Official Wine and Dine 2017 thread

Hi friends! I am planning and preparing for the 10K again this year and have to ask what your thoughts are on the course?? Last year we started in the Epcot lot and wove around and through the park. I had a really good experience and thoroughly enjoyed last year's 10K! This year, the start is in the MK parking lot. I'm thinking this will be a long stretch of road all the way to Epcot, and I have to admit I'm not looking forward to that. Give me some positives!!

Another fan of the Dark Side 10K route here. (And the DS half route as well.) I'm hoping that's the routes they're using with the starting areas they have. I really enjoyed the 10K being different and the middle/end is great! It's a very enjoyable course!
thanks for the info on the 10K course! I should also be glad it is a new course to try! Looking forward to that weekend :)
I usually have a hard time not getting too enthusiastic and often start to run faster than my training plan says.

When running at non Disney events, I usually decide on a strategy based on pacers. For example, to run 10k under an hour, I followed the 60min "rabbit" for the first 2km then pass him and never wanted to see him again... I also did not pass the 50min "rabbit" so I knew I wasn't going crazy fast!

I read on another thread that there was "Galloway pacers" but I don't train that way. Are there "constant speed" pacers? If so are they at the beginning of every corral or mini corral? Do they have a posted finish time on them? Meaning, if I follow one, stop for photo along the way and then see another pacer, will I then know where I stand compare to my original corral?
I usually have a hard time not getting too enthusiastic and often start to run faster than my training plan says.

When running at non Disney events, I usually decide on a strategy based on pacers. For example, to run 10k under an hour, I followed the 60min "rabbit" for the first 2km then pass him and never wanted to see him again... I also did not pass the 50min "rabbit" so I knew I wasn't going crazy fast!

I read on another thread that there was "Galloway pacers" but I don't train that way. Are there "constant speed" pacers? If so are they at the beginning of every corral or mini corral? Do they have a posted finish time on them? Meaning, if I follow one, stop for photo along the way and then see another pacer, will I then know where I stand compare to my original corral?

I believe that all Galloway pacers, even the ones with finish times faster than I can imagine do only the run/walk method. I do not know if any other pacers who do run only will be there or not. Closer to the weekend the list of pacers and their intervals and corral assignment should start leaking onto social media.

My experience:
For Tink weekend there were multiple pacers for certain popular finish times that started in different corrals. There was a point at mile 4 or 5 that I came up on one group after a long character stop line that I did and passed them and then came up on a whole different group with the same exact finish time signs as the first group a little while later. Because I think they started one corral apart. My finish time was 3 minutes better than their expected time but I finished way in front of them because I started a corral before the first group. If that makes any sense (I basically had a big negative split due to character stops front loaded in my personal race.) So I'd say it's possible to use them as "markers" of how you are doing BUT to be aware of what corral these groups start in so you don't freak yourself out if it seems really off. Using your own garmin/watch/app is going to be your best bet.
I believe that all Galloway pacers, even the ones with finish times faster than I can imagine do only the run/walk method. I do not know if any other pacers who do run only will be there or not. Closer to the weekend the list of pacers and their intervals and corral assignment should start leaking onto social media.

My experience:
For Tink weekend there were multiple pacers for certain popular finish times that started in different corrals. There was a point at mile 4 or 5 that I came up on one group after a long character stop line that I did and passed them and then came up on a whole different group with the same exact finish time signs as the first group a little while later. Because I think they started one corral apart. My finish time was 3 minutes better than their expected time but I finished way in front of them because I started a corral before the first group. If that makes any sense (I basically had a big negative split due to character stops front loaded in my personal race.) So I'd say it's possible to use them as "markers" of how you are doing BUT to be aware of what corral these groups start in so you don't freak yourself out if it seems really off. Using your own garmin/watch/app is going to be your best bet.
All this is super good information! I'll keep training my inner pacer or else I risk compulsively be looking at my phone during the run. But knowing that there are multiple Galloway pacers with the same finish time will help, I would probably have been confused, or freaked as you said, as well.
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?

