Official Star Wars Weekends 2015 Trip Reports and Recaps



We absolutely loved everything we experienced over the three days of SWW. We were able to meet all but Leia and r2D2. We saw all but one roaming character (never saw Aurra Sing). While the food wasn't fantastic (but I did love the pastries at Galactic Breakfast), all dining events were fun IMO. Rebel Lounge happened to be RIGHT after we realized we lost our camera. The wonderful cast member that was helping me went over there and let them know we would be late. We were able to show up 45 minutes late and not be charged a no show and not lose our reservation. It was worth it for DS to meet Ezra and Sabine.
Every character meet was awesome, with some being more outstanding than others. Ahsoka remembered us on Sunday from our Saturday meet and greet. (more so I think she remembered my son and daughter). She and Ventress were an amazing pair to meet together.

DS did JTA all three days. First two days he had Vader (he lined up in the line for the second Sith on Saturday but he was moved... FYI the lines were never about size/height/age. The kids were able to pick which line they wanted to sit in when they were inside the ABC sound stage... only a handful were moved when they got outside on SAturday. There were kids of all sizes on the stage and on the ground) He was able to get Maul on Sunday. I did ask the wonderful CM if it would be possible not to switch his line since he had his heart set on Maul, but it wasn't needed because the cast members at the stage did not switch any child from the lines. :)

We also did FTF premium- which was worth it IMO with an infant and a 7 year old. We probably drank 5-10 bottles of water while we were there, and took a few more with us. Loved the shaded viewing area and the dessert fireworks viewing was fun, too. We were able to take our stroller in because DD was almost asleep (and she's only 3 months old so the CM was nice). She fell asleep 2 minutes after getting in there and she only woke up at the finale. too many big booms at once for her).

Forgot to add- we did SOTS on Friday with FP+ and BTF rebels on Sunday with FP+. We ended up skipping Ewok's tale and Obi Wan and Beyond (which DS wanted to see but didn't work with our dinner schedule). Both shows were great!


And to finish up my little report...

Tuesday we had an 8 am Sci Fi breakfast. This was an hour before the park opened and we ended up being about 10 minutes late. We still got in right away so I guess it turned out all right. When we got inside only Vader was there for a picture. The hostess assured us that we could stop by after our meal to get another picture with Boba Fett.

We ordered our food and the characters immediately started to come by. I had heard on the DISboards that the mini lightsabers had run out a few days before. I thought maybe a jawa still had one for trade, so I pulled out my special Tomorrowland pin that was part of the Disney parks blog Tomorrowland 24 hour day prize. I figured that would get me a lightsaber if anything would. Both jawas were there and rumaged through their pouches with their flashlights and I could tell neither one had a mini lightsaber. One offered me an angry Mickey pin to trade so I traded and told him that the Tomorrowland pin was only supposed to go to dreamers. I hope some nice child got it.

I reeeeeally enjoyed the Force Awakens trailer they played during the meal. Can't watch it enough.

Food: I thought the pastry plate was good, nothing great but not bad. I enjoyed my fresh fruit cup, but neither Brian nor I liked our meals. I guess it just went along with me disliking almost all the Disney food this trip. I believe I had the Dune Sea, the puff pastry thing. The eggs tasted like they'd been cooked the day before.

Atmosphere: Can't be beat. In my opinion the Sci Fi Drive In is the best themed restaurant I've ever been inside and I'm in love with it. Add to that all the SW clips that are played and it is so amazing.

Characters: all the characters here are a lot of fun. The stormtroopers walk around arresting people and causing trouble. I had my stuffed panda sitting on the car and they walked up and picked it up by it's head and shook it then put it down and wiped their hands off like it was gross. I asked Greedo if he'd shot first lately and he was not pleased with me. The jawas are just such great fun too, they'll trade with you and try to steal any items you have sitting out.

When we left we asked about our make up picture and only had to wait maybe 2 minutes. And we just ended up with a second vader picture since we'd taken one with him before hand.

This isn't SW related, but after breakfast we rode Star Tours (and got the death star/Slave one scene and thank goodness, I get that stupid naboo scene 80% of the time). Then we got in line for Baymax and Hiro at 9:45. Good thing too, by the time they came out the entire room was full of people waiting. I think its definitely worth it to get there early. Hiro was so funny and Baymax is the cutest thing ever!

