On the road to a healthy ME! Jog along with me!

Hello everyone!

:lmao: Thanks for the laughs! I can imagine Tracey! I remember the first time I was left home without siblings, a sitter or anyone else. Very enlightening about ones self! :rotfl2:

Hey Beth, let me know how big to build the ark, and I'll come on over and we can boat off with out families! We are dying for rain. I love the beautiful weather, but a few hours a week of rain sure would be nice!

Thanks for the pats on the back Jennifer and Bekki. It really helps to know that we are succeeding. I know I can't be the only one with a few falls off the wagons! And still do a good job!

Finally, the 8 days and 80 hours of work is over! Today is a much needed day off. It just drives me nuts when people quit without notice, and in a fit of anger. How professional is that?

I have to agree, that if we do have a treat once a week, especially while on vacation, it takes away some of the crazy emotional stress that comes with having to count every bite, DD is doing absolutely wonderful on her diet. She is walking nearly 5 miles a day, and bike riding as well. The other day, even after a 2 mile bike ride, she came with me on a walk with the pooch. It was nice to see her determined to eat better and to increase her metabolism. She will be 11 in a few weeks, and hitting that dreaded mood swings and energy swings as well. I am very proud of her. For her snack the other day she made her own jello and waited for it to firm up. If we keep her on track over the summer, school should be easier. Those school lunches are so hard. Very starchy and all. She tries, but it gets really boring really fast. We live only 3 houses from school, and with her in middle school, she can come home more often for lunch, and have a healthier lunch. And get the exercise of walking.

Well, time to catch up and get going!

Have a great week!

Glad your work 'marathon' is over, Wendy! That's gotta be tough!

The graduation picture is really good of both of them. Your son sounds like a sweetie!

Mackinac was a good break for you & you did an AWESOME job staying on track.

Have a good rest of the week!
I hope your day off was awesome!

And how great to be helping your daughter succeed. I know parents always like to be role models, but maybe you could tell her she's really inspiring to us!

Have a great weekend (and thanks for checking in on me)
Hey Wendy, how goes the battle? Finally the clouds have lifted, albeit temporarily, around here, and I hope you've gotten a little (emphasize: just enough to keep the grass green and the flowers growing) rain out in your neck of the woods.

I enjoyed reading how your DD is developing better eating & exercise habits! See what a great role model you are? You're teaching her, by example, to take such good care of herself. Thats awesome. I know my daughter has been making better choices just from watching dh & I choose more wisely...we went to a fast food place the other day, and she can eat the French Fries & burgers w/ no problem but instead she chose a salad. Without any prompting. Hopefully, developing a health awareness now will help our girls when they're our age!

I wonder if this means I can blame my Mom for my Pop Tart fetish...after all, that was her idea of a good breakfast! :thumbsup2

Keep on hanging in there, you're doing great, and I'll bet you're feeling great too! Thinking of you, and sending lots of positive vibes your way :goodvibes

Hi Wendy
Thats great that your DD is doing so well with her food & exercise, - an inspiration to us all :)
Hope you've had a great weekend :)
Hi Wendy, So sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile, but life's been crazy, in a good way! I've often thought about taking a trip to Makinaw. A local tour company always offers trips there and Spirit Airlines has some great rates to Detroit.

Hope all is going well with your summer! Denise
Hello everyone.

I have been MIA for a few reasons. First, I was so sick that I thought I was going to die. Head cold turned into sinus infection and bronchitis. So, I stayed pretty much bed ridden for 4 days. Then, DD spilled milk on the keyboard of computer. Needless to say, we let it dry out and after 4 days, it still doesn't work. So, new keyboard for us. Well, that one was about 7-8 years old. time for a new one.

With being sick, exercise was out of the question. For a few days, I really didn't even want to eat. So, kept the calories at a good level.

You are right Beth, our mom's are the reason we had these strange eating habits. Like your po-tarts and my -no I don't eat breakfast-habits. DD is doing really great. Today, since it is her 11th birthday, and she has a few friends over, we skipped the walk. She is playing batmittion and bunch of other out door games. Pretty good swap I think.

