Okay...........now it's Weight Watchers Here I go again!

:wave: A1,

I'm glad to see that you posted to your journal. We've missed you. Sounds like you have a sound plan. Just do what feels right for you, ok. We're here for you.
A, just wanted to pop in & say hi! :wave2:

I'm sending you :hug: and :sunny: for your Monday!
Okay. So now it's Weight Watchers. I haven't done very well with this program either. I have a serious problem with binge eating at night. I need to have my jaw wired shut.

I started my new teaching job with a breakfast with the school board today.

I am going to go to the sink and drink a few glasses of water right now.

A very good friend said that I really needed to picture myself a year from now. I could seriously have all my weight gone by then. It's been about seven years with this weight on, so it's hard to picture myself any other way.

When I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I don't really believe it's me. I don't feel fat inside, but boy do I look bad. I look like a bloated fish. What was that fish in Finding Nemo.......was it a blow fish???? That's what I look like. A blow fish.

I should start with baby steps. I read lulu's goals of water and vitamins, and thought that sounded good.

Hope everyone is well. I will post tomorrow.
HI A1!

It is so good to hear from you. I have thought of you often. Baby steps is a great way to approach things. I think your goals of water and meds is a great step towards that new you from a year from now. Evenings are tough for me to. I do better if my hands are busy, like with cross stitch. You will figure out what works best for you.
It is so good to have you back.
I've been keeping you in my prayers, A1!! Glad to see you back! :wave2:

I'm sending extra pixie dust :wizard: your way for a good day!! :sunny:
Hi A1A1-
My name is Mary and I started my WISH journal in April. I just read the first few pages of your journal. I am very sorry for your loss. How old is your daughter now? I am so glad that you have her, and that part of your dear husband is with you through her.

I hope that you have lots of success- I am doing WW flex and I find it to be a good sensible plan. The first week- taming the cravings- getting rid of the late night snackking... to be the hardest. Once you push through that initial period it is much easier.

Thank you friends--new and old! Glad to be back.

I have made some good food decisions and some bad food decisions in the past few days. I have to come up with a strategy for late night eating. That seems to be my biggest problem.

I have been trying to do the WW Core Plan, but it has been very difficult. I eat out constantly, and it has been a little tough to stay totally core that way.

I did something pretty sneaky to myself. I made some arrangements to visit with some old friends....these are people I haven't seen for years. They only knew me as a thin person. I have some pressure on myself now to lose weight. I have to do it. I have been a hermit, and have avoided seeing people because I am embarassed about my rather large weight gain. I have to lose about 60 pounds. I think it is possible. Hope I can get it together, and stick to some plan. I have really been jumping around to so many different plans. That's not going to work. I just have to find something and stick to it.

I would like to clear off my treadmill, and get started with that again.

I can do it! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to say that about 100 times per day. Maybe I will start to believe it.
Hi A,

Just dropping by to say :wave2: . Seeing your friends may be just what you need to stay motivated. Just realize, true friends don't care what you look like. The Core program is interesting. I have considered it myself. Take care of you. BTW, I know YOU can do it!
Forgot to say my mantra of "I can do it" today. I will say it before I go to bed.

I found some skinny pictures that remind me of happier times in my life. I will get a little photo album to keep in my purse. I need to remind myself that I had a different and happier life at one time, and I can be that way again if I want to . I don't have to be the same person I am now..forever.

I had a pretty good day today---foodwise. I met a friend for lunch. We went to Applebee's and both ordered off the Weight Watchers menu. I had french onion soup and a chicken breast/salad dish. Pretty good. All of that was only 7 points. For dinner, I had a Turkey Lite small sub from Quiznos. I wish Quiznos was in the WW book. It was a pretty good day. Had a bit of a night binge, though. Wheat crackers and cheese sticks. Lots. I hope that the good part of the day will balance off the bad part.

I haven't gone to sleep yet. Still have so much work to do for my new teaching job. Don't want to be caught in the crossfire on the first day of school with lots of loose ends.

Thanks for the reply Strings. I am so proud of your weight loss. You are a tough cookie, ya know???!!!!

Good night all.
Hi A1,

Tell us more about our new job. What grade are you teaching? Don't stress too much about it. You'll do great, and the kids will never know if things aren't perfect. Try to get some rest. It is harder for me to resist the nighttime munchies when I am exhausted. As Doe said the other day, 1/2 a healthy day is better than none.::yes::
Take care of you,
Sure hope you got some shut-eye last night. It's tough to function when you're not sleeping well.

