lovinaz's "getting her act together" journal

Amy, I am sure that soda incident wasn't one bit funny when it happened! But its good you can laugh now. I had that happen once with a two litre bottle I dropped and to this day, I think my garage smells like 7 up! What kind of new car did you get? Did you get the Acadia you were thinking about ahwile back??

I am very proud of you and happy for losing that pound. A pound is a good thing to lose! And I hear you and the weight struggle, as far as the issue of "why can't I just do this" sort of thing. Look on the bright side, its a hard thing to do for everyone so you aren't alone. I still know for a fact you are going to be successful! Well done for not eating out last night! And one small piece of cake and a small brownie is not horrible. Its when you eat a whole pan of brownies there's a problem!

If you don't get the workout in, just focus on next week and the fact you got four in this week. I am betting you did it though! Keep up your hard work! And I like your idea of having your apple/pb treat on the weekends. See how healthy you are that this is your weekend treat?? I'm impressed!
That was my last apple-n-pb snack during the week. I am going to save that for the weekends from now on, as a special treat. I'll get something else for my after work snack, so my fat grams count is lower. 60g of fat per day when you are trying to lose weight probably isn't a good idea, even if it is a "good" fat!

i have a similar problem Amy - i found out my low fat hot choc drink i have everyday at work is actually quite high in fat & ridiciously high in sugar - so i'm gonna have tea instead & the hot choc for the odd treat!!
Will miss it though!!

Well done on the 1lb loss - you should be proud - much better than me!!!!

looks like that amazing attitude came back pretty quickly :)
I got my 5x a week in!!!! :cool1: I actually did my Pilates Sculpt DVD yesterday!!! :hyper: I didn't start the morning off well, slacking off, surfing the net, etc... And I finally got the courage to have "the talk" with DD9 (DH had to work and DS12 was at a friend's). Poor thing had no idea what she's in for! I found a really cool website that showed what goes on during the cycle, etc. She was just dumbfounded. But I'm glad I got that over with, I started the fun when I was 10 and I don't want her to be caught off guard!

Food today has been a hodgepodge of carbs - no real meals except breakfast. :scared: We went to see Bedtime Stories, it was pretty cute! I let the kids choose popcorn or candy, they picked candy so we stopped at the store and got the $1 big boxes. And they had Sugar Babies, which I can't resist! I ate 2 at a time, maybe 1/3 of the box. Which is a lot better than the whole box! :p So I figure today can be my "free" day, and I know that 100% I will be back on track tomorrow and all week. Went to the store and re-stocked on all my healthy stuff. Next free day will be Superbowl Sunday! I will not stress about it now, I'll deal with it when it arrives. ::yes::

For Saturday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: grilled cheese on wheat; 1 serving Quaker mini rice cakes
S: 1 serving Quaker mini rice cakes; string cheese
D: homemade sloppy joe (w/ground turkey) on wheat bun; corn
S: popcorn; 1 graham cracker

E: 55min Pilates Sculpt DVD; 20+ minutes walking dog to park and back
Amy, you are right, I'm happy about the 1lb loss. Any time it's not a gain, I should be happy! Yes, I did get a '09 Acadia, I love that car! It's silver-green, it's an awesome color. And I didn't even buy apples for me this week, so no temptation! I stocked up on cottage cheese, celery and hummus instead.

Tracey, you guys have the best hot chocolate! I love the Aero kind. But you guys also have the best tea (I am addicted to PG Tips!), so hopefully you won't miss the hot choc too much.
Amy, I had the talk with my dd when she was 9, she also had no idea! I love the American Girl book, The Care and Keeping of Me. It was recommended by my pediatrician. They have a whole series for girls on fitness, friends, grooming and a few other things. You can buy them at Barnes and Noble or online. See what you think! I dread the whole puberty thing with dd!:guilty:

Well done for doing your 5x a week and pacing yourself with the candy! We really enjoyed that movie too.

Glad you got your Acadia, I love those cars! Here's to a GREAT week!:cheer2:
Yesterday was definitely a bizarre food day. But it's over! We ended up walking to the park and playing this game the kids made up - one of us hits a tennis ball with the racquet and the others try to catch it for points. It's actually pretty exhausting! :faint: DH went with us this time, which was fun for the kids. We also took a picnic lunch, at DD's request. So, sounds like a good way to end the weekend, right? WRONG!!! When we got back from the park, DS12 wanted to go to a friend's house. He was supposed to be home at 6:00, and as usual he called at 5:59:59 and asked if he could stay until 6:30 because he was helping clean someone's yard for $5. I said sure, but be home by 6:30.

