NOW is the time! It's MINE & I AM WORTH IT! (friends welcome to tag along!!)

:hug: I'll send up my prayers also that you and DS get the jobs.

Yes, the PowerBall would be so nice. It really would solve a few problems wouldn't it. :goodvibes
Sending lots of prayers your way, WISH sis. :hug: I hope things settle down for you soon!:wizard:

Sending lots of :wizard::wizard: for your garage sale. I hope it goes really well for you!:goodvibes

Have a nice Monday!:hug:
How ya doin Julie? You haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd check in. Let us know how things are!!!!!!
How are things going Julie? Hope everything is well.

Any news on your ds21's job prospect? Been praying for him to get that and for all of you!
How are you, my friend? Sending prayers your way.... Hope you get a chance to check in soon. We miss you!:grouphug:
I am here, but rarely, and briefly.

We got the issues about DDs mouth splint resolved, finally, and it ended up being only our $35 copay!! What a blessing!

Then on 10/10, I went downstairs to finish laundry and stepped in a puddle. Yelled to DS21 to see if he spilled something. Nope! Our sewage pump quit, again, just like it did 6 yrs ago. Flooded DDs room hall, closet, family room, furnace room...with sewage! State farm finally sent servicemaster our Monday morning to start toxic clean up. They were here about 1 hour when state farm called to stop them saying they can't continue until a claims adjuster determined it was covered, and an adjuster would be out in 7 - 14 days.

I LOST IT! We're talking my house smelled like a portapotty! Not something you should be walking thru, touching, etc. Servicemaster guys called national state farm, etc and they got the ok to continue. Yes, it is covered.

But, walls in family room, hall , 3 closets & DDs room are cut out, door frames, woodwork, carpet, linoleum, etc. ALL my luggage is ruined, lots of other stuff. I still need to catalog it all, find age, price, etc to submit claim.

Next Wednesday a packout crew is coming to put all my living room, dining room DDs room, family room, hallways, into storage. Because my house is very open, they are going to repaint all but the 4 bedrooms, kitchen & bathrooms. And re-floor them all as well. But, 3 days packing, 5 days for walls and paint, then need to get flooring done. They say 'hopefully' before thanksgiving.

And, 11/3 I begin (if I qualify) a 3 week scoring job. So, I am frantically trying to choose flooring -I am working on trying to convince DH that NOW is the time to get tile downstairs and laminate upstairs while someone else is paying for a lot of it. Our house is about 15 yrs old and really in need of updating. Seems like a good deal to me. But, since I have workers here on Wed. and I just got the flooring $$ amount from State Farm late yesterday, I am really in a dither.

We finally, much to DS21s dismay, settling with the insurance company about his engine. Yesterday, DH agreed to settle for our out of pocket. Yes, if we went to court, we would likely get many thousands of $$ above that, but it would mean pumping cash I don't have into it for up to 2 years before then. And my bank account is really dwindling fast.

And, the biggest blessing is that my leg vein 'fix' in December will only cost me.....$35!!!! It is done in his office, so as long as they don't bill it weird and they assure me the don't, all I have to pay is my specialist co-pay. I will believe it when I see it, but really praying it is so. I NEED it done, but really can't afford it right now.

DS21 still hasn't heard about job, but they are in no hurry and he doesn't graduate until May. DD is struggling with Trig....she can do it, but has an insane instructor who has all the problems be about Zombies and takes the formulas given and gives them alternate ones they have to use. Praying she can keep her 3.5 for her scholarship (but can have a 2.5 1st sem, 3.0 by end of 2nd and 3.5 by end of 3rd semester). But we all know how hard it is to raise a GPA.

I haven't had time to exercise since the 'flood' of sewage. Last I weighed I was 154, but not hopeful that it will be any lower anytime soon. I just really want to get thru the 150s once and for all.

Thanks for checking up on me and caring! I miss you all!

Seems someone is always asleep in the 'office' or needing this computer for school. And, until the house is repaired, this is now DD's bedroom! :scared1

::grouphug: to all!!

