Marie's 140 by 40 journal (post 19-another new beginning)

Kim....he told me what he responded to you and I cracked up!!:rotfl2: I told him you probably didn't know what he was talking about....I'll fill you in in short form.
You need to rent the movie ACCEPTED. It's about a kid that opens/starts his own college. At one point, a buddy of his is trying to get into a big fraternity and he has to wear a weiner costume and he runs around the campus yelling......."ASK ME ABOUT MY WEINER!!!"
That, of course, is an ongoing joke with DH and I, and he just ASSUMES everyone has seen the movie.
Sorry if he offended you....but I did find it quite funny that he said that to you!!!:lmao: :rotfl2: :rolleyes1
(honestly, he's harmless...strange, but harmless!!)

offend me? :sad2: Nah, it takes a lot more than that to offend me! I loved it! I thought for sure he'd have no idea who I was texting him. :laughing: That was a great idea. I need to remember that for some birthdays around here. ;)

I'm so glad you had a great weekend. You needed and deserved a lot of fun/relaxation! Did you take pics? (I know, probably a stupid question). If so, I'd love to see some!
Yeah...he asked me "Who do I know in the *** area code?" I laughed and said "oh, just some chick that likes a man in uniform!" He laughed!!...(actually I said something about a uniform fettish!!:rolleyes1 )

Yes, I took pictures in Alabama....but I haven't downloaded them yet....I'm gonna TRY to do that tonight.

While we were at the lake this weekend DS put spf 36 on...all over....even his face. Unfortunately it didn't do much on his face...he got pretty red. Yesterday his face was all swollen and his eyes were all squinty....DH got some aloe and it seemed to help. Today his face is peeling and you can tell he's gonna have the best tan! I keep telling him the girls are gonna go ga-ga over him, but he doesn't believe me! :confused3 they showed the house again tonight. They were supposed to be here between 8-9 and as the kids/dog and I were leaving at 7:45, the car was pulling up. I wish people could tell time!
Maybe we'll hear something this time. It's really getting old. BUT, I do have to say I like having a clean house! I told DH tonight that when we get a new house, the first year it's going to be a mess because I'm sick to death of cleaning!! DS has been a TREMENDOUS help around here! I called and asked him to make his bed since we were showing the house tonight...he made his bed, his sisters bed, folded 4 loads of laundry and put them away, helped his sister unload the dishwasher and was in the process of trying to figure out how to clean the toilets when I got home!!! I gave him $10.00 and told him I could handle the rest and to go take a break!! :love: I have a really great kid!!

ok....gonna get some pictures downloaded!
DS has been a TREMENDOUS help around here! I called and asked him to make his bed since we were showing the house tonight...he made his bed, his sisters bed, folded 4 loads of laundry and put them away, helped his sister unload the dishwasher and was in the process of trying to figure out how to clean the toilets when I got home!!! I gave him $10.00 and told him I could handle the rest and to go take a break!! :love: I have a really great kid!!

Send him up...tell him I'll give him $20!!! ;)
Send him up...tell him I'll give him $20!!! ;)

Nope! He's mine! But I will send DD up your way! She's getting on EVERYONE'S nerves! Love her to death, but she really makes me grit my teeth!!

Oh...I got ANOTHER phone call last night at 4:45...they wanted to show the house between 4:45-5:00! I was still at work! The kids were home, but they would have had to go in the backyard with the dog, and it was raining out. I told the agent that it wasn't going to be possible with that little of notice. They were cool and said they'd make another appointment for the weekend. Hopefully they will.