Anyway, we went off and did other stuff, but we were back at DHS for Characterpalooza at 6:10, we didn't see our white whales but we saw Dopey who is quite rare. We then checked in for our 6:30 pm Rebel Hangar and were seated right away in the lower section.

We ordered a lot of food again and for the second time it was all quite delicious. Very quickly characters started to come around. We figured out the pattern, at least for that night. They would come out 2 by 2 and stay for 15 minutes, then leave and a different set would come for 15 minutes. There were 3 rotations. First we saw was jawas and Chewie. Second was stormtroopers. Third was Bith and Rodian pilot. We got to meet them all except the Rodian. You just have to be aggressive at the Rebel Hangar. If they walk by your table and you don't show interest, they probably will not stop. We started jumping up when they came by so we got pictures with most. Just have your camera ready!


Overall impressions of SWW:

-it was so much busier this year than the first weekend when we went last year. We still got most of what we wanted to do done, but having a plan definitely helps

-it was also so much hotter this year. Make sure to hydrate. Also, make sure to eat. The heat really took away my appetite and I found myself eating maybe one meal a day because I just had no appetite. Not good.

-I wasn't too impressed with the merchandise this year. I didn't spend nearly the money I thought I would. Also, where is all the Chopper merchandise??

-I also didn't like how they did roaming characters. From what I saw this year one would be out at a time (or 2 or 3 in the case of the troopers or tusken raiders, but always just one type). Last year all the bounty hunters would be out at once so it was easier to meet them. I.E. the Gamorrean Guard, Zam Wessel, Aura Sing, Tuskens would all be out at once. This year everyone was competing for just one character so it was more difficult.

-I liked the shows better in the B&TB theater. I like that more people can see them, and I really enjoyed the digital screen and the polls that they did before the shows started.

-I really do find that I talk to more random people and make more friends at SWW than at regular Disney days


Had a great day just a lone galactic princess. Got 3 new shows I hadn't seen plus Rebels in the soundstage. Also made RH area my drink and potty pitstop of choice. Greedo (or is it Guido?) came up to the window and gave me double high fives! Interaction and I didn't have to wait and buy their food in hopes of seeing a character. Very fun spontaneous moment.

Really enjoyed all the actors in the shows. Didn't really care for Padawan game show although I liked the funny empire captains!

My star tours was lame. Last week, people were EXCITED! This week, eh. I'm not going unless it's after 8 or 9 pm. I've seen it before, I want the hooplh crowd! Which BTW I got on ToT since RnRc went down never to return for the day. And THOSE people came to have fun!

All in all, a great day for shows and culminated in a nice visit with OP and a few others and THE BEST fireworks night I've had in a LONG time.

All y'all just gonna have to face the facts that you can't see BOTH awesome fireworks AND the really neat Jedi stage show. Take two nights, doesn't matter which night although if you make Sat your fireworks night, OP will be hanging with the best spot in front of 50s Prime Time cafe. The next time, park close to the stage or do the dessert party etc and that is neat too, but you can't see the fireworks at all from there and believe me, they are worth it! Just preparing yall.

Great day. I myself was grateful for the light sprinkles.

Remember to have fun when you come folks! Also, the outfit I threw together last night with stuff I had at home was a great hit! I had numerous people ask me what character I was, and I said myself as a galactic princess! I'm tempted to make it my signature for the coming weekends since I appear to have my own character. One of the CMs had a real long princess sci fi name for me but I can't remember it, but he used it several times! See ya round, Forcies!
I am finally getting back to the land of reality and will give a quick report of my SWW experiences. We were at WDW from the afternoon of Friday, May 29th through the morning of Saturday, June 6th. I went with my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and two nephews (ages 8 and 11). I confess that due to lack of exposure I have never been a Star Wars fan, but I was the primary planner for this vacation, so I had a lot to learn as my nephews and BIL are big fans. Major thanks to @yulilin3 for all her hard work on the SWW planning thread. Because of that thread, I was able to get a Galactic Breakfast, FP+ for Stars of the Saga, and a Rebel Hangar reservation right when they were all first released.

