NOW is the time! It's MINE & I AM WORTH IT! (friends welcome to tag along!!)

Julie, Welcome Home!!

It sounds like you had a wonderful cruise, those huge ships would definitely put a lot of people at one time into port! I can't even imagine how big those are, I've only been on the Magic which is tiny by comparison.

Good job with the walking, stairs and spinning. I bet you could find a spinning near you, most gyms have them. I want to try one out but I am too chicken. Come to Colorado and go with me!

Bummer about the spotting, I really feel for you on that one. Who knew menopause would be so desired???!!!:rotfl:
Welcome Back, Julie!:hug:

It sounds like you had a wonderful time on your cruise!:cheer2: Great pictures on FB!:thumbsup2

I hope you have a nice weekend ahead!:hug:
Thanks, guys! It's good to be home......sort of!

The aquatic center near my house has spinning. It seems to be like $5 - $8/class depending on how many a week. Problem is I can't seem to figure out if you also have to pay the admission into the center to take the class, which is another $4/day or $15 for 35 in 3 mo. If so, that would make 1 class a week $12 which is $48/mo...and would be cheaper to join the gym. Ok, I just called. Only pay the class fee unless you also use pool. That I think I can handle.

I still have the respiratory crud, but it seems to be slowly improving.

I bit the bullet and rejoined WW this morning. FOR THE LAST TIME!!! Yes, I put it in writing. I WILL MAKE LIFETIME THIS TIME!!!! This morning at home I was 162.8...up 2.4 from when I left. I wore heavier clothes that I will ever wear to WI again ( want to have a loss the 1st week ;)) and weighed 165.6 at WW. Looks like they've redone their weight ranges again, as now 141 is the top for 5'3". I can't find my last 'booklet' that had my WI info and that in it. Oh well.... so I have 24 to lose to make it unless I use the note. I WILL!!

Still trying to catch is a mess & I finally caught up with trip laundry in time to start on my normal weekend, fun! Back at SR daily, need to print some coupons & hit the grocery. Still hoping for time to DIS this weekend!
That's great that you found a spinning class near you!:thumbsup2

Great job on re-joining WW!!! :cheer2: I know you CAN do it, Julie!!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
OMG! What a week!

My DSis went wacky over pictures, hung up on me, won't talk to me. I won't get into details, but I spent 2 days crying all day. Moving on. Realizing I was not wrong & that life is too short.

My big news is that I went to WW today (instead of tomorrow) and Down SIX pounds! Not sure how! I figure about 1.5 was clothes, but still a huge drop. Best of all......I weighed in BELOW 160(159.6) for the 1st time since I joined initially 1/2003, and BELOW my pre-cruise weight last year (160.2)!!!! Now, need to keep it up! That's the hard part.

But, it's only Thursday & I've walked 25.48 miles since 4 days:scared1: Guess it helps! I'm walking Sashi 3 - 5 in the mornings & then Sashi & the pups 1.6 @ night as the yorkies were getting ticked off at me that they never went.

College starts here Monday for DD18 & DS21. As long as he doesn't mess anything up he will graduate in May.

He finally formally interviewed for the youth pastor position at church...will know w/in about 2 months. Would be 1/2 time at the new campus as youth pastor and 1/2 time at the main campus as an assistant. Starts at 25k, but includes a new Macbook, Iphone & cell service & full medical insurance. Meantime, he was asked by someone he knows from church who owns a business if he would work for him part time doing web work....not sure that will work out, but would be nice. Still praying something good happens.

Lawyer and an insurance adjuster for the engine company came today to look at the engine. Don't know what will happen from it, if anything. Next step will be to file the suit if we can't settle. fun, fun!

And, while the lawyer & guy were here, the garage door people showed up. Spring snapped this morning and broke 2 hinges & rollers....$ just never ends!

