Marie's New Years Resolution~in July it took me all day Saturday & Sunday to go through ALL the boxes and bags of clothes!!! I priced, folded and boxed ALL the clothes!!!
15 BOXES OF CLOTHES!!! :faint: 10 OF THEM ARE MY DD!!!
I couldn't believe it!! They are stacked up along the wall in my bedroom!! It's riduculous!! Of course, now I have to get all the other stuff cleaned out!! It's gonna take me about 2 weeks to get this all ready!! I have a BUNCH OF CRAP!! :crazy:

So, that made for a really good weekend for me!! Also, didn't do TOO terribly bad on the food....
b-sm bowl frosted flakes
l-2 buffalo chicken strips w/ honey mustard
d-1 buffalo chicken strip.....actually 3 bites of it....
water-40 oz, 20 oz Mountain Dew Orange (sugar overload!!! :banana: )
exercise-walked 1 mile, ran 1 block. :guilty: Up & down the stairs, hauling boxes & bags 40 hrs.

DH & I got up this morning and did 2 miles. He ran 1/2 mile, I ran 2 blocks. My back was hurting. My back ALWAYS hurts in the morning, but I still did some. I also did about 10 sit ups....trying to stretch out my back. We are going to do the 3 mile course tonight...walking & runnning.

Oh, today is my weigh day....156.

Later taters!!
You're a MACHINE, lady!! Look at you go! :moped:

I started out running LESS THAN a I'm really proud of you. Especially running in pain. If your back definitely hurts in the morning you should save the run for the evening, my dear. :teeth:

And as far as food need MORE! You're starving yourself...especially with all of those calories you worked off this weekend! How about something green & leafy?? :confused3 :rotfl: (you know I love ya! ;) )
Great job getting that run in. So what if it's only 2 blocks, you can't just jump in and start with a 2 mile run, you need to work up to it! I bet you will be surprised at how quickly you progress.

Are there any stretches/exercises that will help your back not hurt in the mornings?
lovinaz said:
Are there any stretches/exercises that will help your back not hurt in the mornings?

No, probably not.....what would help is a cat that doesn't take up half the bed, and a 6yr old that stays in her own bed, all night, every night!! Either DH or I have to get up and carry her back to her own bed at least 3 times a week....and she's 60 lbs!!

I did do a bunch of stretches before we left this morning, and I think it helped. We are going to do most of our running in the evening.....dh is off today, so we figured we'd get a jump on the day. Next time, I'll let him jump by himself!! :rolleyes1
kimwim8 said:
You're a MACHINE, lady!! Look at you go! :moped:

I started out running LESS THAN a I'm really proud of you. Especially running in pain. If your back definitely hurts in the morning you should save the run for the evening, my dear. :teeth:

And as far as food need MORE! You're starving yourself...especially with all of those calories you worked off this weekend! How about something green & leafy?? :confused3 :rotfl: (you know I love ya! ;) )

yeah, yeah, yeah....I know, I know!! I don't eat very good..... :rolleyes:
I'll try to do better mom....I promise!!
Guess what!!! I'm going away for the weekend!!! :banana: :banana:
Actually, the whole family is going....we're just going to AL to see my sister...gonna leave the kids w/ her for an overnighter,(going to check on a future endeavor...) then go jetskiing on Saturday and come home on Sunday. We're gonna leave tomorrow afternoon, so I will probably be out of reach for a few days. I know, I know....You're gonna miss me.....but that's ok...I"ll be back!!! :teeth:

So, yesterday was a pretty good ALL of my work caught up. Starting today w/ a clean desk!!
Food for yesterday....(I'm gonna have to start writing this stuff down...I keep forgetting!)

b-1 poptart...(it was quick)
l-2 pieces homemade pizza
d-grilled chicken salad wrap (made at home!!) (hey that the green~leafy you were talking about?? :teeth: )
water-60 oz
exercise-2 mile walk in morning (ran 1 block), 3 mile walk in evening (ran 1/4 mile!!) felt pretty darn good too!!! My back is much better in the evenings, so it shouldn't be a problem to continue my stuff after work.