We only attended one SWW day (Saturday, May 30th). I had big plans for the day, but I left for the trip with a respiratory infection and with the rain and heat that day, we did not accomplish nearly what we wanted, but my nephews still had a great day. We were at the Pop bus stop almost right at 7:00 and a bus was pulling up as we got there. It is a short bus ride and we were in line at the tapstiles by 7:15. It was a gorgeous morning and there were lots of hot air balloons flying in the sky around HS. We stayed on the left side and then jumped into the far left lines when they opened those up. We were able to get decent spots for the Stormtroopers welcome show and were standing on the edge of the sidewalk curb at the corner of Hollywood and Vine. That elevation and the height of the Stormtroopers gave my nephews a good view. They thought the Stormtroopers were very funny and brought up that tiny little rope more than once on the trip.


After the show, we joined the masses in the run for Chewie. Thanks to @yulilin3's video, I knew exactly the path I needed to take. We didn't move as fast as others, but were in line by 7:52, and it was our turn at 8:25. While we were waiting, we saw Queen Amidala pass by to head to her M&G spot and I had a @yulilin3 sighting as she passed by the line with her daughter. This M&G was the highlight of our day. The biggest reason was that my over 60-year-old mom who knows the bare basics about SW, said to Chewbacca, "Oh, here is my date for the day." He jumped all over this and took her hand and kissed it and snuggled up to her for the pictures and the Ewok kept trying to hug my sister. We all laughed so hard! We were the last group before they left to take their first break. My only complaint with this meet was that the PP photographer was busy talking to the character handler rather than capturing the great interactions we had.
Afterwards, we took some pictures at the empty Blister Pack Meet spot and looked around the Prop Shop. We then got in line for Darth Maul before he was out for his first meet. We made it to the front of the line around 9:30. He was entertaining to watch and never broke character. That hissing thing that he does freaked me out a bit! My nephews did not seem intimidated at all and my BIL participated in a staring contest with him. There was a mom with her young son in a wheelchair behind us, and we turned around to watch their interaction. DM kept character yet still had a gentleness about him when meeting this family. He circled the chair and then squatted down to pose with the boy for pictures. It was neat to see.

After we finished with the M&G, we knew it was time to get a parade spot, but it had started raining so we ducked into One Man's Dream for a few minutes. We finally decided to brave it and headed for a spot about 10:15. We had a great spot and got out the ponchos and tried to stick it out, but the sky finally opened up in a downpour and we decided to run for one of the stores and sacrifice our places. Our feet got really wet just in that brief shower. By the time that the rain finished it was very close to parade time and there were no good spots left on the route. We decided to move to a place where we could just watch the 501st, rather than the whole parade. It was a great decision and my nephews made sure to narrate and let me know who all of the characters were!

We had a FP+ for Toy Story Mania after the parade, so as we headed that way we caught some glimpses of the characters on the stage and even saw Mickey getting back in his car to leave. We also just happened to be right behind the stage when the pyrotechnics went off and all about had a heart attack! Afterwards, we had an ADR for 12:05 at 50's Prime Time Cafe. We really enjoyed the interactions and food there. We did have to wait in a very crowded and hot area for our name to be called, but once we were seated it was a nice break from the heat and crowds. Afterwards, my BIL and nephews went to ride ST (their first time) with another FP+ while those of us who get motion sick shopped around Tatooine Traders. We saw Warwick Davis' son and wife doing some shopping there. While in the store, the sky opened up again and everyone came to a standstill as the ride kept emptying people, yet no one was leaving. It seemed like the CMs had no idea what to do about the situation. When about to reach the claustrophobic point, the rain slacked and people started moving again! My nephews loved their first trip on Star Tours! We were tired of the rain by then, so we found more indoor entertainment with Muppetvision 3-d. I was not feeling great by this point, so I had to make the decision that it was best if I went back to the room for some medicine and rest so my mom and I headed back to Pop Century. My sister and her family went on to use their FP+ for Stars of the Saga and got there right at the end of the arrival time. My sister said that they were entering the section at the same time as the Standby but still got decent seats. They also headed back to Pop after the show, but had all really enjoyed it and were very impressed with JAT.

The weather (and my feeling under the weather) had a big impact on what we accomplished, and we did not do half of my plans, but my nephews were happy about what we did do and didn't really have an idea of what was missed. Plus, we got the great Chewie moment which I know we will remember and laugh about for years to come :chewy: :love2:.
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We went to Universal after SWW IV, so I'm a bit late in posting here.

