Mary & Adam's Escape Adventure! ~*~ 10/19/2013

Can't believe I'm actually starting one of these. We shall see how it all pans out!

Let's start at the beginning and give you an introduction to the two most important people of this party:

Me: I'm Mary. I'm in my mid-twentiesish. :upsidedow I'm 26. I'm from Upstate NY. I'm an accountant. Umm.. what else would you like to know? :rotfl2:

The groom: Adam. He's 27. He's from a small town in Upstate NY. He went to college in Rochester, his family moved to Syracuse... and once he was done with college, he moved to Syracuse as well. And at some point, we met. Connected. Got engaged. Y'know. All that normal stuff. :lmao:

Here's a photo of us a few weeks ago, at the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester.

Hopefully that works! :rotfl:

The reason I'm starting this now:
Yesterday, a co-worker's husband asked if we had an official date. I said, "Sure do! October 19!" And his wife (my co-worker) looks at me and says, "Wow! Six months to the day!"

And the terror set in.....
A little more about us...

As I had said, we really connected and it was a quick connection. Soon after our relationship began, he asked to see me. I let him down, and told him I couldn't... because I was going to Disney! :cool1:

This blew his mind. He hadn't been to Walt Disney World since he was a senior in high school! And further, adults can go to Disney?!


The trip was good. I got to see my favorite band at Eat To The Beat. But then once that was over... I was alone. And it wasn't fun anymore. I was ready to go home and see Adam. Sure, we only knew each other a short time, but... I was so into him. :confused3 I just kept imagining what we'd be doing and whatnot.

I eventually occupied my time trying to find him something of his favorite character. Elliot from Pete's Dragon.


Sure, he's in the MSEP. Sure, they have pins. But for some reason, that just wasn't good enough.

Finally, I found a small Elliot toy! Think Vinylmation... except way smaller. And not Mickey-esque.


Yeah. It is like a Vinylmation in that these stupid things come in a pack of three, and you don't know which one you're getting. :headache:

Anywho. I located these on display in the Emporium! Super! The packs say which characters are in the series. A kind CM asked me what I was looking for, and I explained I was looking for the series with Elliot and didn't see any of that series available. He went backstage, and brought out every single package they had of the series Elliot was in! :worship:
After feeling around every bag, I selected several and cashed out. I opened them there, since the CM at the front overheard the story, and offered to make trades if possible. They did not have an Elliot. So I purchased another package I thought was a possibility. Still didn't get Elliot. Disappointed, I went on my way because none of the other packages felt like they had an Elliot.

Later that day, I found myself in Hollywood Studios. I located another display, felt around, and felt like I may have a winner. I cashed out, opened it, and found my prize! My Elliot! Err.. Adam's Elliot.

Problem solved. Small "thinking of you!" toy picked out. Ready to go home.
When I gave it to him, he was excited. I told him the story, just to be told, "I would've liked an Elliot pin...!" :rotfl:
Our first trip together was in May 2011 - approximately seven months after we began dating.

The trip was meant to partake in the D23 Scavenger Hunt. Our first location was Epcot. We arrived early, grabbed our books, took a gander... and decided the hunt was not for us!! :rotfl: We toured the parks and had a grand time without the scavenger hunt. We didn't know when we'd be back, and decided to enjoy the parks.

One day while meandering Magic Kingdom, we had a rousing game over at the Frontierland Arcade. Bang bang! I think I won.

We then found the checkerboard. We were in a super intense game (did I mention we sometimes get competitive?) And we didn't even notice a Photopass person had come by, and started snapping pictures of us playing checkers! :rotfl: When we did realize, we posed for this photo:

It later turned up during the Magic, Memories & You show. :lovestruc

Truly, it would have been a magical time to have "IT" happen. But it didn't. Argh. I had to wait.
So I should probably elaborate about the No-Ring May trip.

It had been said that we would get engaged at Disney. And we knew we wanted to get married. Sure, seven months was super soon but at the same time there was a twinge of disappointment, y'know?

