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How are the crowds in may? Thinking of staying off site in the middle of may (first trip to FL in 20+ years)
Wow i guess that's a lot.. i'm wondering if i should send her at 3. here they have prek 3year olds then they would move to prek for 4 year olds then kinder.. i just don't know if she is too young for school... or maybe i want her to stay little forever.. the school has a music program and they teach them spanish aswell....

Hey Mari, I know it is a hard decision. I would say that it is not necessary to sent her at 3, but it won't hurt either. I would definitely send her at 4. It helps with the transition to kindergarten. Especially if you have all day kindergarten. Where we lived before had all day kindergarten :sad2: . That was rough. We have half day here, thankfully!
Hahahahaha! Shelly- you could get bonus prizes! A fanny pack AND UnderRoos (remember those???) for the fanny!

Classic, Sea. You are so helpful.:goodvibes

If you read any of my posts...the DL trip might be a dream.:rotfl: We are still trying to figure out finances. I told Dh he shouldn't have gotten me the ring for the anniversary b/c we had the trip(s) coming up and he said, "well, which would you rather have, diamonds or Disney?" to which I replied "I'd very much like to wear my Diamonds IN Disney, if you please." and he laughed and said he'll see what he can do.


Underoos :lmao:

I sure hope you get to wear your diamonds in DL!! :wizard:

Hey Jo, when I read your story about your new diamond ring, I began to get nervous - it's our 25th wedding anniversary this year and I am sure my wife is expecting some big bling from me. :eek:

Wow Seacrest, 25 years!! :goodvibes That's awesome!! You better get her something nice!

I'm with you lake... i log on only 3 hours after i left and another page added... at this rate we will be onto thread #5 before we leave for WDW.....


Hi Mayers :wave2:

Remember me??? family has gone to WDW the last 4 Mays...but this year, we're not.

We have to wait until the summer.
We'll be at BCV July 27-Aug.4.

Hi Daisy! :) Good to hear from you! Glad you found us!! Congrats on the trip this summer. Looks like you've had a few trips since May. . . How about some details. . . :yay:

I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I just had her. Does it get any easier?


I know it's hard to watch them grow up. :sad1: It will get easier though. Not a lot easier, but a little bit. :)

:snooty: Yay for the new home!

More to come soon...Just not this's crazy here!

Hope you're having a great week Sulley! We'll be waiting to hear from you!!

Mornin MAYers

Belle is all better with a waffle and powdered sugar sticking to her fingers as I type. My migraine is still hanging on. Two cups of coffee and it still hurts. I, however, slept wonderfully, thanks to my Goodies.:rotfl:

Shelly- I forgot to tell you that our Anniversary is March 7th. It rained all day on our wedding. Kinda' like today. YUCK.


Glad Belle is all better. It's amazing how they can bounce back so quick. Just not the same for us! Hope your migraine goes away soon. :hug:

Sorry about the rain on your wedding day. Did you get married is SC?
It was nearly 90 the day we got married. Which is very odd for mid May in PA. I guess we lucked out, it was a beautiful day!
How are the crowds in may? Thinking of staying off site in the middle of may (first trip to FL in 20+ years)

Hi CSI007! :welcome:

May was great last year. Wait times were mostly under 20 minutes. Weather was great. :goodvibes

Let us know what you decide!
We live in a older home, ( like 70 years ), the house we bought 10 years ago when we got married at 23. So we are ready now for something bigger and newer. It's hard to decide though whether to just buy a home that is ready to move into, or should we think about having one built? Have any of you built homes... is all the hassles people talk about worth it.

Lake, we have built 2 homes. We started off in an older home like you. Actually it was over 100 years old. We fixed it up and fixed it up but it was just always something that needed done. Never-ending. So we got tired of it and started looking for a newer house. Then we decided to build. At that time (2001) it was way cheaper to build than to buy. Lumber, copper, all that was way down in price. So we ended up building a better (and brand new) house rather than buying a used one not as nice. And we spent less money!

So then when we had to move (2006) here for DH's work we thought we'd do it again. We looked at existing houses in the area, but after having a new home it was hard to find one we liked. So DH wanted to build again. Little did we know, the market had changed so much in 5 years. It would have been way cheaper to buy than to build this time. Lumber, copper, and all that was way up now. But we went ahead and built anyway. Sometimes I really regret it. Mostly when the mortgage payment is due! :rotfl: I love the house, but what a difference 5 years made. Our mortgage is over double what it was before.

