Official Spring 2007 Disney Professional Internships Thread

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Hey Rusty!!! I'm sure you did great. Anyway, I am certain that you are going to get in. I just have a feeling. You have received more offers than anyone else and was the first one to get a call. Hang in there. I'm rooting for you. I had a meeting today with the specialist at my school and she thinks I'm perfect for any position at Disney because of my passion for them. She still didn't make my nervousness go away either. It's just that we want it so bad that we can't stop doing the "what if's". I think all of us will be just fine. They are just trying to find the perfect spot for all of us. They have alot of spaces to fill and have not spent all of this time, effort, and money just to let us walk away. Talk to you later.
Zada; Thank you! You certainly are very positive, which is definitely great!:) I've found the Disney recruiting team to be very comforting, so if your nerves don't calm a little, they should fly right out the window the moment you meet the interviewer! You'll do very well!
Rusty: Don't worry! I'm sure you did great and I was just as nervous on my interview. Some of the questions they ask are just so random! But with all of the responses you've gotten frm disney so far, I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about. Which one do you want the most? Have you done the CP?
hey all. i tried to post earlier, but not sure if it went through. I got accepted three days ago as a professional intern in the Marine Mammal Program at the Living Seas (now The Seas, with Nemo and Friends). Hang in there. What a long process huh? But its wso worth it when you get the call saying youre in. I cant wait to meet you guys. Sorry if this post is a repeat. Anyone else in for sure yet???

Not interview is on Friday!! :scared1:

Congrats to those of you who have already gotten in!
Congratulations Amber!! That sounds like a great internship!!

Good Luck NineEye
well i have my interview on friday for my management intern in retail--so wish me luck please! and for ne one who has been through a professional internship interview, what kind of job specific questions do they ask, so i can kinda get an idea of what to expect. i would greatly appreciate any help yall can give me. thanks!

It its good to hear from you. I too have an interview Friday for Retail Management. Are you going to MGM as well for a face-to-face? The others on the board all received their interviews on the phone but I have to be at MGM. What time is your interview? Have you been preparing?
Its hard to say what types of specific questions they ask, as it is completely different per interview and position. Mine had to do with skills, classes, and experiences that related to the position. Good Luck with the interview!
Interview Specifics -- Like Rusty said, it's hard to give you advice as all of the internships have different areas of speciality. However, I can tell you that I had some questions that weren't job specific. They asked me why I want to work at Disney, give an example of a time when I had to handle multiple tasks, my most memorable or most proud moment...that kind of stuff.

Don't be nervous ... just be yourself. That's why they do these interviews, they want to know more about you than what is on your resume. Show your's very important!
To add on to what I said earlier about the interview...I would also prepare for a regular conversation. Not really any questions about the job or your skills, but questions and conversation about your life in general. They want to get a feel for who you are and if you best fit in with their department. Get ready with the normal questions; biggest challenge, biggest accomplishment, teamwork skills, leadership, etc., but also be ready for other things. Be yourself and be excited!!
Hi all -

I too am hanging on the edge of uncertainty wondering where in the process I am. I originally applied for DEG Video/Multimedia Producer and Retail Management. I interviewed the first week of September and was told my application was going "to the next level." A week or two later I applied also for Operations Management and Guest Relations.

As of today, November 6th, I haven't heard back from them and I'm getting deeply concerned. I am going to wait it out this week and speak to my managers to see if they can find out anything, but if I don't find out anything by Monday I'm going to call up there and ask for info.

My life beyond the CP (ending Jan 5) hangs in the balance, so it's imperative that I find out soon. Goodluck to everyone who applied and congrats to those who are in.
Hi guys!

I got a call today from professional casting, but they didn't leave a message. The reason that I know it was professional casting was because it was the same number that called me to schedule my second round interiew. Unfortunately, it is one of those numbers that you can't call back, so I have no idea why they called. Do they typically call you to tell you that you're being rejected? Did anyone else get a rejection call? Or if you missed the call and were accepted did they leave a message?

They don't call do decline you - they send you an e-mail a few weeks before the internship is supposed to begin.
^kinda hard, I need to know immediately so I can start making other plans for an internship.
Trust me - I feel the exact same way. In the Spring, I didn't receive my decline e-mail until the very last week of May, only a week before the internships were to begin. :confused3
Ahh...This is starting to get to me!! I've been calm about this since May when I applied, but this is a seriously long process!
Rusty -- which ones did you apply for again? and have you had some 2nd interviews?

When I had my second interview, they told me that they were interviewing until Nov. 3 and then casting would contact me within 2 weeks after that. They were a little early on that, but I'd hope that it would be same for you - that you should know in the next week or so?

Are you living in the PI housing if you get a PI?

Did you CP -- if so, when and where?
it hasn't gone through...yet...

(i'm at work and constantly checking my email...that's why i'm responding so quickly and often)

what year are you? what school do you go to?
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