Marathon Weekend 2020

. This was a tough choice to me too.

Do any non-DVC people have their hotel booked for Marathon weekend? My normal travel agent isn’t booking anything special for MW this year and I won’t know if I’ll have DVC points avail in April. I just checked Wine and Dine weekend and there is not much DVC availability so I’m nervous about MW.

I booked already. Basically figured I had nothing to lose and I knew where I wanted to stay.

Voted! Mine were based on the DL versions too. Where I had no experience at all I just went with what I want to check out more.
I have Pop Century booked. I'm considering Port Orleans too, but I have always loved staying at Pop and with the gondolas coming, I'm looking forward to staying there again.
I'm trying to figure out who all will be coming. If it's just my son and I, Pop or a Saratoga Studio will be fine. If its the whole family we'll need something bigger.
All this talk about booking, how long can I realistically wait? I’m going to do an all star resort. I’m not sure how fast they’ll fill up.
All this talk about booking, how long can I realistically wait? I’m going to do an all star resort. I’m not sure how fast they’ll fill up.
If I decide to go I won't be booking till summer for an All-Star like I've done in the past. I know someone last year who didn't book their All-Stars till October.
I did pick FoP, and if it had been nearly anything else opposite it I think I would not have. I like FoP but motion simulators in general don't do a lot for me anymore. I have trouble believing the illusion and getting into it. Journey into Imagination, though...I voted everything based on current versions and while it's a fun little ride it's not among my favorites.

As an aside...I never got to ride the original Journey into Imagination, and for ages I've assumed I missed it by years. I was reading about it this week, though, and discovered that it closed on October 10, 1998. My first visit to WDW was the last week of October in 1998. I'm just...I'm really mad about that now.

Yeah the current version is not the greatest, but I do like it better than the 2nd version that ditched Figment (it sucked). The Original was so much better, I still don't understand why they redid it.
DD29 and I are trying to talk her SO and my DH into coming along for Dopey! They won't run but it would be fun for the 4 of us to hang out. We are thinking adjoining rooms at POP. But I can't afford to book anything until I am done with Star Wars. My money tree is currently bare with Star Wars weekend, my DS's wedding and remodeling our house. :)
Seriously (not really), I’d like to know how alcohol affects people if taken:
  1. The eve of a race
  2. During a race
  3. Right after a race
In other words, when running Dopey, when should my last drink be and when do I resume? I am slightly affraid of the dehydration/alcohol combo but I don’t see it being a problem on the 5k or 10k and I once had a beer after a Half (I was not driving and I had not pushed that one). I wouldn’t want to offend #OfficialPreRaceShotDistributor or any other DISer by not participating!
Alcohol before a race is a no-go for me: I can't explain exactly how it negatively impacts me, but my guess is it has something to do with interrupting sleep. Booze (light beer or champagne - I've never tried anything else) in the last mile of a race has been fine and pleasantly anesthetizing, and absolutely amazing at this year's WDW Marathon, when I was overheated, under-carbed and 100% over it all. That Bud Light (gag under any other circumstances) brought me back to life! Booze immediately after a race alwyas tastes and feels great, but then leaves me more fatigued and with a headache. Better for me to wait a few hours.

Do any non-DVC people have their hotel booked for Marathon weekend?
Not yet. I'll be offsite, though, and past experience tells me I have some time to wait.


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