Fast forward to 6:48pm, when he calls again, to tell me he "accidentally" put Vaseline on his friend's neighbor's car windshield! :mad: :furious: How does that ACCIDENTALLY happen??? Anyway, he got caught by the neighbor and I talked to them on the phone, then I talked to the friend's mom. They were very understanding, boys will be boys, blah blah blah. And the whole time I am trying to figure out how I will not kill the kid when he gets home... So he spent the next hour trying to get the stuff off, and today he is going to go back to wash their car...

And the thing that made me the most mad was that because the neighbor said "oh, it's OK", he copped an attitude with us when we tried to punish him! And this morning I already got a call from his school that he has an F in science (this kid is gifted, with an IQ of 150) and got detention today. :mad: :furious: :mad: :furious: I am just at my wit's end, I don't know what to do with him sometimes! I thought he was doing so much better, I guess I was wrong, he obviously still needs 100% adult supervision...

Sorry for venting, but geez that kid is hard to parent! Thank the stars my DD9 is such a :angel: princess: !!!

So, the damage for Sunday:
B: 2 packs lower sugar apple-n-cinnamon oatmeal
S: 1/3 large box Sugar Babies
L: Chex mix; string cheese; 1 serving Quaker mini rice cakes :confused3
S: mini Nutter Butters :confused3 :confused3
D: 2 bowls Cocoa Krispies; 3 graham crackers :confused3 :confused3 :confused3

E: none

No biggie on the food, I did good on Sat and I didn't go overboard with calories, just didn't eat anything nutritious besides the oatmeal!!! Not a single fruit or veggie!!! I'm already back on track so far today, so I'm OK.
Amy, I will have to check those books out. I don't want DD to be too freaked out about it!
WARNING - EXCUSES AHEAD! I didn't get up this morning to work out. :sad2: I don't know what the heck is going on! I have no problem getting to the gym for cardio 3x a week, but when it comes to working out at home, I just make every excuse not to do it!

Here's what happened: Last night and the night before I did not sleep well. Tossing and turning all night, having totally bizarre dreams, and waking up way before the alarm goes off. Usually my head hits the pillow and the next thing I know the alarm is ringing! So when the alarm went off this morning, I got up, got changed, took the weights into the living room, then decided I couldn't get past the splitting headache I woke up with and went back to bed... :confused3

So now I will have to do my Pilates DVD when I get home, which I HATE. There is too much going on when I get home from work, which is the whole point of working out in the morning. But I did it to myself, so now I need to pay the price...

Food yesterday was great - no pb after work. I had almost forgotten how much I love hummus!

For Monday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 3 mini cucumbers
S: 2 celery stalks w/hummus; cottage cheese
D: chicken cordon bleu; peas; HC fudge bar

E: 45min on treadmill
oh dear amy - you are having a rough time lately!
you proberbly did the right thing not working out if you felt so tired!!
look at the positives - your food wasnt bad :)
& you'll proberbly have a really good nights sleep tonight :)
Amy, its okay and actually quite a good thing to listen to your body. If your head hurts, the best thing to do is get some extra sleep. I don't think you are making excuses at all, but rather you are just physically hurting. Don't be so hard on yourself!

I love Hummus too, its on my list for today. Your food looks A+!!!

Hope you get the pilates DVD done, if not, well that's why God invented tomorrow!

How is Buckley? Did I ever tell you MIss Daisy almost got the whole platter of turkey off the table on Christmas? Right during stepdad's prayer, I hear the sound of a metal platter being dragged across the kitchen table (we were in the dining room) and I had to go running in there. She had literally pulled herself up and was dangling, feet off the ground, clawing to get that platter! She looked like a cat. But really, she's a pig!! And a very resourceful one. She does all sorts of things Benjamin never figured out. Good thing she's cute.
:hug: Amy,

You did the right thing by not working out yesterday. There's no sense in working out when you have a splitting headache! :hug:

I hope today is a much better day for you!:goodvibes
I didn't get that workout in yesterday, it's just too hard in the evening! I can still make my 5x a week if I work out today (already in the bag!), Thu, Fri, Sat, so we'll see how it goes.

I did get a call from DS's science teacher, to discuss what needs to be done to get his grade up before the end of the quarter. At mid-term, he has a D in science and A's in everything else. Hmm... Hopefully he'll get back on track soon.

My food has been great the past couple days, but the scale has not. I'm not going to count the number until Friday's weigh-in, but I'm not liking the trend. :sad1: I just don't get it! I need to stop worrying about it! It's the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night, and I pretty much obsess about it all day. I'm sure it's not helping, but I don't know how to stop. :sad: Any suggestions?

