My TR - a bunch of reviews and random thoughts.

I am loving all your photos and hearing about your holiday. I would have loved to done Yellowstone next year, and seeing your trip even more so, however it is not to be. You already convinced us to go for a 7 day cruise instead of a 3 or 4, and unfortunately we can't do everything. I'll just have to "live" through your vacations. Sounds like you had an great holiday.
You only live once ..and who knows how long your "once" will be (though we hope very very long) ...just saying..... Willpower - I!!! Actually interestingly because I think we have similar tastes, Fiji has never appealed to us - not that we've tried it-seen and heard about it lots from friends and family. Maybe you can convince us otherwise!

Thanks for the heads up about the ranger program - so often they are just for the younguns.

I agree. You do only live once. It's pretty much been my motto to date as far as travel has gone and I haven't regretted a single trip. :thumbsup2

The only difference this time is that we need to save to move somewhere we love, so I am determined to show some degree of will power. Although maybe just a short trip close to home :rolleyes1

You should definitely try Fiji at some stage. Worth a try at least once I reckon and then you'll know for sure. (Unless you don't like swimming and then perhaps it's not a great fit.)
I wasn't convinced I would like a teeny tiny Island in the middle of the ocean either, but I shocked myself by just how much I loved it.

You must be either on your holiday now or within a day or two of leaving. :cool1: Have a blast!
I am loving all your photos and hearing about your holiday. I would have loved to done Yellowstone next year, and seeing your trip even more so, however it is not to be. You already convinced us to go for a 7 day cruise instead of a 3 or 4, and unfortunately we can't do everything. I'll just have to "live" through your vacations. Sounds like you had an great holiday.

Thanks. :goodvibes

Of my US travels to date both the Fantasy cruise and Yellowstone count as my favourite 2 experiences (but for very different reasons).

You are making the right choice with that week long cruise. It's amazing.
I hear your disappointment. We thought we would be visiting DLP at a quiet time too, only to find out that there were a couple of French school zones on holidays at the time. Nothing worse than thinking you're going at a quiet time and you turn up to big crowds :headache: At least if you know it's going to be crowded, you can prepare for it.
I think the three of us have very similar tastes ;) I haven't been swayed by the idea of a Fiji holiday yet either.

Exacty. I knew Disneyland was going to be crazy busy, so prepared by booking those tours (which did make our Sunday much more enjoyable as we barely queued once all day).
But I wasn't prepared for a resort so busy I couldn't even find a place to sit. In saying that, I'm not quite sure how I would have changed our trip had I known. I still think we needed those resort rest days at the end. Perhaps flown Fiji Airways instead? (Which reminds me, I have to write a review of Hawaiian Airlines. Strange airline - I'm not sure what to make of it).
I've been a bit absent lately as I've been having iPad issues since updating the operating system. The Dis App has finally given up on me completely and won't let me log back in.

But If haven't forgotten that I do have more TR to write (a review of the 3 airlines we flew and my thoughts on Disneyland) and I'm determined to actually get this TR finished. Watch this space. :rotfl:

In seperate news, my begging DH to return to Fiji paid off and he has agreed. Mainly because he needed some computer parts and made a deal :rotfl:
I'm a bit torn at present as we have a budget and I am adamant we will keep within it. I don't want to jeopardise our move South.
I can't decide whether to go back to Fiji (the place we know we love) or try another South Pacific country and risk comparing it to Fiji and being disappointed. I hate being a creature of comfort, but part of the reason we were disappointed in Aulani is because there was a place we knew we liked better.
The other option is Bali, as Virgin have super cheap flights at the moment that are only a little bit more expensive than Fiji. I'd prefer Thailand or Vietnam, but we can't afford those flights. Descisions Descisions...

If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it.
You have me intrigued about Hawaiian Airlines now - you need to make sure you get your review down now!

