Monday Morning's Little Bit Late Riddle

HaleyB said:
8 with or without the example? There are 8 more... that I know of.

8 with the example. I am not counting AM/PM. I believe that goes without saying!
jw50 said:
Well Donna, you will be happy to know that my first PM was wrong :rolleyes:

However, my second one (not sent yet due to a full inbox) does not agree with your mint (and I am not counting am, pm, or 24 hour clock), so are you sure that you got it right? :teeth:
Oh man, now I'm confused again! :confused3

Mint please!!
Rella Bella said:
Oh man, now I'm confused again! :confused3

Mint please!!

While I would never want to imply that a Riddle Goddess might be wrong the correct answer is whatever the Riddle Goddess says it is ;)

I was never that good in Math but I can count to 10 :)
Some Marketing genius (not me, some other one) was actually paid a lot of money for this....

10:08, 8 minutes past 10, is roughly the time analog watches are set to in most advertisements, though actual times shown vary between about 10:08 and 10:10. There are several reasons offered by watch companies, many of them psychological, and none of them verifiable as the actual origin of the practice:
  • The form of the hands has a positive effect on the viewer: the short hand pointing at 10 o'clock and the long hand pointing at 8 minutes is reminiscent of a check mark, which commonly means "ok" or "fine." Some observers further identify this appearance with a smiling face.
  • The position of the hands does not obscure the date on watches with a date-function at 3 o'clock or any other functions at 9 or 3 o'clock.
  • The position of the hands does not obscure the company logo, which is often printed under 12 o'clock.
  • The hands are nearly symmetrically balanced on the face of the dial at 10:08. The minute hand is 48° right of vertical, while the hour hand is 56° left of vertical. Exact symmetry would be achieved at 120/13 minutes past 10:00, approximately 10:09:13.8. Other symmetrical times would not meet the needs above.
  • At 10 o'clock in the morning, the day is young. There is still time to accomplish many things.
  • 10 o'clock is the time at which people typically wake up if they are able to sleep in. 10:08 is thus associated with weekend, leisure and relaxation.
The only thing missing is how many Wooo Hootys have actually been attained at 10:08. :rolleyes: :p
Just so you'll know - I"m IN. I think. But I've been trying to send a PM since like before lunch. And a PM box is full. Can I really contruibute to the Twooooty Hoooty without an official TU?!?

That's what I want to know.

Just so you'll know - I"m IN. I think. But I've been trying to send a PM since like before lunch. And a PM box is full. Can I really contruibute to the Twooooty Hoooty without an official TU?!?

That's what I want to know.


I have, more than once.
After reading through all this I now understand why I wasn't answered this morning. Never got the pm box is full message though. :confused3 I can tell my answer was a bit off. I'll have to try again.
how the heck are you guys getting 8?!?! I like to think I'm fairly intelligent and only have 6, what am I missing??
HaleyB said:

We are almost to half a hooty, and the half hooty is not a good place to stop, tfi.

Half a hooty is better than no hooty at all!

ok..i think i have the answer..but the pm box is tres full....

probably cause all of ya sent multiples LOL
The riddle Goddess is otherwise occupied with real life and promises to be back real soon! :)
Half a hooty is better than no hooty at all!

Typical man. :rolleyes:

Lou- What about the chalice like appearance?
Thanks Gram! :love2: I needed that! ;)

jw50 said:
While I would never want to imply that a Riddle Goddess might be wrong the correct answer is whatever the Riddle Goddess says it is ;)

I was never that good in Math but I can count to 10 :)

Joe, Joe, are proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks1 ;) :teeth: :rotfl: :rotfl: (no Dog...not talking about you!) :teeth:

People.....Larsy is will have to wait till she gets back to PM. Refer to rule 1 where the Riddle goddess has a life too! ;)

Lou, you are a wealth of useless information! :teeth: :rotfl:

and for Larsy:


Riddle peeps - Did you all see the sticky this AM on the game board, the one about the riddle rules???

Cause truth be known the riddle is not really all about the riddle, is it??? TU's aren't imperative to playing. Sometimes I just pretend I answered the riddle :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

And if you all must know I said in one PM that 10,11 12 was a time :teeth: I was public school edumacated :blush:

So, if her PM's are full just know that I sent about 57 PM's trying to get in before I bemembered being in wasn't one of the rules :smokin:

So where are my pork chops and potatoes????????????

And when Donna gets back I hope she sees she got the
:cheer2: Woooooo Hoooooooty :cheer2:
Do you really use onstar sometimes? Or were you just kidding.
If yes, how do the operator peoples react?
You should post some dialogue examples. It'd be fun.
Half a hooty is better than no hooty at all!


There is NOTHING worse than a halfa Hooty!!!!!!!!

O.T. (if there is a "T" to be "O") Does anyone else notice the smilies to the right when your posting are re-arranging? Do I win a prize???
UtahMama said:
O.T. (if there is a "T" to be "O") Does anyone else notice the smilies to the right when your posting are re-arranging? Do I win a prize???
Whachatalkinabout Willis?



***The Dis is going veeeeerrrrry sloooooow for me right now.......I'm not going to respond to correct PMs because it's taking too long***


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