Mary & Adam's Escape Adventure! ~*~ 10/19/2013

Joining you for the end! Happy wedding month! Can't believe you're only a few weeks away!!
It's crazy isn't it?! I am getting married the day after you and my body is in panic mode!!!
Aw I'm sorry! Breathe!!! :)

Thankfully I'm not panicking (yet!) Although I probably should be. I still don't have my dress back. I still need to pack. Or at least go through the mound of stuff I threw in my luggage and decide what I really need. Other than that I think we are pretty much set.

What about you With only 11 days(!!!) to go?
Aw I'm sorry! Breathe!!! :) Thankfully I'm not panicking (yet!) Although I probably should be. I still don't have my dress back. I still need to pack. Or at least go through the mound of stuff I threw in my luggage and decide what I really need. Other than that I think we are pretty much set. What about you With only 11 days(!!!) to go?

STRESSED!!!!! Mostly about logistics and packing. But I will make it!
Hi! Im here!!:cool1: Late to the party, but that's nothing new with me. logged on to start my own PJ, but wanted to take a peek at another escape bride's first to see what other ladies are doing. I chose yours! well... it was the first one I saw. haha! But I'm not sure I should follow your example, since you had such a hard time keeping up with it! Just kidding. I did read one before that was 31 pages long. she literally logged EVERYTHING! so it was nice to see both ends of the spectrum and know i'll be happy if I fall somewhere inbetween! :lmao: anywho.... now i'm too tired to start my own. maybe tomorrow. Its so close for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!! looking forward to hearing about it.
STRESSED!!!!! Mostly about logistics and packing. But I will make it!

So stinking close! You must be going crazy!

I'm joining in. I hope it doesn't get too stressful for you in these last days!

Thanks! Let's see how things turn out...!

Hi! Im here!!:cool1: Late to the party, but that's nothing new with me. logged on to start my own PJ, but wanted to take a peek at another escape bride's first to see what other ladies are doing. I chose yours! well... it was the first one I saw. haha! But I'm not sure I should follow your example, since you had such a hard time keeping up with it! Just kidding. I did read one before that was 31 pages long. she literally logged EVERYTHING! so it was nice to see both ends of the spectrum and know i'll be happy if I fall somewhere inbetween! :lmao: anywho.... now i'm too tired to start my own. maybe tomorrow. Its so close for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!! looking forward to hearing about it.

Yeah, I'm not that person. We started SO long ago - I couldn't imagine logging everything. Everyone is different - and I'm SO thankful for the people who are able to do it. They offer a great insight - I'm not one of those organized people though. :( Thank you for joining though!

It's 10:57PM on October 14.

In one hour, three minutes, it will be midnight.

That means it will be only two days until we leave for Florida. And for until we get married.


In the past ten days, let's recap:
-Friday & Sunday we got to see best man & bridesmaid. I love these two. We saw Bridesmaids parents (she's from MA - they met in college). They are absolutely lovely. It's no wonder why Colby is as amazing as she is - she has such a lovely family. I only met her sister once (for Colby's wedding shower), but she was equally as engaging, funny, and all-around adorable as Colby.

-On Saturday, we saw MOH, groom's sister, Donyelle. She is stressing something awful. She keeps asking what we need and what she can do. I have no idea what I should be needing at this point :rotfl: She kept asking, so finally Adam told her, "We need you to wear Mickey ears every single day." She declined, so Adam told her to stop asking if she wasn't going to do what he requested. :lmao:

When we went dress shopping with Adam's grandmother, I found these super cute earrings - they came in a pack of blue and green. But I was never able to find anything to "go" with them. So I ended up getting seaglass earrings and a necklace for each lady. I distributed these to the ladies over the weekend.

** Vey. Thursday.
For whatever reason, Thursday was crazy at work. So much stuff we realized too late was wrong, and we were scrambling to understand/figure out. I didn't end up leaving until just before 6.
I'm driving home... and took a slight detour past our new house. I get a call from my boss, asking where I want to do lunch the next afternoon. I told her it was up to her - and we hung up.
Then I got the call.
"Hello, Mary?"
"Yes, this is Mary."
"Are you coming in for your appointment...?"
Oh. ****.

I forgot to pick up my dress. :faint:

They waited for me to come, I got the dress. I didn't try it on - all that was altered was the bustle.

They told me to take the dress out a week before the wedding to air it out and whatnot.

"Umm.. I'm... we're... a week away now... and I still have to take it on the plane next Thursday and..."
"Well you don't have to take out RIGHT now..."

Oh, also, Saturday -- i went shoe shopping with my mother.
I get my impatience from my mother. Neither of us are shoppers - we have huge feet and it's just awkward.