Had to change dd birthday plans. We just changed the party to next weekend. She was ok w/ it when she found out we were going jetskiing!! I told her I'd get a cake to take to Summer Camp for everyone on Wednesday, (her b-day is Thursday). enough morning rambling...I've been up since 4:45 cleaning and stuff...gonna go start getting ready for work I guess....(5:56 am)

have a good one!
kmp1191 said:
b-1 poptart...(it was quick)
l-2 pieces homemade pizza
d-grilled chicken salad wrap (made at home!!) (hey that the green~leafy you were talking about?? :teeth: )

Yes - that's what I meant!! :thumbsup2 (smartypants)

Have a GREAT weekend! After all off the work you've been doing - let loose and ENJOY! :banana:
kimwim8 said:
Have a GREAT weekend! After all off the work you've been doing - let loose and ENJOY! :banana:

does that mean I can have a sweet tea or 2??!!! :rolleyes1
kmp1191 said:
does that mean I can have a sweet tea or 2??!!! :rolleyes1

NOPE!!! But you can have a margarita or a beer!!! :rotfl:
Ok...I bought some clothes back in April.....$198.00 worth of clothes. I decided to take a pair of shoes & a skirt back. I went in there last week, with no receipt, and the kid behind the counter tells me w/out the reciept, he can only give me the sale price. I said, well, let me find my reciept. So, this morning, I did out my reciept and on my lunch hour I go back. The woman behind the counter says, the reciept is over 90 days old, I can only give you the sale price. I looked at her and said, "You've got to be kidding". She says no. I said, can I talk to a manager please. So she calls some other chick up there who says the same thing. I said fine, give me the sale price in cash back. She says, "we can't do that, we can only give you an in store be spent today." I looked at her and said FINE, JUST GIVE ME THE D@MN THING SO I CAN BE DONE HERE!" THEN she tells me I have to use it in the same departments that the items had been purchased from. I looked at her and said, EXCUSE ME??? she repeated it, and I said, "What kind of crap is that? I don't want any shoes or clothes from this store." She smirks and says, "That's all I can do". (right about then, I wanted to reach across and slap her...hard!!!) :furious: I said, "Well, find me someone that has more authority than you, because you're not much help at all!" So she calls on her little walkie talkie to someone else. After about 5 minutes, this little blonde comes up to the desk..."Can I help you" says Stripper Barbie (get the visual?)
The other chick tells her what's going on and then I tell her that their policy is crap. She looks at me and says, "We don't need to use that kind of language." I said "Fine, your policy is BULLSH!T!! Is that better!?" (yes, i was trying to get kicked out of the store!!) She explains the policy to me again and this was the straw. I looked at Stripper Barbie and the other chick and said, "I UNDERSTAND YOUR CRAPPY POLICY, AND YES, I THINK IT'S CRAP. I WAS TOLD LAST WEEK THAT IF I HAD MY RECIEPT, I WOULD GET THE FULL REFUND. I UNDERSTAND THAT MY RECIEPT IS OVER 90 DAYS OLD, AND I WILL TAKE THE SALE PRICE AS MY REFUND, BUT I WILL NOT SHOP WHERE YOU TELL ME TO. I DO NOT NEED ANYTHING FROM THOSE DEPARTMENTS. I AM GOING TO GO GET A PAIR OF ROLLER BLADES FOR MY DAUGHTER, I AM GOING TO BRING THEM BACK UP HERE, YOU ARE GOING TO REFUND ME THE DIFFERENCE OF THESE ITEMS AND I WILL PAY YOU THE DIFFERENCE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?? IF YOU DON'T, GO AHEAD AND CALL THE POLICE BECAUSE IF YOU THINK I'M MAD NOW....JUST WAIT!"
I went and got the skates, came back up to the front, paid the difference and left. They never said a word to me.
I'm not normally this way. I know these places have their policies and I respect that. My reciept was 93 days old....3 days!!! The attitude that these chicks had is what made me so mad!! The smirks, the fake smiles...I really just wanted to punch them!! :furious:
ok...vent need to reply....just unloading my frustrations!! I have this person at work that's bothering me.....

when can you come up? :rolleyes1

(I couldn't just let it go) BRAVO to you for getting what you deserved. I only wish I could have been there to see you in action! popcorn::
Wow, I've never had such a problem returning anything. But I usually don't return stuff... At least you got what you wanted out of the situation.

