My DCL 2005 Digital SB *Last ten posted...ALL DONE!!*

Hey Cass,
I guess I need to visit this board more often. First I even saw of this thread. Great work as usual! And you've been busy. Trying to catch up?

I love your pics. Rob's funny food face. :lmao: Scott & I are tossing around idea for possibly Alaskan cruise in 2008 for our 20th anniversary. :crazy: Not sold on idea completely yet.

Let's see, I quit job 6 mths ago. Zero pages scrapped. :rotfl: BUT, I did buy a book called "Digital Scrapbooking in Easy Steps". Haven't opened it yet. :rotfl: I already own PhotoShop Elements 2.0 ...but can't figure ANY of it out. And I really did consider myself computer savvy before touching that program. :crazy:

I'll keep checking in for more layouts!! Good luck with rest of pregnancy! :goodvibes
Last ten!










Simply amazing! You made a gorgeous album! Thanks for sharing with us your creativity.
That Titanic-type paper was my friend Jeannine's that I scanned. I think she got it in a SBing kit she picked up at the SB store in Downtown Disney.

I think once you got into it, you would LOVE LOVE LOVE digital SBing! For me, it goes by so much more quickly (on average) and since I am always at my computer anyway, I get more motivation for doing it!

As for time spent, it all depends really. If I know EXACTLY what I want on a page and it's not too intricate then I can get it done in about 20-30 mins but it just flies, seems quicker. Some of the layouts I spend 30-60 minutes if I have more intricate things to do like complicated selections or masks.

And if I am just lost as to what to do for a page, it could take me 1-2 hours, but that is the same for traditional SBing too. I would say my average layout is 30-45 minutes.

But I enjoy it so much more! I am still sitting here looking at my chronological SB and my last page completed is for 2004!!! So I still have half of 2004, ALL of 2005 and ALL of 2006 to do to catch up! I am seriously thinking of doing it all digitally and MAYBE (crossing fingers) if I feel good healthwise, I can actually catch up before the baby comes! That is my ultimate goal :rolleyes:

Plus I started my WDW 2005 SB with paper and I did 4 layouts and haven't touched it in a month! I am also rethinking the way I did that one, just junk my first 4 layouts and start all over digitally! :rolleyes1
I love looking at your layouts - very pretty!
One quick question - I do not do digital scrapping but regular. I was wondering if I can make some of my titles on Photoshop 6.0. I know you mentioned before that I can use it for many effects. Do you know a good "dummy 101" site which can show me how to create a cool title like your "Serenity Bay" one and then print it out on cardstock? In other words I want to know how I can create digital titles - print them out and use them in my scrapbook. Currently I use rub ons and diecuts for some of my titles - wanted to know if I can do titles in Photoshop 6.0. I really hope to register for a beginner Photoshop class. There just never seems to be enough time!
It probably wouldn't be much of a leap for me to go digital, since I was doing digital scrapping (my version of it anyway) back in the 1990's using Printmaster. That's how I got into paper scrapping, which I've always struggled with because colors don't match, picture is wrong size...... Digital, you just change the color & change the size. :teeth: I'm just so comfortable with Printmaster, that I hate having to learn a new program. But printmaster is only 8.5 x 11 & has a few quirks when trying to import things from other programs. I used to use 2-4 programs to alter my pics or images & then put it all together in printmaster.

I also don't like my digital style compared to my paper style. But that might be easy enough to work on.

I'll get there....someday. lol

Actually I do most of my titles for traditional SBing in Photoshop then print them out on cardstock. Something like the Serenity Bay title is EASY! That's is just using the text tool and typing! Each time I type a word I use a new layer and then you can layer one title on top of the other one.

Other than just playing with photoshop, I used this site to learn a few tips. Hope it works out for you!!

Yes, I remember that you used to digiscrap a LONG time ago. I STILL to this day use Printmaster but I couldn't imagine using it for scrapping! It has way too many limits!!! You have PElements already, which is so similar to Photoshop, you can find TONS of tutorials online to learn the SB aspect of the program! I am sure once you get into it, there will be no stopping you!!!

If I lived close to ya, I would invite you over and teach you some stuff but alas, I don't think I am up for a 3000 mile journey right now :rolleyes1
I did my very first Digital page last night, inspired by Cass. I am hooked! Will still do swaps, love making elements, but will do my own pages in SPE. For now I am doing 8.5x11 wide pages and it only took 45 mins, I don't do instructions, to do my page. Thanks Cass for turning me on to digital scarpping.


Ps. Where to find the textured CS background files, I don't have a scanner, although that is next.
Cass your pages always make me come out of hiding (lol). Love, love love them. Sorry about the morning sickness, hope its gotten better. I would love to try my hand at this, but I am a complete dummy when it comes to this stuff. But you have inspired me to have a few of my favorite pages printed in a hardbound book. Can't wait to see baby layouts. keep them coming.

You are great and I love the other pic of the ship that your DH took of the windows. I am hoping that by next spring maybe I'll know how to do it also. :rotfl2: Cant wait to hang with everyone on our cruise. Mum
I love the other pic of the ship that your DH took of the windows. I am hoping that by next spring maybe I'll know how to do it also

Which pic are you talking about???? :confused3
I'm all confused now :sad2:
Timon - that sounds great. I hope I don't sound like a dummy but I looked at the site link you mentioned. It seems to have so much information. I really need to take a Photoshop course as it seems like the possibilities are endless what one can do. Where on the site that you mentioned (escrappers) does it outline how to make titles from cardstock and layoring? What should I click on? I hope to learn Photoshop this month and then I am sure this will all make sense. Sounds great! Thanks for replying!
These pages are awesome!! Thank you for sharing them. I'll keep them in mind when I begin to scrapbook our Magic Cruise in January!!


E-scrappers does not teach you how to use Photoshop, it shows you how to apply Photoshop techniques specifically for scrapbooking digitally.

You will need to get a book or do some tutorials or take a class to really understand Photoshop, it's a massive program, not easily picked up on your own.

Not sure what you mean about "make titles from cardstock" ?? Like make a title then print it out on cardstock???

You can learn basics like this from a Photoshop book or online tutorials.
I just went through all your pages again.....just gorgeous! Can't wait til my next DCL trip!
:cloud9: Simply GORGEOUS scrapping ... as usual!!! Are you SURE you're done??? :guilty: I wanna see more!!! (I know you have more pics to scrap!!) :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

Congratulations on the baby!!! Once you see that precious little face you'll forget all about the "morning" sickness!! :goodvibes


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