Marie's New Years Resolution~in July

Sounds like you are having a much deserved relaxing weekend. Have a great time!
Have a great weekend! What color is your hair now?
Hey guys....just a quickie update....
haricolor is about the same....just no dark roots!! the box said it was Coconut w/ Ash Blond highlits. (basically, brownish/blondish) next time i'm going back to auburn. dh likes that..... this weekend so far has been GREAT!! everyone we've met is AWESOME!! We actually had a date last night!!! just the 2 of us!!! we went to this resturant called the Cajun Steamer....OMG!!! it was SSSOOOOOOO good!!! (the place is actually a bar type atmosphere) we had stuffed shrimp appetizer and for dinner I did something I've NEVER done before....I order something I've never had....never tasted!!!! How scary is that??!! I order grilled Talipia w/ a Creole sauce....YYYUUUUMMMMMM!!! I've never had any kind of fish before besides fried catfish or fishsticks or shrimp!!! DH looked at me and said, "are you really gonna order that??" I said yes...I see people on the DIS all the time eating stuff like this!! Next time i'm going for the Salmon!!!

Ok, so we're on our way back to sis's, gonna do DD b-day thing tonight (and again next weekend!!). I'm really ready for a nap, but oh well!!!
Tomorrow we are going jetskiing, (unless it's raining like it is now!)
OH, and I did about 2 hours of physical labor earlier today, so I'm not running tonight!! Sorry Kim!!!
OH #2. we went for pizza yesterday w/ a group of people.....EVERYONE was ordering SWEET TEA....I ORDERED WATER W/ LEMON!!!! and w/ dinner last night...I had ice water, and a HURRICANE!!! talk about heavenly!!!

ok all....have a good weekend.....i don't know if i'll check back in before monday or not.
miss me!!!!

Sounds like you are having fun! I'm glad that you are branching out and trying new things. I love tilapia and salmon.

Great job resisting the sweet tea. Is it getting easier for you?
kmp1191 said:
OH, and I did about 2 hours of physical labor earlier today, so I'm not running tonight!! Sorry Kim!!!
OH #2. we went for pizza yesterday w/ a group of people.....EVERYONE was ordering SWEET TEA....I ORDERED WATER W/ LEMON!!!! and w/ dinner last night...I had ice water, and a HURRICANE!!! talk about heavenly!!!

I really didn't expect you to run or take your long wallks on your weekend away!

AND..... :cheer2: awesome job restraining from the sweet tea!! You're really kicking butt on this challenge!!! :cheer2:
lovinaz said:
Sounds like you are having fun! I'm glad that you are branching out and trying new things. I love tilapia and salmon.

Great job resisting the sweet tea. Is it getting easier for you?

No, not really!! I LOVE a tall glass of sweet tea with a me, it's the desert!! :cloud9:
Actually, it is getting easier....I'm learning that I can control my craving, and fill up on water instead. After this 30 days, I really believe that I can limit my sweet tea to with just a meal or two during the day. I HOPE!!

Well, today we went to the mall, spent a billion dollars on DS. Jeans, shorts, shirts...back to school stuff. Then we went back to sis's house, ate lunch....relaxed and around 2 o'clock decided to go jetsking!! I'm glad we was a blast!!! It was REALLY overcast and actually rained for about 20 minutes, but after that....WOOOOHHHOOOOOO!!!! Everyone really had a good time!!! I hadn't been on a jet ski in about 8's like riding a never forget how!!!

anyway, we're on our way back to TN.....decided to come back will fall asleep on the drive, and I really want to sleep in my own bed!!! We'll be home around 11pm.

anyway, the weekend getaway was great!!!! Loved every minute of it!!! I love the mountains in that region.....Yes, I could live there...very easily!!!

talk to ya'll later!!!
Sorry i havent been keeping up, but im all caught up now--Sounds like you are doing great with the challenge!!!!!! keep it up!
Just my opinion, but I think if you have successfully gone 30 days without sweet tea, you shouldn't get back into the habit! Save it for a rare treat, or have it with 1 meal on the weekend or something. I think it will help with your weight loss tremendously if you keep it to a minimum. Or you can tell me to go pound sand...