I shall get caught up with other journals!

Thanks for stopping by and keeping me in your thoughts. Marthon work is over , and the holiday shifts start tomorrow, where I work 3 pm to midnight for the summer celebration concerts in town. We have fireworks on the 4th and the 8th, the end of the week long celebration.

Everyone have a great 4th!

Hi Wendy :wave2:

I love when you stop into my journal so I thought I would stop into yours! It looks like we have some of the same reasons for this journey--the physical need to lose or be disabled.

Sorry to hear you have been sick, that can be so frustrating when you have goals you are trying to reach.

It sounds like you have so much to keep you busy the next few days that you will get enough exercise doing all you have volunteered to do!

You asked me about Great Wolf Lodge--it is a whole lot of fun and I highly recommend it--even just one night is enough to enjoy quite a bit! Your DD is at about the right age, much older and she probably wouldn't enjoy it. My DD is 11 and still really loves it. It is best for kids in the preteen and younger age groups. You don't really see kids older than that there. The water slides are big enough for her but not so big as to be "scary". Mine is a strong swimmer and the lifeguards are very vigilant there so we are comfortable letting her go on her own in the waterpark.

The only thing that I would recommend is that you plan for not much you can eat on a healthy diet. They really mostly have pizza and burgers and nachos in the water park area and the Restaurant Buffet is a lot of fat laden choices. There is a sit down restaurant that is pricy and I am not sure if their choices are healthy. You get a microwave and refrigerator in your room so it is pretty easy to bring some of your items to make yourself if you need to. The one here in Williamsburg actually has major problems with all of the food service locations, but I don't know if that is true of all GWL locations.
Hi Wendy

Sorry I've been MIA...sorry to hear you've been so ill. Hope you are feeling better!

Your support means so much!

Love to hear someone loves POOH as much as I do! My DH thought I was crazy waiting in long line before we had dd's to get picture taken...had to promise him I'd go on space mountain:eek:

Hope you have a great 4th of July!
Hi Wendy, so glad to hear that you're feeling better. You have to take care of yourself first! Hope you get to enjoy some of the holiday festivities.
Glad you're feeling better, Wendy! Yep, our weird eating is definitely a family thing. I truly didn't know about breakfast cereal until High School. Isn't it normal to have cookies, pie, cake, donuts for breakfast every day????

Have a GREAT weekend!
Wow, been busy! Summer Celebration is winding down. Tonight the concert is BB King. I can hear him in my living room, which what happens when the concert is across the lake from where we live. It just carries it over.

DS is there. He did call me and said BB wanted everyone to know he was in town. I told him to invite him over for pie. I really don't think he'll show. Musicians, they can be so fickled.

Feeling so much better. I am able to talk and recognize my own voice finally. Still having some congestion, but it is moving and that is good.

Ok, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I did a running jump. I guess it was because I had felt so bad, wasn't able to eat for a few days, and all those other excuses you can dreg up when you need them. I did have a turtle sundae the other day. It felt good on the old aching throat, and the taste buds did dance. So, I have pledge to increase my walk by 5 minutes to get me back on track. I think that could be part of my plateu problem. I need to increase walking time and maybe decease calorie intake. Somedays I make 1500, others I know it is closer to 1800. I was logging on Spark page, but it takes so long to get it organized so everything is in your favorites. So, since tomorrow is a quiet night, with everyone busy but me, I am going to get it together and make it work. I am ready to make my goal of 4 pounds this July and 4 more in August so that I reach my year goal in September.

So, give me a shove, and all that jazz. Tough love works, and I am ready, healthy again, and restless.

We can do it.

Thanks everyone for the support. It fills so many needs that are important and so vitial to my mental health. :) :)

Take care all and have a great weekend! If BB does stop by, I will let everyone know it he enjoyed the tea and gluten free biscuits! (Boy my snack food cupboard is bare! Yeah!)