I guess a resort is different to Disneyland with the crowd levels. If you're going there specifically for relaxing you don't want to have to get up early to make sure you get a seat by the pool, or take a midday break back in your room when it's getting crowded :rotfl:

Usually I would agree about going somewhere different. However, on this occasion I think you should stick to Fiji. You have a discount available, which you said is rare, and makes it the cheapest option. Having been to Bali several times, I can tell you that the beaches there are not like the one you described at Fiji, and I think you would be disappointed. Even though I love Vietnam and would highly recommend everyone go before it gets too touristy, I still think if you're going primarily for a beach holiday, you'd be disappointed. The beaches in Asia just don't compare to those in the South Pacific.
I guess a resort is different to Disneyland with the crowd levels. If you're going there specifically for relaxing you don't want to have to get up early to make sure you get a seat by the pool, or take a midday break back in your room when it's getting crowded :rotfl: Usually I would agree about going somewhere different. However, on this occasion I think you should stick to Fiji. You have a discount available, which you said is rare, and makes it the cheapest option. Having been to Bali several times, I can tell you that the beaches there are not like the one you described at Fiji, and I think you would be disappointed. Even though I love Vietnam and would highly recommend everyone go before it gets too touristy, I still think if you're going primarily for a beach holiday, you'd be disappointed. The beaches in Asia just don't compare to those in the South Pacific.

Yeah, it was kind of ironic that during the hottest part of the day, when I would generally most want to swim, I felt driven back to my room.
But even late afternoon, when it had cooled down considerably, the pools were still really busy. DH and DS queued over 30min for one turn on the slide at about 6pm.

I should have mentioned with Fiji that I didn't properly read the fine print of that 10% offer. On first reading, I missed the small sentence at the bottom which specified certain travel dates - none of which we can travel in. :rolleyes1 We are looking at either Easter or July School holidays.
The problem is that it wasn't until after I got really excited about another trip, that I noticed my mistake. Now I can't shake that excitement. :rotfl:

As for Bali, we would look at doing a completely different holiday altogether. One of those Balinese villas in Ubud with a private pool that overlook the jungle of the rice paddie fields really appeal to me.

I've also been looking at Tonga as the flights are super cheap (almost half the price of Fiji). But the resorts just don't look quite as nice as the ones in Fiji.

I think I've actually reached a point now where I just need to forget about it for a few days. At present I'm changing my mind every few hours and driving myself a bit crazy trying to decide. :rotfl:

I'll start writing a review of Hawaiian tonight, but I fear it might be a bit lengthy. I have never come across such an inconsistent airline. We did four legs with them and they ranged from excellent to downright awful. I even wrote a complaint email to them about the awful leg and are awaiting a response.

We flew from Auckland to LAX return with Hawaiian, but due to the stops both ways in Hawaii, we flew 4 legs altogether.

On all four legs we paid for the upgrade to extra comfort seats. This upgrade is supposed to include extra legroom, priority boarding, access to the seat-back entertainment system, fast track security through Honolulu airport, blankets and pillows, and an upgraded meal and comfort pack on the international legs. You can probably tell from my use of the word 'supposed' that these things were not always delivered as promised.

Every single one of the 4 legs was different to the others and I'm left feeling a bit bewildered as to my feelings of the airline as a whole. My overall feeling is mostly negative, due to a dreadful 3rd leg (more about that later), but there were also pros that need to be acknowledged.

I think it would be unfair not to acknowledge that the price we paid for our flights was excellent. Hawaiian were easily the cheapest on offer at the time, and even with the extra comfort upgrade, we paid less than the standard economy prices being offered by some of the competition. They also have an extremely generous luggage allowance.

