Mike' Make Over Madness!

Hi, Mike! Thanks for stopping by my journal -- I needed another cheerful voice today!

Great job on controlling the portions yesterday and getting in your water. It sounds like you made all absolutely wonderful choices! I am so impressed that you didn't cave to the donut craving and that you made a great choice for dinner. Not eating the entire thing and saving it for dinner tonight is a HUGE SUCCESS and a really powerful strategy for all of us on this journey.

Keep up the great work, kiddo! I bet you are looking forward to dinner :)
DisDon said:
Way to be strong, brotha! Donuts? We don't need no stinking donuts!! :upsidedow :eek: :crazy2: :tongue: :jester:

Oh but we want them sometimes! hehe! I just had to remember that "donuts make ya go nuts!" and I was ok... Of course right now I would eat just about anything you put in front of me! hehe I am back from grocery shopping, and it took an hour to get everything put away! LOL I have just individually wraooed more chicken breasts than they have at the local KFC! hehehe! It was on sale!

Thanks for the message Don! Hope that you had a great day and are loving life Pepper free! pirate:

Hi Jen!

Don't worry, the Spirit Stick is safe! I would not want to fall victim to the super nuclear poke! :sunny: And thank you very much for the cheer, it made my day! Hope that you are having a most excellent day!

Mike :flower:

TigerCheer2009 said:
Hi Mike! Thank you. Good luck reading all of it. Grab a water (with lots of Ice, maybe a Vanilla-Ice-Ice-Baby Water or a Dr-Water for Don), sit down and read through it. The kids are fun, but I run out of there screaming as soon as I can. You better make sure that spirit stick is safe...if you drop it, I will have to super-nuclear poke you (it's a fingernail pinch and a poke at the same time...hurts like the Devil!).

And your cheer:

No Coke!
For longer than before
Mike's awesome health
Will dominate the boards
So c'mon crowd get with us
Get up on your feet
Yes Y-E-S
Swimming is neat!

Go Mike! Have an awesome Coke-free day because you deserve it!

ETA: Awesome job resisting. You have such willpower, man! You're doing really great!
eeyore25 said:
Way to go Mike!!! That is awesome that you resisted the doughnuts. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday and are on your way to a great day today.

Keep it up. You truly are doing a great job!

Thanks Jamie!!! Hope the rest of your day was terrific! :goodvibes

keenercam said:
Hi, Mike! Thanks for stopping by my journal -- I needed another cheerful voice today!

Great job on controlling the portions yesterday and getting in your water. It sounds like you made all absolutely wonderful choices! I am so impressed that you didn't cave to the donut craving and that you made a great choice for dinner. Not eating the entire thing and saving it for dinner tonight is a HUGE SUCCESS and a really powerful strategy for all of us on this journey.

Keep up the great work, kiddo! I bet you are looking forward to dinner :)

Hi Cam!
Glad to stop by journal, you are very welcome! Thanks for keeping track of mine too. :goodvibes
I am definitely looking forward to dinner! I am tossing up a salad, reheating my half sandwich, and I think I am going to roast some Baby Bella mushrooms to go with. The piece de resistance will be half a Klondike Crunch Ice Cream Bar! Yummy, well thought out food that is all OP. What more can I ask for?!

To segue a bit, I have noticed that I get hungry in the afternoon a bit so I am going to incorporate a low carb snack. I think it is because I have been having an early lunch lately as opposed to breakfast than lunch later. I do not want to fall into that trap of eating too little for my body but I think I am doing well. I am happy to be giving energy to focusing on eating when I am hungry and not just eating for the sake of eating. The "old" me would have finished off a good 3 or 4 donuts before we got to dinner yesterday, and that would be me not eating all I "wanted" because I was around others. Heck, put me in a room alone with a dozen fresh Krispy Kremes and I would soon show you an empty box! And of course you need the coke to wash it down... but not anymore! :goodvibes

Have a good night Cam!
Mike :flower:
Hi Mike!

Stopping by to WISH you a healthy and happy day today! :goodvibes Any updates on the trip report? :teeth:

Take care! :cool1:
toystoryduo said:
Hi Mike!

Stopping by to WISH you a healthy and happy day today! :goodvibes Any updates on the trip report? :teeth:

Take care! :cool1:

Hey Tracy! Thanks for popping in!