For Tuesday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 3 mini cucumbers
S: cottage cheese
D: turkey fiesta pie (plus DS's crust - that kid is so anti-carb! maybe that's why he is 5' 6.5" and weighs 106lbs); broccoli; HC fudge bar

E: none
Tracey, yes, this week has been rough! Last night I didn't sleep much better, I am still waking up at 3am or so. It's like jetlag and I haven't even gone anywhere!

Amy, I can totally see Buckley doing that! He's such a scrounge, it's pathetic. But that is what beagles do best! I was stressing about not doing my workout yesterday and DH told me that HE doesn't care if I don't work out 5x a week. Bless him, but he's not an obsessive-compulsive mess like I am! :crazy2:

Tracy, thanks, I just wish I could get to the point where I didn't feel so guilty about missing a workout. I mean seriously - what is going to happen if I only work out 4x a week instead of 5? NOTHING. It's a self-imposed goal!!! I need hypnosis or something! :upsidedow
I actually got up this morning and did my Pilates DVD! :cool1: I'm still having that jetlag kind of sleep, where I keep waking up all the time. I HATE it and I wish it would stop! So now I know I can get my 5x this week, as long as I work out on Sat morning. DH will probably have to work and the kids will be gone, so that is a good scenario for me to get it done first thing in the morning. ::yes::

The scale is being totally bizarre. There was a 3lb difference between yesterday and today. No idea why. Tomorrow is weigh-in, hopefully I will be happy with the number!

For Wednesday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 3 mini cucumbers
S: cottage cheese
D: chicken ole; italian green beans; HC fudge bar; 1/2 graham cracker

E: 45min elliptical
Good job getting that workout in! Your dh is a good egg! No idea how to stop obessing, other than getting a sex change operation! Because every woman I know does the same thing. Just remember you are a very healthy person and your weight doesn't define you. Easier said than done I know.

My own ds has a D in science. Which is how I ended up with his nifty PSP! I think our sons were born under the same star.;)

Keep up the good work and no matter what the scale says, you are doing very well.
Today's weigh-in: 142. I'm still 1lb up from where I was 3 weeks ago! :guilty: But it's a pound down from last week, so I should be happy about that! :thumbsup2 Boy, I'm going to have to really watch myself - I don't want to get too crazy and lose weight at such a fast rate (1 lb a month!!!!) :rolleyes2

Looking back at Jan, I guess I did pretty good. I lost a pound and I stopped snacking in the evenings. And although I did have a little bad spurt, I got back on track. I worked out 5x a week the whole month (this means I HAVE to work out tomorrow, since I already posted it! :rolleyes: ) and I resisted some goodies along the way. This week I walked past muffins and cookies and yesterday I refused a pecan muffin (and you know how much I :lovestruc pecans!!!). Today there is a "progressive tailgate party" at work. Basically that means all the break rooms have a bunch of food and everyone is supposed to graze all day. NO THANKS! I didn't contribute anything (on purpose), and it wouldn't be right if I ate something without bringing anything, so I should be good to go. Let's hope I can make it through the day - there are already good smells wafting through the building...

For Thursday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 3 mini cucumbers
S: cottage cheese; celery-n-hummus
D: wheat spaghetti w/sauce & 3 turkey meatballs; small piece garlic bread; HC fudge bar
S: 1 graham cracker; 10 Sugar Babies (DD found these in the back of the pantry from last weekend's movie!)

E: 55min Pilates Sculpt DVD
Amy, DH is definitely a keeper. ::yes:: DS called me this morning from school. I am no stranger to getting calls from him, usually it means he got sand trapped (meaning he didn't have his homework, or was tardy, or wasn't prepared for class) and has to stay after school. But today it was to tell me that he re-took the quiz he failed, turned in his missing assignment and got a 94 on his test yesterday so he ended up with a B on his mid-term progress report for Science!!! :cool1: I told him I was so proud of him for getting back on the right path. Hopefully he will stay that way!
Well done on the loss Amy :) - much better than mine!!

Well done on catching up with the exercise & resisting those muffins too :)

Have a great weekend!
You're doing GREAT, Amy! I've never done Pilates....is it kind of like Yoga?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I imagine PHX area will be CRAZY on Sunday!

