Mystery scrapper (cost neutral swap) PROGRESS UPDATE by 4/5 please

DIT, your pages are done and will be postal either tomorrow or Saturday (depending if I need to buy more brown paper). I had great fun with your lovely pics:goodvibes

AWM - your pages are cut and ready to assemble. Probably tonight to tomorrow - I'll mail with your flowers unless I suddenly get really quick with the supersports.

Ooooh, I can't wait to see what you made!!!!!!!:banana:

I guess I better get busy. I haven't started on yours or NEE's pages yet. If I don't get a move on, I'll be the last one finished!:scared1:
You can send mine with teh school swap if that works for you:thumbsup2
AWM, your package arrived safely:thumbsup2 I LOVE the page - I would never have thought of that!

ETA I'll post the pic later - can we all please when received? (Don't want to spoil the surprise before mailing :rolleyes:) AWM I'vwe done your pages
Are we all having fun?

Update on progress by Monday please!
I have all my supplies - I am waiting on photos. :) I might get to work on two groups this weekend though.
DIT your package should reach you soon:goodvibes

:banana:It just arrived!!!!!!:banana: I absolutely :love::love::love: the pages you made for me. Thank you so much!!!!!!

Also, thanks for the cross stitch kit. That was sweet of you to send that along.

Alright everyone, here are the pages Mazda made for me!!! I'm so excited!!!:banana:

This is a one page layout about my DS's Eagle Scout project:

Next, is a 2 page layout about a tradition my Mom and I have. Every year we go with a group of stitching friends to a shop to spend the day stitching and shopping. My Mom and I always go down a day early to shop in the little town and have "high tea" in the tea room there. My Mom is British and she loves being in a little bit of England for a while. Most of the employees in the tea room are British too so she is very happy chatting with them all.

Page 1:

Page 2:

Thank you again Mazda!!! They are fantastic and they will be going into their respective books right away!!!!!
Those turned out really nice!
Yes, I know, kick! Kick! Kick! Next time for sure!
What did DS do for Eagle scouts?
Rita, Andrew designed, built, and installed 5 benches at a new park near our house. Lots of people were using the park and walking around the lake there, but there wasn't anyplace for them to just sit and rest or relax. There's a little model of his bench in the picture of the green display board. The picture where he's standing on the truck is one of the actual benches. They go way way way deep in the ground. Those suckers are not going anywhere even if a hurricane blows through here!:rotfl:

While we were at the park installing the benches we had people at the park thanking him and even people in cars on the road by the park were yelling "thanks" out the windows. That really made him feel good. Especially since the parks & recreation department gave him such a hard time giving him approval to do the project. They didn't want to be bothered with it, but he hung in there and bugged them until they gave in and let him do it.
Glad you like the pages - my Dh and DSs were very impressed by Andrew's achievement. and hope the x-stich kit can find a home (Shhhhh! I've been waiting to get round to it for 14 years:scared1:)

Did your mom tell you that in England your cream tea would be a LOT smaller and you'd have no trouble finishing it;) Your average scone would be 2-2 1/2 inches across, and if you have a really really posh tea (like in Fortnum & Mason, or the Ritz) you have a menu 4 pages long just to select your tea variety, and the sandwiches are little tiny fingers (2 bites). Mind you, they will replenish your dishes if you're still hungry.:rotfl:

Here's the pages AWM did for me:



In actually only sent enough pics for opne page, but she kindly made me an extra page and I managed to crop my leftover Christmas day pics to fit :goodvibes:
:lmao: I was think, I know I didn't crop just a face. :rotfl2:

I like 2 page layouts. I couldn't see anything fitting in a book next to that one. :) I used a sketch too for the one I did for you.
That looks great! I love the picture of your son on the left of the bottom one, haha. That looks exactly like what my brother does on Christmas! :rotfl:
I made some time for this today and my sets are almost complete - just need to walk away for the day and look at them with fresh eyes tomorrow.

DIT - yours will be going out whenever I can get to the post office - probably late this week. I challenged myself with a couple "technical" elements on your pages - my first Gypsy project and a more advanced SCAL project.

ZTH - I'm not sure if we'll be able to hook up before my trip. Odds are I'll go to Arlington at least once before then, so I'll try to at least drop off yours if I do. If not, are you okay with waiting until early May? The next few weeks are going to be so crazy.


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