We were at SWW on June 5th and 6th. Our flight arrived very late on the 4th (close to midnight) so the 5th was a sleep in/half park day, and we did a full day on the 6th. We'd planned to arrive at DHS in time for the motorcade on the 5th, but there was a snafu with our offsite rental stroller (in that it wasn't delivered) so we had to wait for them to deliver one before we could leave the resort. We ended up at DHS right at 11:00, which was a bit of a disaster. We were able to catch some snatches of the parade from the porch of one of the shops on Hollywood Blvd, which was nice. We had lunch at Mama Melrose's and then did Star Tours and TSM with FP+. While we were waiting for our TSM FP+ window to open, we jumped in line for the Jedi Council meet and ended up with Shaak Ti, which was awesome. My 5 year old especially was enthralled with her. In that line, though, was the first time ever during one of our Disney visits where the group in front of us morphed from two to literally TWELVE people (I'm not exaggerating...I counted them) and each individual had multiple pics taken. It was really, really aggravating because the line had been moving pretty well. At some point that afternoon we also ran into Aurra Tsing, and she was pretty awesome.

After doing TSM with a FP+, we went to wait in line for SotS. All we really wanted to see was the Stormtrooper pre-show. We were down near the front (6th row back, I believe) on the left side as you faced the stage. It was a great spot, but it was SO HOT in there. It was like a sauna and either the fans weren't working or we weren't sitting where they could reach us. That was also the day the show was delayed by 15ish minutes. The kids were actually interested in seeing Ray Park speak, but we were just too hot and bailed shortly after he came on stage to go swim. My daughter and I both preferred the 2013 Stormtrooper pre-show to the one this year.

We went back and swam and were in the room when the heavens opened. We had an ADR at H&V at 5:45, so ended up taking a cab back to DHS (the fare from BWI was $4.80...totally worth it!). Food was fine, character interaction was OK. We did really enjoy having the opportunity to sample all of the desserts. In the end, though, I'm not sure I'd do this meal again. It felt the least "Star Wars" of all the SWW meals.

The rain had stopped while we were at dinner, so the characters were available that evening. We hopped in the Luke/Leia line a little after 7:00 and ended up with Leia at 7:24, so I guess the line was moving fast at that point. Disappointed to have missed the droids, though I'm not sure if they ever came out that night (didn't go back to check).

After Leia, we rode Star Tours SB with little wait and then headed to TSM. We got in line around 8:00, with a 75 minute posted wait, and were back out front by 8:42. When we came out, they were telling people that they could ride again, but we were tired so decided not to take them up on their offer. I had read about the TSM re-rides after 8:30 (official ride closing) but I think the only way you could possibly take advantage of that is to be in line or on the ride when the ride closes. Pixar Place is roped off at 8:30, so if you're not in the area you won't be able to get past the rope-holding CMs to re-ride. On our second night, a management-type person was encouraging re-rides, so it's definitely not something that's breaking the rules.

Since we'd seen SotS, but since I had a FP+ for it for the next day, I decided to drop the FP+s for it and pick up something else. My plan was to grab a GMR FP+, but to my dismay, they were all gone even the night before! Even for one person. So that sucked...the ride isn't worth waiting in line for, IMO, so we never did ride it. I think I picked a Muppets FP+ instead, because everything that was left was pretty much garbage (no rides and no Frozen singalong, which is what I would have taken instead of GMR).

The next day, we did arrive at RD and watched the Stormtrooper opening. We didn't get there until right when they started opening the tapstiles, but for whatever reason, there was no one at the tapstile to the far right, so we walked right up to it and got in. We had a stroller, so my husband held back with it and my son and I did the Chewie run. We weren't right at the front, but he's only 5 and just can't move that fast. Memory Maker says we met Chewie at 8:16, so I guess our line position wasn't that bad.

We then headed to Darth Maul's line. This is where I wish they had more characters out early. We were near the front of his line but he didn't come out until a little after 9:00, and we met him at 9:11. So I think he ended up being the character we waited for the longest. After Maul, we headed to meet the Queen, who was awesome as usual. Linda Skywalker was not too far behind us in line.

Next on the agenda was the galactic breakfast. Pretty disappointed in this experience. Boba Fett was awesome, and trading with the Jawas was fun, but the Stormtroopers were meh, and Greedo didn't make it to our table. We asked someone on the way out if we could get a picture with him, and she seemed really put out by the request. We did get a quick picture with him, though. There were no autograph cards and no mini light sabers handed out.

