My DCL 2005 Digital SB *Last ten posted...ALL DONE!!*


DIS Veteran
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Aug 18, 1999
Hello scrappers!

It's been awhile since I have posted anything...well it's been a long time since I have actually done any scrapping! Ever since the DAY I found out I was pregnant, I have been SO SICK!! :sick: It's been a tough 4.5 months but it's finally getting a little better.

So two nights ago I finally started scrapping my Disney Cruise Album from our 10/22/05 cruise. I wanted to do this one digitally as opposed to traditionally. I also started my WDW 2005 traditional SB but I only did about 4 pages before I got bored.

Well, I finished my first 10 pages so I thought I would share with you all.

Here goes...











I will post more as I get them done :thumbsup2
Very cool!! I can't wait to see more. The food looks delish!!

Are you feeling better yet?? I was sicker than a dog this last pregnancy figures she would give me a hard time, the little diva!

Hope you feel better!!!!!
Very cool!
I love the layouts!!!
Can't wait to see more!!!

BTW, Hey BernardandMissBianca.. glad to see you made it home!!! :)
Hey, I recognize some of those pictures from your live report! It's so nice to see them in scrapbook form.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling sick. I hope the second half goes easier for you.

You do beautiful work - I've browsed through your work on your website before. I can't wait to see layouts of your little one in the not too distant future!!!
WOW! Except for the lettering, your pages look like the "real thing"! GREAT layouts.
Those pages are awesome! I can't wait to see more--the layouts on your website are wonderful, too!

I hope you feel better with the 2nd half of the pregnancy! :wizard:
Timon, awesome work! Great to know you are starting to feel a little more normal again. I really need to learn to use my PSE 4.0, I have tons of digital elements, now to actually use them, lol.


Ps. if you have a shoppers drug mart out your way, they are now doing the photo books, set them up online and pick up at the store.
Thanks everyone for the great replies! :blush:

Except for the lettering, your pages look like the "real thing"!

What exactly do you mean by the "real thing" ??? :confused3


I DO have a Shoppers here, I guess I will have to check that out!! Thanks! :teeth:

For those of you who asked, I use Photoshop CS for all my digital stuff.
Most of the stuff I make myself in photoshop but some I have downloaded free of charge from some digital SB sites. Depends on how lazy I feel at that moment :rolleyes1

I checked out the Shoppers Photo Books. Unfortunately they only come in one size 8.5 x 11", not a size I like to work with. I guess I will go with mypublisher again. I did a 12x9 album in January and it turned out great. They both seem to be about the same price after you factor in the exchange rate, but a little more for shipping obviously for mypub.

Thanks for letting me know about it, maybe they will expand their album size options soon! :groom:
great pages!! i am new to this digital world...can you please tell me what is photoshop cs? something you can purchase at best buys? and how did you get those mickey pages & icons onto your page? did you get those from some website? (sorry for such ignorant questions!! but i need to know!) thanx for taking the time! :flower:
Timon :teeth: ....GREAT pages...They bring back so many wonderful or should I say..."Magical" memories. :thumbsup2

I really like how you displayed all the details with your photos. And those food shots....YUMMY!!!. :woohoo: :woohoo:
Never dabbled into digital scrapbooking but have always LOVED the look of them. You do beautiful work. Gave me a couple ideas also for our upcoming cruise (especially the terminal page and the food page) Great work.
great pages timon! you have such talent.

good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. i was so sick the WHOLE time. REALLY!!! but it was SO worth it. my little man is a 4 now and i just love him so much. i would not change one bit of my pregnancy. if that's what i had to do to get him, then oh well!!!!!
best wishes!!!!
Timon said:
What exactly do you mean by the "real thing" ??? :confused3

Oh my goodness, I hope I didnt offend you! That was not my intention at ALL. :blush: I was under the impression that digital scrapbooking was done entirely on the computer and then you print out the pages. Please correct me if I am wrong!! What I meant by the "real thing" is traditional scrapbooking.

.... hopefully I am not just digging my self in deeper! :bitelip: Your pages are truely beautiful!
Oh my goodness, I hope I didnt offend you!

LOL, No you didn't offend me at all. I just had no idea what you meant by the real thing??? :lmao:

Photoshop is a very expensive and tremendously powerful program. I only use about maybe 10% of the program's potential. It is what professional digital designers use for most of their work ie: ILM, and other CGI specialists.

But it's amazing for editing photos and for digital sb'ing. I use it for web design and photo editing and design among many other things so I invested in the program many years ago and have since upgraded to the newest versions but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have lots of money!! :rolleyes1

There are other smaller and less expensive programs which do similar work, such as Adobe Photoshop Elements, Photoshop's baby sister, if you will.

I've seen other programs that people on this board but I can't remember the names right now, I am sure you could do a search or ask.

Off to scrap...went to see a movie last night so I haven't done any scrapping yet! :rolleyes:
Wow looks great!!!! I want to try to do some stuff like that so I can "play" by scrapbooks on a DVD player before leaving for new vacations.

Hope you start to feel better soon. Being sick during pregnancy stinks, but as I am sure the docs keep telling you its a sign that everything is okay so in a weird way its happy. Wishing you the restful, uneventful rest of pregnancy!! :goodvibes
what version of photoshop do you have?? I would imagine you have one of the big daddy programs if you can do that on it! LOL.
This sounds very interesting.
Timon - I have Photoshop 6.0 which I am just learning. Can I do digital layouts with this program or do I need to purchase an upgrade? Can you provide me with some recommendations for software as well as prices? I do regular scrapping but this might be good to go for my in-laws albums....


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