Marie's New Years Resolution~in July

BTW, I checked on the sugar levels....78 m&ms - 1 glass sweet tea. I'm sure that varies, but still!)
How was the Y? If it is too crowded, it is a pain because you can't ever get onto the equipment you want. Also, unless you have a plan like Amy said, 30 minutes is a long ways to go to work out. Maybe look again at the gym's closer to you or close to work. Then you can go before or after work or even at lunch time.

So don't know exactly what sweet tea is, but at 78 m&m's I can take a guess :crazy: . How 'bout ordering regular tea and adding your own amount of sugar? That way you can be in control of how much sugar goes in and slowly cut back. Or maybe cold turkey is the only way to go!

Other options for drinking water - have sliced lemons/limes to add to your water glass. Try club soda w/ just a splash of OJ or other juice to add flavor. Just throwin' options out. Of course, there is always my drink of choice - milk :rotfl2: !
kmp1191 said:
Man, did you see what Kim is trying to do to me?? That's just not right!!
No sweet tea for 30 days!! i'm still sorting it out my head....drinking a beer and sorting out the NO SWEET TEA issues.....
ok....might have to sleep on this on....or have another beer!!

Where is the smilie holding the small violin?? :rolleyes:
ok little troublemaker....i accept your challenge! :thumbsup2
30 days, no sweet tea.....starting today....7/14/06 - ending 8/14/06.
i can do's my reward gonna be??

no, we didn't go to the Y last night. dd was at a b-day party yesterday and didn't get home til after, we talked about it some more and were honest with ourselves....we aren't disciplined enough to drive 30 minutes to workout. i'm going to check out the 2 that are closer to the house. they will probably be a little higher $$..but we'll see. i told dh that i'm willing to clean out the garage and set up a gym out there. treadmill, sit-up bench, weights.

ok....starting out pretty good this sweet tea!! don't want to kill anyone yet either..... :woohoo:
kmp1191 said:
ok little troublemaker....i accept your challenge! :thumbsup2
30 days, no sweet tea.....starting today....7/14/06 - ending 8/14/06.
i can do's my reward gonna be??

WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO :banana: I knew you would do it!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :cheer2: Day 1 is almost 1/2 way over. I think as inspiration, you need a little counter in your signature:

:drinking: 30 Day Sweet Tea Challenge 0/30 :drinking:

As far as your reward....we'll come up with something GOOD....anyone have any suggestions??? PM me if you do...I'd like them to be a surprise to Marie! MAN, I am LOVING this!!! :stir:
Good for you resisting the sweet tea! I'm sure you will find an acceptable solution. Regular iced tea is not bad! You can learn to love it... I like the cans of Minute Maid Light. Only 5 or 10 calories per can and they are yummy! I can't believe you didn't drink any water yesterday! That's gotta be some kind of record...
lovinaz said:
I can't believe you didn't drink any water yesterday! That's gotta be some kind of record...

everyone's a comedian.....ha....ha....ha :rolleyes1
i found you here too!! Just checking in to say hi..
GREAT job on day 1 day without sweet tea!! thats great! Keep it up!
woo-hoo good job! Cold turkey....remeber it only takes 3 days to clear it out of your in 2 days you'll be home free!

lindalinda said:
woo-hoo good job! Cold turkey....remeber it only takes 3 days to clear it out of your in 2 days you'll be home free!


1/2 way through day one's dead....YET!!!!!
Ok, so I'm finally caught up w/ what has been going on w/ you lately! Whew!

All I have to say about Kim's challenge is she's Definitely a Yankee! ;) (no offense Kim :hippie: ) They just don't understand us southerner's and our sweet tea! I am bad because I don't even log mine when I drink it. :blush: :rolleyes1 I have been considering trying to switch to some sort of green tea, but I'm just not sure. :cheer2: WAY to GO Marie for accepting the challenge! :cheer2: I know you can do it! I bet you will really see a difference if you drink as much as you indicate that you do. I am guilty of sweet tea guzzling myself. :guilty: You guys are really motivating me today! I am considering joining you for the week in a slightly modified way. I only drink tea at meals and sodas only occasionally when we eat out. But I could cut that out, maybe. I will think it over and probably do One Week with my only allowable liquids being water and milk (can't live w/out my milk ;) )

My advice about the gym is that you Definitely need to make sure it is close and convenient! Ours is only about 2 miles from the house, but even that can seem like too far some days. Just an extra 10 minutes each way can be a barrier when you are crunched for time. It is awesome to have the gym though! On those 100 degree days it is WAY better! Good luck on finding one for your family! :wizard:

I think you are doing a great job w/ you new Resolutions by the way! :cheer2: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a Great weekend! :sunny:
:banana: :cheer2: :banana: 2 days down on the sweet tea challenge. Go Kim! Go Kim! Go Kim! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
good morning!! :sunny:
Well, day 3 and so far so good!!
Had to shoot a wedding last night.....outside wedding....99 degrees in the shade!! (do we have a melting smilie??) I was soaked by the time I was done!! The heat really wasn't the problem....the 22 member wedding party and me with no assistant was the problem!!! The bride and groom were wonderful, and everyone was really easy's just hard for one person to coordinate that many people. OH...they had these BIG OL' glasses of sweet & unsweet tea at the of the servers asked me if I wanted one, and i said NO THANK YOU, WATER ONLY PLEASE!!!! ( :p KIM)
man, as hot and sweaty as I was, the tea would have been WONDERFUL, but i resisted!! :thumbsup2 I didn't get in as much water as I needed too, but I will get into the groove of that soon....maybe today!! I need to go buy a couple of cases of bottled for home, and one for work.
I told the kids I would take them to the zoo today, but #1) its 103 at 11am, 2)they really don't seem to interested, and 3) my legs & back are killing me.
You would think that with all the walking that dh and I do, that I would be in better condition for these wedding shoots. I guess its the constant up and down, bending & squating that is doing a number on my thighs.....but then again, with all the bending & squating, you'd think my thighs would be more toned....hhhhmmmmm...

ok anyway, I don't know what all I ate yesterday, so i'm not going to log it.
water-approx 50 oz
exercise-housecleaning for 5 hrs, outside wedding shoot for 3 hrs....i'll count the 3 hrs, because it was NON-STOP!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

i'm sure there was something else that i was gonna tell ya'll, but i really don't remember now. :crazy:

Way to go resisting the sweet tea! See, you didn't drink it and you lived to tell about it!!! :cool1:

Walking is great exercise, but to get a total body workout, you really should incorporate some weights and other strength training. I bet you wouldn't get so beat up from the photo shoots that way. What happened to Bob? You haven't been hanging out with him lately. I finally got that DVD, but have not used it yet... :rolleyes1

You are doing great, keep it up! :banana:
Foxfiregrrl said:
All I have to say about Kim's challenge is she's Definitely a Yankee! ;) (no offense Kim :hippie: ) They just don't understand us southerner's and our sweet tea!

Yup, I am definitely a Yankee, and no offense taken!! But now I know, when in the south, don't even try the sweet's addicting!! :crazy:

Sounds like Foxfiregirl needs a little challenge...... :stir: :rotfl: You guys are cracking me up!

Marie - You're doing so GREAT!!!! I can't believe you resisted the sweet tea at that wedding!! YOU GO GIRL!!!! :woohoo: :cool1: :yay: You've made it 3 days already!!! I am BEYOND proud of you! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Maybe our next challenge (and I'll absolutely be joining you) should be to get us back to our Bob visits!!! (and you know Sven usually follows Bob!) :teeth:
To hell w/ Bob.....just bring on SVEN!!! :teeth:
MONDAY WEIGH DAY!!!! 157 !!!! down 2 lbs!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
I don't know if my sisters are still doing it or not....if they call, i'll let you know!
I'm pumped now!!! Actually, the first time I stepped on the scale this morning, it said 154. I knew better than that...(no, it's not digital, it's old fashioned!) Anyway, I stepped it and did it again. Heck, I'm happy w/ a 2 lb loss!!!
Last night dh and I did a 2 1/2 mile walk....wasn't as fast as it usually thighs were still very tight! Anyway, after the walk, we did some weights in the garage. I did a bunch of arm exercises. ( I HATE my arms!) He's going to start helping me do squats after our walks.....should help me w/ the photo shoots and the thigh issues! if nothing else, it might even tone up my there's a concept!!

still no sweet tea!!! :dance3:

Have a great day all!!!
2 lb weight loss is awesome! :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:

I am also super impressed that you passed on the sweet tea at the wedding when it was offered - WTG with the super willpower :woohoo: !

It definitely helps to have a case of water easily available. I keep one in the back of the car so I can grab a bottle whenever.
Congrats on the 2lb loss!!!! :cheer2: :cool1: :banana: :thumbsup2 :woohoo:

See, you lost 2lbs after giving up sweet tea. I wonder if there's a connection... :scratchin

Squats and lunges are awesome for your legs. I HATE them, but they work. Add some weights to make it extra painful, I mean effective...
So food for yesterday...
b-1 orange
l-lettuce salad w/ lt. italian dressing
d-3 fishsticks ( :guilty: )
water- 54 oz
resisted-candy drawer, cheeseburger, fries, sweet tea, etc.

didn't walk last night cuz dd had gymnastics and then a neighbor stopped by to give us a quote on redoing some of our ceilings. have you ever had the "popcorn" from the ceiling fall off?? not just the little bump parts, but all of it?? to where you can see the smooth underneath??!! Well, this has happened in both of our bathrooms, and in the garage!! Anyway, he's gonna give us a quote to scrape them smooth and repaint them. (he's a painter)
i also have to go get estimates for carpeting the bedrooms!! dang....where'd my money tree go??!! :confused3
sis#1 called last night...171!!! i'm thinking that was a 2 or 3 lb loss for her!!!
:woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :dance3: :banana:
i did't talk to her for very long, we had tivo'd Rescue Me and I wanted to get caught up.

I know....pretty boring this morning....i think it might be too early for me!!
Gonna go get ready for work....i'll check later!!
Have a great day!!


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