It was pretty hot by the time we were done with breakfast, so after using our FP+ for TSM, we headed back to BWI for swim break. We went back to DHS in time for our 4:45 RH ADR. This was by far the best meal experience we had. Since we were using RH for dinner, we ordered one of everything on the menu except the chicken wings. The food was good and the character interaction was awesome. We traded with Jawas, sparked an argument between some members of the Cantina Band, had a pilot stop by for a chat, and got two visits from Ezra and Sabine. We were in the first room, right by the walkway coming in, and have two adorable little kids, so I'm sure that contributed to it.

After the RH, we decided to stop by Darth's Mall. We stopped at the Blister Pack meet along the way and found out that Ahsoka was going to be out soon, so we jumped in line. The timestamp on our pics with her was 6:39, so she's definitely meeting later than was previously reported (we thought we missed our shot with her since it was so late). We met some clone troopers on the way out of the mall. After that, we headed to TSM and ran into Zam Wessel along the way. We got into line for TSM after 8:00 and didn't wait too long. When we came out, they were encouraging re-rides, so we jumped on it a second time. We could have gone a third time but wanted to watch the fireworks. The fireworks were pretty awesome, and even my 5 year old who isn't a fan of fireworks in general said they were pretty cool.

Overall, we had a great time. It was crowded, but not as much as I expected. Getting the re-rides on TSM was a nice bit of pixie dust to get. I missed having the shows in an air conditioned venue and skipped the shows because of the lack of air conditioning. We didn't go for JTA, PMC, or VttM, so can't comment on that. Other than the jerks in the Jedi Council meet, pretty much everyone was respectful and friendly. Other than RH, the meals didn't seem worth it to me. I guess the high cost lead to high expectations that just weren't met.
We attended just one day of Star Wars Weekend IV with my DH and our DS7. Fans of the films, the Clone Wars is kind of a blind spot for us … we know the story and the characters, but haven’t watched all the episodes, and we are way into Star Wars: Rebels because of our son, who LOVES this series.

This was our first time with SWW so we weren’t sure what to expect, but we read a lot here and planned a lot, then made a list of DS7’s priorities, which were to do anything that related to Ezra, Sabine and Chopper.

With that in mind, we felt out best bet would be to try for the Padawan Mind Challenge, so that was our mission on Sunday, June 7!

Having heard mixed reports about bus schedules, we thought we should at least check. About 6:15 we went to the lobby of the Contemporary and were told that the buses wouldn’t start until after 7 am. Seeing as how we wanted to be at Hollywood Studios before 7, that would not work for us … so we decided to take a cab, one was right there and we were off. Made it to DHS around 6:30 or 6:40 … there were only a couple of clusters of people at the tapstiles, so we started a new line.

When they let us in up to the stormtropper show rope, I mentioned to my husband that the advice on this board was that we needed to head straight and then take a left at the stage to get to the PMC sign ups. The CM at the rope told me that we needed to go to the left for the sign ups. I was a little confused about what to do, but I decided to still head straight.

The stormtropper show was great, DS7 thought they were hilarious!

We fast walked to our intended destination - the ABC Sound Studios for the PMC sign ups - others ran.

We passed a CM who asked us where we were headed, we said “Padawan Mind Challenge” and she said to head to Indiana Jones. I asked “Are you sure?” and she very arrogantly said “I’m quite positive.” My DH says maybe they moved it, but that didn’t seem right, and by that time we were in the line at ABC Sound Studios. There were about 3 people in front of us. Someone asked “are there two lines?” then a CM behind the “desk” spoke up and said one line was for VttM and one was for PMC. No one moved to the VttM line, so the first family in line moved over there and signed up for that one right after signing up for PMC, so they had a super great day, I’m sure!

It didn’t seem to me to be a mad crush and I would have guessed anyone there within 30 minutes could have gotten signed up, but I have since read reports that it really was full within about 15 minutes. So if this is a priority, it must be done right away at rope drop.

The CMs seemed to not know much about this, and that makes sense given that Jedi training Academy is such a huge draw. But if I didn’t trust the advice on this board, I would have been sent to the wrong place and possibly missed out on the opportunity to sign up.

A side note about this – there was one participant who apparently had been in the show every day of every weekend. The host mentioned it during our show (something like, “it’s not like you haven’t been up here 17 times”) and a couple next to us in the parent viewing area said they had seen him in the show the day before. I kind of feel like that is a little excessive … I mean, its your prerogative to do whatever you want while at the theme park, but for something like this where there are limited spots available, I think that you might be being a little selfish to do it every day of every weekend. I just feel bad for other kids that got shut out of the opportunity because you wanted to do it for the 10th or 12th time! Just my opinion, and I’ll probably get flamed for it, but oh well.