So anyway, I would check out your area and market and really do your research before deciding anything.

Yes, the whole process of building is quite a hassle, like you have heard. You really have to be on top of things and make sure everything is going as planned. The waiting is so hard. . . But I'd say it is worth it in the end!
Hey CSI07 - I went last may... Loved it.... we are actually going back this May.... Crowds were low and temps were great not too much humidity...
Boo i can't vote today..... i didn't register in the new town I live in... I wonder what i can do????
Sounds good.

We are planning on driving down from Maryland. I can't believe how expensive everything has gotten. :( Even cutting costs staying at a nice off-site condo my budget still looks to blow past 3 grand for 8 days in FL. Yikes!

If we do all of the disney parks, should I also include universal? I am going to sea world one day (kids can't miss that!) and probably one of the disney water parks.
I guess Universal is based on preference... last year when i went I did not go this year i might just go not sure yet. But i think that US is for older kids. My DD is only 2 and probably would not enjoy it there yet.
Well i know when my nephew and brother both 9 went they loved US...
Hi! Of course I remember you. I've wondered about you too. I remember your DS & DD...your DS is just a little older than mine. I have the same pic (my DD took it). Let's just post it if everyone else with post some of their pics...ok?

Oh those ECVs...DH (he broke his big toe the day we headed to WDW), DFIL, & my dad, all had them! It was so funny to see our group going thru the parks.

I will try to keep up with this thread.
You are so lucky you are going soon. April's not that far off.

I'm curious to see how everyone is & see how Michele's baby is doing.

You are a better woman than I am! I would have never made it with all the ECVs. In family, everyone would have depended on my for everything. I would have had a meltdown and it would not have been pretty. You were holding it together so well! You must be an :angel: !

Yay for the new home!

More to come soon...Just not this's crazy here!

Hey Sulley! :)

Mornin MAYers, and all in-betweeners ( that's for us, Ms. April Flower):flower3:

How's everyone this fine Super/Fat Tuesday??;)

Okay, fess up...who voted???? PA doesn't vote yet. I'm still like this... as to the candidates.

Belle is all better with a waffle and powdered sugar sticking to her fingers as I type. My migraine is still hanging on. Two cups of coffee and it still hurts. I, however, slept wonderfully, thanks to my Goodies.:rotfl:

Sea- 25 years is a big deal!. Congrats! You better get on the horn, get in the car, do something. That woman needs BLING!!!! Hurry, hurry!!!:rotfl:

Shelly- I forgot to tell you that our Anniversary is March 7th. It rained all day on our wedding. Kinda' like today. YUCK.

Ms. DUCK!!!!! where have you been????? How's the Denali??? I see you have been a few times to the Happiest Place on Earth since we last talked. When were you there in december? Huggie was there too then...

which leads me to say...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABELLE!!!!!princess: :cake: :jumping1: :clown: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

Huggie- just wait until when you are standing, they are nose to nose with you and staring you in the eye. Mary Cat will be 13 next month and I am dreading having a teenager. Good thing she's a sweet girl, 'cause Momma don't take no crap.:rotfl:

Sulley- how's the polyester treating you?:goodvibes Are the crowds this week big?

Mari- any decisions yet? Do you HAVE to make a decision now? Or can you wait a bit? If you are uncomfortable, then maybe now is not the time.:confused3 You will know when she is ready.

Lake- how are the renovations coming? We are still waiting on Pics...

NC- I see potential for tornadic activity out in good ole' Arkansas. Be safe today. Also- we were fast forwarding the commercials last night on some program we were watching, and up pops that commercial! DH and I both started yelling and reaching for the remote to back it up. We loved it. And yes, I am a sap too, b/c I got teary eyed.:goodvibes

Have a great day MAYers, and if you happen to be in PA today, don't drown.:hug:


I voted today! :thumbsup2

Jo - We had beautiful weather yesterday. Nearly 80 degrees. Light breeze and you guessed it, today we are forcast for tornadoes and hail. :rolleyes1

Don't ya just love that commercial! I want to see it right now! :happytv:

oh they are coming along.. it's taking a while. DH has been working in and out of town, and with taking the kids to school and just being mom, it tends to get done on the weekends mostly. I will try and post a pic this week, although the Charleston pics wont be ready for a while until I find the right frames for them.

