MM Warriors Part Deux (As of October 27)

Welcome back! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm not sure how Pony plans to do gravy. I have Thick'N'Thin Not Starch which works great for thickening soups, gravy etc without adding carbs. I'm not sure how available it is, I have to order it online.

I got mine at the health food store. It's up high in the cupboard or I would look, but I think it's also gluten free. I'm plannin on using it on T'giving. No one will be the wiser. It works great!
Ok, here is the link. And you link a page just as Nell stated. Go to the top where the address is, right click and chose copy. Then come here, right click in your response area, and chose paste, and there ya go :thumbsup2

I am on page 8, and there are sooo many variations of this little baby!! I'm going to try the plain one later. Since I'm using it as a 5x5. So around 8 I'll try it again.

Here is a link of it "in the processes." They used it for meatball sandwiches.

Also, someone added 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin and said it was great also!!

I'm glad I knew how to do it Kathy! It took me a long time to figure out all of the computer things.

All of these ideas look wonderful, but I'm still really liking the chocolate idea! :rotfl:
I'm glad I knew how to do it Kathy! It took me a long time to figure out all of the computer things.

All of these ideas look wonderful, but I'm still really liking the chocolate idea! :rotfl:

Nell, the chocolate one is on my list of things to do tonight. I'm thinking I might whip up some cream cheese, whipping cream, vanilla and sweetener to frost it with :yay:
The one I did originally with the cinnamon I didn't really care for. Used the flax and it was dry and grainy. Wasn't too thrilled with the taste either of the cinnamon. I want to try the banana/nut version. I'll have to order some s/f banana syrup!

I think I may try the plain "savory" one now. I am figuring the chocolate one I had was well below my carbs for a 5x5.
What would be the carb count on a plain one?
I am going to use my pecans and a tablespoon or two of the flax and the rest will be the same but no seasonings.
I am soo excited about this!!:banana:
The one I did originally with the cinnamon I didn't really care for. Used the flax and it was dry and grainy. Wasn't too thrilled with the taste either of the cinnamon. I want to try the banana/nut version. I'll have to order some s/f banana syrup!

I think I may try the plain "savory" one now. I am figuring the chocolate one I had was well below my carbs for a 5x5.
What would be the carb count on a plain one?
I am going to use my pecans and a tablespoon or two of the flax and the rest will be the same but no seasonings.
I am soo excited about this!!:banana:

You have started the great muffin craze :laughing: Be sure to let us know which ones you try that you like and how you tweak them. I'll do the same. I may try some of the sweet ones with part coconut flour since I already have some. That may take some testing though because I've found the coconut flour to need a little more liquid and oil.
I am going to try coconut oil in some. I know some of the people who wanted it "moister" used more syrup and oil.
The chocolate one wasn't too bad. I think for flavored ones, I may try 1 tbs butter instead of 2.
Also, they say to microwave it for a minute. It should be shiny on top but set. It will continue to cook a bit afterward.

Some people also use whey protein instead of the flax/almond flour. I may try that one too later in the week.
I just heard from Laura aka Tutu. She's under the weather today and in bed. She hopes to be able to talk with us soon. Big hugs to Laura. :grouphug:
Sorry about your feelings of not being friend-shipped at church. That seems to happen no matter where you worship. I can pass on some information that a women wiser that me said when I was feeling forgotten and unappreciated, too. She told me to go and find someone to be of service to and lose myself in the service of others. Are there ways you can do this in your church? I don't mean to judge or say you're not doing things right. This was just something that helped me. Please don't let the actions of mortals, who are not perfect, interfere with your attending church and partaking of the spirit there. You are a beloved daughter of your Heavenly Father who loves you.


Feast upon the Word of Christ

Thanks Carol--the church I go to is a small one, I"m thinking there would be more to get involved with in a larger church. I've actually tried to start things but they don't pan out. We had pastor problems for a while--morning and evening services with 2 different pastors and problems arose from that. I tried last year to get every one to bring or make an ornament for a tree I put up trying to get everyone together but NO ONE put any thing on it!! We posted information about the tree in the bulletin and everything. I had some of the kids make ornaments for it so it didn't look bare. Tried to start a card ministry for birthdays and such and that didn't happen. I really have been thinking that a bigger church with more to do is for me. but I have to let God lead me and I'm not sure where to go.
Kate - still praying and hoping and wishing and crossing my fingers too!! Have they said what caused this? What a terrible thing to go through for such a young woman...

Kathy - I didnt know that about the fish oil and vit E ? How much E do we need to take to counteract any possible depletion? I have never heard that from my doc or from Diane, both who recommend the fish oil!

Lisa - Have fun at SYTYCD!!

Carol - I plan to ask Diane about the pumpkin/sweet potato thing...also about this Vit E thing too!

Nell - O Holy Night is my all time favorite!! I swear I get goose bumps whenever I hear it...