It ranged from extremely friendly and helpful on the second leg (HNL to LAX) to surly and uninterested on the first leg (AKL to HNL). The women serving us on that leg just seemed to have lost interest in their job and I never saw them smile once during the whole flight.
On a side note, on that same flight, the plane was half empty. That worked out great for many, as people spread themselves across rows of seats and fell asleep. DH and DS moved to an empty middle aisle of 4 seats, so we could all have 2 seats each.
I napped briefly and when I woke up I noticed that DS was spread along the 4 seats, and DH had lay down on the floor (there was heaps of room being extra legroom seats) and was sleeping there. While he wasn't encroaching on the aisles, I must admit, I knew that what he was doing was frowned on due to there being no seatbelts. However, I chose to let him sleep for a tiny bit longer as he wasn't hurting anyone and I knew how completely exhausted he was.
Anyway, I drifted back off to sleep and was woken about 45mins later to a loud, aggravated air hostess. She had called another hostess over to look at DH and they were making a big fuss over how unsafe it was that he was on the floor. I'm sure they must have woke up many people around us.
Then, instead of tapping him on the shoulder and asking him to get up (which they were perfectly in their right to do), they woke my MIL up instead and demanded to know if this man 'belonged to her'. When she replied that he's my son, they told her that she needed to wake him up immediately and tell him to move.
For a start, my husband doesn't 'belong' to anyone. And secondly, since when did air hostesses need to wake one sleeping passenger in order to wake another? It's not like DH was acting hostile. He was just an exhausted passenger who hadn't slept for close to 24hrs, and out of desperation had thoughtlessly fell asleep on the floor. It kind of felt like my whole family were being berated like naughty school kids.

Anyway, perhaps best to forget that incident and move on.

- On the HNL-LAX leg the plane was lovely and new and the seat back screens worked really well. On the two international legs, the screens had trouble registering touch and needed to be pushed over and over and over and over again just to get them to respond.
- On the first leg, the 'comfort pack' was some foam earplugs, an eye mask and some cheap earphones. On the last leg, the comfort pack was a cute little zip-up bag of goodies including the items above as well as lip balm, moisturiser, a case for the earphones, and some wet-wipes.
At the time I booked the extra comfort seats, they included a souvenir blanket and pillow for the international legs. I thought that a bit strange as most people don't have room in their luggage for a pillow and blanket. Hawaiian must have decided the same, as a few months later they changed the included extras to the comfort pack and a (so called) upgraded meal. I was content with the change, but not with the lack of communication. Surely if people pay for a service and you change that service, you should email them to let them know? I only found out about the change through my obsessive research.
As for an upgraded meal, what do you envision when you hear the word 'upgraded'? Maybe I'm a tad optimistic as I envisioned a business class like meal. The only difference I could see between our meal and standard economy was a teeny little salad. The boring sandwich we got before landing certainly wasn't a step up from the rest of economy.
The fast track through security also never came to fruition. There was an obvious line for First Class Passengers, but not for Extra Comfort. When I asked a staff member where the fast line was, she said that because we had a child we had to use Line B instead. Line B was a pre-approved TSA line which meant we didn't have to take our shoes off or electronics out of their bags. Advantage? Definitely not. Line B was the longest in the airport.
The Check-in machines tried to make MIL pay again for her Extra comfort upgrade before it would give her the tickets. Obviously she wasn't going to pay a second time for something she'd already paid for, so she had to stand for close to 45mins in a customer service line before getting the issue sorted.
Despite all my complaints so far about Extra Comfort, I still actually think it was worth the upgrade. The legroom alone was worth it for this tall family. Plus the seats are at the front of the airline behind first class (side note: it's a pretty lousy first class), so they're in a quiet part of the plane.

I decided to give this LAX-HNL leg it's own section as I may get into a bit of a rant.

We boarded the plane for this leg only to discover we had been downgraded. They had changed the plane to a much older one that had no seat back entertainment and no Extra comfort seats. The problem is, no one throughout the whole check in process had thought to tell us.

Because the downgraded plane had come from Hawaii, and ours was at least the second flight it was being used, Hawaiian knew well before our check-in that our seats had been downgraded.
I wasn't annoyed by the change of plane, as these things (like delays) happen sometimes. I was annoyed by the lack of communication.

