MM Warriors Part Deux (As of October 27)

Kate - still praying and hoping and wishing and crossing my fingers too!! Have they said what caused this? What a terrible thing to go through for such a young woman...

Kathy - I didnt know that about the fish oil and vit E ? How much E do we need to take to counteract any possible depletion? I have never heard that from my doc or from Diane, both who recommend the fish oil!

Lisa - Have fun at SYTYCD!!

Carol - I plan to ask Diane about the pumpkin/sweet potato thing...also about this Vit E thing too!

Nell - O Holy Night is my all time favorite!! I swear I get goose bumps whenever I hear it...

Natalie - I sincerely hope I didnt insinuate that you didnt have faith! I agree that there are definitely churches that are less than welcoming...and some that are less than inspirational too. I came from a medium sized Congregational church up north, where my Dad was an assistant pastor, Mom was a deacon and member of the bell choir, and I taught sunday school and the Youth group...when the long time pastor moved out of state, his replacement was just so disappointing that I almost never went to church after that. It was very dull and uninspiring, and after she forgot the deceased's name at a funeral, I gave up all together...the churches in my immediate area here are very small and dont offer any of the things we were used to in a larger church, so thats why I turned to watching the Thomas Road Baptist church services on TV!! Pastor Jonathan is current, motivating, inspirational and brings joy and peace to my heart every week! Keep looking until you find one that satisfies your needs!:hug:
Sorry about your feelings of not being friend-shipped at church. That seems to happen no matter where you worship. I can pass on some information that a women wiser that me said when I was feeling forgotten and unappreciated, too. She told me to go and find someone to be of service to and lose myself in the service of others. Are there ways you can do this in your church? I don't mean to judge or say you're not doing things right. This was just something that helped me. Please don't let the actions of mortals, who are not perfect, interfere with your attending church and partaking of the spirit there. You are a beloved daughter of your Heavenly Father who loves you.


Feast upon the Word of Christ
Hi Carol. I got caught up in the pumpkin drama when I went on step2. I was using it as a 11-20 in pie and soup. Pony emailed with Diane and got the be very careful notice from Diane. I have to say, my waist went up an inch on step2 after a month :confused3 and I can't say it was the pumpkin because I was also eating acorn squash as an 11-20..I re-start step2 next Monday. I'll probably stick to sweet potatoe once in awhile and see what happens.

I had to laugh about the Pacific Nowrthwest weather forecasts. During the winter it's usually cloudy with rain, cloudy with a chance of rain, partly cloudy with showers, cloudy with showers, cloudy with rain possible etc etc etc. They should just say it probably will rain :laughing:

I would love those forecasts. I'm weird. I love cloudy, rainy and windy weather. I actually get depressed in the summer. Which is actually a rare type of SAD. Leave it to me to get the bizarre one!:lmao:
Ok Jocelyn - now I am COMPLETELY confused on the yogurt!! So so we not to trust the carbs that are listed on the nutrition panel? I am totally NOT a yogurt fan in the first place...only eating it since it is supposed to help with belly fat, be good for you, and all that jazz...but if I cant trust the carb content, how do I know if it is actually counting as an 11-20 or not?!!:confused3 Wouldnt hurt my feelings at all to give it up completely!! but Im sure if we got right down to brass tacks, the carb counts on just about EVERY nutrition panel arent totally correct!! OMG!!!

But can the greek kind be only 7-9g for a full cup, when the regular plain is like 18-20 for a cup?

I'm not sure if this will help or be more confusing. Ok... the good bacterial in yogurt eats the sugars in the milk. How many carbs depends on how much bacteria there is in the yogurt, and how long it was cultured. Also, yogurt if made normally is a thick liquid. The solid ones have powdered skim milk added to them for thickening. Depending on how much powder it could have double the amount of carbs before culturing. But there is no way to know exactly what the carb count is after culturing unless they test each batch. I think most of the time it is estimated pretty good.
Good evening everyone.
Tom, hi and nice to see you back! Loved the pictures on FB!!

Robin, I was up bright and early, around 5:30, but had a busy Monday morning, so didn't get here before I left for work :(

Nell, Hope Marti managed to get out of bed, and not miss the appointment. Noticed you hadn't posted most of the day, so maybe you did make it. Glad you enjoyed your BBQ yesterday.

Ok, going to clean up supper dishes, then take Tyson for a walk. Catch up with you all later.

Hey Kathy! Nope, didn't make it. I am worn to the bone exhausted. I think it's stress related. The light of the computer screen is hurting my eyes. I couldn't stay away from all of you too long! The D-Ribose was helping a great deal, so I'm hoping it will help me recover tonight if I get enough sleep. Thank you for being concerned and for all the support you give me and everyone! :hug:
HI--Totally have faith in Jesus, just not the church! Disappointments through the years. I'm in the process of finding another church, one where I feel accepted. or maybe its just like that everywhere!! just thought church with christians would welcome with open arms--I ran the Womens Retreat last year and still feel like an outsider. (ug, maybe it me--I haven't felt so social lately) anyway, thanks for your concern!!

I'm sorry you feel that way in your church Natalie. :hug: I hope you find one where you feel accepted and loved soon! Your worth taking the time to find that!
Kate: I am so sorry to hear that she is still so ill. We are praying for your family. What happened, if you feel like sharing?

She has pancreatitis. Her kidneys aren't working and her liver function is very low. She had a temperature yesterday of 105.8. She has been unconscious since they admitted her to hospital early Saturday morning. They have the lower part of her body paralyzed to keep the muscles more relaxed.
Home from the gym, a few brief words with Ken by IM, and back here to say goodnite to you folks...