ok, DH is home and we have some errands to run.
Catch up with ya'll later!!
ree the people that wanted to see the house yesterday called and wanted to see it today between 4-4:30. I said okey dokey....DS had the house spotlesss...I went home at 3ish, got the kids and the dog and took them back to work with me! Co-workers loved that! :rolleyes1 oh well, boss said i could. Haven't had any feedback yet, but I never got any from the last 5 showings either!!! I'm really irritated about that. How hard is it to call and say, "I like it, but it's too small." "I don't like the colors." "I don't like the floorplan" "It's a great house, but not what we were looking for" or better yet...."We love it, here's a full offer contract!" But no....people aren't that considerate. My agent has called their agents at least2 times to get feedback and their agents don't return his calls! We are talking about 5 DIFFERENT AGENTS!!! WTH people....I guess common courtesy isn't so common anymore!! :mad:

ok...since I'm on a little bit of a rant right now...TOM hit today....2 frickin' weeks early! What's up with that??:confused3 I asked DH if it was time....(he keeps better track of it than I do...guess he thinks he'll get lucky one of these days...:rotfl2: :lmao: ) Anyway, he's like " aren't due for 2 more weeks...are you sure?!'re kidding me right honey? am I sure I'm being attacked by the wicked witch of the south? Am I sure that I'm cramping and bloating and that my breasts are swollen up enough that I wouldn't need a life jacket should I decide to go for a swim down I sure that I have to make a special run to walgreens for those wonderfully, comfortable adult diapers and super duper human plugs...plastic for me, no cardboard!! YES HONEY, I'M FRICKIN' SURE T.O.M IS HERE!!! probably a good thing he's working til midnight tonight....they might not have found his body had he asked me that in person.
Ok...I think should go to bed now....I can't be responsible for the next hormonal mood swing...I'm not sure what may come out of my mouth.

Maybe tomorrow I"ll actually download the pictures from Alabama and get them posted....maybe I'll stay in bed eating brownies and diet root beer.....and I don't even like diet root beer.

good nite all, and have a wonderful weekend. I know i will....yeah...whatever!

ree:badpc: :crazy2: ree
Best cure for TOM.....

popcorn:: :drinking1

Hope you feel better. :hug:
Even though its frustrating when you dont get feedback, its good that people are looking. A very good sign I'd say.

Is this the same realtor you had before or someone different? I am only asking because there is a certain technique used occasionally by real estate peeps (well a few) and it can hurt your sale. One did this to my sister years ago. I hope no real estate narcs are reading this. Anyway, they showed my sisters house very often, with no results. Turns out they priced it a bit higher (advised by the realtor) than the realtors other listings. She would then show my sis's house, and then show the lower priced comparable listing. Basically, she was using my sis's house as a teaser of sorts, to make them feel the other house was a bargain. I have been skeptical of the real estate peeps since then. Not that I think yours is that way. Lets face it its a rough market out there, and if you are getting looks, its gotta be good. We have seen pics of your house, so we know its gorgeous!


Hey's not the same one....different agent, different company. My last agent was VERY lazy....didn't want to do an open house, didn't advertise in the paper, I had to make up my own flyers AND bought the info box to put on the sign in the yard....basically she wanted to sit on her butt and collect the commission when the house sold.
The new agent has done everything I've asked him to and more so I can't complain about him.
No showings this week, and I hate to say it, but I'm glad. The house is a disaster right now, and I'm okay with that!

VERY busy weekend! Outside photo shoot yesterday from 1-6...I think I lost 10 pounds from sweating!! I have a Wedding Show to do today. I have to be there between 9-9:30 to set up, and it gets done at 5....then I have to go unload everything at the studio, and load up for a swim team shoot tomorrow evening. That will be from 4-7ish.
After being in the sun all day yesterday, then we went to a party last night....had a few home around 11....I'm really tired!!

Oh well!! Gotta get moving.....:sad2:
talk to ya soon!
Hey girl. Hope all is well with you. Life is extremely crazy for me right now. We need to talk! I'll try to give you a call tonight. :hyper2:
Good morning friends!
Well, we had another showing yesterday morning....this was the 3rd or 4th time for this couple. They made an offer....if that's what you want to call it! After I got done laughing, we made a counter offer and now we are just waiting to hear back. I'm not holding my breath.