For the races I've done they've always been clif shots (those squeezey packet things.) I like the blocks instead and bring my own. I use a roosports pouch for my fuel, phone, and whatever else (like tissues etc). Sometimes two pouches. I hate belts. Also I use salt sticks tablets bc I personally don't get enough electrolyte replacement from just the Powerade and blocks, especially for Florida races or summer long runs.
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?

Like the previous poster said, they provide gels on the course but if there is a certain flavor you prefer you may want to bring your own. They usually have a variety of flavors but no guarantee they would have the ones you like.
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?

Yep, they do provide the gels. I pack my own fuel because I don't care for the gels. I prefer Honey Stinger Chews personally, but I have used the Clif Shot Blocks before. I find the Honey Stinger Chews easier to chew. I carry a Nathan Water bottle in my hand with Nuun in it. I carry an extra Nuun during a 1/2, but often I just use the Powerade they provide too and fill my water bottle with water.

Besides the water bottle that I carry in my hand everything else goes in the pockets of my Sparkle Skirt.
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?

I have done many test runs with belts and the best one I've found is SPI Belt. I've used the same one for 3 years, perfect size for my iPhone and nutrition. I also pin my bibs to normally ends up around my rib cage, which isn't too annoying. I also use Nathan and Ultimate Direction hand bottles.

I used GU and Clif Bloks when I first started running, but it seemed like it took forever to work for me (i.e. after I was done running). Long runs started while I was doing Whole30 for this training cycle, so nutrition had to be different. I'm not doing Whole30 anymore, so I am working sugar back into my diet, but trying not to depend on it for fuel. I did 9.5 miles this weekend only using water during the run. I've also been using the (new?) Kind Fruit Bites (no sugar added..I have a nut allergy or else other Kind bars might be good too). I ate about 3 or 4 from the packet at the 6.5 mile mark and I felt like it fueled me for the remaining 3 miles, ending with negative splits. I then had about 8 oz of G2 afterwards. I'll probably start training with watered down Powerade soon; I mix the Powerade and water from aid stations in my hand bottle. DH (ultra runner) swears by Tailwind, so he will probably be carrying that. He uses Nuun as recovery. If the Powerade doesn't agree with me, I'm interested to try the salt tabs!
For today's long run I had a goal to test some gears and fuels.

Gear wise I ended up with water bottle and phone in my sticky hands by fear of ending with a belt aroud my ankles... Anyway.

I was trying Clif Shot Energy Gel (hence the sticky hands) and was curious about the fuel they provide during the WnD half. I found by reading through other thread that it seems to be Clif but is it Clif Bar, Clif Shot Gel or Clif Blocks?
Like others have said, gels are what they provide for fuel. It's only at one stop (somewhere around mile 8 or 9) so if you need more than that, make sure to bring your own. When you're training, make sure to try different flavors from different companies to find what works for you. They also will have water and watered-down Powerade (the yellow flavor) at water stops.

I also like SPIbelts - you have to get it adjusted just right for it to not move and then you're golden!
I did my fastpasses on Monday (I check in at Pop on 11/3) and managed to get Flight of Passage twice! Once Monday evening 11/6 and again Wednesday morning 11/8. And I got two Frozens. Those were my top priorities!

I'm sad Splash Mountain will be closed, but maybe they'll manage to finish refurbing it and open it early... unlikely, but I still hope so.

I'm going to Animal Kingdom multiple times on this trip, and am thinking of completely skipping Hollywood Studios. I usually never skip a park but honestly... Hollywood Studios seems like it's a major construction zone! And I love Animal Kingdom. Looking forward to seeing AK at night again; I used to LOVE the Expedition Everest Challenge (and especially post-race party) because AK at night is so pretty!

Congrats on the FOP fastpasses.
Thanks for the super good answers on gear and fuel. I won't count of the Clif Gel as this is what I tried yesterday and, well, nope.

After reading all this and looking at past events maps I am currently contemplating the following:

For the 10k, carry my phone in my hand like I usually do. That will allow for easy picture taking. A few water stops along the way is more than what I get in my neighbourhood or when I ran on Daytona Beach last month.

