Marathon Weekend 2024

My favorite is MW, outside of 2019 when I was injured I have done in (including the virtual year) every year since 2015. I just love how much the parks, resorts, heck even the airports are just filled with runners. I always just want to say “ahhh, it is my people!” I love the running atmosphere as it is positive, exciting but not too intense/stressful; there is still a good mix of simply being at Disney!
This "ahhh, it is my people" is a big draw for me as well. That's why MW will always be my favorite. That, and the marathon distance.

I ran Princess for the first time last year, and that could tie for my favorite, if it worked better for my work schedule. I would definitely come back and do it again if I could ever make it work. I was a high school athlete and really truly love girls' sports. The atmosphere with female athletes everywhere was inspiring.

I've done the Star Wars Rival Run once, which I loved, but while I like Star Wars, I don't love it enough to come back again and again if it were to be offered. Doesn't seem like the kind of theme that would draw people year after year.
I did the first DL half in 2006 ( as part of a coast to coast that didn't yet exist so no medal for me) and W&D and back when they had inline events I did a Rollerblade half marathon.

I also did a non Run Disney kidney foundation race that ran through Epcot in 2008.

W&D at night was my favorite. Doing the race and then going right to the after party was unique and better than what they have now with the race in the morning and party in the evening. I also like that race a lot better when it was themed around the festival as opposed to now when they just rotate themes.

I guess if I had to pick a current favorites I would say my favorite individual race is the wine and dine half but I love marathon weekend because it's more of a celebration of running.
SAFD: I've run MW 2x and SS 1x.
My observation (and it could be heavily influenced by my own anxiety and the distances I was running for the respective weekends) was that SS was a lot "lighter" of an atmosphere. WAY more singing/dancing in the start corrals by the people around us. More of a "we are here for a good time" vibe. BUT, I ran the 10k for SS. And it was soooo hot/humid that morning. People would have been panicking if it had been a half or full that day for the distance. SS is a weird time of year for us since it may or may not align with our spring break, so I'm not sure when/if we will make it back for that one.

MW feels more "serious" and I felt like there was a lot more "where are the balloon ladies" worried feel from the people around me. MW also feels more challenge-focused (understandable since there are 2 options for that.) This weekend fits best into our schedule, and I like that it feels like the focus for so many people.

I would really like to run PW at some point (I think I can get DH on board for this if/when they bring back Merida) since that would fit OK with our schedules. The difficulty with this one is its nearness to MW.

W&D is a no-go for us until our kids are all graduated as this is the same weekend as state finals for XC. I very much like the idea of a race weekend being at the same time as an epcot festival though.
SAFD: I've only ever done WD and PW. I much prefer Princess.

I don't think I'll ever do WD again, and for the same reason SS, because of the weather. Too hot and humid to enjoy myself fully. I prefer Florida winter, not as much a temperature shock.

I'm hoping to try MW next year, but it seems, as others have mentioned, ppl seem to be more into the competition and performance aspect of it, which I don't need. I'll work to stay away from that. I'm competitive enough with myself as it is.
I've done six Marathon Weekends, and zero other runDisney weekends.

I can't do Wine & Dine until I have no kids or dogs at home - it is always the same week that my DH goes hunting in another state, so someone has to hold down the fort.

I might try another weekend sometime, but I feel like Springtime Surprise might have too heavy of crowds for my liking. And Princess, I don't know, it seems like it has a different feel.

I just love the "these are my people" vibe of the marathon and MW in general. I'd argue that most people could train and run a ten-miler or half marathon - and that's awesome- but I like going into the crazy zone with the marathon and/or the challenges.
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SAFD: I've done 5 MWs and the inaugural ToT 10 miler in 2012. I'm 50/50 about trying W&D this year but that might depend on if I get into the DL half at registration next week. If I don't get into the DL race I am definitely doing W&D.

As others have mentioned, I love the vibe of MW. I absolutely loved doing Dopey in 22/23 (except for 4 early mornings in a row)- the whole weekend is special. I especially love seeing all the medals and race shirts in the park and the extra attention you get from CMs. While I'm 100% certain I'm not doing Dopey next year, I will add another Dopey at some point in the next few years. For now I'm ready to try some of the other weekends and stay away from marathon training for a couple of years.
SAFD: I’ve been to MW five times (Full x 3; Half x 2), PW four times (Half x 3; 10k x 2), with this upcoming one being number five, where I’m doing the Half, and W&D two times, both times when it was at night. I’ve not been to any of the other weekends. It’s hard to pick a favorite, because each has a different vibe. The nighttime W&D races were awfully cool, and I miss those. The weather was a challenge, however, and I was part of the infamous Splash and Dash year. Still, there was something about the night racing, followed by the party, that was so special. I miss the Disco Tunnel and running through the Osborne Lights. Those races probably edge out the others as my favorites.
I have run 4 MW, 3 PW, 1 SW, 3 W&D and 1 SS.

MW is by far my favorite weekend. There’s just something special about nearly a week dedicated to runners. PW can be okay. The estrogen overload can get to be a bit too much for me. My mind may change for this year since some of my Goof Troop pals will be there too. SW was kinda lackluster. I enjoyed SS even with the gross weather at that time of year. I’m so excited for this year because the movies were favorites of my kids when they were little (they are 19 & 17 now 😭). I like W&D. It’s held during my favorite Epcot festival and I have always enjoyed the after party.
SAFD: actually MW is the only race weekend I haven’t done at Disney World. I wish I could join all the rest of the “turning 40 in 2024” crew for MW, but I’m doing DL and I’m not up for doing 2 running trips in 2 weeks. But 2025 is on my radar.