The diet is not going well right now at all! I haven't had a full bottle of water since I don't know when! I'm up to about 156, and not happy about that either! tonight I have to download and tweak photos from 3 differnt shoots so I can get those delivered and get paid for them. Tomorrow we will either go looking at houses (if we get an offer on ours), or do some yardwork and chill. Tomorrow nite we have some friends and their kids coming for a cookout. The boys will play video games and the girls are all set for the Hannah Montanna show. I'm looking forward to the adult interaction. DH is on evenings now and I haven't really seen him in about a month now. He is also working 2 of his days off for overtime. :sad2:
Sunday is DD 9th birthday! She is so excited, but I'm really having a hard time getting pumped up. I haven't gotten her anything and really don't know what I'm going to get her. I'll go shopping today on my lunch hour. She want's clothes...lots of clothes! Little fashion diva! We were planning her party for Saturday, but 4 of the 7 friends she wanted to invite are out of town. We talked about it and decided to postpone it for a week or 2.
I'll get in a better mood for it before then...and i'll make sure the house is decorated before she wakes up on Sunday...and I'll probably have a cake for saturday night....just to make her feel special.

ok...i gotta get ready for work....yay.
ree-reeeeee:headache: :upsidedow
Hi Marie,

Sending some :wizard: :wizard: that the couple accepts the counter offer on your house......

Happy Birthday to your DD!:bday: My DD's birthday is on Sunday too! She will be turning 6.:goodvibes

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Thanks TSD (and Kimmy!) for the PD on the house....but it just wasn't meant to be! Everyone wants something for nothing these days! We are already at our lowest price...dropped it 19k since we put it on the market....and they come in and offer $21K LES THAN THAT!! Like I said...after I picked myself up off the floor from laughing, we countered, and my agent called back this morning to tell me they passed. I asked him for their number cuz I really wanted to know what kind of dope they were smoking to even think we would have accepted that! :rotfl2: Ok...I'm over it now.

So, I went shopping for DD's b-day today....bought 3 complete outfits, w/ earrings, plus 2 tank tops (cuz she likes the layered look) and another top to wear w/ her white shorts at Limited 2. was fun....and some stuff was actually on sale! DS and I also went to Sam's and got her BIG COOKIE that she likes. We will probably eat on that tomorrow night!!

Ok....I still have 2 sets of pics to download and it's aleady midnite...:sad2:
Oh...tomorrow I will be shoppin for a new computer. I would explain it, but the damn thing would probably lock up in the middle of it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DD!!!! :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :bday: party: 9 years old!!!

ok....back to normal for a minute! Yesterday was LOADS of fun....really! My friend "A" (she is a photographer as well, and I really admire her & her work) and I had made plans for her to come over and teach me photoshop. Well, she and her husband came over about 10, and that's when we discovered why my computer was running so was getting ready to crash! Her husband is a computer guru and started looking into the problems....needless to say, he save me alot of heartache! He moved ALL of my stuff to an external harddrive.....then we all went to Best Buy and I got a new computer! I already had a new monitor, but the tower/cpu....guts...was in BAD shape!! So....$1000.00 later, I'm back up and running! :woohoo: Pretty quickly too I might add!! This thing is SCREAMING FAST!!! Anyway, they didn't leave until 5:00pm!! But that's ok because we had a really good time visiting and they really taught me alot about the computer, and photoshop!
I offered to pay them and they said no, so I gave them a $50 gift card to Outback. That's pretty cheap for all they did yesterday!!
Anyway, as they were leaving, the company that my husband had invited over for a cookout were arriving!! :hyper: They have 3 kids....13,9 & 6....but they were all really good and the kids played really well together! The boys....(my ds12 and their ds13 really hit it off and are planning a sleepover next weekend!) We visited, ate and played cards til midnight!! It was alot of fun!! With DH on evenings now, I don't really get to socialize much, and this was actually a ::cop: wife that I got along really well with! Anyway, a little tired today, but that's ok!