For the half, it is more tricky.
I won't carry water, there is enough stops from what I see. My training runs are another story.
Phone wise, neither the belt, nor the armband I own are perfect for that run length. Fuel and kleenex fit in those. I will probably end up carrying the whole thing as one in my hands once in a while. Buying yet another carrier seems extravagant at this point because I seem to dislike them all. Good point on the adjustment Ariel484... I just don't know if November 5th will be a good or a bad adjustment day for me... And it has to be redone everytime I take my phone out for a picture... Which brings me to my next question...

Where are pictures opportunities vs water stops vs bathroom stops? Sorry if that sounds weird. Ideally, water stops would be just before entertainment so I could fuel and drink while waiting for a picture. Then, maybe once, bathroom break (can we use the park's bathrooms or just porta potty?), allowing for a good readjustment of the carrying gear.
Where are pictures opportunities vs water stops vs bathroom stops? Sorry if that sounds weird. Ideally, water stops would be just before entertainment so I could fuel and drink while waiting for a picture. Then, maybe once, bathroom break (can we use the park's bathrooms or just porta potty?), allowing for a good readjustment of the carrying gear.

There was a spot during the SW 10K where I hit the bathroom and then got in line for Boba and Jango Fett so if those routes are reused that might be an option, but I can't remember anything quite as convenient during the half, but I was running on a stress fracture so that was kind of preoccupying my thoughts. I do know that I pretty much always time my bathroom break(s) during the race so that they are in the parks, not in a port-a-potty. I'm pretty sure during the half I hit the first bathroom in DAK now that I think about it!
Where are pictures opportunities vs water stops vs bathroom stops? Sorry if that sounds weird. Ideally, water stops would be just before entertainment so I could fuel and drink while waiting for a picture. Then, maybe once, bathroom break (can we use the park's bathrooms or just porta potty?), allowing for a good readjustment of the carrying gear.
They don't publish the specific locations of the pictures, water stops and bathrooms ahead of time. You can use the park bathrooms though, which is really nice.

If you're using the on-course water stops, they give you cups of water...unless you are super coordinated (not me) I don't know that you'd be able to run with a cup for vary far and stay dry. ;)
@flav Just a suggestion but you can do what I did for my half. While I'm inside a park (or approaching it) I took my phone out and held it in my hand as I ran so I'd be ready. There tends to be more characters inside the parks (like Epcot for instance.) So I was ready for any picture taking. Any outside the park mileage I shoved my phone back in my armband. I though to myself that if there was anything outside the park there'd probably be a line and then I'd have time to take my phone back out.
I noticed a lot of the porta potty type setups were very close to the water tables and then they did have a lot of the in park real restrooms available...but I just used one porta potty. Sweaty spandex is "fun" to pull back on after going to the bathroom btw :)
Thanks for the super good answers on gear and fuel. I won't count of the Clif Gel as this is what I tried yesterday and, well, nope.

After reading all this and looking at past events maps I am currently contemplating the following:

Where are pictures opportunities vs water stops vs bathroom stops? Sorry if that sounds weird. Ideally, water stops would be just before entertainment so I could fuel and drink while waiting for a picture. Then, maybe once, bathroom break (can we use the park's bathrooms or just porta potty?), allowing for a good readjustment of the carrying gear.

I don't recall there being a water stop close enough to a character stop that you could coordinate like you mentioned. The usually have them spread out.

This is just a suggestion but don't overthink the fueling issue and worry about carrying a bunch of fuel. As long as you eat well leading up to the races and have your food stores topped off, you should be able to complete a half without a lot of fueling if any. It's different strokes for different folks but just a thought on the fuel.

As far carrying food/fuel does you running gear have pockets? I've even tucked Clif Chews into the waste band of my shorts and they will typically stay put. Do you carry a hand held water bottle when you run? Some have pockets that are big enough to carry a phone in as well as some fuel. Plus you can get some carbs in with the right sports drink. Getting the phone in and out can be a pain. I just carry my phone in my hand though. Just keep trying different things and I'm sure you'll find the right combo for you.
As far carrying food/fuel does you running gear have pockets? I've even tucked Clif Chews into the waste band of my shorts and they will typically stay put.

Pinning your fuel to your waistband works well too. Most gels and even some packages of bloks and beans are designed for doing this.


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