Hi Wendy
Glad your feeling better :hug:
I was ill last week too & jumped off the wagon too :sad2:
I have finally manged to jump back on again though ;)
Did BB come for tea???

Ok i hate tough love, but you asked for some -
Girl its time to take action, make a plan & stick with it, you will feel sooo much better if you do it & YOU CAN DO IT!

:guilty: :hug: hope i wasnt too tough!:flower3:
Hello all. Just a really quick note. Getting back on the wagon, and getting it done!

Thanks for the tough love Tracey. I certainly hope you are feeling better. Have a cold/flu in the summer is the pits. I can do this. I will be beautiful and fit and healthy. Ok, my DH says I am beautiful already, and getting healthier each day. And having you guys here really helps. DD is doing great, so we will all do this!

Tea was GRAND! I was pretty sick, but DD and friends did have a nice time. The weather was nice, they enjoyed the games (like from eons ago) and it just was nice.

Just had to log on to tell everyone that DS's trip packet came today. I am so overwhelmed he is going to WDW as a young man on his own...well with his best friend since day care. I know he will have a great time. Also, his package came with all his stuff for his dorm room--like towels, bedding, etc. It really is getting close. He put in his 3 week notice at work so he has 2 weeks before his trip to get organized. Becasue as soon as he gets back from his trip, he goes off to college.Time flys when you are the parent. Hard to admit that they need to grow up. I worry, but I worry when he's home. :rotfl: Guess it doesn't matter.

Have to run. Catch up later!

:hug: Wendy! Get back on that wagon! So you went off the healthy eating plan for a little bit...thats ok, as long as you get back on track. Between being sick and all the dson activity (its gotta be a little stressful! I know I'll be hitting the old Pop tart box when my son is headed off to college for the first time!): you've had a double whammy.

Get back on that healthy eating wagon, control those calories and get back to walking, and you'll be even more beautiful than you already are...AND you'll feel fantastic, too. Just imagine how great you're going to feel and look after even just one week of sticking to it religiously. (can you tell this is my own inner speak?). I like your goals of 4lbs per month, too! I'll meet that goal with you, how about it?

I hope you're feeling better, and that BB came by and ate all the pie in your house. How nice to live on a lake with a concert stadium across the way...lucky lady.

We'll get back on track together...

:goodvibes Glad to hear your feeling better...and back on track!!!:goodvibes

:eek: your ds going to WDW and college makes me want to play dolls with my dd's all day!

Have a great week!
Hello everyone!

Beth--you are on. We will each meet a goal of 4 pounds this month. I have lost 1.5 (don't know if this is cheating a bit by starting out ahead!) but I am on the wagon. It is a bit creaky, but I will make it work. I will probably cry and mope for days after he's gone. I am so glad that I am not someone who eats when they are sad. I eat when I am bored. I do become very inactive when I am sad, tho. I will just have to look at the dog, and know she wants that walk just as much as I need it. We had a wonderful walk the other day, with bright sunshine and a cool breeze. I took the kids to see Harry Potter, so I missed both dinner and my walk (had to work 10 hours today). What I did eat was ok. I do get so bored with salads and applesauce! but it works. The crew at work help to remind me what I am able to eat. They are so sweet! :rotfl2: SO, the challenge is on! We will check in August 1st to see if we have done it!

Oh jamie, you are right about that. While looking thru all his WDW stuff, I cried abit, remembering the first time we took him to WDW 15 years ago. His first hug from Mickey, and his first Dumbo ride. Oh no, Now I am making me miss for those times again! Maybe my dd (11) will at least let me braid her hair so I feel like I am needed! :)

Oh Denise, so nice to hear from you! I am MUCH better, and working on getting evern better! Take care!

Hi Wendy
I cant imagine how it feels to let go :hug:
My dd is 13 next month & its hitting me now how quickly shes growing up!
Well done for staying on that wagon.
Was the Harry Potter movie any good?


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