I still haven't totally gotten everything put away from the trip, but life will start to fall into routine on Monday. Thank goodness! But, DD18 only has class from 8 - 10 MWF, so will leave @ 7 & be back @ 11...just like her HS sched last year. At least I will have some time to get things done, and I should be able to get walking sooner as I will have to be up to get breakfast & make sure everyone gets going.

She really needs a new job. Tonight working 10p.m. - 11. Just to go in & clean. So, I decided to stay up & dis as I would just get to sleep & she would be popping in to let me know she was home. But I'm TIRED!!!!!

Hopefully I can check into spinning sometime next week. Also need to get back in touch with the Concealed Carry guy & set up classes for DS21 & I.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to make it to Costco. Went yesterday, filled my cart & at checkout realized their coupons didn't start until today.....UGH!!! Lady in front of me did same thing. They were in my held mail that was delivered when I got home, so didn't even look at the dates.....oops!!

Hope everything is going ok for everyone! Have an AWESOME weekend! I just hope fall comes soon! It's REALLY HOT here!
I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your sister. :( I hope things work out for you soon!:hug:

Congrats on the weigh-in!!!!:cheer2:

Did you say you've walked 25 miles since Monday?!?!?:banana: GREAT job!!!:cheer2:

Hope your DD and DS have a great first day at college on Monday!:wizard:

Have a nice weekend, my friend!:hug:
Oh Julie, I am so sorry about this situation with your sister. I am now good with my sister but my brother is mad at me. Family! Just hang in there and keep up the good attitude of you did nothing wrong. Sounds like she's just in a bad spot and taking it out on you.

Wow, 6 pounds!! That is great! With all that walking you will be at goal in no time. I know you will do it this time, I have faith in you!

I am praying your son gets that youth pastor job. It sounds perfect. And I will also say a prayer dd gets a new job. It will be good for both of you!
Sorry I've been such a horrid WISHer lately! The back to college schedule is about to do me in!

I wake DD 18 at 5:20 a.m. as she has to leave for the bus by 6:20. Which means my internal alarm wakes by about 5. And, she works most nights til 11, so even if I try to get to bed before 11 - 11:30, it doesn't work as she(thankfully) lets us know when she gets home. As does DS21, who usually comes in around 12 - 12:30, and DS24, who comes in about 2:15 a.m. on his lunch break from work. UGH!!!!!! I have a feeling that I will get used to the schedule about the time the time changes for winter! Go figure!! I have managed a couple of naps, but generally, once it's daylight, I'm up til dark. Plus, Sashi is VERY well trained that when it's morning, we walk, so even the couple of days where I could have slept in, she wouldn't let me. Guess that is good for my exercise!

Exercise is good. Most days Sashi & I do 3 - 5 miles in the morning & then all 3 dogs & I do 1.6 at night. Food is not so good. Last week I fell asleep & missed WW. If I don't gain tomorrow it will be nothing short of a miracle. Tired, stressed, & all I want to do is EAT! And then there was a run in with a VERY EVIL bag of Pretzel M&Ms from Sam's - like a 3 POUND bag! I swear it attacked me!

DS21 accellerator cable broke on Sunday night about 11:30 and I had to go follow him home....he was able to crank his idle up so that he could get it home without accellerating. So, he has had to use my car this week...hopefully tonight he will be able to figure out how to replace the cable so we don't have to have it towed & pay someone to do it. This is his first night available.

So, today I have been stuck at home catching up....bills, putting suitcases away :sad1:, bathing dogs, general picking up(which you can't tell I've done any), wrapping Christmas presents, paperwork, laundry, etc. I can actually tell I've made some progress even tho no one else will be able to. As soon as DD18 gets home with her car, I need to run & drop off utility bills, mail bills & return a movie. Fun, fun!

Hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend! I'm really gonna try to get journals visited & get on here more often!
Sending a gentle :hug: your way, Julie. I hope the schedule calms down for you soon. Please be sure and do something special just for you this weekend. :hug:
Julie, that is one heck of a schedule! I am not sure I could function, if I have to get up before 6:00 I am generally worthless. Hang in there!