I bet you will have a blast this weekend, sounds like a lot of fun! :cool1:
kimwim8 said: I have this person at work that's bothering me.....

when can you come up? :rolleyes1

(I couldn't just let it go) BRAVO to you for getting what you deserved. I only wish I could have been there to see you in action! popcorn:: just made me soooooo mad!!!! first of all....don't talk to me like i'm stupid!! :furious: Second, don't tell me something one day, then change it the next!! :furious: :furious: and thrid, don't send some 20 year old stripper looking barbie chick to handle my complaint because that will only make it worse!! :furious: :furious: :furious: I wasn't yelling, but the people at the registers knew there was an issue!!
i told dh about it and he laughed....said we were probably banned from going there again...i said no problem!

i'm actually calm now.... :rolleyes1
my head hurts.
not real bad...just a little thumping in the right eye.
just thought i'd whine a little bit....i ranted earlier, now i'm whining!!

so today....
b-1 blueberry muffin (otis spunkmeyer!) (i was actually going to name my son that, because I craved their stuff the whole time i was prego!! DH said no. :sad2: )
l-1 grilled chicken on wheat, NO FRIES, NO SWEET god that was the hardest meal to ever choke down!! I almost didn't order because I didn't know if i could eat it w/out the tea. I did, but it wasn't nearly as good as it usually is!
d-turkey on wheat.
water -64 oz
exercise-2 mile walk....(ran 1/4 again, but that's when my head started hurting :confused3 )

ok...nothing new....the target police didn't come and arrest me for being a bi@#$...too bad...i was ready for them!!

ok...gotta go do laundry and pack for tomorrow!!!
Enjoy your trip! :sunny:

You go girl! :cool1: You never cease to amaze me. First the weekend full of house and yard work (that you were happy about too ;) ) Then kickin butt and takin names at the Target! :cool1: Your my hero. I wonder if some day I will be logging in my journal that I looked forward to and enjoyed house/yard work... Nah Doubt It! :smooth:

You are doing Awesome on the Sweet Tea challenge!! :cheer2: :cheer2: You even went out to eat and didn't get any! :cheer2: That is the hardest thing for me! Most meals I don't mind but certain things are just made for sweet tea. :worship: I failed my eating out and sweet tea challenge... I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy :worship: I promise to try to be more like my hero Marie!

Have a Wonderful long weekend!!
Have a fantastic long weekend Marie! You definitely deserve it.

Good for you standing up for yourself at Target. Last year I took back three dresses that I had bought for the kids for our cruise. I was outside of 90 days so I got NADA, not even a sale price. I just walked away with three dresses that I didn't need. :sad2:

Happy early birthday to DD too. :bday:
Great job resisting the sweet tea! :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :yay: :thumbsup2

I think your DS would have been beaten to a pulp every day if you would have named him Otis Spunkmeyer. Kids are cruel (and you would be a cruel mom if you did that to the poor thing!)

Have a blast on your trip! :woohoo:
hey all! just sitting here at the hotel taking a breather!!! kids are in Huntsville w/ sis#1, dh is with some guys doing guy and police, i'm tired!!! gonna lie down and read for alittle bit.
last night we got to sis#1's house, had a few drinks....ran to wal-mart and now my hair is colored again!!! go figure....:confused3 everytime i'm around my sisters, either one of them, my hair automatically gets colored!!!??? oh, and i highlighted it too!! :teeth: ...then I used the excess on my niece...looks pretty good too!! yesterday...
b-1/2 chicken biscut
l-1 hot dog w/ mustard
d-breakfast burrito made by BIL....YUMMMMMMMM
water- 48 oz, 2 beers and one big coconut rum & coke!!!! :rolleyes1 (maybe that's why my hairs a different color....)

today hasn't been tooooooo bad.....
b-small bowl cheerios
l-2 pieces Chicago Style pizza...YYYUUUUMMMMMM
d-nothing yet.....not hungry.
exercise - none
water 24 oz

ok.....i keep yawning and it's hard tot ypoe when you motouhth coverss;lj your face.

lateer taattters
awwwwwww, you missed us!! :teeth:

Have a GREAT weekend!! You know you gotta show pics of your new "do"!


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