DD got up at about 9 and was all smiles!! We had her cookie cake last night, and she couldn't wait to open her presents! The dog got her the Myley Cyrus Breakout CD, her brother got her a Myley/Hannah barbie doll duo pack and dh and I got her the clothes! She's back in her room playing and jamming out til we go to the movie later!

ok...i'm gonna go play on photoshop for a to ya'll later~!

party: :bday: party:

Marie - congrats on the new pc setup! Sounds like you were needing it! ;)
Hi marie, hows it going?

I see you got a new computer:goodvibes but then never posted again!:lmao:

Not going to the dirty sites instead are you? I know those movies download in seconds now!

Hopefully everything is going well. School starts next week here, so we are a little bummed.


hi guys....sorry I've been out of touch. I've been in a funk lately.
the stupid house still hasn't sold and I'm tired of looking at the sign in the yard.
the kids started back to school on the 11th and the homework battle is really getting on my nerves.
dh is working the afternoon shift, so I really don't get to see him too much at all. he was working 2 of his 3 days off, and the one day we had, we pretty much bickered at each other the whole time. he's not working the overtime anymore, so it's getting better.
the diet is non-existant, but I haven't gone over 155-156, so I'm happy. I am going to start working out this week...dh bought a bowflex (used) and I'll be darned if it's gonna collect dust! I'm not going to log it on here, cuz my time is really limited now days. between homework and ds's taekwondo and dealing with dd's 9 yr old drama DAILY i honestly don't have time for anything else. my plan it so get up in the morning and do a 30 minute workout then get ready for work.....we'll see how it goes.

anyway, i'll check in when i can....I PROMISE!!

love ya'll!
Hi guys!
Just a quickie update~STILL NO HOUSE SALE!!! LOL
anyway, DS is really getting into taekwondo. He tested on 8/8/08 for 2nd degree green belt. He did really good and on Monday he found out that he bypassed 2nd degree and advanced to 3rd degree Green belt. We were really proud and excited for him. He's been working really hard all summer, so it's really paying off! I'm glad he's found something that he likes and wants to follow through with!
Today we are on our way to Dickson TN for a taekwondo tournament. This is his first one and he's pretty nervous. I told him no to expect to win anything, but it's the experience that he needs. He will be testing on his knowledge of patterns and he will spar (fight) against another kid in his age and rank. Should be pretty interesting. I'll update how he did later....right now he's in the back of the van laying down with a headache.

ok....typing and driving make me nauseaus....
Hi marie! How did your DS do in his first tournament? It's great that he found something good and healthy to do. My boy did karate when he was younger, but quit when he got in middle school (not enough time). He had lots of fun.

There is a tae kwan do place here in town and they also have some kind of adult exercise thing. I was thinking about trying it myself. Also the guy who runs it was on "bachelorette" as one of the guys. He didnt win, but he's a hottie. :goodvibes

Hope things get better in the house department. The paper said today the market has bottomed out, so it should get better now. Patience. All 3 of the houses surrounding me have recently sold, and 2 had been up for more than a year. Dont give up hope!


OMG! I can't believe I didn't update!!
There were 5 boys in his age/rank. He placed 2nd in patterns and 2nd in sparring! I was so nervous!! He had to spar (fight) 3 different times and when they said that the third time it was to determine 1st and 2nd DH and I looked at each other shocked!! :eek: He did really good, but the other kid had longer legs and got a few good kicks in. We were really....REALLY proud of him. There was about 200-300 people in the gym at any given time, and he never lost his focus! Talk about growing up!!

Anyway, my baby boy is 13 today!! I can't believe I'm the mother of a teenager!! aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!:sad1:

Anyway....back to the grind...laundry, homework, bath & bed.
Oh the joys of being an adult!!:laundy:



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