The trip reports are underway, this has just been a mad crazy week at work so I have not had a lot of free time, and my nights have been a bit wild too but fear not! They are coming! I really love writing them as it lets me relive the magic. :wizard:

Hope that you are having WISH-derful day!
Mike :flower:
Hi Mike,

Just wanted to pop in and WISH you a great day. You are doing great. Keep up the good the work.
Hey, man, I think we're gonna put Coke and Dr. P out of business, did you sell your stock already? :rotfl: I crack myself up!
Good plan on the afternoon snack. I've read before that eating more, smaller meals instead of 2 or 3 big ones each day will speed up metabolism. I've got to work on smaller, earlier dinners, and get to bed earlier.
We should plan a WDW trip together if we both hit our goals. You sound like just the expert guide that I need. And we can skip Ice Station Cool together, hehe.
I see you are making some awesome progress! I know you will achieve your WISH soon! Keep working hard! :)

Thanks Jamie, Don, and Lisa for your messages! I was not having the best day yesterday so the support and smiles were greatly appreciated.

Don, all I can say is thank goodness it seems they are closing that evil Ice Station Cool!!! hehe I think they should revamp it and get someone like Poland Springs to sponsor it and actually serve ice water for free, that would be awesome! :cool1:

Not sure why yesterday was a tough one. I think it was stress at work that brought it all on. I had a day of "missing" my old "friends" ie. the sodas, the pizzas, all the foods that taste good but don't nourish you! It was not physical cravings but more a mental thing. I think it relates to my having been a comfort eater and several meetings yesterday at work left me looking for comfort! I was actually invited to go out to dinner with some friends and I knew the way I was feeling that there was no way I would be able to restrain myself if I did. I will be honest, for a few minutes I was contemplating just saying "Forget this! I want to go eat!" but i didn't. I'm not 100% sure how I did it, but I know a big part of it was thinking about everyone on here and how I would feel about myself. Luckily the invite was left on my voicemail and not an in person call, so I just called them back later and said "Oh sorry, I didn't get the message!"

The rest of my night was pretty good though, I spent a lot of time reading my food plan book and looking at healthy recipes only. I figured if I was going to feel focused on food, it should be focused on healthy food! I got so focused I forget to eat dinner until later on! hehe

Things I know I need to work on:
(1) Exercise! Had a few setbacks this week (pulled muscles, etc.) so I need to get focused! The pool is closed for cleaning this week and next, so I need to find a big puddle!
(2) Eating dinner earlier and getting to bed before 1am.

Ok, I am off to go visit everyone's journals! I hope that everyone has a great Fourth of July weekend. Resist the urge to splurge at those BBQs! :goodvibes

Hey Mike!

Congratulations! You just cleared a big hurdle!!! You wanted to give up and eat whatever you wanted to, but you didn't. That is awesome, Mike! You should be very proud of yourself!!! ::yes::

Just a thought about exercise... How about walking? You can buy a pedometer and measure how many steps you take in a day. I think if you walk 10,000 steps per day, that's equal to 4 or 5 miles. (Maybe someone else can tell us for sure.) Or how about weightlifting? I think a pound of muscle has to burn 35 calories a day to survive and a pound of fat burns something like 2 calories a day to survive. :banana: Swimming is good too! :fish:

I hope you have a great day and a safe, relaxing, healthy and wonderful 4th of July weekend! Take care Mike and keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Hi Tracy!

Thanks for your message, I definitely appreciate the congratulations. :flower: It was a rough day but I made it through.

About exercise, I am doing some walking as exercise and working towards building it up. At my size, and physical condition, the pool helps the most because of the support it offers (as suggested by my doc, who also suggested I do not overdo any of it, but focus on increasing what i can do now in healthy increments), but I am making strides in other areas. I do want to start some weightlifting/toning when I feel like it is an option I can physically include. Very good ideas you have! :sunny:

I hope that you too have a healthy, happy weekend too! I think we all have a lot to celebrate for being so good to our bodies! :banana: :banana:

Mike :cool1:

toystoryduo said:
Hey Mike!

Congratulations! You just cleared a big hurdle!!! You wanted to give up and eat whatever you wanted to, but you didn't. That is awesome, Mike! You should be very proud of yourself!!! ::yes::

Just a thought about exercise... How about walking? You can buy a pedometer and measure how many steps you take in a day. I think if you walk 10,000 steps per day, that's equal to 4 or 5 miles. (Maybe someone else can tell us for sure.) Or how about weightlifting? I think a pound of muscle has to burn 35 calories a day to survive and a pound of fat burns something like 2 calories a day to survive. :banana: Swimming is good too! :fish:

