lovinaz's "getting her act together" journal

well done on the workouts Amy :)
mmmmm pecan pie - hard to get here - proberbly a good thing for me!!!
well done for resisting the emotional eating - i hope work calms down for you soon :hug:
keep resisting & see how good you feel :)
Since my e-mail is messed up at work and I am basically useless without it, I will sneak in a post now instead of waiting for lunch! Hey, they have to fix the problem, I am just using my time as efficiently as possible... ;)

Good news and bad news today. Bad news first - I am SORE!!!!!!!! :headache: I could not give 100% to my treadmill workout this morning, but at least I did it (5 mph for 20 min, 4 mph for 25 min). All those squats and lunges yesterday did me in. And my Dr called and my last pap was abnormal. Great... :sad2: The good thing is that I did some research and the cell abnormality he said I had usually goes away on its own 70% of the time. And I just have to get re-tested in 3 months. If it was something more serious, he wouldn't wait 3 months to retest!

Good news - I worked out 5x this week!!! :yay: :woohoo: And I will be taking a much needed break from working out over the weekend. And more good news - official weigh in this morning was 141!!! :eek: I lost 2 lbs this week!!!!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2: I know I should not get too excited, but I haven't seen a number that low in a loooong time. I reached an all-time high of 148 this summer, and it took me all that time to get down to where I am now. But this is motivating, and I will definitely try to stay serious about losing those last few lbs.

B: chocolate oatmeal
L: salad w/chicken
S: string cheese; 2 mini cucumbers
S: apple-n-pb
D: crockpot pork roast w/rutabaga, carrots, onion; HC fudge bar

E: Pilates Sculpt DVD (55min)
Amy, if I knew a way to get rid of the stress, I would be all over it. It is just crazy, but I guess that is what happens when you move higher up the chain - more responsibility = more headaches!

Tracey, you have enough to worry about in the UK - clotted cream, mince pies... I actually smuggled clotted cream into the US last time. So we had my British friend's daughter try to bring a couple tubs in over the break, but she was stopped and Customs confiscated it! They said if it had sugar as an ingredient they would have let her keep it. So now I can only get my "cream fix" whenever I am in the UK!
Five workouts in one week and a 2 pound loss.....Way to go, Amy!!!!:cheer2:

Sorry to hear about the abnormal pap. :( I agree...If the doctor thought it was serious, he would have you come in right away instead of waiting 3 months to re-test. I hope the cell abnormality fixes itself.

Hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Yesterday did not end as well as it could have... Once again I went off the deep end in the nut department. I wish DH would stop buying pecans and/or almonds at Costco, I just can't resist them! That and peanut butter, I am beginning to wonder if I have some sort of deficiency that makes me crave nuts - you know like some kids eat weird things like dirt, etc because they are missing certain minerals/nutrients? Hmmm, maybe I'll ask my Dr next time I see him.

I am going to try a new thing this week - weighing in ala Weight Watchers - only once a week. It's going to be hard, since I'm a slave to the scale, but I already skipped the scale this morning, so now I only have to wait until Friday! :goodvibes

For yesterday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: salad w/chicken
S: string cheese; 2 mini cucumbers
S: apple-n-pb; pecans (2 large handfuls :sad2: )
D: burrito (turkey meat, LF cheese, hot sauce, wheat tortilla); HC fudge bar

E: 45 min on treadmill
Tracy, thanks, I am pretty confident that my "cell problem" will go away on its own. Now if it is the same when I get tested in March, I'm going to freak out!
well done on the loss Amy & getting all that exercise in :)
you are an inspiration!
i suppose you could have a worse vice than nuts ;) i thought they were supposed to be pretty healthy??
Mines dip - surely much more unhealthy fat!!

keep up the great work :)
Amy great job on losing the two pounds!!!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :banana: :goodvibes :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: I am proud of you and not one bit surprised you worked your butt of this week!

I have had abnormal pap smears off and on for about 17 years, it always scares me but they do always just sort themselves out. I havent' had one in about five years now.

Nuts are very addictive and also so high in fat and protein it does make you wonder if you are needing those nutrients. Definitely ask the doctor. I make Dan take his nuts (that sounds weird ;) ) to work, I just can't resist them.