Oh, and lest I forget, on 10/1, I was standing at the kitchen sink, back to the stove when I heard a noise, and my glass stove top spontaneously CRACKED in lots of pieces! So, I had to buy a new stove, which was delivered on 10/13 and I just used the first time today.

Garage Sale was 10/15-16. Did pretty ok.

Of course, 10/16, 10/17 DS21 and I took the classroom part of our concealed carry class. Do 7 hours of shooting on 10/30 and we are done. Definitely NOT the time I wanted to do it, but it worked and was pretty fun. Just the 2 of us and one of DS21s friends.

So, life is busy as usual.....when isn't my life crazy? But, God is good and life goes on. Sleep sure would help, tho!
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Bless your heart! I pray they are able to get your house back together in record time.

:woohoo: on only having to pay copays. That is always a blessing.
:hug: Julie :hug:

I'm sorry for all that you have been going through. :( Sending lots and lots of prayers your way...
Julie, you poor thing. We had a flood too, but I will take mine over yours any day. What a mess. I hate insurance companies, they love to take money but hate to pay. I mean seriously, they expect you to live in sewage for seven to fourteen days? I am glad you got tough and they did the right thing.

So glad you can get your vein fixed and so glad dd got her mouth thing done. Again, you have insurance, it shouldn't be this hard to get treatment done with only your copay. So aggravating but it all worked out!

I hope you got the scoring job, with all you have going on that income is much needed I am sure!

You did the right thing with the car lawsuit. Something now and having it done is worth so much.

Hang in there and I hope things are settled down and that you have new floors!:hug:
Well, I think this last week has been one of the longest of my life!

Saturday, 10/30, DS21, his friend & I spent 7 hours at the shooting range qualifying for our Concealed Carry permits. It was amazingly fun! And I passed!
They all decided I need a huge revolver instead of my compact Glock. I am more accurate with it...or one handed, left handed....go figure! But, I don't think I could carry a revolver bigger than my dog! :rotfl2:

Got home around 4:30, made dinner, started laundry. At about 6:30 went to check on laundry and the downstairs was flooded with sewage...AGAIN! Only this time spread a bit further because there was no carpet/pad to soak it up.

Called State Farm & had to file a totally new claim (another $500 deductible), ended up in a hotel Sat/Sun because couldn't get the plumber out. All luggage packed, so everything in Walmart Bags. Left hotel Mon morning w/ everything in cars. Plumber couldn't come out. Back to hotel. Did the same thing Tues morning. Plumber to come between 8 - 10. Never showed. Called him about 10 & he forgot to write it down. Back to hotel with our fancy luggage. Had another guy come out who sells the pumps & he told DH needed to replumb, rewire, move pump outside, etc....about $12k. Wednesday the real plumber came out and we had the 1/1million chance of getting a defective pump. Fortunately, pump company took it back & the additional plumber cost was under $200. We got to move home Wed night. Poor dogs were suffering from being alone.

DH had to take off M - W. Monday morning, he tried to start his cycle at hotel & battery dead. Bought one Mon night. They sold him wrong size. Tuesday I had to go get a different one. If he hadn't had vacation left, I would be a total basket case. Constant running, not knowing what is going on, etc.

This last 'flood' took out my laundry room floor, so now replacing it is being paid for. Only damaged a few pieces of laundry and a hamper, so that is good. Everything else is out of the house. I have 2 20' storage containers in the street out front. Have had workmen all week. Lots of time for them spent waiting for a plumber as they didn't want to fix things only to have them get soaked again when the pump was replaced.

I didn't get online to qualify Wednesday, but just needed to before 8 p.m. tonight. And I did qualify, so next 2 weeks I will score from 11:30 - 8p.m. Hopefully quickly as I'm paid by the read.

Painting is done, but they will come out one more time when they put in the molding & finish doors to touch up. I am having downstairs family room, hall, bathroom, closets & laundry room tiled. Tile guy comes monday afternoon to rip out/haul away carpet & prep floors. After tile he will carpet DDs room and the staircase. DH is insistent on doing the laminate upstairs in living, dining and hallway. With any luck, I will have furniture before Thanksgiving...but with DH doing the laminate, I'm not certain. They won't move us back in until everything is done.