But things looked up! My favorite band was playing AGAIN at Eat To The Beat! My mother offered a trip for us to go, along with her, during that time. Yay!

We had an early flight down. Somewhere around 6:00 AM. This always throws me off, because we arrive in Orlando about 9:30 AM, and at the hotel by noon. Due to the time I've been up, it feels like it's WAY later and we're missing out on the park activity! So normally, we're on the go. When we arrive at our hotel before noon, and Adam suggests laying down I'm like "WHAT?!" :confused3

Perhaps he's right. Perhaps we need a nap. But we're in Disney! We should be doing something amazing!

The night before, he told me he had an ingrown fingernail. Shortly after arriving in our hotel room, he let me know he was going to get a pair of nail clippers and work on that silly ingrown. I told him that was fine, and I'd give my grandmother a call.

He had been gone a LONG time. I was starting to get worried, but he came back to the room. I hung up, and we were waiting around. Okay, I was waiting around. He started working on that stupid ingrown.

I got a call from my mother that she had arrived at the hotel.
*NOTE: We were on the same flight. When we arrived at MCO, Adam had to use the restroom. I told my mother this, and for whatever reason, she couldn't wait less than a minute for him. She & her partner HAD to get to ME. My mother has utilized ME in the past, so I figured she knew where she was going. I was wrong. I want to say they went to Terminal A, instead of B. Who knows. I received a call when we were on ME, and she told me she was at Baggage Claim and their luggage wasn't there. :headache: I had to explain that if the yellow tag was on, they did not have to grab luggage. Plus, my mother had done this at least twice in the past. :confused3 We were already on the bus, heading to our resort, so there was nothing I could do other than try to explain where ME was.

ETA: I noticed this post was a little boring. So here's a picture of Adam showing his excitement that we were about to board ME!

We had ordered from Garden Grocer, and the items were in our room when we arrived. When my mother told me they were in their room, I asked where, and it was in the next building. We could stand outside of our rooms and wave at each other. Heh. So I grabbed some of the stuff, and was heading over to the room. Adam acted like he was ready, and told me to go ahead, he had to use the restroom again.

I went over to my mother's room with most of the groceries. He came over a few minutes later, with the rest of them. We told them we were off to Downtown Disney for lunch, then to MK, and then to FW, for the Haunted Carriage Ride. My mother told us they were going to lay down for a bit, then head to MK because they had a dinner ressie at Tony's.
So... we just said, "Peace out" to my mother, and we were going to get lunch at DTD...

On ME, we had noticed that Characters in Flight had been up and running. We wanted to do this on our May trip, but the timing wasn't there. When we arrived at DTD, Adam wanted me to look for mouse ears. He brought his custom ears, in his suit case, which is another reason we had to wait. :rolleyes2

I didn't find any I wanted, mostly because I was hungry! Next thing I know, we were heading toward West Side. He wanted to do Characters in Flight. I wanted food! We got all the way to Characters in Flight, and... it was down due to wind. :headache:

We walk back to the Marketplace, and eat at Wolfgang Puck. In a better mood, we decide to make our way to Magic Kingdom. We were in no hurry, and I told him his resort options. He decided to hop on a bus to Contemporary. Okie dokie. On the way out, I may have bumped into him when he was walking past the splash fountain at DTD. :rolleyes1

If you notice, under the colored Mickey, there's a dark gray spot. That's where he accidentally got wet, not by my doing or anything! ;) That is the reason for his unhappiness.

We hopped a bus to CR and were talking about the resort and different things about it. We took a a walk to the observation deck, and took our first glimpse at the castle. :cloud9:

He noticed the monorail beam, and working in construction himself, talked about the concreteyness of the beam and whatnot. :rolleyes1

After awhile of him looking at the beam, we hopped the monorail and headed toward MK. I gazed adoringly at the WP as we passed. But soon enough, we were at the turnstiles of MK! Hooray! We made it!