I'm glad you had such a fun weekend. Sounds like a big stress-reliever! :teeth:
lovinaz said:
Just my opinion, but I think if you have successfully gone 30 days without sweet tea, you shouldn't get back into the habit! Save it for a rare treat, or have it with 1 meal on the weekend or something. I think it will help with your weight loss tremendously if you keep it to a minimum. Or you can tell me to go pound sand...
I'm glad you had such a fun weekend. Sounds like a big stress-reliever! :teeth:

GO POUND SAND AMY!!!! :teeth:

just kidding!!! I will probably just have it on special occasions....eating out and such.
This weekend was a GREAT stress reliever. There was some stressful parts, but nothing major.

Gotta go make dinner....
WELCOME HOME!!! :cool1:

I'm so proud of you with the challenge...especially with going away for the weekend! I'm glad you had a great time. You needed a good stress reliever!
I'm glad you are all fresh and relaxed. Now you can get back to the daily grind we all know and love... :rolleyes:
Hey guys...been swamped at work....and at home!!!
Didn't weigh yesterday...TOM hit, and I don't want to know!! My head is pounding today!! Have already taken 3 Xtra strength tylenol....not making a dent....but hey, at least it's not a migraine!!
Not gonna walk/run tonight....gonna do some attic cleaning instead. Up and down the stairs a couple dozen times should count for something, shouldn't it??

i'll catch up later....

I hope your headache went away and you got all your cleaning done! :teeth:
Hey lady...hope things are calming down for you. (I know, I made a funny :lmao: )

Take care and check in with us when you can catch your breath!
Didn't get to the attic last night... :confused3 Head was hurting, dh was working late....heart just wasn't into it! Did some cleaning around the house...just picking up in general.
ok...i have a I weird?? (shut up kiim!)
Seriously....I feel like I can't start a "project" until my house is picked up. I want to clean out the attic and get ready for the garage sale, but don't feel like I can start a mess, without cleaning up first. It's not like my house is a disaster's lived in. I feel like the dishes need to be put up, the laundry done, just general picking up, before I can start anything new. But, by the time I get all that done, I don't feel like tackling anything else. Am I losing it or what? We are talking about putting our house on the market, and I HAVE to get this done..... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: my goal for today.....(after work) WORK ON THE ATTIC!!
(it really shouldn't take too long to do...any volunteers to come help?)

kmp1191 said:
ok...i have a I weird?? (shut up kiim!)

:stir: ::yes:: :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

'nuf said!

Actually, I WISH I had your drive. For some reason, the mess doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Those darn kids I live with just wore me down.
kimwim8 said:
:stir: ::yes:: :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

'nuf said!

Actually, I WISH I had your drive. For some reason, the mess doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Those darn kids I live with just wore me down.

I agree...mine too....I think that's why I did't do it last night. Just not in the mood. Made dinner, played UNO, cleaned up the night at Marie's house! :dance3:

I have to do it tonight.....too much going on this photo shoot on Saturday and DD b-day party on Sunday.
CALGONE, TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!! :cloud9:
I've gotten to the point where I don't even do anything "project-like" during the week. By the time I get home from work/gym, get dinner ready, do dishes, get lunches ready for the next day, etc it's usually 7-8pm. Once I get the kids to bed, I MIGHT get to watch TiVo with DH. Lately I've been hitting the sack around 9pm. Talk about FUN! And I wonder why I don't get any R&R on the weekends - I'm busy doing all the errands and other projects that I didn't do during the week...

I hope you get it done today. Why are you selling your house, you just re-did everything!
Well, I'd like to do all my projects on the weekend, and sometimes I can, but with the photography job, it's hard to fit it all in. This weekend I have a 6 hour wedding to cover, which is actually 8 hours of my time. (set up, and break down). I'm not complaining, I just need a couple extra hours in the day, and a few more sets of hands!!
Well, the neighbor just brought some more boxes, so I'm gonna make a couple of runs up and down the stairs. I figure I'm already all sweaty, so why not!! DH & I just did our 2 miles....too hot for 3!! I'm not dong too good w/ the running challenge....but I'm keeping up on my walks!!

later taters!!
THIS IS MY 1000TH POST!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

ok....nothing else....just wanted to get that in there. :wave:


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