Yeah, my sister bought two huge bags of M&M's: peanut butter and pretzels. Need I say more.:sad2: But they are so delish, I find myself thinking about them way too often!

Great job with the walking.
Hi Julie, just thinking about you with all you have going on right now. Hope things are going well my friend.:hug:
sorry i missed your birthday julie - sounds like it was fun, congrats to DD on her engagement too :) Hope you make the spinning class - i love them :)
Quickly updating while trying to stay awake to go pick DD up at work. She got off the bus from UNM @ 4:15 and had to be at work at 5. I had to drive her so she could eat.

Weekend was OK, but lacking sleep....again! At 2:40 a.m. DD's BF called me. He left work and was headed here to sleep & his car stopped running. Fortunately, he was able to push it off onto a side road. So, DH & I left to help him & got home about 5:30 a.m. with it running. The single wire that runs from the battery to engine had come loose from its' connector. After a trip to Walmart for wirecutters, DH was able to slip it back in long enough to get him to our house & then they bought a new clip thing on Saturday. But, of course, I had gone to bed at 11:30 and was up at 7 & walking Sashi.

Exercise has been fine, food has been HORRID! I HAVE to get this under control!!

Monday DD & I left at 6 a.m. for our fav thrift store 1/2 price sale. I got a pair of padded bike shorts for $2!!!!! Now I just need to figure out the spinning class schedule!! DD says if I EVER wear them in public, she will shoot me! Plan is to wear them under loose shorts. I don't think I would dare wear them visible. EEEEEWWWWW!!!!!

We are having sleep wars between DS21 & DS24 & DH. DH now says no one is allowed all....where our TV is, the Wii, and the kids bedrooms....until after 9 p.m. unless DS24 is awake & gives his permission. I haven't been able to play my piano in almost 2 yrs as DS24 is always asleep. Haven't been able to use Wii Fit in well over a year. DS24 seems to rule the house & I am NOT happy about it. It is not fair to DS21 or DD to not be able to use the house as well.

Off to get DD and hopefully get some sleep. Sashi is now DEMANDING that we walk every day if I'm not up & out by 7 she is hilarious! Gets her leash & drags it to my bedroom door & starts HOWLING! All I have to do is press the power on my Garmin & all 3 dogs run to me from wherever they are & think they are going. I'm managing to take all 3 nearly every evening for 1.5 - 3 miles and Sashi & I go from about 2.5 - 5 every morning. If I could just stop eating CRAP, I think I would be losing weight! UGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Have a great weekend if I don't get back here tomorrow! :hug: to all of you!
Sending a :hug:, prayers, and :wizard::wizard: your way, Julie. I hope your schedule settles down for you soon. Please be sure and take some time for you this weekend, okay?:hug:

Have a great weekend!:wizard:

P.S. I love how your dogs love their walking schedule and come running when they hear the Garmin. I love how Sashi brings her leash to you too!:thumbsup2 That is too cute!:dogdance:
why is it when kids get there jobs out of high school they are all late at night.:confused3 My oldest DS was the same way. He loved working the night shift, but I hated his sleep schedule. Saturdays and Sundays were the worst to keep everyone quiet.

hoping your schedule settles out soon and you can get some decent sleep. Yeah, I had a run in with a bag of those MM pretzels. It wasn't pretty. :sad2: They should be illegal or something.

I hope you have a great week. :goodvibes
Julie, I hope you are getting some more rest (but I fear you aren't)! With all those schedules you have, its got to be tough. Can ds24 sleep in another area of the house? That's a tough one to figure out.

Hang in there and I am glad Sashi is keeping you walking! That just cracks me up.

Oh and to answer your question you posted on my journal, we are getting chilly evenings and early mornings but still in the 80's and 90's during the day. Not one speck of snow on the high up peaks, I can't ever remember a mid/late September when they didn't have at least a bit of snow on the peaks.
Wow! I have been horrid at getting over here to catch up. I've been popping in quickly on the BL 10 thread and just reading here. Time to update.

