May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 8

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Hope this works!

That didn't work, so let's try one more time.....

Well now I'm looking for formals. There are some nice ones but I hate to buy anything that I haven't seen. Maybe I start looking at the mall!

Yea, you need a new dress for your new picture! And we'll be doing some group pics too I'm sure!

We're all going to look so good!

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I understand completely. If you don't make peace with your stepdaughter, her husband will make it virtually impossible to continue your relationship. How sad for all of you.

My thoughts exactly....sometimes you just have to kiss a little butt in order to make your own life a little easier.

:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find........

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do, or say
Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545
Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some machine, doing that for you

In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube

In the year 7510
If God's a comin' he ought to make it by then
Maybe he'll look around himself and say
``Guess it's time for the Judgement day''

In the year 8510
God's gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say ``I'm pleased where man has been''
Or tear it down and start again

In the year 9595
I'm kinda wondering if man's gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing...

Now it's been 10,000 years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what he never knew
Now man's reign is through
But through the eternal night
The twinkling of starlight
So very far away
Maybe it's only yesterday...

Thanks Noel, what a great walk down memory lane!

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Thanks everyone for the welcomes! So excited. This will also be DBF first cruise and my second but first Disney (1st was Princess to Alaska, loved Alaska, didn't love Princess!)

I can't believe you girls are already shopping lol! I feel so behind even though it is 5 months away lol.

Oh that's nothing....most of us have all our ressies done for car, hotel, air, etc. in connection with this trip. We're ready to go!

Robert is also very excited about the game as he is UF alum! He bought 6 tickets so he can take his brother, sister in law, and 2 nephews!

Yes, we all do tend to be a little OCD! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Just finished 14 rolls of Smarties, dozed off in the chair with the computer sitting on my lap. I supposed I'd better head to bed. Goodnight all!

I fell asleep right in the middle of reading and posting I'm back at it at 3:00am.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I didn't know companies still need Christmas parties...everything seems to be secular around here in California (at least my experience). I can't imagine going to a business party and Santa being there, but I would really, really love it. It gets me thinking...I wonder if we could at my work? John, any opinions as our DIS HR attorney??

Yes we will!! :banana:

:hug: Whatever you decide, be at peace you are trying to do the right thing. And really can only control your feelings on this, not hers. She owns how she will handle this. Good luck....

But she is my husband's child. You do whatever you can for your kids. You don't alienate them. You love them.

And you just got back from one!! I want your life!!! :thumbsup2

Not bad right!!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
We're getting our Christmas tree this weekend! We go and cut it down ourselves so it's nice and fresh and smells good! I'll decorate it and put out the manger too. I decided not to do any cards this year. I just don't feel like it. I want to keep things simple and easy.

Then we're moving Ray into a private room where he is now. He shares a room now and was on the wait list for a private one. It has become available so we'll be moving him.

We have to take the dog to the vet to get weighed so that we can get her monthly meds. She takes interceptor for heartworms and frontline for ticks and fleas.

Busy, busy, busy!

Somewhere in there we have to sit down and talk to Sandi, if I can even get her to come to my house....she'll be packing. I don't want to do it at her house coz Joe is there.

pirate: pirate: pirate:
Well now I'm looking for formals. There are some nice ones but I hate to buy anything that I haven't seen. Maybe I start looking at the mall!

Holly - everything will work out. It may just take time but Jan is around the corner and maybe at the 1st appointment the Dr. can give you some suggestions to help until a something is finally decided.

About formals - is that for Cruise.

If so, why not wait until after Xmas as there will be huge sales?

Just thought as I saw one I really like it and bought it 200 dollars reduce to 50 dollars but it still tight. Beautiful black dress!! Maybe I should start strict diet after Xmas??:rolleyes1

Good morning!

One more post before we leave for the airport . . .

have you never seen this? (or read it?)

Nope. I still have lots left to read and experience. Not a big fan of SK, but I am just now starting to get into him more. He is a Boston guy you know.

I didn't know companies still need Christmas parties...everything seems to be secular around here in California (at least my experience). I can't imagine going to a business party and Santa being there, but I would really, really love it. It gets me thinking...I wonder if we could at my work? John, any opinions as our DIS HR attorney??

As long as religious beliefs are not being promoted, I think this is OK. You only get into trouble when you proselytize. Some places call it a holiday party. Our school district is very diverse - Christians, Jews, and everyone in between. Our choir does a holiday concert of sacred music from all traditions, and it is one of the most attended events of the season, and loved by all. Maybe we have not become quite as sensitive yet.