I am also having a hard time with the fact that I want to make it perfect, but also dont want to go over board on the decorating knowing that a year from now we will be getting ready to leave it all behind. All this is just to spruce up the house and getting ready to sell. Crazy.. I finally love my bedroom , but I'll only enjoy it for a year. DH says well just paint the new bedroom the same colour as well, as he loves it too.
Next job is the upstairs hallways, and the bathroom.

We live in a older home, ( like 70 years ), the house we bought 10 years ago when we got married at 23. So we are ready now for something bigger and newer. It's hard to decide though whether to just buy a home that is ready to move into, or should we think about having one built? Have any of you built homes... is all the hassles people talk about worth it.

We built twice. Loved it! :thumbsup2 It just depends on your personality and how well you and your hubby agree on things. We are easy. I just say that I like this and hubby says ok. :thumbsup2 As long as I am happy with it, he is happy with it.

Huggie - Tell sweet Isabelle Happy Birthday! Are you celebrating today or just on her birthday?

Seacrest - 25 years is HUGE! Way to go! :woohoo: Something special should be in order.

Mari - When did you change your Avatar? That is so cute! :cutie:
HEY NC i changed it today.... i didn't realize i can do that.... If you want to see that Eli manning commercial you can go to youtube and watch it... I havne't caught the comm on TV so i looked it up...
Hey all!

Primary elections are being held here today in CA. A lot of radio, tv, phone, email and mail advertisements have bombarded our home.

Eli Manning was suppose to come to DL yesterday to be in a parade, but couldn't make it out hear because of all the air traffic out of Sky Harbor in Phoenix. Saw the commercial last night - it was great!

A really beautiful day in CA - the sky is so blue and the air is crisp. It is suppose to get up to 64. Check out the pier cam:
Mari - cute avatar.

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

Jo - how is the head?? How is Belle? I also spotted $99 each way on SWA from PHL to LAX on their DING! fares this week so keep an eye out. I don't have PIT on my watchlist but they may be running the same deal out of there.

Daisy - Hi! We have PMed before when we were planning our move to MD. Our DDs chat on the teen board and AIM sometimes. Hi from Harford Co. :cool1:

I think Mason is teething. Poor baby is drooling like a bandit, feels warm and is quite clingy and cranky. He threw up twice this morning so maybe it is a tummy virus too. :sick:
Thanks Sea.... I'm jealous..... it's been rainy and dreary over here.
Mari - cute avatar.

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

Jo - how is the head?? How is Belle? I also spotted $99 each way on SWA from PHL to LAX on their DING! fares this week so keep an eye out. I don't have PIT on my watchlist but they may be running the same deal out of there.

Daisy - Hi! We have PMed before when we were planning our move to MD. Our DDs chat on the teen board and AIM sometimes. Hi from Harford Co. :cool1:

I think Mason is teething. Poor baby is drooling like a bandit, feels warm and is quite clingy and cranky. He threw up twice this morning so maybe it is a tummy virus too. :sick:

Thanks CCF... poor Mason... I hope he feels better soon... i remember when my daughter was teething... Hopefully it's not a tummy virus.. poor baby's can't tell you what's wrong...
Thanks CCF... poor Mason... I hope he feels better soon... i remember when my daughter was teething... Hopefully it's not a tummy virus.. poor baby's can't tell you what's wrong...

Thanks. I know. I love babies but I do really look forward to the day when he can tell me is going to throw up on me the second before he does it. :rolleyes: He is watching Play with Me, Sesame now. Yes, I'm a bad parent that lets her 8 month old watch TV.

Did you make any decisions about preschool? I kept Abbey (DD9) home and put her in a 1/2 day church preschool at age 4 and she LOVED it. I had to send my oldest to a montessori based daycare from about 8 months on and for the most part she LOVED it. I felt guilty about sending her so young but she really thrived in that environment. Good luck!
CCF- Don't worry my DD use to watch TV at that age as well.... as far as prek me and my DH haven't decided yet.... we'll see what happens.....
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