Interestingly, when our boarding passes were first printed they said 'Seat Request' on them. When I went up to the counter to ask what it meant, the staff looked at my booking, mumbled something between themselves, and then just reprinted our passes with seat numbers.

While waiting in the boarding area, offers were put forward to the room to upgrade to first class for a discounted price. I also believe some people were upgraded for free. But no one bothered to call us up and tell us about our downgrade.

Needless to say that 5 1/2 hour flight was lousy. I was cold much of the flight as I was was expecting to get a blanket and hadn't taken a sweater onboard. I was also expecting a pillow, so hadn't bothered taking my blow-up neck pillow onto the flight. DH and MIL were bored to death. They hadn't fully charged their tablets as they were expecting to have seat back entertainment. What little charge they had left, they donated to DS so he had something to do.
I was so annoyed, I used my tablet to start writing a complaint email.
None of us had taken magazines or books onboard as we weren't expecting that we would need them. Had someone given us a heads-up, we could have gone onto this flight more prepared.

Not to mention, legroom was lousy. Because of the lack of room, my husband's legs sat at such an angle that he couldn't drop his tray table down to flat.

As soon as we boarded, I called over an airline hostess to ask what was going on. Bless her, she was clearly annoyed for us and I could tell this wasn't the first time it had happened. She grabbed our tickets and went and spoke to someone. When she returned, she apologised and said that an announcement had been made and we would get a refund. Firstly, an announcement had not been made (we had been sitting in the boarding area for over 90min) and secondly, such an announcement should not be made over a loud speaker anyway. Airlines call people up and speak to them privately about upgrades. Surely a downgrade is worthy of the same respect.

The hostess also apologised as the plane wasn't prepared with enough blankets etc to give us one. At one stage they walked down the aisle offering tablets for hire for $18. We believe we should have been given a complementary set to use, and refused to hire some out of principle.

I have emailed my annoyance through to Hawaiian, but got a computerised response saying it could take up to 30 days to get back to me. I am interested to see how apologetic they will be. Their response will affect my lasting impression of the airline as a whole.

At present my impression is: An airline with huge potential, but too many inconsistencies. Better systems would make it quite a desirable airline choice, but changes are needed to get to this stage.
Yeah, it was kind of ironic that during the hottest part of the day, when I would generally most want to swim, I felt driven back to my room.
But even late afternoon, when it had cooled down considerably, the pools were still really busy. DH and DS queued over 30min for one turn on the slide at about 6pm.

I should have mentioned with Fiji that I didn't properly read the fine print of that 10% offer. On first reading, I missed the small sentence at the bottom which specified certain travel dates - none of which we can travel in. :rolleyes1 We are looking at either Easter or July School holidays.
The problem is that it wasn't until after I got really excited about another trip, that I noticed my mistake. Now I can't shake that excitement. :rotfl:

As for Bali, we would look at doing a completely different holiday altogether. One of those Balinese villas in Ubud with a private pool that overlook the jungle of the rice paddie fields really appeal to me.

I've also been looking at Tonga as the flights are super cheap (almost half the price of Fiji). But the resorts just don't look quite as nice as the ones in Fiji.

I think I've actually reached a point now where I just need to forget about it for a few days. At present I'm changing my mind every few hours and driving myself a bit crazy trying to decide. :rotfl:

I'll start writing a review of Hawaiian tonight, but I fear it might be a bit lengthy. I have never come across such an inconsistent airline. We did four legs with them and they ranged from excellent to downright awful. I even wrote a complaint email to them about the awful leg and are awaiting a response.

30 minutes for a water slide??? :crazy2:

I was going to suggest if you decided to go with Bali you might find that the cheaper accommodation would outweigh the extra cost of the airfares, but I don't imagine that would be the case for a villa with private pool overlooking the rice fields in Ubud :rotfl:

I would be tempted to try Tonga for something different since the price is so good, but for me the resort isn't that important. It depends what you're hoping to get out of your trip.