Hope this weekend is going well, weighing in once a week is a good thing, good luck!
Yesterday (Sat) was definitely an off day... Started out good, then got progressively worse as the day went on... I did way better than I have in the past, but I should have been more careful. It all started when DH invited people over to watch the Cardinals spank the Panthers :-)cheer2: ). My friend said she had to cook this pasta dish because the stuff was going to go bad, so I said that was fine. It was pretty tasty, but pretty fattening - she used regular spaghetti and tons of olive oil. Add that to the 3 rum drinks and I'm glad I'm not weighing myself until Friday! :eek: Oh well, I will get back on track today, we have to go to the grocery store and Costco to stock up on goodies. The kids want to make cookies today, that will be a challenge!

Yesterday's toll:
B: Mini-Wheats w/skim
L: 2 Wasa Fiber crispbreads w/chicken lunchmeat & 1 slice of cheddar; pretzels; 1 graham cracker w/chocolate frosting
S: apple-n-pb
S: way too many pretzels; 10 chips-n-salsa; handful pecans
D: spaghetti noodles w/mushrooms, garlic, zucchini, tomatoes (1c); 2 small pieces garlic bread; 2 Ferrero Garden chocolates (these are finally gone!)

E: none
Tracey, nuts are healthy when eaten in moderation. Unfortunately I eat about a week's worth of nuts when I get started! :scared:

Amy, I am so relieved to hear that you have had similar pap issues that have amounted to nothing! That makes me feel a lot less anxious, thanks for sharing! I really hope I didn't erase all my hard work with one day of overeating. I know if I gained anything back I would be ticked off, so I'm glad I'm not getting on the scale until Fri.
Amy, one bad day (and it wasn't actually that bad) isn't going to do any damage I am betting! Glad those chocloates are gone, I am telling you, it takes some time to get the holiday goodies out of the house!

Yes, the pap thing is very scary but its very common. Just keep those regular visits to the doctor and it will be fine. I had to use some sort of jel/cream stuff once and that was really all the treatment I ever needed. I have a friend who has an abnormal pap almost every time and they never seem concerned. But I know firsthand its upsetting!

Here's to a good and successful week for us all!:thumbsup2
Sunday turned out pretty good. The kids wanted to go shopping to spend some of their Christmas gift cards, so that took half the afternoon! I only had 1 snack, which is amazing... My legs are finally not sore anymore, hopefully when I do my Pilates Sculpt DVD tomorrow (I WILL get up and do it!) I will not be as out of shape and sore the next day!

I was pretty proud of myself this morning, on the elliptical I was reading People magazine and they had the article about losing weight and they did a poll of 100 people to see what they ate for 4 days. They said that only 1 person had good eating habits, and my food intake looks pretty darn close to what she was eating! So I am at least doing something right, even if my body doesn't react by shedding a bunch of weight... :confused3

From Sunday:
B: oatmeal w/cinnamon, stevia & skim milk
L: 2 Wasa Fiber crispbreads w/chicken lunchmeat; 1 slice cheddar; 1 graham cracker
S: apple-n-pb
D: grilled tri-tip; yellow squash; HC fudge bar

E: none
Amy, it was a bad day for me because I just ate too much. I felt stuffed from pretzels, and that is a feeling I haven't had in a long time. It's not one I want to repeat either!

Tracy, thanks, I can use all the motivation I can get!
Your food really looks good, Amy! You did GREAT with only 1 snack yesterday, too!

Praying that the pap is just a fluke and it is cleared up by the recheck....been there, done that!

