Official Online/Onsite Treasure Hunt Cheering Thread!


<font color=purple>Slam Dancer Extraordinaire<br><
Apr 29, 2001
Okay everyone.. here is the official thread to cheer on your teammates during the Treasure Hunt! I know some of you have posted your team names to the Team Up thread. I attempted to merge them with this thread but it was unsuccessful (Leslie.. I'm sorry but I think your post is forever lost in cyberspace :rolleyes: :confused: )

Can everyone please repost your team names here? And let the CHEERING BEGIN!!!!
The New England Mouse Patrol (Charlene (snowgooseltd) and I) have worked out the clues together and we are ready to take on the competition!!!! :earsboy: :earsboy: :wave: :wave:

The magnificient team THE MUSICAL IMAGININGS consisting of the fabulous LyricL and the incredible Figgy are checking in and claiming our spot in the Victors hall of fame..HEHE
Team.........Team..........uh, well, Team Mickey527 and RamVa haven't come up with a name yet, but don't let that fool ya! We plan on winning this little escapade whether Peggie gets any sleep or not!!! And we (well mostly "Mickey") had those clues figured out in a snap--well, with the exception of the little cash register interpertation of clue #2; but don't let our strategy lull you into a false sense of security, 'cause I know Peggie is particularly looking forward to getting all those autographs of all those wonderful "inhabitants" of the "world"!

"Go, Go, Mickey girl! You know you can do it!":bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The dastardly ducks are ready for action. The online partner (me) has graciously offered to get extra sleep
and spend extra time in the air conditioning so that my partner will have enough of both. Dom has the clues ready to go and will be working hard on them. No fair using any pinpic ploys while he is there!!!!! duck dom duck

Go Dastardly Ducks........:bounce: :bounce: :jester:

The Daring D's are rarin' to go!!

Darleen (bipacc) will be fighting her way through the Adventure!!!

Go Darleen Go!!!!

With this dynamic duo of D's it is a guaranteed win!

I would like to introduce ourselves, we are The Limited Edition.

Judy Sue and Darlene

We have been in constant communication and are well on our way to be the victors in this competition.

Watch out teams - Good Luck to Everyone.

It was a wise thing that Lauri did when she combined two of the biggest Disney fans ever together to make this super team.

Remember that name - The Limited Edition.

Step aside, all you amateurs...The New England Mouse Patrol (BeautyLLM...Leslie and I (snowgooseltd...Charlene) plan to leave you all in the dust. We New Englanders are of sturdy stock and a little heat, combined with no sleep, is no deterrent to such strong, able bodied sleuths, such as we. Of course, all the pressure is on Leslie while I can only sit here and cheer her on but, if moral support counts for anything, then we will surely be the winners! GO BEAUTY!!!
Hey I will use every trick in my pin bag to win this!!! and I'll leave the all the DIRTY, ROTTEN ones home!! (will my Villain pins ever forgive me?)
Ruthie (RamVa) and I, both being single and always searching for pins have come up with a name for our team.
SWF-HFP (single white females- hunting for pins)

But if we happen to find a SWM or two with tons of pins we will take him too. I have to find something nice to send to Ruthie who can't join us for the event. But because I am there and she is in VA, I get to pick the one I want to keep. lol Peggie
In2dsny and I are ready willin' and able to kick, well maybe not kick but we are def gonna give it a good swift try!!

OK now where did I put those clues?!?!?!
I am sooooo excited I'm about to bust....or is that burst! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

DisCritter & Perndwler (David & Robin) are teaming up for the
Treasure Hunt during the Epcot "Main Event". :D

Our team name is "PINQuesters Inc"
Kind of a "GhostBuster" thingy goin' on, if you know what I mean.....:smooth:

Our team motto is "Get into the PINQ with PINQuesters Inc"

We are going to "slime" all you other teams and win
this baby.
You other teams watch out for the Big Marshmellow Man!!!!

See you on the "other side" :wave:

DisCritter aka David

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Kathrynpintrader and I are partnered up as "lovingpintraders" , which we do and are! Kathryn has the more physical endurance part and along with Traci, her faithful pintrading bear, will scope everything out carefully. You'd better watch out for us - we are just awesome!!!!!!! With cell phones in hand we'll be in constant contact! Watch for us to be aiming for that top spot! Traci - lead us on!:bounce:
Go Dom Go!!! Sign up for any art contests and don't over do the happy pin dance. Have fun tracking down all that stuff...

Go Dastardly Ducks Go Dastardly Ducks
Alright Tiggersmom....Nice post. Where are the clues?? Do you think they bought it. The rest will think we don't know where we put the clues and then we can pounce them like a true tigger when they aren't looking.

OPPS Did I post this where everyone can see....I guess our secret is out.

The other half of PINQuesters checking in! David........
YOU GO GUY!!!!!!!!

I may be slightly biased but I of course think that we MUSICAL IMAGININGS will be winning the scavenger hunt. My partner has survived a severe blow to the head which caused a concussion(no stinking concussion will keep me down) and still managed to win her tournament now that is some serious dedication. Certainly a little heat and or rain wont stop this lady. Look out you other teams cause we are ready to win.:D

:o of course I have the easy job of cheering from the sidelines from my air conditioned apartment :o
Dear Judy,

My First Secret Mission is now complete. You will fine evidence of that when you arrive at your destination on Wednesday.

Please keep this Mission top secret. Do not want to let the other teams know what we are doing.

We will be victors.

We are the Limited Edition.

To All Team Members,

Please ignore the previous post. It was sent in error.

There is not secret mission - I was only kidding.

This was sent out on the wrong board.

As our Team name implies.....
I am in the PINQ.
The DW has been on my heels for the last couple of months making
sure I would be ready for this event.
I have been on the treadmill everyday out in a "HOT"
garage....just to make it close to what we will encounter
at WDW in August.
The DW and I also just came back from Alaska where we
did some mountain hiking to get us ready for the
aerobic conditioning we would need for this event.
We have the clues in hand and will be on the move as soon
as we get to ground zero.

"Need those Treasure Hunt items found.....Who ya gonna call???" :bounce:

"PINQuesters"!!!!! :smooth:

Keep up the Great Work Robin.....:earsgirl:



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