I had quite an evening last night... We went to dinner at this new place, which I had driven by before, then read a good review. The review raved about their shrimp scampi ravioli. After looking at the menu, I was torn between that and the chicken amaretto and I asked the waitress and she recommended the ravioli. So, I skipped the wine, ate 2 very small pieces of bread w/butter, and a side salad with the dressing on the side. My ravioli smelled very fishy when it arrived, which I was not expecting. I ate one ravioli and it was pretty good. I started slicing up the second one when I got an old familiar feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. My tongue started tingling, then my throat. And if any of you have a food allergy, you know what I am talking about and the panic that ensues! :scared:

I am allergic to crab, but I have never had a problem with shrimp before - I eat it all the time! So we asked the waitress if there was crab in the sauce or ravioli (there was nothing to indicate this on the menu), and she said no, but that the ravioli was not made at the restaurant, it was processed somewhere else. I took a Benadryl to try to stop the allergic reaction (I always carry some in my purse, for situations like this!). The only thing we could figure was that the shrimp was processed on the same machine as crab or something. I'm sure it came from some seafood processing plant.

The good news is that I got the hint after only eating 1 ravioli and the Benadryl stopped the reaction. I progressed to the tongue swelling and lip tingling part, but it didn't get farther than that, thankfully. But the bad thing is that I was falling asleep on the couch at 8:30pm because of the Benadryl! So much for our romantic night without the kids... :rolleyes:

So, for Friday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: spinach salad w/chicken
S: 3 egg whites; 2 mini cucumbers
S: cottage cheese; celery w/hummus; 5 Sugar Babies
D: 2 small pieces bread w/butter; small dinner salad w/Italian dressing; 1 shrimp scampi ravioli :confused3
D2: 2 bowls Cocoa Krispies (when I finally got back to "normal" feeling, I was starving!); 10 M&M's

E: 45min on treadmill
Tracey, thanks, I know you understand how hard it is to resist junk food in the breakroom at work!

Julie, I think Pilates is a lot like yoga, but it's more repetitive moves instead of holding poses. It's used by a lot of dancers. If you are interested, I recommend Pilates for Dummies and Pick Your Spot Pilates DVDs.
Amy - i'm soo glad the allergic reaction didnt progress into anything worse!! it must have been pretty scary!!
You have an excuse to plan another romantic evening now ;)
I'm glad you had some Benadryl with you to stop the allergic reaction. :hug: My DH is allergic to chicken and turkey so we always have Benadryl with us just in case. I hope you're feeling much better today.:goodvibes

Have a great weekend!pixiedust:
I got my workout in yesterday!! So I made my 5x a week for the whole month of January! Hopefully this week I will be able to get my act together on Tue and Thu and wake up and work out in the morning so I can have the whole weekend off!

Food was really good yesterday, considering I was by myself for most of the day. And I got a bunch of stuff done around the house, which is always nice. I need to start cleaning for the Superbowl party. I made the jello shots last night (raspberry SF jello w/raspberry vodka!) and I just finished making snickerdoodles (and didn't eat any dough or a single cookie!). I am going to try to behave today. That means having small portions of whatever I want, but stopping when I get full. ::yes::

For Saturday:
B: chocolate oatmeal
L: 2 Fiber Wasa crackers w/chicken lunchmeat & 1 cheddar cheese slice; 2 servings Quaker mini rice cakes (120 cal)
S: cottage cheese; celery-n-hummus; 5 Sugar Babies
S: 1/2 serving Goldfish (65 cal); string cheese
D: broiled teriyaki salmon; corn; HC Fudge Bar; 5 Sugar Babies; 5 M&M's

E: 40min Pilates DVD

I need to get rid of those Sugar Babies! But I am proud of myself, I count out a couple and make them last. Before I would have demolished the whole box and not have thought twice about it. Baby steps...
Tracey, you are right, I need to plan another date night!!!

Tracy, food allergies stink - usually I avoid crab like the plague (and beans and tuna, I'm allergic to those too!), but you just can't tell with some processed foods apparently! Fortunately for me, my reaction happens within minutes of eating the offending food so I can stop and take Benadryl before it gets too bad.
Wow Amy, I am so glad your body warned you after just a small portion of the ravioli. That must be really scary. I agree, plan another date night!

That is awesome news that ds retook the test. He really advocated for his own success. So I'd say that was a pretty successful semester if he got all A's and one B. Huge relief for you I am sure.

And I am very proud of you for focusing on the postives you achieved in January. You lost weight and fulfilled your exercise goal. I am impressed!

Congrats on making that 5x per week challenge. You amended things when you needed to and hung in there. Great job!!

Enjoy those jello shots (I love me some jello shots ;) ) and have fun at your party. Go Cardinals!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


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