I have done Princess, Springtime, and W&D. I don’t think I want to do W&D again, because I didn’t like the rainy weather last year, but I did like the after party and the ability to hit the first Christmas party of the year (except for the oncoming hurricane last year)
Little sample size: I have only ran WnD 2017 and MW 2020. Looking forward to StS 2023.

I got warm, enjoy the pool weather for both of them. That is not always true in January and is one reason that keeps me back from MW.

Training wise, WnD is ideal for me, no big snow and harsh weather leading to it.

In terms of atmosphere, it is true that runners are everywhere during MW and that there is a sense of belonging to that community but the after party at WnD is hard to beat! And I felt a bit more special the way I was treated by CM for WnD.

Running wise, I preferred WnD by far. MW course was way too crowded and character’s lines were sometimes ridiculously long, not conducive to laughing with a fellow runner because you’ve just hoped from one photo op to another at the same speed in the course of five minutes.

The course we had for WnD 2017 half was amazing, it went through three parks, including the newly opened Pandora and a good while in HS before doing the side of Epcot we had not covered on the 10k and passed by Spaceship Earth.

In comparison, going through a very boring Epcot backlot four times during MW 2020 was disappointing. I truly hope that it won’t be that for StS 2023. I could see myself running the Marathon only if I ever go back to MW because of the redundancy in the courses these days.
SAFD: This upcoming PW finishes up two years of doing W&D, MW, and PW. When I started this almost two years ago I had planned on avoiding MW because I am not a “real” runner and thought it would be way to intense. I only signed up for my first MW because my brother and SIL thought that’s when I was running and made reservations to be down there to cheer me on. But I have to say that MW is actually my favorite of them all. The whole atmosphere and all of the focus on the runners is awesome to be a part of. I just don’t feel that with the other weekends. W&D just doesn’t feel cohesive enough (I still don’t understand last years theming although I totally loved the villains theme the year before). PW is a little over the top for me but it’s the last half of the season.

I started doing these races for a challenge and I think MW offers the best opportunities to do that. Up until this last half marathon I could never see completing a marathon as a possibility. Now it is something I really want to accomplish. So Goofy here I come and Dopey for 2025!

P.S. If you are reading this you are an enabler.
SAFD: I’ve run all of the WDW races/race weekends, most multiple times.
Favorites, more or less in order:

Star Wars Dark Side. I LOVED those races so very, very much! The combination of SW music, lighting and effects in the dark (Battle for Endor on Bear Island Rd, anyone?! Amazing.), and the 501st on hand with more SW characters than we’ll EVER see at WDW was just exceptional and made my geeky little heart so happy. I miss them terribly and would gladly trade ALL of the others to have them back. :darth:

Expedition Everest Challenge. Another now defunct race. The combination of a 5K with obstacles plus the clue hunt was pretty epic. Running it with my son made it extra special. And then having it at night in AK, which didn’t used to be open at night at all, and being able to hang out in the park for the after-party? So much fun!

Marathon Weekend. The mac daddy of the race weekends. When I can reliably count on seeing tons of my friends from around the country, and 4 races of opportunity to have some fun with them. Ample opportunities for costuming and/or serious running, and that special MW vibe that permeates.

As for the rest, I came to dislike the nighttime W&Ds - loved the concept, but 13.1 starting an hour past my usual bedtime just wasn’t working for me. And then the issues with weather that time of year didn’t help.

I ran a bunch of PHMs and ultimately came to dislike the mood of those weekends: I always felt it should be a celebration of women in sport, but it started feeling petty and obnoxious. That said, I haven’t ruled another one out entirely.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Springtime Surprise TOT 10-Miler last year! I ran the first 3 (4?) TOTs when it was a night race, and was going to quit when they stopped holding it: the night race thing just isn’t my jam. So getting to do it in the morning for SS was great, and I LOVED the dedication to theme! 1939 4-ever. I have high hopes for Toy Story this year.

In general, I’m a big fan of rD adding the 10Ks all around - they didn’t used to exist! 10K is a nice balance between “OMG that’s a lotta cheddar for only a few miles!” and “Yeah, I want to get my money’s worth, but do I really want 13+ miles’ worth???” :rotfl:
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Star Wars Dark Side. I LOVED those races so very, very much! The combination of SW music, lighting and effects in the dark (Battle for Endor on Bear Island Rd, anyone?! Amazing.), and the 501st on hand with more SW characters than we’ll EVER see at WDW was just exceptional and made my geeky little heart so happy. I miss them terribly and would gladly trade ALL of the others to have them back. :darth:
SAFD: I’ve done 6 princess weekends, 2 wine and dine, 2 marathon weekends (2022 and 2023), Star Wars and springtime surprise. Princess has always been my favorite but marathon weekend is making me question that! I’ve really enjoyed the last two years of marathon weekend. Although I haven’t had a race weekend I didn’t like. Just can’t do all 4 weekends in a year. Skipping princess this year but counting down until springtime surprise!
I have done 5 W&D weekends and 3 marathon weekends. W&D used to be my favorite because:
  • Great weather for training and racing.....still true
  • Lower crowds.....not anymore
  • Great Chef Mickey random movie/IP themes
  • Food Epcot seems to have continuous year-round food booths so no longer special
Marathon weekend is probably now my favorite except I don't like at all that it comes right at the end or even during the New Years crowds. This is especially true for 2022 and 2023. December training in the snow/ice is also no longer fun.
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