Kate - have they said what in the world caused this? I mean how does a seemingly healthy young girl all of a sudden have liver and kidneys shutdown? That is so awful...did she have any symptoms before getting this sick? It is amazing how our bodies can turn on us in an instant...Praying that there will be some improvement soon.:hug:

Nell - Im going to just go with the carb counts on the nutrition panel of the yogurt...what else can we do? I guess we have to trust something...hope you get a good nites sleep and Marti isnt too "tired" to make that next appointment.

Kathy - you must be really busy girl! Miss you here!

Lisa - hope you had a great time tonite!

Where the heck is everybody? Barb, Cindy, Bev, to name just a few...:confused3

Bev - I think we REALLY need a new thread soon! Dont they cut us off at 2000 posts or something? We will be there in no time at this rate!!

Off tomorrow, so might just sleep in a little...of course every time I plan to do that something comes up! Namely the sun, and the dog, and then I cant go back to sleep! LOL Nite all
Good Morning All!

Kate - I am praying for your niece. I had pancreatitis in 1999 caused by a gallstone blocking the common duct - they removed my gallbaldder. I hope they find something soon and she recovers completely.
Good Morning All!

Kate - I am praying for your niece. I had pancreatitis in 1999 caused by a gallstone blocking the common duct - they removed my gallbaldder. I hope they find something soon and she recovers completely.

Thank you, Diane.
Kate - have they said what in the world caused this? I mean how does a seemingly healthy young girl all of a sudden have liver and kidneys shutdown? That is so awful...did she have any symptoms before getting this sick? It is amazing how our bodies can turn on us in an instant...Praying that there will be some improvement soon.:hug:

They are not sure what caused it although they suspect that it is the kind of pancreatitis that is brought on by alcohol abuse. This kid is an overachiever. She does really well in school. She shows/jumps horses. I don't know if it is just "college" drinking or if she has a problem. From what I have read on-line, pancreatitis doesn't usually happen with just a binge of drinking. My family is strong and she is surrounded by lots of love and getting lots of prayers. I talked to my mom last night and she said that there were enough minor improvements yesterday that decided not to transfer her to Stanford Hospital.
Lisa - I can't wait to hear about SYTUCD!

Robin - I hope you are sleeping in today!

Nell - I hope you have a more relaxing day today!
Hi Kate - well even minor improvements are a GOOD thing and will hopefully lead to bigger ones today. Hope they dont find that it is an alcohol problem, but if so, something like this should help to shock her into the realization that she cant abuse herself that way...that show jumping circuit is very tough business and I can see where the pressure and stress might drive her to try to ease the stress through drinking...its certainly not uncommon in that realm. Im toasting my Shakeology to continued improvements and a complete recovery for her.

Obviously sleeping in didnt happen! Dog bounded up at 7:30, so here I am with Shakeology, Marlboro light, and vitamins in hand! :surfweb:

Have to shop today for Christmas gifts for an elderly woman I dont know...Nationwide supports the "Elderly Angel" program...these are folks who are recipients of the Meals on Wheels, so they get out only occasionally when a shuttle van takes them to Dr appts, the store, etc. We are given the choice of adopting an "Angel" as a team, (14 of us) or individually, so this year I decided to do one individually, then of course my team voted to adopt one as a Team TOO, so off I go in search of appropriate "Angel" requested slippers, so that should be easy enough, and the Team "Angel" requested a scarf and we just need to fill in with some other smaller things. What in the world do I get for an elderly homebound woman that I have never met? Im thinking maybe some small things like teas, candies, lotions? Of course so many older folks are diabetic so maybe thats not a good idea after all....dont want to do candles, no lighting the house on fire if they fall asleep with the darn thing going...was thinking gift cards for the grocery store or Walmart, but that doesnt seem very exciting to open on Christmas morning! Any Ideas Folks? I have a few hours before I need to go, so help me out here!!:idea::idea::idea:
Have to shop today for Christmas gifts for an elderly woman I dont know...Nationwide supports the "Elderly Angel" program...these are folks who are recipients of the Meals on Wheels, so they get out only occasionally when a shuttle van takes them to Dr appts, the store, etc. We are given the choice of adopting an "Angel" as a team, (14 of us) or individually, so this year I decided to do one individually, then of course my team voted to adopt one as a Team TOO, so off I go in search of appropriate "Angel" requested slippers, so that should be easy enough, and the Team "Angel" requested a scarf and we just need to fill in with some other smaller things. What in the world do I get for an elderly homebound woman that I have never met? Im thinking maybe some small things like teas, candies, lotions? Of course so many older folks are diabetic so maybe thats not a good idea after all....dont want to do candles, no lighting the house on fire if they fall asleep with the darn thing going...was thinking gift cards for the grocery store or Walmart, but that doesnt seem very exciting to open on Christmas morning! Any Ideas Folks? I have a few hours before I need to go, so help me out here!!:idea::idea::idea:

Well, I agree that gift cards aren't very exciting but for people on a limited income, it might be very much appreciated?
Yeah, maybe you're right...I was thinking that way they could pick up some snacks or other stuff to keep around...Maybe some thick comfy socks to put with the slippers? I ADORE thick, cozy socks, especially during the winter when my hardwood floors are so chilly! Or those fleece throws that arent too expensive but are nice to tuck yourself in while watching TV...:happytv:
Yeah, maybe you're right...I was thinking that way they could pick up some snacks or other stuff to keep around...Maybe some thick comfy socks to put with the slippers? I ADORE thick, cozy socks, especially during the winter when my hardwood floors are so chilly! Or those fleece throws that arent too expensive but are nice to tuck yourself in while watching TV...:happytv:

I ADORE fleece throws! I think that is a great idea! I love socks too!
I'm off to my Tuesday morning business networking meeting! 7:00 a.m. every Tuesday......:confused3


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