Natalie - I sincerely hope I didnt insinuate that you didnt have faith! I agree that there are definitely churches that are less than welcoming...and some that are less than inspirational too. I came from a medium sized Congregational church up north, where my Dad was an assistant pastor, Mom was a deacon and member of the bell choir, and I taught sunday school and the Youth group...when the long time pastor moved out of state, his replacement was just so disappointing that I almost never went to church after that. It was very dull and uninspiring, and after she forgot the deceased's name at a funeral, I gave up all together...the churches in my immediate area here are very small and dont offer any of the things we were used to in a larger church, so thats why I turned to watching the Thomas Road Baptist church services on TV!! Pastor Jonathan is current, motivating, inspirational and brings joy and peace to my heart every week! Keep looking until you find one that satisfies your needs!:hug:

hey--didn't take it like that AT ALL!! you're sooo right, I need inspiration and I'm not getting it at my current church. The pastor problems pitted a senior pastor with a youth pastor who started preaching on Sunday evenings that we LOVED--he was on FIRE!!! but lies started and he left for another church up north and then the senior pastor left (after a bunch of families left too) and now we are looking for someone else. I husband was saved 2 years ago (7 years after me, thank the Lord for answered prayer) and he doesn't really care about any 'extras' like I do--the fellowshiping. I need to click and I just don't. alot of women with children younger than my son and they all get together for playdates and such. I'll be looking on Sunday for a good preacher on tv until I feel lead (or Mike does) to go somewhere else
I ADORE fleece throws! I think that is a great idea! I love socks too!

my husband just got me a fleece throw for my birthday!! he was actually trying to find me that 'snugglie' thing from the commercials!!! its nice but for my birthday??!! He's still looking for the snugglie, I'll probably get it for Christmas!!!
my husband just got me a fleece throw for my birthday!! he was actually trying to find me that 'snugglie' thing from the commercials!!! its nice but for my birthday??!! He's still looking for the snugglie, I'll probably get it for Christmas!!!

Awwww, he tried, huh? Wants to take care of you and keep you warm. A well-placed catalog page left out in the kitchen with a casual remark works sometimes;)
Had a nice visit with my neighbor over tea and a stack of cookie cookbooks. I felt like the cookies were art I was going to create, but I had no urge to eat them. Someone will have to be my taster, though! I told her about MM for her son who had weight issues and has high insulin for a teen. He's done well with his own diet and exercise lately, but I thought she would like to know about the nuiances of MM. She's going to read about it.

I'm pretty tired from the late night last night so probably will turn in early tonight after we watch the new kids on SYTYCD tonight. It was so much fun to see them do those dances so close to us last night.
Had a nice visit with my neighbor over tea and a stack of cookie cookbooks. I felt like the cookies were art I was going to create, but I had no urge to eat them. Someone will have to be my taster, though! I told her about MM for her son who had weight issues and has high insulin for a teen. He's done well with his own diet and exercise lately, but I thought she would like to know about the nuiances of MM. She's going to read about it.

I'm pretty tired from the late night last night so probably will turn in early tonight after we watch the new kids on SYTYCD tonight. It was so much fun to see them do those dances so close to us last night.

Good nite Lisa. :hug:
Wow you guys have been busy the past few hours!! all caught up in the great muffin caper!! LOL

Nell - so glad you are feeling better and that is so GREAT that you are almost to that 300 mark!! I know I will be :cool1: when I slide under the 200 pound mark myself!!

Tom - no internet? OMG, how do you post here and on FB!!!

Lisa - I think I would have to boycott a cookie are stronger than I would be!!

Melanie - glad you are back and finally feeling better...I got strep all the time until about 5 years ago...and it always led to bronchitis after, so I FEEL your pain!! No wheat flour for me, so will probably boycott the gravy unless I find that thickener that Barb mentioned.

Barb and Kathy - have you guys seen the low carb cake mix that is on the shelves now? Not sure whats in it...didnt read the label, but noticed it this week during my shopping...I think its like Betty Crocker or Duncan Hines too!

Creme de Menthe? OMG, now you are TALKING!! I LOVE that!!

Natalie - good luck in your is hard sometimes to find a church where you feel "right", but I KNOW that the perfect one is out there somewhere!!

Just talked to Ken for a few minutes online, then got an IM from my ex-live in of 12 years too! Said he talked to my daughter and heard I was looking good and doing well...wants to get together to say hi at Christmas...its all good, we have stayed quite close since parting 7 years ago...he wanted to encourage me to keep it up !! awwww now I KNOW I need to look as good as possible at christmas!! LOL
Natalie, that is awesome that you got a nice fleece throw. I wouldn't mind one for Christmas. I may hint a bit, lol.

Pony, it's both good and bad when you have a motivation to look better like that. It's incentive, and it's also pressure. I think you are competitive, so you might do good with the incentive.
Awwww, he tried, huh? Wants to take care of you and keep you warm. A well-placed catalog page left out in the kitchen with a casual remark works sometimes;)

lets face it Lisa, coming right out and telling him is what really works:lmao::lmao: but he is a sweety!!
lets face it Lisa, coming right out and telling him is what really works:lmao::lmao: but he is a sweety!!

That's what matters. You are blessed and he loves you! :lovestrucBrookstones catalog arrived today with a pic of a nice looking blanket with sleeves. Different styling and I don't know the price....Not a bad idea when we are all trying to save money and resources.
Robin: The cookie exchange is a social thing for two cul-de-sacs. The men and children come too - and there is wine and legal snacks so I'll be fine. I have to go since I started the tradition, lol! It's a nice way to bond with neighbors when we all have busy lives and mostly meet at the mailbox, if that. I'll freeze my cookies til the kids come home. Did that last year and they freeze great. Frozen cookies do taste good, though, I can attest, LOL! Not this year!:rolleyes1


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