You can do this! I believe in you. That doesn't mean you have to do it PERFECTLY - that's not realistic. The key is to just keep at it, no matter how many times you stumble.

Seeing your friends will be wonderful! I hope you have a great time with them.

Today is a new day - make it a good one! :sunny:
Had a super day yesterday, and again today. I am proud of my choices and resolve. I am living by the dining out guide from Weight Watchers. I cannot be trusted with portions, so it is good to have someone else tell me exactly what I can order. No thinking involved. Just what I need.

I bought a nice, leather photo book for my purse. I am going to load it with pictures of me during happier times.........during all of which, I was thinner.

Is there something wrong with me that I am usually happiest when I am thin? What does that say about me? I think my weight has such an affect on how I feel about myself. I certainly don't love myself unconditionally. I don't expect others to love me either when I am heavy. Weird. Probably very bad.

I am off to have a WW chocolate mousse bar---1 point.

Good night all.................I am going to join a health club, I think. I have finally figured out that I really need to exercise in order to lose weight. AprilN has been very inspiring to me, as have my other wish friends.

Congratulations on 2 successful days. That is awesome. I can tell you are excited by the tone of your post. Keep up the great work. I love my gym membership.

I am going to send you a pm.
:wave: Hi, A! I know it's taken me too long to get over here and welcome you back, but I figure better late than never! I'm glad to know that you're feeling better and you're moving on a path you're happy with.

Enjoy your Labor Day,
Hi A!! :wave2:

You sound like you're walking a bright and sunny path - good for you! Just keep at it, slow and steady! Once you start to see some positive changes in your body, you'll feel more confident. At the moment you are a work in progress, as we all are! ::yes::
Thank you for the replies! I am so glad to be connecting on this personal level.

I made a decision today. I need to remove the cheat free bear clip art. I have struggled with all-or-nothing thinking for so long. I think that has been part of the reason for my failure. I have felt that if I couldn't be perfect, I shouldn't even continue. I have huge issues with that. I want this to be a life-long change, and not put so much into just one day. Can anyone else tell me why they choose to use the bear? I am struggling with this.

I had a great day today. Walked my husband and daughter (he was in his wheelchair) to our favorite pizza hang-out. I made pretty good choices given the restaurant. We had so much fun. We walked around the town for quite a while afterward. I am sure I earned some exercise points today!

Tomorrow is a big day. First day on the new teaching job. I, along with the other 50 new teachers, have to introduce ourselves to the other 850 teachers in the district. Yikes!!!!!

I have to get to work tonight. Last minute paperwork, etc.

I am loving the Weight Watchers options available at some restaurants. Discovered great options at Denny's, Applebee's, and other places.

:hug: A,

I just wanted to wish you luck with tomorrow. I am sending :goodvibes :wizard: :wizard: to you. I know you will do great.

You definately earned some activity points yesterday. I'm glad you made some happy memories.

My use of the Cheat free bear was tough. At the time, I felt that I needed a clippie. It was a challenge, but I eventually realized this was for life, and I was going to need something besides a clippie to keep me on my path. If the clippie puts extra pressure on you, don't use it. Many of us don't.

Have a great day tomorrow. You'll do great.
Hi A,

I just wanted to see how today went. I hope it went well, and you weren't too nervous. When does school start, and what grade is your DD in? I hope all is well. :wizard: :hug:
Had a good WW week. Lost 3.2 pounds. I was pleased. Had some extras this weekend, but will be back to business tomorrow. My teaching team is very strict with their eating, so anything extra I put in my mouth will be noticed. They all know I am doing WW. We eat together each day, too. I have been bringing in frozen WW for lunch. It has worked out well.

I walked really far again today with my husband and dd. We took him out for lunch and for a long walk. It took about a half hour each way, so I figure we probably walked a total of two miles. Pushing a wheelchair makes that a little tougher. It was a nice day.

We stopped at a grocery store on our walk back, and got a 3 serving box of Weight Watchers eclairs. It was a nice treat. Each of us got one.

Getting ready for work tomorrow.
CONGRATULATIONS A!!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

You lost over 3 ponds in a week. That is awesome. I'm also glad you were able to spend a nice afternoon with DH and DD. You even exercised to boot. WTG!

Have a great day at work.


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