First stop? Ears. The Chapeau it is! I picked my ears and requested them be embroidered. We were told they'd be ready around 5:30 PM. Adam said we should wait, and so we did. We watched the Flag Retreat. By the time that was over, my ears were ready. As I donned my ears, we were ready to go! I received a call from my mother, saying they were at Haunted Mansion. We headed that way, and called and asked where she was. She said she was now watching Move It! Shake It! So we decide to head that way. I call her again and she says they're at Tony's for their ressies. :confused3 Whatever. We head back to Liberty Square and hit Hall of Presidents and Haunted Mansion. Then we head to Fantasyland to do the Carousel and Tea Cups.


By this time, it was about 7:20. What to do? This was one of the TWO nights in our 8-night vacation that MSEP & Wishes was scheduled. Stupid MNSSHP! We decided to grab a spot, near the entrance, for MSEP. Right after the parade, we had to catch a launch to FW for the haunted carriage ride.

We found a great spot in front of the train station, with a view the castle. Ten minutes later, he starts bugging me, asking me if I want a picture with the castle. HUH? We got here early for a spot, now it's getting more crowded and NOW you want a picture? NO WAY!

The little bugger didn't give up. He kept asking. I kept saying no!

His persistence was getting on my nerves. I needed a break. I decided to go to City Hall, and ask if anyone knew where I had to go from the dock at FW for the Haunted Carriage ride. After receiving directions, I headed back to our spot for the parade.

What happened next? How did it play out?... We shall soon find out!
A cliffhanger!? You're killing me!

:mic: <---- this is me making a speech demanding that you tell the rest of the story! :)
Last I told you, I was fed up with Adam and his stupid picture with the castle. I took a break to City Hall as he held my spot for the parade. I re-found my boyfriend on the curb....

At about 7:40, he asked again. "Are you SURE you don't want a picture with the castle?"



Yep. Totally blew it. Between being hungry and now not having a spot for the parade, I was annoyed.

We head past the little garden area, between the Confectionary and Emporium where a Photopass CM is set up. We get in position for a picture. CHEE--- wait! Where is he going? Oh, he's talking to the photopass CM. Oh, he's taking something out of his pocket. Must be his camera, for the CM to take a picture with both.

Back into position. CHEE--- why are you down on one knee?!


"You're not supposed to do it now! We were supposed to do it on the trip! With the kids!"
Yeah, his cousins are super cute. Their parents have said they'd go on a family trip to Disney when the youngest was 5 (she turned 5 in August 2012). We talked about going when they were. All that happy stuff.

But he's doing it now!

You know how people describe situations where they feel like they're the only ones? Yeah, this was one of those moments. Despite ALLLLL those people lined up for a great view of the parade (like we had :headache:) there was no one there except us.

After my initial "Nooo, you're not supposed to do this!", I said yes. And people clapped. Hooray! Back to realty. There's a lot of people around. Oops. :blush:

People waiting for a photopass picture said "We're glad you said yes! We thought you were going to say no and it was going to be way awkward..."

Off we went to City Hall for Just Engaged pins princess: The CM asked if we had a date set. I told the CM that Adam JUST asked, not even five minutes ago. "Ok... so... you... DO have a date?" :lmao:

We watched the MSEP from the steps of City Hall. After Adam saw Elliot, we could head to the boat for FW. :lmao:

The trip was amazing. And that is how the proposal day played out.
We knew we wanted to get married at Disney. It was all a matter of when. We pretty much subconsciously decided on October. Although we got engaged in October 2011, and were only going to have an Escape wedding, we waited two years. It's just a right time for us. We wanted to be in a better place financially.

With all that said... We purchased our rings about March 2012 :lmao:
He chose a black Tungsten ring, and I chose a diamond/sapphire ring.

Our next order of business? A dress! :rotfl:

We did not have a date, but we went dress shopping. I had asked my future sister-in-law if she would go dress shopping with me for my birthday (September). She said yes. Well, we didn't go dress shopping until December.

I want to say it was December 1 that we first looked. I made an appointment for David's Bridal and Alfred Angelo - right across the street from one another.