I hope you have a great day and a safe, relaxing, healthy and wonderful 4th of July weekend! Take care Mike and keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Mykelogan said:
Poland Springs to sponsor it and actually serve ice water for free, that would be awesome! :cool1:
Poland Springs, hmm, Polish water? sounds a little scary... :teeth:
Mykelogan said:
The pool is closed for cleaning this week and next, so I need to find a big puddle!
Rhode Island, hmm, I seem to recall a big puddle just off the coast there! :earboy2:
Congrats on skipping the dinner out, save if for a day you're feeling stronger!
Happy 4th!!
DisDon said:
Poland Springs, hmm, Polish water? sounds a little scary... :teeth:

Hahah! Poland Springs is from Maine. And it's caffeine free! LOL :rotfl:

DisDon said:
Rhode Island, hmm, I seem to recall a big puddle just off the coast there! :earboy2:
Congrats on skipping the dinner out, save if for a day you're feeling stronger!
Happy 4th!!

yes the ocean is there...BUT I am not a fan of salt water (gag!) and what about the SHARKS!!!??!! When I was a kid and they showed Jaws on CBS my parents told us we could not watch it, so my sister and I snuck our tiny B&W TV under my bed and covered it with pillows like a fort. We watched it... I was traumatized for life! And if you watch the news you can see that the sharks are organizing and soon will try to reclaim this world!!!! Ahhh... sorry, I get a little excited when I discuss them!! hahaha :crazy:

p.s. Where had today gone???!!! I blinked it was outta here! I need more time to get things done before the long weekend!

Mike :goodvibes
Hi, Mike! I am glad that you can look back on yesterday with pride. Good job on avoiding a situation where the temptations might have been too great to resist when you were feeling a little weak. :cheer2: Be proud of having made such a great decision! How awesome that you spent time focusing on healthy food. What a great idea! Did you find any awesome recipes you want to share?

So, what is the plan this weekend? I hope you are doing something fun. I have decided to bring some hand weights up from our basement and put them next to the couch, so that whenever I am sitting still I can do some toning on my arms.

Have a great weekend, buddy!
Hi Cam, no great recipes to share yet but I will keep looking. I am currently on a mushroom kick and think they are delicious roasted.

As for this weekend, I am planning to get a heck of a lot of laundry done tonight to start. Tomorrow I have plans to go to the movies during the day. And I am excited for my wallet because I will not be spending a ridiculous amount of money on snacks there! I think I will bring some green pepper strips and cheese cubes, and by a water and ask for a large cup of ice. Saturday night and sunday are my unplanned days right now, then monday I am going to a family BBQ. I plan to bring a tossed salad and some veggies to roast, and share with everyone. So I know I will be covered veggie wise and the protein will definitely be there. I will definitely be having some of my grandmother's baked beans and potato salad at my balanced 'reward meal' (CAD language hehe) and staying on plan of course. I actually have Tuesday off of work too and I will be going to see my mother again like we did last week. That's my plan!

I like your hand weights idea! I think I need to get some myself as I have doing some exercises without them inside every so often just to get the blood flowing!

<see the cloud of smoke as he heads to investigate!>

Bye for now!
Mike :wizard:
Right on Mike!!! :cheer2:

I am so proud of you for resisting the temptation of eating out. And giving up. Sounds like after you made that choice your day got better. You really are doing a fantasic job!!!

Hope today is going better for you and you have a great 4th of July weekend. Stay on track this weekend...you can do it!!!

Again great job....let's dance with the banana's!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
eeyore25 said:
Right on Mike!!! :cheer2:

I am so proud of you for resisting the temptation of eating out. And giving up. Sounds like after you made that choice your day got better. You really are doing a fantasic job!!!

Hope today is going better for you and you have a great 4th of July weekend. Stay on track this weekend...you can do it!!!

Again great job....let's dance with the banana's!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Thanks Jamie!
Today is going much better! I hope that you are having a good day too!

Mike :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
So Cam's post about handweights sent me scurrying over to amazon.com to see what I could find and low & behold, they have handweights in all sizes on sale. I ordered a nice set. And as I browsed and thought about exercise I remembered that one of my former co-workers had a walking DVD she liked to do every morning. That then spurred me on to look into different types and one of the purchaser's reviews mentioned how it had been a challenge for them to sustain a regular walking workout outside but that the DVD workout allowed them to be more paced and rest when needed, etc. So what did I do? I once again put some money in George Foreman's pocket and bought his Walking With George DVDs. hehe! I could not pass up the opportunity to get a good workout and the chance that these could be quite funny to watch.

I should get them after the weekend so I can start next week! After a pretty low energy end to the week my spirits are brought up by all the great messages I have received from my WISH buddies and my new opportunities to get healthier!

Bye for now all!


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