So we were on the list with a 12:15 return time, priority number 1 – check! Right next to the PMC sign up area, they had the preview demos of the Disney Infinity 3.0 game, which is Star Wars characters, in case you hadn't heard. DS is a huge Disney infinity fan, so we stopped by before the line got too busy. He got to play a 3 minutes demo game as Yoda and really loved it! There is a cool slow motion feature on the last task of each mission – wish I could have played! ;o)

Since we were near Star Tours, we snuck a quick ride in (no wait … just walked straight through - awesome) and after exiting the gift shop, we saw good ole Chewbacca and an Ewok in line taking photos (for whatever reason, my kiddo was not interested in meeting the characters. He’s not afraid, but was just okay with seeing them as he walks by. Just no interest in meeting them … I would have LOVED to meet any of them, but perhaps another trip.)

Then we were off to the other side of the park for the RockNRollerCoaster. We hadn’t been to WDW since our DS was tall enough for this one, so this was another priority for us. We didn’t get a FP just in case he chickened out, but he was stoked! I think our stand-by wait was maybe 10 minutes on this – the photo time stamp is 8:50. When we got off, he wanted to do Tower of Terror so we did that also with a super short wait – 9:11 time stamp on that photo.

We headed over to Pixar place for our Toy story Midway Mania passes … we were a little early so we walked around and found the magic shots, saw Darth Vader meeting people and also Anakin not too far away. We ran into a Gamorrean Guard. All lots of fun. TSMM was classic fun but I fear this was perhaps my last time to ride as DS7 will opt for a RnRC FP from here on out and the wait times for TSMM are just SO crazy. :(

We went to the front of the park to check in for the deluxe Feel the Force package – got the run down and then had a bunch of mickey bars, popcorn and water. We had a great spot on the curb and got some awesome pictures. DS was holding his Ezra lightsaber and Ezra came over to him during the parade to say something about it. DS was very excited about that! Then we got to walk with the parade up to the stage, which was surprisingly really fun.

I don’t remember how we killed time until the 12:15 check in for the PMC, but then that show started. It was a cute show, although DS was convinced that they had the answer wrong to one of the questions that knocked out like half of the kiddos. They all got an action figure after the show, which was a nice surprise! They didn’t get to interact too much with Ezra, Sabine and Chopper, but those characters were all on stage.

We headed to ABC Commissary to get some lunch. The wait was long (long meal waits everywhere!), the meal was meh, but it hit the spot and the air conditioning was a good break.

We then headed over to the Theater of the Stars for the first show of the day – Ashley Eckstein in Star Wars: Rebels show. DS loved to vote in the little polls and try to get all those around us to get on board with his choice. The show itself was good and held DS7’s attention – he actually really liked it. The length was just right for kiddos his age.

After that show, we had a FP scheduled for Tower of Terror, which worked out well because of the proximity. After the ride we had a snack and then back into the Theater for the Stars of the Saga. DS LOVED the stormtropper pre-show, and then he really enjoyed the clips and conversations with Ray Park and Jeremy Bulloch. I had wondered about this one – wasn’t sure if he would be interested in the actors themselves vs them being in character, but he was really into it and kept talking about bits form it that he thought were particularly funny.

After this show we went to Darth’s Mall – On our way over, a jawa was trading with some adults, so DS, who LOVES the jawas and had an “Utinni” shirt on, pulled out his trade item – a tiny slinky that the Jawa seemed very excited about – he gave DS a small monster truck and posed for some pics (no autographs).

Another priority for our kiddo was to get “something that was Star Wars Weekend exclusive.” At the store, we got the vinylmations of Zeb and Chopper (Rebels characters) and a vinylmation set of Luke and Han that was signed by the artist. He also got two Cars that were in Star Wars character, a Darth Maul Mickey head pin, a Logray plush (that he decided to call Wicket!?), and DH got a t-shirt.

We had a 5 pm reservation at the Jedi Mickey dinner, which worked out perfectly for us timing-wise. Good character interaction, and the food was not bad – I wouldn’t say it was great, but it was okay. Although I wish I ate more desserts – I had read that the fireworks party desserts were essentially the same, so I held off, but they were different enough that I wish I had more that I wanted to try during the dinner.