But we found something that will at least be able to be used again - should she ever need to dress up again. They match a necklace she's going to be wearing. But she got a sage-green ensemble. Melanie's reasoning was that it matches our wedding colors. I don't ever remember telling her my wedding color was sage green. :confused3

With only TWO AND A HALF DAYS OF WORK LEFT! :cool1: I am looking okay. The conversion is definitely going to kick my *** - deadlines begin Wednesday @ noon. And, as of today, I'm on-track with the deadlines.

Melanie is still in the hospital. She is in PT right now - walking 600+ steps with the walker. I guess her insurance is only going to pay until the 21st? so my mother is cutting her vacation short. As far as I know. At this moment.

Yes, my mother has changed her mind several times about various package elements (5 day base ticket vs. 3 day, QS vs. basic, etc).

My mind is SO scattered right now - I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I'm pretty much packed - other than the dress, and miscellaneous items like that.

Thursday I have to drop my kitty off at the boarding facility @ the vet. It's going to break my heart. It's making me sad just thinking about it.

On that note... 11:27PM. Have a great evening. Hopefully I will check in before Saturday!! :eek:
12:18AM. October 17, 2013.

This sums everything up.

It's so hard to believe that something we've been planning and wanting for so long is finally here. We're finally going to Disney!

In just 11 hours and 11 minutes, I will be heading out the door of work. I will head home to bring Maddie to the kennel. :sad:

At some point, Adam will head over and by 2:00PM, we should be on our way to the airport.
At 2:00PM, his mother is to get out of work. I figure she'll arrive home by 2:30, and, depending on everything, may shower. I estimate their (Adam's mother, father, grandparents and aunt) should be to the airport by 3:00-3:30.

My uncle will probably arrive shortly after us, along with my mother.

Adam's family friends (lovingly called the Bagels by my family) - at least, Mommy, Daddy, Married and Colby Bagel will arrive sometime as well.

And then our flight leaves at 4:30.


We should arrive in Orlando by 7:30 - and military Bagel should arrive within the next hour. It's questionable how things will go from here. My family, and probably Adam's grandparents, will definitely want to just get to the resort and relax.
The Bagels will want to wait for Tommy and Emily. Maybe Adam's parents as well.

Donyelle, MOH, will already be at the resort. She should be getting up in just a few hours - like me. Except she will be heading to the airport, not work.

As for me - I plan on being at work probably an hour before schedule - to get through things as I can. I've pretty much been on-point with the deadlines for the conversion. I only have two things on the docket today transition-related, before I have to pop out. And those are relatively small tasks. It will be hard to tear myself away.

Maddie just woke up and I just looked at her and started bawling. I feel horrible about leaving her at the kennel. She's such a lovely kitty, but she is so needy. I cannot leave her alone, but I know she hates other cats so it will be torturing her. But she needs that human interaction. :sad: I feel like such a horrible person, going away without her.

Did I mention she recently received her designation as a therapy cat? I'm so proud of her. :grouphug:

I have no idea what else to write. Other than it's only a few hours away. And I feel completely out of touch with everything.

And sadly, it's not due to the wedding so much, as it is just going to Disney. For some reason, it just overwhelms me at the last minute. Once I'm on that plane, there's nothing else I can do - and I will then be able to relax. :beach:
gahhhhhh!!!!! I had butterflies the whole time I read that! so exciting. enjoy every freakin second! sad about your kitty. I feel the same way about my pup already and my wedding isn't until December 2014. Just a few minutes now until you head out! I seriously feel a little teary eyed right now. congrats! so looking forward to hearing about it!
It's so surreal to think that tomorrow at this time, Beaute Speciale should be knocking on my door to begin hair and makeup.

The trip down here was nice. A gentleman "upgraded" me to sit next to my grandmother on the flight down. But.. Both of us had one hell of a time on that flight. Haha.

It was quite nice when we got here. Donyelle had been here for awhile and was quite instrumental in getting everything around when everyone got here (groceries, scooters, etc)

We had a lovely little dinner with his family and friends. My family is antisocial and didn't come. Heh. But I'll get more into that later.

There was one point where "mommy bagel" was telling a story (missed it) but I heard her say, "but then he (cast member ) was asking if I was part of the group that was here for the wedding!"

It gives me butterflies to hear that.

Usually Adam and I travel alone or with my mom or grandmother. I was so exhausted that when we were getting food, Tommy (groomsman) stood next to me and I was like "ohmygosh! Tommy!" Even though I had known he was at the same resort for awhile.

Plan today:
8am tux fitting
9ish: trying to see if we can fit something special in :)
3pm: check in & dress steaming @ contemporary
445: dinner @ Tony's
After: dtd? Would like to be back in the room to watch wishes from our balcony :p we shall see

Getting married
Four hours til hair and makeup. Six and a half til our first look and MKBP. Eight and a half hours til our ceremony.

I must be insane.
Congrats on your wedding day! I hope we ca see some pics and hear some reviews when you get home. :)


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