OK, enough, pack up the laptop!
I would think all that sugar would keep you up!!! Night

I still haven't made it to the kitchen.
Yes, you'd think I'd be bouncing off the walls. :rotfl2: I even had lots of caffeine too! Neither of those have that effect on me though. Strange, but I've always been that way.
I didn't know companies still need Christmas parties...everything seems to be secular around here in California (at least my experience). I can't imagine going to a business party and Santa being there, but I would really, really love it. It gets me thinking...I wonder if we could at my work? John, any opinions as our DIS HR attorney??
Every workplace I know of around here has one, but I'm sure there are many that don't.
About formals - is that for Cruise.

If so, why not wait until after Xmas as there will be huge sales?

Just thought as I saw one I really like it and bought it 200 dollars reduce to 50 dollars but it still tight. Beautiful black dress!! Maybe I should start strict diet after Xmas??:rolleyes1


I won't buy a formal until they are on sale. If I don't find one that I like them I will wear one of the ones I already have.
We booked a Cat 11 due to the high costs of booking so late :headache:

We have Main dining although we wanted second and couldn't get it which I thought was very strange!

So funny-- we're all in the late seating though we wanted the early one. I think we're going to stick with the late seating though.

Who is the cast member in your family??


My husband is. He works for ABC News.

I'm in shock! Tyler's dad told me today he plans on taking him to the Christmas party at school tonight! :scared1: I'm THRILLED for Tyler because his dad never takes him to school functions. Never. Can't wait to hear all about it when I see him Saturday! Then tomorrow, he gets to go with his dad and stepmom to their company party, and they do a major event. Santa comes and brings presents to all the kids too! He was so excited when I told him today about his dad taking him there tomorrow!

Yay! Glad Tyler will spend some quality time with his dad.

ok I just topped my chicken parmesan bundles with a cabernet/marinara sauce and mozzerella...and put back in the oven to melt and I have a nice pasta with carrots, snow peas, onions, etc in the skillet to go with it.

OMG V, that sounds SOOO good!!!!

If you were in my shoes you would do the same thing. You would do whatever it takes to make things right for her and her dad. That's all that matters.

:cutie: :cutie: :cutie:

I know what you mean *hugs*.

Still snowing in DC!! It has snowed all day. I think Vanessa thinks she is back in Norway!!

We have about 3 inches....not sure how much more during the night. It is so cold out. I think it is 22 degrees and feels like 14 degrees.

Good night, these cold days make me want to go to bed

It's REALLY cold here in NY too, but no pretty snow to show for it. Last night we just had freezing rain pellets again. The commute home was awful, and cleaning off the car very difficult because it was just a sheet of ice stuck onto the car :(

Today it's cold, but clear skies again.. in fact it's one of those days when there are no clouds, just blue everywhere. I used to love that type of day, until 9-11. I'll never forget what a beautiful day we had that morning with all that terror going on. Now cloudless skies are always eerie to me.:guilty:

Well I got picked for jury duty today - it should last a few weeks. Luckily I get paid for my jury duty time but I'll still try to work an hour or 2 every morning before it starts and on days we're not in session. Luckily the courthouse is only 3 blocks from where I work. I normally work 9 - 9.5 hours a day and court probably won'te be that long so this way I won't have to use vacation for the difference either.

There are only 2 of us on our project and we're pretty overwhelmed most of time so I figure working an hour or 2 a day I can still keep ahead of anything urgent.

I guess I better go bake some cookies - going to a cookie exchange Saturday. I'm making gingerbread snowflakes - the only snow I'll see in San Diego!!

I hope you can work things out between work and jury duty. I'd love to sit on a jury for once to see what it's like on the other side. No one ever picks me though, since I'm an attorney. The cookies sound goooood :)

That didn't work, so let's try one more time.....


What a pretty dress!!
I actually have a few nice formal dresses in my closet, but I probably need to lose some weight to fit into them.. all the stress I've had lately has caused me to gain about 10 lbs!!!:scared1:
About formals - is that for Cruise.

If so, why not wait until after Xmas as there will be huge sales?

Just thought as I saw one I really like it and bought it 200 dollars reduce to 50 dollars but it still tight. Beautiful black dress!! Maybe I should start strict diet after Xmas??:rolleyes1


I'm planning on the after Christmas sales :thumbsup2
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