My freezer is now on the back sunporch along with my washer. No washer/dryer hooked up is driving me crazy! But life goes on.

God really has a sense of humor. On my 'to do' list for the year was to paint/carpet one room of the house. Due to the 'flood' all but kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms are being redone. Even the molding/woodwork. Not how I planned to accomplish it, but God thought this was best. :confused3

Food has been horrid, eating out for almost a week, not drinking much as a bathroom trip took 20 min & a car ride. Not exercising. I am managing to maintain most days, but barely. I think just the sodium in fast food is killing me.

Hopefully life will calm down a bit now. At present, I'm hunting for DS21s car keys. He has only one set and we can't find them anywhere!

Need to finish the Claim on damaged goods so I can start getting some $$ back that I'm spending. Hoping to get at least one really long walk in this weekend and more than 4-5 hours sleep/night. Time will tell! Hope all is well with everyone!:grouphug:
Oh Julie, so sorry you are going through all of this. God does indeed have a sense of humor, its good you can see that! Don't worry about the fast food, I mean what else can you do? You just have to get through this the best you can and look back and think "hey I survived that one"! I really hope your dh can get those floors done soon. So glad you got the scoring job!

Hope you found the car keys, that is beyond frustrating!

Hang in there friend, I am saying lots of prayers for your literal poopy situation!:hug:
Quickly popping in before I have to log in to score - started yesterday and it should last 2 weeks.

Things here are starting to feel somewhat normal.....whatever that is.

Found the keys, still have working plumbing. Tile guy is here to start! DH has almost convinced himself that he can't do the laminate.....YEAH!!!!!! Between his back, knees & job, I really don't think he could handle it.

Managed to walk almost 15 miles in the last 3 days. Starting to track food, etc. again.

This morning we walked in misty rain, sleet, snow flurries, wind and then HOT SUN!! Must be New Mexico. But, it's really beautiful out.

99% sure DS21 will begin a paid internship at church for spring semester. Waiting hopefully! They still haven't gotten a main pastor for the campus he interviewed as youth, and won't hire youth til they have main, so still very hopeful.

Off to grab a drink, potty and get ready to log in.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Glad your surgery went ok, Dee. Still praying about your surgery and pain, Tracy. Love you all!!
Julie, You do have one crazy life and you are such a strong woman who deals with it all! I really admire you for that! I'm glad that your life is getting back a sense of normalcy and that you're scoring again. And thru all of the stuff you're dealing with you still manage to walk. You go girl!!!!!!!
Julie, "normal" is a relative thing! Good luck with the scoring and I am keeping my fingers crossed that your ds21 gets that internship! I am betting once a main pastor is hired, he'll jump at the chance to hire your son.

I hope your dh decides to let someone else do that laminate, laying floor is not fun!

Very impressed you have walked that much. I wish I lived close by you so you could motivate my butt! Yep, the southwest, including Colorado and New Mexico can really have all kinds of weather in just a few hours! We were almost 80 on Sunday, yesterday we had snow and today was cold. Guess winter is here for this week at least.

Hang in there with all you have going on!
:hug: Julie,

I'm glad that things are starting to get back to normal for you. You have been through so much the past few weeks and you are still standing tall. I am so proud of you, my friend!:hug:

Way to go on getting those walks in!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!:hug:
Hi Julie, just sending out some good thoughts to you with all you have going on!

Is it cold for you down there? It got down to 17 degrees at my house last night! Can't wait for winter.:sad2:
Hi Julie, :wave:

How is the house coming along? I hope the contractors are getting things done so that everything can get back to normal soon. :wizard:

How are you doing? Are you still scoring or is that project finished?

I hope you have a great Thursday!:hug:
Scoring is over. This project was ok, but rather a pain to follow. The original question I scored finished in 7 days, then we all got put on a differnt question which ran another 6 days - 3 days longer than the original deadline. At the time I was really wishing it was over, but the extra money really was good to help pay vet bills which I didn't anticipate at the time! God does have a plan! I resorted to using M&Ms 4 each of 3 colors to try to keep track of worked....but since the flood I have gained about 7 pounds. Not enough water, only 6 walks since 10/11, too much sodium, fast food, stress, and not enough sleep! It will improve.