Now off to check out airline review :thumbsup2
I think you were exceedingly patient! I agree there's nothing like communication when it comes to these things. There's nothing worse than being under-prepared because you were expecting something that wasn't there.
Wow! I'd love to hear what their response is. I've never looked at Hawaiin as we don't like stopovers, but won't be looking at them even if we do decide to stopovers.
We did Bali in July and we're going back in January. We love what you can get for your money and there's so much to do. But, we're not relaxing beach people. We like a nice resort, but also like lots of stuff to do. Fiji was a bit boring for us.
Hi - I have been lurking here for a while.

Just felt the need to weigh in on your aulani experience - we recently spent 1 night there ( sad face ) on October 2 - we had none of the problems you mention - the resort was practically empty - our kids are 17 and 19 so we didn't have to use the child care so I can't comment on that.

What dates were you there? When we first arrived in Hawaii on September 19 - there was a huge event with a Japanese boy band, Arashi Blast playing that weekend and apparently there were 1000's of Japanese that had come to hawaii for it. Friends of ours had their rooms reassigned at the Hilton and arrived to have no rooms available for them. I expect a lot of these tourists would head to Aulani as well.

But all I can say is we thought Aulani was beautiful and we had no trouble finding 5 loungers together , we moved around to a few locations throughout the day and had no trouble at all- there were rows and rows of them - . As for the lagoon - we thought it was nice but as we had spent 2 weeks in Waikiki this day was about being by the pool.

As for hawaiian airlines - we flew from Sydney and found it to be the most comfortable flight we had ever been on. we were only in economy and were supplied with blankets and pillows and had seat back entertainment with USB charging docks (apparently these won't charge iPads - only smaller devices such as phones or iPods) but do agree that the touch screen wasn't very sensitive and it did take a lot of touching to get a response .
30 minutes for a water slide??? :crazy2: I was going to suggest if you decided to go with Bali you might find that the cheaper accommodation would outweigh the extra cost of the airfares, but I don't imagine that would be the case for a villa with private pool overlooking the rice fields in Ubud :rotfl: I would be tempted to try Tonga for something different since the price is so good, but for me the resort isn't that important. It depends what you're hoping to get out of your trip. Now off to check out airline review :thumbsup2

Surprisingly some of those villas aren't too bad a price. More expensive than the standard hotel, but still cheaper than most of the nicer resorts in the the Pacific Islands. I've also read about how cheap food, spa treatments, and day tours are in Bali, and that does appeal to me. So I do think you're right that the slightly more expensive airfares will be compensated for by the cheaper land costs. If the cheap flights are still available in a few days time (pay day) I might consider it an omen. :)
Wow! I'd love to hear what their response is. I've never looked at Hawaiin as we don't like stopovers, but won't be looking at them even if we do decide to stopovers. We did Bali in July and we're going back in January. We love what you can get for your money and there's so much to do. But, we're not relaxing beach people. We like a nice resort, but also like lots of stuff to do. Fiji was a bit boring for us.

I'm looking forward to their response as well. If it is one of those generic "booking conditions state.... Blah blah blah" emails I will be really annoyed. But if they are apologetic and acknowledge the fact they mucked us around, I will be okay.

Thanks for the feedback on Bali. You have me tempted. :)

