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Can I get the fridge Dec 19-24? We're staying at ASMusic. Thanks!

Originally Posted by daileyad
We're staying ASMusic. How bad is it to try to swap from another resort? I can see my family rolling their eyes at me as I'm running all over trying to pick up a stroller and getting some huge fridge. Is it an issue?

Well, the All Stars are in a straight row with Sports 1st, Music in the middle and Movies last. We stayed at the Music last year and I picked up the fridge (it's the smaller compact size like Disney uses w/ a small freezer) from the Movies and transported it using one of the luggage carts. All 3 resorts are linked by sidewalks and parking lots so it was pretty easy.

Let me know."


Is that a yes? :goodvibes
4/13/09: Our fridge is LOST! The current swapper has been looking for it since yesterday. The fridge was last seen on Sunday when it was picked up from the room by a bell hop at the Sports and has not been seen since Sunday :sad1:.

I will keep you all informed and will let you know if it is found.
I heard from missteach again. She has checked with all 3 resorts and our fridge is not to be found.

THANK YOU very much for spending so much of your precious vacation time looking for our fridge missteach!!

I am very sorry that the rules were not followed by the previous swapper and that you were not able to use the fridge that you were counting on :sad2:.

It looks like this swap is officially CLOSED.

I have been running it for 2 years this month and do not wish to invest any more of my time and therefor will NOT be replacing the fridge. If someone else wishes to take and start over, please let me know.

I am still running my other All Star Swap (home resort is Music) so if you are on this swap and your dates are available on my other swap, let me know and I can move you. Lam712 is also running a fridge swap at the All Stars.

Future swappers are welcome to look for the fridge. This is what I know:

The box has purple duct tape on it and says OH Bother Fridge swap on all 4 sides. It was given to a bell hop, in the room, at the SPORTS on Sunday, April 12 but a claim ticket was not obtained. It was labeled for the Masling family, had their name on it, resort name: MUSIC and check-in date of April 12th.


Thank you very much for your hard work and excellent communication!! I appreciate that you assisted me in all of my date changes and found a home for me on your swap. You are an excellent asset to the DIS!! I can completely understand how this was far to much work to start all over again!!

Good luck to you and your future swaps. Still hope to run into you when we head to the world at the same time in September :)

Just a heads up to everyone, DH and I decided that since some of these swaps just "fall apart" (Gina that is not a cut to you in anyway, just reality) that we are going to buy this instead and have it shipped to the hotel:

After, we are going to take it home with us and use it. You cannot get them for this price in Canada, and we know it will come in handy. Since it is small, we will get it home in its box as one of our checked bags (stuffed full of clothes and souveniers of course).

Anyways, just wanted to let you bugetters know of another reasonable option out there. And, this is something I know we will get use of over the years!!

Thanks again Gina!!

I am so bummed! If anyone decides to start a new one please let me know I am definitly interested.

I feel so bad that the fridge is lost-maybe it will turn up!:scared:
I'm not interested; we won't need one.

But I'm so sorry to hear your plans have fallen through.
I do have a curious question however why is POP has so many swaps and All Stars has only a few??
I am very sorry that the rules were not followed by the previous swapper and that you were not able to use the fridge that you were counting on :sad2:.

It looks like this swap is officially CLOSED.

I have been running it for 2 years this month and do not wish to invest any more of my time and therefor will NOT be replacing the fridge. If someone else wishes to take and start over, please let me know.

I am still running my other All Star Swap (home resort is Music) so if you are on this swap and your dates are available on my other swap, let me know and I can move you. Lam712 is also running a fridge swap at the All Stars.

Future swappers are welcome to look for the fridge.

Sorry you are not interesting in starting another fridge to keep in the current swap, but is there someone out there who might:confused3:confused3? How many of us waiting for the fridge would be willing to pitch in out there and get another one going?:hug:
I, however, only get to WDW every 10-12 years, and do not have the funds to start one up, but would gladly help in anyway.
I also know there in another swap that was recently started here, for the AS resorts..
I have a grand gathering with toddlers and grandparents, so I am interested in having another fridge, mainly out of convenience, not knowing which room the nephews/grandkids will be in (there's been stories of roompopcorn:: and bed hopping :laughing::scared1::laughing:) but we can find a way to make it work, too.
Thanks so much to eeyoregon for all her hard work keeping this a successful swap for so long. Hopefully, the old fridge will be located and we can find a way to continue with our current swappers. If not, maybe we can all chip in a few bucks each for a replacement fridge, and then eeyoregon can pass the torch to another wonderful DIS'er who has the time to run the swap.
Last August I was part of a swap and because the person before me didn't follow the rules I didn't get to use the fridge I paid into to purchase, so I know how frustrating it is. But after searching for 3 out of my 4 days my fridge was finially found at the wrong resort.

So I guess my point of this is, the fridge might just show up. It is possible that another swapper has aquired yours. When we were looking for mine, I was allowed into the luggage room to search an thy wanted me to just use one of the other fridges in storage.

I hope yours is found.
I don't know if this will help you or not but there is one manager over all the All Star luggage Services. Her name is Jen/Jennifer.

A while back, none of the AS Luggage services were able to find our stroller. I asked to be speak to the MAIN LS manager who happen to be Jen. She found the stroller within moments. It was in L&F--not sure at the resorts or central.

I sympathize with is truly a PITA when a swapper doesn't follow the rules and we are desperately trying to locate a stroller/fridge while in another state.

Good Luck...I hope Jen can help you out.

Yes, there is always a chance that it will resurface. The fridge once went missing for over 2 weeks and another DIS'er, who was part of another swap, recognized it in storage and notified me.

Unfortunately there isn't a lot that I can do 3,500 miles away and I won't be visiting until December. I can't force the current swapper to spend any more of her precious vacation time looking for it.

Hopefully the next few swappers will take a few minutes while down there to look for it and ask at their bell desk.

Reminder: The box has purple duct tape and says Oh Bother Fridge swap on all 4 sides. It was to be forwarded from the Sports to the Movies for the Masliing family, who were staying at the Music.

I used to spend hours calling WDW from home (long distance) trying to track down the fridges when they would go missing but I am running out of energy and after 2 years of running this swap I am plumb out of motivation.
If not, maybe we can all chip in a few bucks each for a replacement fridge, and then eeyoregon can pass the torch to another wonderful DIS'er who has the time to run the swap.

Yes, starting over is certainly an option considering almost all of 2009 is filled so it would be easy to move forward. Post #1 lists who is signed up and the dates that are still open.

If someone wants to take over this swap and collect funds for a new fridge just let me know.

I wish that I were closer so that I could look in all 3 storage rooms for myself because I truly believe that it is there. When I went in August I KNEW that the fridge had been left just hours earlier for me. The castmember spent all of 10 seconds looking and came back and said "sorry". I was persistant and upped my voice a level and it caught the attention of another, more helpful, castmember who went back in the storage room and promptly returned with the fridge and coffee maker and even helped me load it into my rental car.

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