My DCL 2005 Digital SB *Last ten posted...ALL DONE!!*

Hi! :wave2: During our first cruise, (film, not digital :rolleyes: ) I only took a few photos of our food and when I got home and looked at my photos, I vowed to take more pics of the food next time, and that I did! :rolleyes1

I had Moose and Jeannine trained well, I warned them not to touch their food until I got a photo of it. On the last night, I had forgotten to photograph one of their dishes and I had started eating and was wondering why they weren't eating yet....they said that I hadn't taken a photo of it yet :lmao: :rolleyes:


Yes, that pirate photo of me and hubby ended up being our absolute fave of the whole trip! It's in a nice frame on the way up/down the stairs and I look at it everyday! It was also one of our funniest moments of the cruise getting it taken. Let's just say that Rob had a dirty mind that night and the photographer said something that was very leading.... :rolleyes:

Hopefully I can do some more SB'ing and get the rest done by this week-end! :rolleyes1
I forgot to answer a question from a poster...sorry I have pregnancy brain ::yes:: :faint:

Yes, I ordered a small photobook from mypublisher in December and they were horrible, all the pages were falling out cus the binding came apart on ALL SIX of the books I ordered.

But I ordered a hard cover one in January and LOVED it!! Here's my original post I made about it ...

And for you new digital sb'ers, this is what I plan on doing to this cruise album.

Hi guys!

Don't know if you remember but I ordered some soft cover albums for Christmas from and I was not impressed. The bindings all came apart on all the books and I was so mad.

After reading comments about the hard cover books on this board, I decided to give them another chance with the hard covers.

I sent in the pages for Tzar's ABC album, chose the black leather 9x12 hard cover album and it turned out great!! It took 10 days from the time I uploaded it to the time FedEx dropped it off at my door which is decent for the amount they charge for shipping to Canada!!

Here's some pics!




Wow! I have to admit that I never gave digital scrapping much thought, but Cass' beautiful work has totally changed my mind. Would Photoshop Elements allow me to do most of this? Where did you get that great picture of Mickey and Minnie re-creating the scene from Titanic?
I totally feel for you on the pregnancy sickness. For my last ds, I felt sick about 2 weeks before I was supposed to start my period, and it steadily got worse. I must have known I was pregnant from the moment of conception! Anyway, I felt like puking for the entire 9 months! I even ended up with pre-term labor at about 5months pregnant because I kept throwing up and just got so sick that the contractions started coming. The great news is that I carried Noah to full term and he was born a very healthy 8lb 11 oz baby boy! Oh, and no more kids for me after that !
Hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

I just wanted to say that I have been a fan of your pages for a while now. I have really had a great time looking at all that you have posted as well as everything on your website.

I really have wanted to learn how to digital scrapbooking but wouldn't even know where or HOW to start.

One last note....just wanted to say what a cutie your DH is. He looks like he's always having a grand ole time (especially with the food) popcorn:: Makes for great pages.

Keep posting 'em. You do great work.
Cass, Congrats on the pregnancy. We have a newborn so the pregnancy experience is still fresh in my mind. I was sick for the first 4 months :sick:

I love your layouts! They're so inspiring...I may scraplift some ideas when I do our book for next year's cruise.

This was the cover for the digital scrapbook I did of our 2005 cruise. It's a 12x12 hard bound book and the quality of it is superb. I had heard from a friend about the mypublisher books being glue bound and not too impressive so I searched elsewhere and found this. I also liked the fact that I could have a full-bleed cover and not just a picture window. My book is also hand-stitched, library bound so I'm not worried about it falling apart...and if my DS gets excited looking at the book and accidently rips some of the pages, I can send it back and get a replacement copy for 1/2 price.

Thanks for sharing your pages...oh and love the dog book, too. You are so talented :thumbsup2

Your book sounds awesome! Could I ask where you got it printed??
Yes, please tell us where to order. You've all convinced me to try digital scrapbooking a try!
I'd love to find out also where you printed it. Ever since I saw Cass' Digial lo album a while back I've been planning on getting my digi lo's in a book from mypublisher....but this other way sounds PLEASE let us know where you had it printed ;)
These pages are amazing!!!

I never really thought of digitial scrapbooking before, but your pages have inspired me to check it out and maybe do my cruise that way.

Also - I checked out your webpage and your photos are fantastic!

Thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful pics and LOs. I especially love the pirate portrait :) Cruising looks so fun - I've already convinced DH that we're going to cruise in 2008 or 2009!:Pinkbounc
Really Cass, just beautiful! I wish I had your talent!!!! i would love to try digital scrapbooking, but i just don't think i'd get it! i can just enjoy yours. You and Rob ALWAYS look like you are having a great time!!!!! I bet you can't wait until babycakes arrives!!!!!
Simply stunning!!!!! :sunny:

We are leaving tomorrow morning for our cruise and you have given me a boat load of ideas on what types of pictures to take.

I've always wanted to learn digital scrapbooking but I wouldn't even know where to start.

I'm hoping to see more when I get back next weekend. I love to look at them.
I truly love your pages. I never knew much about digital scrapbooking but your pages look like a magazine layout or a published book they are so professional looking. I was wondering, about how long do you think you spend on an average page or layout?


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