Out of interest, where did you stay in Fiji?
We thought we might be bored also, but because our resort included a free morning tour every morning, had a beautiful protected reef for snorkelling in in the afternoon, and a fully stocked watersports shed, we found we were surprisingly busy. I feel kind of spoiled now and are trying to find another pacific island resort that offers something similar and are struggling. Certainly just laying around a pool all day, or laying in a deck chair watching the ocean, would drive us stir crazy.
Hi - I have been lurking here for a while. Just felt the need to weigh in on your aulani experience - we recently spent 1 night there ( sad face ) on October 2 - we had none of the problems you mention - the resort was practically empty - our kids are 17 and 19 so we didn't have to use the child care so I can't comment on that. What dates were you there? When we first arrived in Hawaii on September 19 - there was a huge event with a Japanese boy band, Arashi Blast playing that weekend and apparently there were 1000's of Japanese that had come to hawaii for it. Friends of ours had their rooms reassigned at the Hilton and arrived to have no rooms available for them. I expect a lot of these tourists would head to Aulani as well. But all I can say is we thought Aulani was beautiful and we had no trouble finding 5 loungers together , we moved around to a few locations throughout the day and had no trouble at all- there were rows and rows of them - . As for the lagoon - we thought it was nice but as we had spent 2 weeks in Waikiki this day was about being by the pool. As for hawaiian airlines - we flew from Sydney and found it to be the most comfortable flight we had ever been on. we were only in economy and were supplied with blankets and pillows and had seat back entertainment with USB charging docks (apparently these won't charge iPads - only smaller devices such as phones or iPods) but do agree that the touch screen wasn't very sensitive and it did take a lot of touching to get a response .

It is great that you loved Aulani and encountered it at a quiet time. I must admit, my review does come across as largely negative, when in fact we did actually enjoy our time there and thought the resort itself was stunning. It's just not really the type of place we would rush back to (with or without the crowds) as there are travel experiences we prefer.
Plus, I worry that the quiet times are too hard to predict. Particularly when the crowds are being influenced by holiday periods in other countries. When planning a trip a year in advance, who would have predicted that Sep 19 would be crazy busy in Hawaii because of a Japanese boy band? I would have assumed that time period would be really quiet. We were there 7 -10 October (Tue - Fri).
I can definitely see though why others love Aulani so much. DS thought it was amazing.

As for Hawaiian. One of our legs was excellent and the other was very good. Had I only experienced those two flights, I would be waxing lyrical about the whole airline. My issue though was inconsistency and lack of communication. If I flew with them again, I wouldn't know what to expect, and I don't really like that level of uncertainty.

The older plane had no screens let alone iPod charging docks. I think we may have had charging docks on the other 3 legs though.
Surprisingly some of those villas aren't too bad a price. More expensive than the standard hotel, but still cheaper than most of the nicer resorts in the the Pacific Islands. I've also read about how cheap food, spa treatments, and day tours are in Bali, and that does appeal to me. So I do think you're right that the slightly more expensive airfares will be compensated for by the cheaper land costs. If the cheap flights are still available in a few days time (pay day) I might consider it an omen. :)

This is why we go to Asia so much :thumbsup2 AND one of the things that put me off doing a stopover in Fiji. Being used to Asia prices, I couldn't believe how expensive accommodation was over there!

I haven't been that much of a fan of Bali in recent years. However, we have always stayed in Kuta and it's really getting over run with Aussie bogans :rotfl: I think getting away from the beach and 'party towns' would help immensely :thumbsup2

I was ridiculously spoiled on my last trip as I made friends with one of the hotel staff on our first night (I studied Indonesian at school). After that he insisted on having his son be my own personal tour guide for the week. Highlights included going to visit his uncle in a mountain village, playing soccer with his friends in his village, visiting his mum at work (food vendor at a market) and visiting a beautiful clifftop temple where I got to help him make an offering to the Gods and guard it from monkeys. It got me away from the 'tourists' and I got to see some of the real and beautiful Bali. This was before the days of digital photography, so unfortunately I can't share any of my photos.