Have an awesome rest of the week!
Well done for getting straight back on track after the game Amy :)
I'm liking the rum ;)
Keep up the great work :)
Hi Amy good job getting on track! You exercised and ate well all on a Monday!:banana:

Hey, I coulda told you that you have good eating habits. I mean you are the girl that was sad when they pulled spinach off the shelves! I of course didn't even know they had. Seriously, you do very well with food which is how I know you will get these pesky pounds off and keep them off! You are well on your way!
Hi Amy,

Great job with your food on Sunday and your exercise on Monday!:goodvibes Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Have a great day today!:hug:
Argh, work!!! :headache: :headache: :headache: It just never ends... I was in an all day meeting from 8am - 4pm today, tomorrow looks the same... Things were weird foodwise yesterday, I got kinda nauseous right as I was cooking dinner and didn't feel like eating anything. I choked down 1/4 of a quesadilla, but that was it. Of course I was starving later... :confused3

Today I have to go to DD9's parent-teacher conferences (one for regular class, one for gifted class). It is such a joy going to her conferences because she is such a terrific student with an awesome personality! DS12's conferences were painful - that is one good thing about him being in Jr High now - no more conferences! They both had the same gifted teacher, I'm sure she is wondering how the heck I could be the mother of these 2 extremely different kids!

For Monday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: salad w/chicken
S: string cheese; 3 mini cucumbers
S: apple-n-pb
D: 1/2 wheat tortilla w/2% cheddar
S: HC fudge bar; PB Cap'n Crunch... :sad2:

E: 45 min on elliptical
Julie, thanks. The only reason I only had 1 snack was because I was too busy! Usually I live for my snacks! :rolleyes1

Tracey, the rum drinks were made from Sprite Zero, so I shouldn't feel guilty, right??

Amy, I can't believe you remember the spinach fiasco! Yes, I was upset, as you can see from my super boring food intake, I have no problem getting spinach for my salads! :rotfl:

Tracy, I have been doing pretty good about getting up and working out, I even got up this morning and worked out at home! :woohoo:
Amy, all day meetings don't sound too fun. I hope you aren't coming down with something, getting nauseaus while you cook doesn't sound good. Oh yeah, I remember the spinach. I remember thinking "can I be her when I grow up?" :lmao:

You aren't boring with your food, you are consistent!

Enjoy the conference. And our middle school still does conferences. With all the teachers!
Tracey, the rum drinks were made from Sprite Zero, so I shouldn't feel guilty, right??

definatley shouldnt feel guilty, every little helps! - just hope there was more rum than sprite ;)

Hope works gone better today :hug:

Feeling nauseous....hmmmmm do we have some happy news a coming?? ;)
Ok, I am on a downhill slide, someone stop me!!!!! We provided lunch yesterday and today for these meetings. Needless to say I should have stuck with the lunch I brought... The only good thing is that I have exercised 3x already, only 2 more days to go to meet my self-imposed quota! I couldn't bear it any longer and made the mistake of stepping on the scale this morning. :confused3 I think it was to confirm what I already suspected - weight creeping back up. :sad2: But, my "official" weigh-in date isn't until Fri, but I already know what's coming. :scared: I believe pre-TOM is to blame, even though I just had it 2 weeks ago! :mad: :mad: :mad: This is when I usually start falling off the wagon, but NOT THIS TIME! I'll chug along and get through it, right??

For Tuesday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 1/2 turkey-n-cheese on sourdough (there was a stupid amount of turkey on it, I had to eat it with a fork, I couldn't get my mouth around it!); small mixed salad with about 1tbsp Ranch dressing; 3 bite-sized cookies (they were the smallest cookies I've ever seen - each about the size of a quarter!)
D: huge bowl of crockpot chili (made w/ground turkey, no beans); HC fudge bar

No snacks, too busy!!!

E: 55min Pilates Sculpt DVD
Amy, the conferences were fine, it's always nice to hear good things about your kids! I feel fine now, I'm not sure what was up with my stomach the other night. I think maybe I scarfed down my apple-n-pb too fast or something...

Tracey, there better not be any "happy news" like you are inferring! If so, my ob/gyn has some serious explaining to do! :rotfl:
You CAN do this, Amy!:cheer2: You are doing a great job with exercise and your food. I bet by the time Friday rolls around, the scale will cooperate for you. :goodvibes

Have a great evening!:hug:
Okay, I gotta say your stomach thing did make me wonder if something was a cookin in the Amy Oven! Glad it was just from eating too fast.

That lunch didn't sound too bad, its so hard to do well when you are eating restaurant or take out food.

Great job on the exercising. You most certainly will NOT fall off the wagon, I won't let you (picture me standing below, reading to shove you back on that wagon missy!).

Tomorrow will be better, no catered lunch right?


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