October Challenge

Did 2 more pages last night so think my total is now 11.
WA HOO!! Not alot but at least trying to get something done!
Congrats to those that are accomplishing alot.
TN Traveler
Update for October 24th:

FanDisFam: 28
Cobbler: 76
Cisco: 6
Pjlla: 6
wtpclc: 61 (edited 10-25)
Spinning: 22
ToDisney: 27
princesskeli: 6
jennz: 14
TNTraveler: 11
ShelbyJosh: 7
WDWMom: 4
wuvtigger: 49
tiggerfan58: 28

WOW! A combined total of 332 pages done for the month! Can you believe that?

My Crop was a loss last night as BOTH my boys had a fever and I felt too guilty leaving them with a sitter. Another reason I miss not having DH around, dangit! I am hoping to get my album out when I get my buns off the computer and knock out a few pages.

Cobbler has a good lead at 76, but wtpclc and wuvtigger have strong showings at 48 and 49! Way to go, go, GO!

Edited to say: I worked on my scrapbook this afternoon and completed 6 pages! Yay me! :p
Sorry, I'm late again. I just never get online on Sunday. Well, I've completed 13 over teh weekend, so I'm up to 61. I have a bunch more that just need journaling, but I think cobbler's got me. It's still a record month for me!

Thanks to FantasticDisFamily for the great crop this weekend! I was in a bit of a sloump and it really got me revved up again!
Will post an updated total tomorrow - I managed to complete DS's Freshman year over the weekend and did a ton of pages. We are scrapping at Scouts tonight so I'll see where I am at after that.

For those in the West Michigan area I just updated the West Michigan Crop thread with a date in November!

Ok, finished another 2 whole pages during Scouts last night. Not a huge total but my total for the month is 65 pages!

Considering I started the weekend with 24 done, I think that is pretty good! Not sure if I'll have a chance to do any more this week. But I'll be happy with that total.

FanDisFam: 65 (WOW!! Awesome weekend for ya!)
Cobbler: 76
Cisco: 6
Pjlla: 6
wtpclc: 61
Spinning: 22
ToDisney: 29
princesskeli: 6
jennz: 20
TNTraveler: 11
ShelbyJosh: 7
WDWMom: 4
wuvtigger: 49
tiggerfan58: 28
Alice28 (not eligible): 10

I am sitting here with ants in my pants....my ultrasound is at 12:45 and I just cannot wait. Yesterday I was sick with strep throat (both boys had it over the weekend) so I didn' think too much about it....but now I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next 4 hours! A good friend is going with me since DH is gone, but I will be calling him the second I know! I'm thinking (gut feeling) it's a girl, but I thought that with my first one and lo and behold it was most definitely a boy! 2nd one I had a feeling it was a boy, and this one I have mostly been thinking girl since except for other illnesses, I have felt GREAT. Hardly ANY pregnancy symptoms, which is very different for me compared to my other two experiences (both boys). I'll post the result later this afternoon!

Now back to scrapping!!!!!!
Alice - Thanks for the update and big congrats on your soon to be baby girl!!!!!! Have you bought any dresses yet???? Were you able to contact your DH. I can't imagine nto having him around, but I am very thankful for people like him (and you).

I've finished 8 more pages since my last update, which puts me up to 69. I won't be able to get cobbler, but I'm pretty happy with myself.
HI everyone!! It's been soo long since I have posted on this thread but I actually got some pages done this week. I am very happy to have gotten 5 pages done from my Sept trip. Hopefully I can continue so I can work on last year's wedding and honeymoon before the baby comes because then I will just want to do the baby's book.

Everyone here has inspired me soo much that I know I can do it.

Thanks for the big push.

Carrie- thanks! I was able to tell DH- he's in New Mexico right now (still in Ft. Bliss) so I was able to get a hold of him. He was a bit shocked- he likes having boys, but he's excited nonetheless. Good news on that front- he found out they will most likely be stationed in SOUTHERN Iraq, near the Kuwaiti boarder- not hardly ANY violence down there at all. Thank You Jesus!!!!!!! He goes in Feb.

And Pam- WELCOME! Glad you can join us and are motivated to work on your book!!!!
A baby girl after 2 boys...lots of scrapping in future! lol

I have 6 more, up to 26 for the month, a personal record! It's good to see progress. I'm thinking that if anyone can reach 69 I can surely do 10 or 20 pages a month! :)
Jennz - I'm sure 10 to 20 a month is achievable for you. I had a scrapping weekend, a Saturday crop and a couple other free weeknds this month. NOT the norm! Let ethe busy season begin. I bet I'll be closer to 20 next month. My big goal is to have a 7 x7 for my nephew ~20 pages, my reception/honeymoon album journaled, and my photos into my Power Sort box by January 1. We'll see.

26 is pretty darn good! I'd be very happy with that next month. Before I became a CMC, I had done ~ 20 pages, mostly not journaled in about 4 years.
Thanks Carrie! :) I got soooooo organized when DD started school I actually wondered what I would do when I had all my scrapping done - back to reality!

My friend, a CMC consultant, has been trying to get me to do it. I'm not interested in selling but am considering it to save $! Sad but true, I spend a lot with her. And the more I get done the more I spend!
You are not that far behind me and I haven't done anything this week at all so far so I am still stuck at my number. You have plenty of time to catch up :) :)
I have 4 more pages to journal and then I have to start a new project. I won't be able to get anything more done with the schedule I have this weekend. Looks like this one's yours unless some scrapping maniac comes along!
I just finished my last 4 pages, which completes my fall vacation. That sets a speed record for me! (Having a trip scrapped in less than 2 months from getting home) Plus I also finished my February trip and did an album for my niece's first time walking the Mackinac Bridge this month. I've just got to get my nephew's bridge walk book done before Christmas now. Not a problem.

Thanks everyone for helping me to get in gear this month! Happy scrapping to those of you still working!

Cobbler - you're over 3/4's of the way to 100. Doesn't that make you want to scrap, scrap, scrap this weekend!
I am hoping to work on some tonight and some tomorrow too.

Wow, just thinking of Maybe even making it to 100 sounds pretty good- who know!


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