If you do end up going, and visit a monkey forest, be VERY careful with anything you take. The expression 'cheeky monkey' has a very good explanation :lmao:
This is why we go to Asia so much :thumbsup2 AND one of the things that put me off doing a stopover in Fiji. Being used to Asia prices, I couldn't believe how expensive accommodation was over there! I haven't been that much of a fan of Bali in recent years. However, we have always stayed in Kuta and it's really getting over run with Aussie bogans :rotfl: I think getting away from the beach and 'party towns' would help immensely :thumbsup2 I was ridiculously spoiled on my last trip as I made friends with one of the hotel staff on our first night (I studied Indonesian at school). After that he insisted on having his son be my own personal tour guide for the week. Highlights included going to visit his uncle in a mountain village, playing soccer with his friends in his village, visiting his mum at work (food vendor at a market) and visiting a beautiful clifftop temple where I got to help him make an offering to the Gods and guard it from monkeys. It got me away from the 'tourists' and I got to see some of the real and beautiful Bali. This was before the days of digital photography, so unfortunately I can't share any of my photos. If you do end up going, and visit a monkey forest, be VERY careful with anything you take. The expression 'cheeky monkey' has a very good explanation :lmao:

Note to self: avoid Kuta. Too many Aussie Bogans. :rotfl: :rotfl2:

So, I bit the bullet tonight and booked flights to Bali for next Easter. There were only four cheap seats left and I was getting paranoid I would miss out.
I sat and crunched the numbers properly this afternoon and worked out that Fiji and Bali were working out about the same price. With this in mind, I figured it was worth trying somewhere new. I also worked out that if we are careful, we should be able to pay off the whole trip by about February, which will still give us the better part of a year to save for the move. (At least, that is how I'm justifying this trip in my head). :rotfl:

We're flying Virgin with layovers in Sydney in both directions. The layover on the way there is an okay 2hr 40min, the layover on the way back is a super tight 1hr 25min. I'm not too worried though. If we miss the next flight there are many more that day we could be transferred to. Even if all remaining flights for that day are full, I wouldn't mind being put up in a Sydney hotel for the night. DH and I will have 4 days up our sleeve before we need to return to work - a real luxury for us.

Thanks for the advice about the monkeys, I'll definitely keep it in mind. I had read that at the Ubud Monkey forest, the monkeys can become quite intimidating, so I think we'll pass on places like that altogether. It would probably scare DS half to death. Besides, I don't really like places where humans interfere too much with nature.

That day trip sounds amazing. There is something truly special about seeing the locals behave as they usually do without all the tourists around. Also, how cool that you speak some Indonesian. I don't know a single word, so may have to learn a few.
Wow congrats on taking the plunge!

As with most countries, they do really appreciate it if you make an effort with the language. I don't remember that much, but I think it would come flooding back to me if I went.
Loving this report - the photos and stories are fantastic:)

Sorry you had a mixed time with Hawaiin, I really don't like inconsistencies. As you said - the way they reply to your complaint will say a lot about the company...

Here is another easy to remember name for your son - the Gorilla's Latin name is gorilla gorilla:)

Where do you stay in Fiji? After our day at Discovery cove we have fallen in love with snorkelling and would love to go somewhere we could do more of it:)
Loving this report - the photos and stories are fantastic:) Sorry you had a mixed time with Hawaiin, I really don't like inconsistencies. As you said - the way they reply to your complaint will say a lot about the company... Here is another easy to remember name for your son - the Gorilla's Latin name is gorilla gorilla:) Where do you stay in Fiji? After our day at Discovery cove we have fallen in love with snorkelling and would love to go somewhere we could do more of it:)

Gorilla, gorilla - I love it!! I won't forget that one.

We stay on a teeny tiny island in the Mamanucas called Navini Island Resort. It's absolute paradise and I can't recommend it enough.
It's not cheap, but given that the accommodation tariff includes a tour everyday as well as use of all the Island's water sports equipment, I think it's worth the cost.
The snorkelling is amazing as the reef around the Island is protected and home to countless species of fish. The coral is a bit bleached from the sun, but one of the included tours is out to a reef where the coral is the most beautiful I've ever seen. Seeing beautiful sealife in the wild is almost as exciting for me as seeing the Bears and wolves in the wild. :)

Here is my blog entry on Navini incase you're interested.


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