We headed over to the James Arnold Taylor show which DH decided he wanted to see after watching him host all day! This was a good show too, and DH and I were really impressed with his talents.

We had our last FP for Star Tours and had a good time on that … always a favorite. Then we headed over to the fireworks party. We probably didn’t need to be there right on time (there was a small line that formed before they would let us in) but we were kind of out of gas by then. The DJ Elliot show was okay but a little techno remix goes a long way. The snacks were okay, they had a full ice cream cart there which I was thrilled about because that meant I could have a frozen banana!!! Yum. The cocktails were fun too … we tried the Force (meh) and the Jedi Mind trick (yum)

The dance party went on a little long ... a CM who joined me in an over-dramatic rendition of a Journey song, went to find out what was up and came back explaining that there were “technical difficulties” but not to give up. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes of his report the fireworks got started. Great fireworks ... really made me appreciate the Star Wars music even more!

We decided to get in RnRC one more time so we walked that way only to find out that it was closed. We aren’t usually in this park at night, so we had no idea. One good thing was that much of the crowd thinned out, and the bus line wasn’t too terribly long to get back to the resort.

All in all, a super full day and we accomplished everything we wanted to ... and then some. Thanks to the advice and suggestions on this board, we were able to have a good plan and be familiar with options to make choices on the fly. It was a great day and the family was quite pleased with how smoothly it all went for us.

Next year (oh yeah … we’re definitely going back!!!), I think we will spread it out over two days and see if we can get some character meets mixed in as well as see all the shows without having to skip any. I don’t think the autograph sessions will be of interest to DS, so I think we can safely pass on that again – which is a great logistical burden avoided on our part. Maybe next year we might try the breakfast characters if they continue that option.

Lots to look forward to i 2016 and also curious how things might be changed up with the Force Awakens being released … new characters? New experiences? I will for sure be checking with you guys and this board to be in the know!!!

And just maybe I might feel brave enough next year to try to seek out some fellow Dissers! Too shy (but also so busy!) to seek anyone out this year, but with you all in spirit!
Instead of FP for RNRC, do it at RD and FP TSMM, TOT, and ST. That's what we do, and it works well. It especially works better on a non-SWW day, where you don't have anywhere else to be at RD. Hope to see you next year.
Can't believe everyone's SWW are almost over! :sad1: It's been great getting to know you all through the main SWW thread! :goodvibes

I finally got around to starting a Trip Report for our trip that spanned weekends 1 and 2 (with a Disney cruise in between). You can check it out here: "I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea (Just a warning that I am not the fastest TR updater, so this may go on until the next SWW :rotfl:).

Love hearing everyone's reports! :thumbsup2
Here are my thoughts on this year’s SWW:
Crowd Levels: Higher than last year and I’m expecting them to grow for next year’s event. The first Friday was crazy busy, along with second and third Sunday. Also much more people seemed to know it was SWW. In years past you could see people lost about the whole thing but this year. I saw many more people prepared and ready to take on their SWW day

Celebrities and host: James A Taylor did a superb job once again; he’s funny, engaging and entertaining. All of the celebs were awesome, as usual, with one exception, Amy Allen; she just seemed to not care, like she didn’t want to be here. I heard she took several breaks during her autograph sessions and wasn’t particularly nice to the CM. On the other side of that, Frank Oz, OMG, could've listened to that man speak for days, so engaging, entertaining, thought provoking. I hope they continue with these Conversations.

Having McDiarmid and Oz not signing autograph sucked but I understand completely why this was done. DHS couldn’t handle the amount of people camping out for days for them. It was a smart decision, IMO.

Shows and Theater: All the shows were pretty much the same as years past. Loved the addition of the huge screen in the background. The theater was not as hot as I thought it would be but the benches are so uncomfortable. I hope we have a better theater for next year but I wouldn’t count on it.

Character meals and specialty food: We had previous experiences with Jedi Mickey and Galactic Breakfast but the surprise hit was Rebel Hangar. The food, the ambiance and decorations and the prices were great. The character interaction was also good. Once you get over the fact that it’s not a character meal and you shouldn’t expect each character to come to your table it’s great to just see them walking around. The key to this experience was showing excitement for the characters and they would come and stop by your table, or you can just get up and get a quick pic. If Disney changes this to character meal the prices are sure to go up. I like the fact that there was an experience for all budgets.