Insurance finally approved DD for her 'mouth splint' for her TMJ. Bad part is there is a $500 deductible then we pay 20%, so total, we pay just about 1/2 the total - almost $1000. Gotta love insurance & it's getting worse! I don't even want to think about choosing for 2011 next month & how much it is going to increase....again! I'm still debating cancelling getting my legs fixed after Christmas....I really need it, but really can't afford the almost 3k it will cost for my part. Wishing I could just win PowerBall! sigh!

DS21 still hasn't heard anything about the church job. Keep praying! The kid needs it & so do I!!

Lawsuit about his car just got filed in District Court. And our monthly bill for the last month was almost $1600 :scared1: Stressing me out! But I don't see any way we will lose. I just need to survive mentally & financially til the end which could be 2 yrs from now. :scared1::confused3

Good news is that I have another scoring job coming up ....if I qualify, of course. 11/3 - 19. But I must score 8 hours daily M-F from 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. I pray I qualify! I sure could use it, especially right before Christmas! Short, but it will pay a min. of $10/hr and likely more as it will be 60c/item.

Got a new dishwasher to replace my functioning one, but that had the top rack held up with duct tape & the door was broken so when you opened, it touched the floor. Love it, but really hoping I am able to pay it off before interest starts accruing in 18 mo. Those stupid things aren't cheap! But what is?

Trying hard to stay positive and keep on track with food. Exercise is still good. Should pass 780 miles tonight. 30 above my original goal for the year. Weight still isn't really cooperating. My next 'goal' is to reach 155 (at least at home). Hopefully will be this week or next. That is the weight I was just before we moved from TX to AZ in early 1991 and I cried every single morning for months when I looked in the mirror as I was so fat! Now I look at that as being pretty darned thin! Amazing how the perspective changes. My WW goal is now 140 - which puts me barely within their ranges. I REALLY need to reach that by 12/17 - DD's 19th Bday, so that I can reach Lifetime (6 weeks maintenance) by 1/28 - 1 day past 8 YEARS since I joined WW the first time. I just can't justify keeping paying each month and not getting it done! As of last week, tho, I had 18 lbs to go & 13 weeks left. So, roughly 1.5/week. definitely NOT easy for me, but probably doable for most people. I MUST stay focused!

Having a garage sale in 3 weeks and I've been cleaning out my closet & dresser. Doing an early changeover to winter so I can get it all out to sell....well, what there is of it. I'm happy that most 12's are getting too big & I am actually fitting into a few 8's (it's a fluke, but I'll take it!) I REALLY need this to be a REALLY good sale as my bank account is quickly being reduced to nothing due to DS21's tuition/books/life/lawsuit.

DS24 is still working, but still spending every dime he gets. Had to have dental work done a couple weeks ago due to a broken tooth, and he still needs like 8 fillings. His teeth are HORRID (likely due to drugs). I wish he would shape up. I'm getting really worn down by him living here & having 26k spending money a year when the rest of us are struggling.

Well, time to get busy again. Life goes on! Hope all is well with everyone!
Julie, I hear you on the insurance thing. We have to 100% private pay (Dan is contract so no benefits) and I just get panicky when I think about what may happen in 2011 to our already sky high monthly premium. Big Sigh, it will all work out!

Get your legs done, God only knows when you'll be able to do that again.

If it makes you feel any better, I first joined WW in 1989. I weighed 150 pounds and thought I was obese. Of course in those days, my "goal" weight was 115. Now my goal is that 150 pounds I thought was so horrible back when I was 24! Perspective changes doesn't it? You are doing so well and I am so proud of you.

Your walking is amazing!

I am so sad for you about ds24. Just know that I am praying for you. :hug:

And saying big prayers you get the scoring job and ds gets the church job!!!


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