So we arrive at David's and by we, I mean Adam, his mother, and myself. We are introduced to our consultant, and she pretty much says "Here are the larger wedding dresses. I'm going to go assist my other clients if you need help." Umm, okay. I had a vague idea of what I liked, but I wasn't going to limit myself. So I started off with satin - which I did not like on myself. We narrowed it down to one dress, which I pretty much just liked because it was on clearance. But I didn't love it. Then again, I wasn't sure I'd even find a dress I would fall in love with.

While trying on dresses, Adam's mother received a call from her daughter. Her daughter says, "I thought I was going to go dress shopping! I'll be over!" And drove an hour to come dress shopping. :lovestruc I didn't ask her to come for the initial shopping just because I didn't know what I liked, and I figured this would narrow it down and whatnot. Plus, it's an hour drive.

We left David's feeling less than enthused. I really couldn't even tell you which dresses I tried on. We had a couple hours before the AA appointment.

His mother decided not to join us for the AA shop. Adam and I met his sister at AA. We walked in and it was a completely different experience. There may have been one other bride trying dresses on? But it was completely different. It was very relaxed, and the consultant listened to me and picked dresses.

The first dress she picked, once she heard our plans, was Snow White. I wasn't a fan of the flowers. :confused3
Next I tried on Cinderella. I actually liked this dress. His sister could not get over the fact that it was wrinkled, due to being in the bag. She couldn't get over it. Didn't like it. But I did.

Donyelle's favorite princess is Belle. She said when she looked at the pictures, she could see me in the Belle dress. So I tried it on. Wasn't a favorite of anyone.

We decided to go outside of the Disney line. We took a look at this dress. Everyone really liked it. I wasn't sold. I mean, everyone liked it so it must've looked good, right?! I think it was the pickup I really wasn't a fan of.

I couldn't make a decision then, because I really wasn't in love with either dress. I really liked the Cinderella one out of all of them, but everyone liked the last dress. Oh well, at least we figured out that David's is one less shop we can look at for wedding dresses... That was enough for one day.
The dreaded real-life update.

On April 29th, the first day of our April month end... a person in our department was let go. She's been with the company - in the same department - for 13 years. That left me as #3 in the department. A swarm of once-shared responsibilities fell on my shoulders. What a nightmare.

Fortunately, someone in the department was promoted, to cover her position. Unfortunately, he needs to be trained. The department manager has reassigned workloads once month end was over. (I'm an accountant - so every month, we have 2 weeks of hell where we are reconciling accounts - and it's not always pretty!)

I had two accounts that were super duper easy - it took less than five minutes to finish each of those. There were only two to four transactions a day. Those were given to another department member. Instead, I got a problem child of an account that I have never ever been able to wrap my head around. When I first started with the company, I was assigned this account and made a complete mess out of it. I just cannot wrap my head around it :confused3

The manager of our department asked me, once month end was over, what else I could take on. When I told her I was having trouble keeping up, because I've had to take on the work of two (right now, the newly promoted person is learning something that takes half an hour to do)

She says to me, "But I took away TWO banks from you!"


Two banks - that have two to four transactions a day - and instead, I got the LARGEST bank!? Yikes.

My hours are technically 8:00-4:30. Unfortunately, it takes until about 6:30 to complete my daily work. I guess it's a good thing I'm salary? :sad2: My boss just doesn't get it. I'm so completely overwhelmed.

On a positive note, Adam found a picture we were so so sad we thought we lost!

In this post, I showed you the moment he proposed.

We were fortunate enough that exactly a year later, almost to the minute, we were in the same spot. :lovestruc Check out the clock in the pictures - almost to the minute!
So... last we left off, I had a terrible time at David's, checked out Alfred, and I was between two dresses: The dress with Pickups and Cinderella Platinum.

A couple weeks later, tried both of these on along with Belle and Another Belle.

This time, I was with my grandmother, Adam and his sister, Donyelle.

I tried on Belle 1 first. When I came out, my grandmother started crying. There were smiles all around. It felt right.
Pickup dress was next. Nothing. Again.
Cinderella platinum next. It was okay.
Belle 2. Nope. Waist was too low for me.