And now the money stress starts. I am still waiting on payments from State Farm and yesterday wrote about 13k in credit card bills - mostly from the claim. Yes, I can cover it....BARELY, but with Christmas & the incidentals I need for all this, I'm taking lots of deep breaths. God is in charge. All is OK. Things could be MUCH worse!

In the middle of all this, Mia has been left alone a lot, behind a gate and she likes to jump on her back legs to get attention. Her hernia got MUCH worse and actually got stuck out just over a week ago. I finally got her relaxed enough to get it in and not have to go to Doggie ER, but Tuesday she had double inguinal hernia surgery and got spayed(silly Max can't do his job properly!). Picked her up yesterday and when we got home DD's cat was unresponsive.

Tiger was 14.5, and we knew she was failing and having trouble getting around, but I think she had a stroke. Took us about 1.5 hours to get in to the vet to have her put down. DD was ok with it until she had to sit holding her dying cat (Tiger was her 5th b'day present) for almost an hour. Fortunately the night before DD had spent hours with Tiger snuggling while she did homework and also yesterday morning, so they got their goodbye.

DS21 appears to be getting the internship to start in January.....PAID!!!! Huge Praise God needed. Will know for sure soon. Still haven't gotten the money from the lawsuit settlement, but it will come eventually.

For the damaged 'stuff', we get 75% unless we submit receipts, so I am frantically trying to find the stuff to replace. Unfortunately, I had to price stuff based on online pricing, and some I haven't found in the stores yet. And the sooner the better as I need the $$.

Tomorrow they move stuff back in. YEAH!!!!!!!!! Today I am doing laundry at DSil's (she is at WDW with her sister this week - ALL expenses paid by the DSis company!:thumbsup2) And I have 2 extra dogs:eek:! Then I need to clean the new tile and the upstairs floor to get ready for furniture. And I need to be prepared to REALLY clean and clean out everything as I put it away. I see a BIG garage sale in my future this spring.

Managed to go to WW Tuesday....WI was UGLY, but I knew it would be. Got all the new materials and will start back on it today. Confusing! I don't like that the only way you can calculate points is buying their calculator or using an App. No more slidey thing. And they only use Fat, Carb, Protein & Fiber. But, fruit is FREE!!!!(too bad I"m not a big fruit eater :rotfl:)

I have managed to finish Christmas for DS21, Almost done with Christmas for DD, Know what I want to get for DH - just have to decide between Nook and Kindle, and have NO CLUE for DS24 (but I would like to get him a moving truck and an apartment!:rotfl2:)

Off to go move laundry from washer to dryer at DSil's. More later. At least having to try to keep Mia calm & quiet might give me some DIS time today. Not sure how this will work tomorrow.

:grouphug: to all!

OK, so need to write points:

egg beaters - 1/2 c still 1 pt
ff cheese - 1 slice(have another I can still eat and keep the same points) still 1 pt
bagel thin - now 3 pts (was 2)
bacon - 2 slices 1 pt
Lean cuisine shanghai shrimp 6 pts
betty crocker instant loaded potatoes - 2 (was 1)
green bean casserole -2
Turkey - 3
Roll - 4
Fiber plus bar - 3 (was 2)
Wheat thins - OOPS! - 11 are 4 points....OUCH!!!!

So, day 1 - 30 points - 1 over.....not too bad for winging it!

I get the new minimum of 29 points/day up from 18 points. This will definitely take getting used to. I KNEW all the other points - but I had done it since 2003....and STILL haven't made goal! Oh well.......

You are an amazing woman, my friend! :hug:

I am so sorry to hear about Tiger. :( That must have been heartbreaking for your DD. :sad1:

Great news about your DS21!!!:cheer2: When does he find out for sure about the internship?

How is Mia doing? Is she feeling better?

I am sending lots of prayers and :wizard::wizard: your way that the house is completed soon, that the insurance company reimburses you soon, that the money comes in from the lawsuit settlement soon, and that everything works out for a blessed and peaceful holiday season for you and your family. :grouphug:

Sending our love and prayers your way.....


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