on line every day and text a few times a week. Certainly nothing like when I went away.

Today I did sense a bit of loneliness in him. Hard to imagine, since we were IMing each other. But I could tell. DH is going up there the 21st to take him his key board so that he can play. I miss him playing all the time. He misses playing. My MIL is going with DH. I am very glad, because at 85, I don't know what the future holds for her, and it is best she gets out while she is able. DS is very excited to see them next week. I will go up at the end of October for a 3 day visit. Well, it is actually 5 days, but with the drive 10 hours each way, we will be on campus only 3 days. I booked a room at the dorm so to re-live the experience. lol I must be getting senile.

Getting about that time.

Take care everyone

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello

Hi Wendy
cant wait to see the pics!
I'm sure your DS is ok, it must be hard though being a way from family - for both of you!
I keep thinking DD may only be home another 5 years and then i'll be feeling just like you!!!
take care xx
Hi Wendy, I bet you can't wait for your trip to visit your son! That will be nice to spend a full 3 days with him, but that 10 hour drive...yikes!!! Both my kids were in college at the same time, less than 2 hours away, but 1 was north and 1 was south. Is it a special weekend on campus, or just one that you decided to visit?
Hello everyone!

I have finally gotten some pics on the web. It is a collage of mostly WDW pics over the 5 to 7 years. The reason I know it is at least 7 years, as one of the photos is with DH on my 40th birthday!

Bunch of misc pictures

Yes Denise. I am so excited to see DS. It isn't a special family weekend. That is next weekend, and I wanted to wait until October to go, about midway in his semester to just give myself some peace of mind. DH did get his keyboard up to him. DS is so very glad to be able to play the piano whenever he wishes rather than have to reserve the music room and all that. We had a nice long conversation yesterday. He had called on my birthday last week, and sounded a bit lonely. SO this week I made the effort to chat longer with him. It was so nice. I really missed him after that.

Well, I have to log on and run. DD is at the foot ball field and I said that I would meet her up there. I was just so excited to get a link to pictures that I had to check in!

Take care all!

Just checked out your pics Wendy - there great :)
(thanks for PMing & letting me know)
Is that your DS in the pic with the tuxedo on in 2004??
He has a bit of a Zach Efron (SP?) from HSM look about him ;)
Nice to put a face to you too ;)
hope you had a great weekend
Hi Wendy,

Your pictures are great. So many memories available at a click of a button. I think a trip to the UP in October sounds lovely. I am not so sure about the dorm room though.;) It will give you something to look forward to.

Take care,
Hi Wendy...how is everything going?

It's been a while since I've check in...sorry. I'll tried harder to keep in touch...
Hi Wendy
how did the trip to see DS go?
hope your all well
Hello All

So Sorry I have been away. It has been crazy around here.

So, to start:

Tracey, yes, the tux guy is my son 3 yrs ago. Quite a cutie isn't he? Altho I do like his hair shorter. When we went to see him a few weeks ago, he had a full beard which we had him shave off. Looked kind of spooky to see him so gown up!

Dee--all hasn't been so well, but we are moving on. I will leave a huge message at the end of this. Oy Vey!

Hey Jamie! I understand! Life so gets in the way of all our good intentions!

Beth, the UP was very nice, even with the snow storm we had. And the dorm room was just like a hotel room. Very surprised, but it was very nice.

So, down to it all

In late sept I had gotten bronchitis and really struggled to feel well after that. Then, my childhood friend's daughter died very unexpectantly from surgery complications. So very sad. She was only 35. She had gastro bypass and well, it just didn't work, and I think her dr wasn't as good as he could have been. I will certainly miss her, and her parents are trying, but it has been very hard.

In October, my cousin died of an unexpected heart attack. He was only 41. Very scarey for all. He didn't live the healthiest life style, but he was very young.

Another cousin dies of MS and Congestive heart failure. We were all expecting that. Still is a surprise when it happens.

This is the one hard to believe, I had the chicken pox. Yep, hard to believe. I was lucky and didn't get a bad case, altho I certainly did itch a bit! After that, we went to see DS. It was Wonderful. The weather was agreable, even with the brief snow storm. I have some new great pics to post and will soon.
After that, like that day after I got home, I went to my drs because my foot hurt and my leg was swollen. Well, I thought I would just need my orthotics adjusted, but no, I had to go thru all the stuff to rule out a blood clot. That was scarey! We still aren't sure what is going on, since it has been 2 weeks now, but at least it isn't that! I was very frightened. That same day, last week Tuesday, my mom called and said that my aunt was denying dialysis. She thought that at 72, she had had enough and was having all the family come and say good bye. She passed away this past Monday, lasting 6 days after her last treatment. Now, as the final episode, I was hit in the head last week at work and ended up in the ER with a concussion thing, and a very bloody head of hair. It did stop bleeding while I was there, so no stiches. I was panicing that they would shave my hair. lol we are so vain, are we not?

I have had a crazy 6-7 weeks, with the last 2 very rough. My mom called me Tuesday to ask if I would come over next wednesday because my dad was having a cat scan so that they could see just how extensive the masses are in his lungs. Boy, he just can't get a break. First the kidney thing, where they are going to look into a transplant (which is now on hold indefinitely) to probably lung cancer. He did smoke 1 1/2 cartoons of unfiltered cigerettes a week for 40 some odd years. He quit 15 yrs ago, but I guess you just can't run away from it all. Dad is scared, and justly so. Mom is more level headed about it. So, I will go and spend some time with them, see what is going on, and then make some plans with them. My dad is 70, and has been in poor health for quite some time. They are coming over THanksgiving to spend time with the kids.

So, on top of all this, my diet has left the building. I have jumped back on the wagon this week. I did gain the 6 pounds back I lost in Sept. I can do it. Once this cat scan is done, we can get organized and into focusing on the future rather than worrying about what it may be.

I have exhausted my thought for now. Will hope to log on later this weekend and get it all caught up. Just really wanted to get on and write it all down, so that I could also see for myself.

I hear DD and her friends here.

I know it will all work out, it is just the road there may be a bit on the bumpy side.

Thanks all

I haven't read your entire journal, but I did read the first couple of pages and the last couple of pages and let me be one of the first to give you a huge hug! :hug:

I hope things start going better for you! :grouphug:
Oh Wendy i am so sorry to hear all you have been through :hug:
It certainly puts my own insignificant worries into perspective!!
I hope your dad gets good news from the scan on Wednesday, you are certainly deserving of some good news right now!!
Take care & i hope you find time to let us know how he gets on :hug:
Hi Wendy,

Just wanted to pop in and wish you well for the New Year. I know you've had a rough time for the last few months. I pray for your Dad and hope that the rest of your family is doing well.

Please post if you have a minute, and let us know how you are doing. Denise


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