Mister Disney and the K-man's Easter Sunday V&A Chef Table Review

I sure hope the TAG FAIRY is lurking!! I am hoping some of the comments... are tag worthy for Mr. Disney!!!

You see, no matter what one's demographics, it's never too late to have a happy childhood!

and this...

Through the efforts of so many, “Mister Disney” himself had been reduced to tears running down his cheeks.

(and PS Somewhere in Time is significant for DH and I also - hope you've been to Mackinac Island - if not there's magic up there where they filmed the movie - the Grand Hotel, simply mahvelous, but for some of us that have not established themselves, (monetarily speaking, as the Grand Hotel can go for $500+ a night, but its a 5 star rating, you do "Dress" for dinner there - its included in the price!!) there are other great locations - Mission Point has a hotel, and there are condos set back 'away from it all' 1 and 2 bedrooms, and a studio for $135 a night!! Definately worth it to get away from it all!!)
Now I DO believe Mr. Disney & I have been seperated at birth. We now have pot roast & a song in common.
Come on guys! The anticipation is killing me! I've gotten three loads of laundry done, put a Lasagne in the oven, and started watering the yard, and still no pics of Easter Dinner!

By the way, the news just broke in, there is a pretty big fire on I-4 near Seaworld here in Orlando, among other fires throughout the state.

Pray for rain! We need it!
Susiev25 said:
OH MY GOSH! That has got to be one of the most romantic things I've ever read! Boy you two should be givng my hubby some lessons(My Dh proposed by yelling out "hey lets go get your ring today" while he was still on the toilet...yet I still married Him :rotfl2: )!!

OT, but ... this is too hilarious!! :rotfl2:

Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the review.


Thank you for putting a smile on my face today. You are really lucky to have each other in your lives. :lovestruc
awwww... soooo thoughtful!! you really ought to give romance lessons :flower:

you could also give SUSPENSE lessons... i saw the thread was started earlier today but managed to steer my mouse away from it 'cause i knew i'd be left hangin'... so all this wait and i'm still left hangin'... ON WITH THE FOOD! :)
Susiev25 said:
OH MY GOSH! That has got to be one of the most romantic things I've ever read! Boy you two should be givng my hubby some lessons(My Dh proposed by yelling out "hey lets go get your ring today" while he was still on the toilet...yet I still married Him :rotfl2: )!!

Now move on with the food pics!! We're waiting!!!!!!!!

My story is similar. I wanted to get married on our 5 year anniversary of dating (we dated for so long because we started dating in high school and wanted to grauduate college before we got married). Our wedding was to be in November 1992 and you need to book the reception at least a year in advance on Long Island (and even that's cutting it close). We were talking about it one day in July 1991 and he said, "I guess we probably need to think about getting engaged soon." I reluctantly agreed (not because I didn't want to marry him, but because I'm a simple person and hate weddings/fancy parties). We went out later that day to get a ring, came home and called our parents to let them know the news. I never once got excited about it. In fact, I hated every bit of the following year with all of the planning, etc. I was very happy once it was all over with. :lmao:
Can't wait to read your food review. :goodvibes I always really look foward to them. Especially the Chef's Table ones. So please, don't keep us waiting any longer. :goodvibes
disneyfav4ever said:
Can't wait to read your food review. :goodvibes I always really look foward to them. Especially the Chef's Table ones. So please, don't keep us waiting any longer. :goodvibes

FOOD? This is about FOOD? No one told me THAT!

Mister Disney has the pictures and the menus. :groom:
He promises to start posting. :wizard:

In the meantime, could someone please tell me what's for DESSERT? :banana:
Oh man, I've been waiting for the V&A Easter review. I just didn't realize how special it would be.
OMG.....I ask my "boy", the K-Man to write a SIMPLE introduction to our Easter Sunday V&A Chef's Table experience and by the time I get online it has turned into an almost 2000 view post in one day! :faint:

I guess I should get my butt in gear, as so many people are salivating over the thought of our rememberances of the evening.

On with the show!.....after I respond to a few postings within this thread!
Can't wait to read your review! How much longer do we have to wait?? Please, I'm too excited to sleep. Have to keep reading.
Mr. D's K-Man said:
:wizard: You see, no matter what one's demographics, it's never too late to have a happy childhood! :wizard:
:wizard: REGARDLESS of ones demographics, it's never too late to have a happy childhood OR CREATE happiness for others you have the ability to touch in special ways everyday! :wizard:

Mr. D's K-Man said:
I believe in Romance and showing my Love in more than just words! :grouphug:
and you show your love to me everyday!
Mr. D's K-Man said:
Enna, don't tell anyone, but Mister Disney was crying AGAIN reading the posting here. Shh, don't tell! :wizard: pirate:

K-Man's goal is to break down the macho manly exterior that exists on Mister Disney....and during this birthday celebration for me, he certainly suceeded with his goal
In the meantime, could someone please tell me what's for DESSERT

well gee Kevin, I made this homemade spring ritual pie.... dh hates the thought of the pie, but it is traditonal, and in honor of grandma, I make this pie every spring... dh calls it celery pie, but, its a southern treat when made right, and I so made it PERFECT this time!!

RHUBARB PIE - come and get it!!

and Mr. Disney, I think the Tag Fairy is teasing you!! You've posted several (imho of course) tag worthy statements...

regardless of any demographics... imho
eeyore45 said:
(and PS Somewhere in Time is significant for DH and I also - hope you've been to Mackinac Island - if not there's magic up there where they filmed the movie - the Grand Hotel, simply mahvelous, .....its a 5 star rating, you do "Dress" for dinner there - its included in the price!!)
I have stayed at the Grand Hotel, and yes, THAT is a magical place! Regardless of the cost....its the type of place to try at least once in your life.....My plan is to take the K-Man there someday.....BUT....note to one's self.....NEVER drive from Connecticut to Michigan! 14 hours of non-stop driving just isn't worth it! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Mister Disney said:
K-Man's goal is to break down the macho manly exterior that exists on Mister Disney....and during this birthday celebration for me, he certainly suceeded with his goal

I can't imagine reading the story and NOT crying, yet somehow I was comforted by knowing that your reading the post still moves you.
Mister Disney said:
K-Man's goal is to break down the macho manly exterior that exists on Mister Disney....

Hey :cool1: Hey :cool1: Hey :cool1: Hey :cool1: Macho, Macho Man!
I've got me, a Macho Man! :love2: :love2:


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