Belle 1 came back on. Happy feelings were back. It just felt right. And yes, it was simple as that. :confused3 So much easier than the first time!

We were told we should order then, because there was a price increase coming. And that you want to order sooner, rather than later. Even though it was December (HOLY COW! 5 MONTHS AGO?!?!), Santa brings rings and it'd be crazy there, and more expensive. :rotfl:

So, it was done. I had a dress.

Still no date. :lmao:
So... last we left off, I had a terrible time at David's, checked out Alfred, and I was between two dresses: The dress with Pickups and Cinderella Platinum.

A couple weeks later, tried both of these on along with Belle and Another Belle.

This time, I was with my grandmother, Adam and his sister, Donyelle.

I tried on Belle 1 first. When I came out, my grandmother started crying. There were smiles all around. It felt right.
Pickup dress was next. Nothing. Again.
Cinderella platinum next. It was okay.
Belle 2. Nope. Waist was too low for me.

Belle 1 came back on. Happy feelings were back. It just felt right. And yes, it was simple as that. :confused3 So much easier than the first time!

We were told we should order then, because there was a price increase coming. And that you want to order sooner, rather than later. Even though it was December (HOLY COW! 5 MONTHS AGO?!?!), Santa brings rings and it'd be crazy there, and more expensive. :rotfl:

So, it was done. I had a dress.

Still no date. :lmao:

I adore the Belle dress! Are you planning to wear it with or without the tulle skirt underneath?

Also, it makes me sad that the Disney dresses are never on sale at AA! They're all so gorgeous, but pretty pricey!
That is so cool that you got that engagement anniversary photo at the same time and spot!

Congratulations on finding the dress. "Belle" is a gorgeous choice!
I adore the Belle dress! Are you planning to wear it with or without the tulle skirt underneath?

Also, it makes me sad that the Disney dresses are never on sale at AA! They're all so gorgeous, but pretty pricey!

The plan is to wear it with the tulle skirt underneath. A huge plus is that the dress was a bit cooler than the other ones I tried on.
It's sad about the Disney dresses don't go on sale. But they must do well. The benefits of having Disney on the tag, I suppose.

That is so cool that you got that engagement anniversary photo at the same time and spot!

Congratulations on finding the dress. "Belle" is a gorgeous choice!

Thank you! :) I'm not going to lie, our trip this year was extended an extra day so that we can get an e-anniversary pic :)
I apologize in advance. This is coming from my phone. I just do not have time to sit down at a computer - but I do have my phone with me as I wait for the oil change!

So.. The realization that things are getting closer is sinking in. The bridesmaids dresses came in! My MOH is Adam's sister (Donyelle), and bridesmaid #1 is Adam's bff's wife (colby). Adams best man is BFF (mike) and groomsmen is the younger bro (tommy). Donyelle lives about an hour west of us, Mike and Colby live about an hour southeast... And tommy is out in Wyoming! (Airforce). It certainly makes things interesting. And me, I worry about everyone making the trek just for us! So one weekend Donyelle, being an amazing future SIL, MOH and anal person in general, booked appointments for us to go shopping and made two appointments: one at David's and the other across the street at Alfred.

Unfortunately, David's was a repeat of dress shopping. It left all of us completely underwhelmed, but at least I had an idea of a dress they'd wear.

Across the street was completely different. We were attended to, offered suggestions. We ended up picking out dresses that day, and both of them paid. Seriously. Simple as that.

I was super lucky to have Adam and Donyelle's mommy there. Mike and Tommy's mommy was also there - taking pictures. The only one who has taken pictures throughout this journey! Lol.

The dress we chose is this:

Colby is in the "cobalt" and Donyelle is in "shamrock"

We had thought of everyone being in different colors - but decided against it. Adam will be in pink - by his own insistence. MOH and best man in green. Bridesmaid and groomsmen in blue.

After they paid for their dresses, they suggested going shoe shopping. Off we went to the mall! They got matching black shoes. No pictures. Sorry! But it really was that simple. Amazing.


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