Between breakfast and dinner I liked breakfast better, the atmosphere inside Sci Fi lends itself to SW, the dinner was fine but just not SW feely enough for me.

Characters: More characters came out in the morning around Backlot making for some fun and fast interactions. Amazing interactions with all of them, the queue lines were kept organized, rotating characters is always an issue but once you figured out their schedule it wasn’t hard to do. Having the schedule on MDE this year helped a lot, especially for those coming other weekends. My only negative was the lack of a Sabine, Ezra and Chopper meet.

Legends of the Force Motorcade: same as years past, yes the parade route is short but there’s no way to have it anywhere else on DHS. They can’t have the full motorcade go to the JTA stage like they use to do because there’s simply no space over there for the amount of people following.

Autograph sessions: All of them in the afternoon created a problem for people wanting to see the shows. They should have some of them in the mornings, from 9 to 10am would work fine. The lines outside the park this year seemed shorter to me for weekend I thru III. Maybe it’s because all of the guests have come so many times before. Ray Park’s line weekend IV and V was a huge mystery. I’ve never seen his line be so crowded so early.
The other big change this year was that they were done inside the old AIE audition rooms. My theory is that this was the downfall of the standby and walk up line. Celebrities used to sign under tents around Echo Lake, they would see the people waiting in line, in the sun, for them. This gave them a sense of urgency and they got done with their guarantees and had time to take standby and even walk ups. This year this was not the case, only a few people were able to walk up. There was no sense of urgency once inside the A/C room, there was more general chit chat. We’ll see if they continue signing inside

Packages: having done the PP last year and DPP this year I think they are good deal. With the DPP being the better deal of the 2. Having the ability to go to all the SWW shows and not having to wait in line for Darth’s Mall was great. The parade viewing for DPP could’ve been better, but again not a lot of options on the short route. Thankfully they added the umbrellas by weekend II. Dessert party was great, plenty of tables this year, good desserts and drinks. Fireworks viewing better than last year because of the removal of the hat, still not awesome but you did get a great view of the Summoning of the Force pre show

The question of “is it worth it” is completely subjective; it might work for some and not others. You can still get a great view of both parade and fireworks without the package and a little planning.

Darth’s Mall: I love all the extra décor that they put into it but I felt that the merchandise was lacking this year. Nothing really seemed to catch my attention. Again small even though they tried to make it a 3 shop experience. They need to leave enough room for the Her Universe changing room. Most of the merchandise stayed well stocked throughout the event. The Boba Fett stein being the exception but it looked like it was something beyond Disney’s control.

My What were they thinking?!?!

Not having Sabine, Ezra and Chopper out for regular meet and greets. If you’re promoting the show have the characters out.

Ray Park having only one autograph session weekend V. Why? He only did his show Friday at 7pm he could’ve done 2 sessions that day and then 3 Saturday and Sunday

Not having standby tickets for Frank Oz…having people waiting in line for 8 hours is not smart. They get tired, cranky, dehydrated…then having only 50 standby wristbands for Saturday and Sunday. What’s the point, you still had people waiting for hours…bad costumer service on Disney’s part

My They knocked it out of the park!!

Rebel Hangar: good food, good atmosphere, good music and good prices.

Characters: All of the interactions were great, it seemed better than years past. Mickey sitting on the floor playing with kids, Chewie’s awesome hugs, bad guys at their baddest selves. Greedo asked for a kiss from Stephanie, they were all just awesome, fun meets.
We had such a great weekend! Huge, huge thank you to Yulilin and everyone else that posted on the SWW Tips and Tricks thread.

One of my favorite parts of this weekend was at the Rebel Hanger. We were so excited about the decor that I completely forgot there may be characters. Our reservations were at 4:05 and they seated us almost right away.

The pilots came out with Greedo and were playing cards. Then she came over and told my 9 year old to keep an eye on the bounty hunter. His face!! <3

The officers and the stormtroopers were next. The officers were hilarious. He kept saying "Eyes forward. Attend to that straw young man! Keep drinking until I tell you to stop." And of course my 9 year old spilled the beans on Greedo's location so he was arrested.

My 9 year old was trading with the Jawas constantly. But, this one was walking around taking the salt & pepper shakers from the table. My 14 year old offered the Jawa a wrapped straw. The reaction was hilarious, but the Jawa took the straw and and gave him Burger King coupons. Then the Jawa kept taking the coupons back. It was so great!



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