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Today was like a spring day.... just enough warmth so as not to be needing a sweater. And just cool enough so as to be comfortable. It is currently trending towards cold weather. So now one will need a jacket. No shorts. Pants, instead, otherwise that will be a different thread.
This morning it was clear and sunny :cool1:, but now the clouds have come back and starting to rain...again. :sad2:
Best day we have had since November! Sun is out shining like a California Beach! It is really trying but not quite making it into the 40s
Another spring like day, which actually technically it is spring now. In Sonoma County the weather today was like yesterday. A nice cool breeze, but with just enough warmth, to where it is as if the sun is faintly carressing the side of your facial.
Nice.... I like the snow. Only to visit though...

Today the weather was very warm. My long, thick haired kitty does not like the really warm weather. So I always have to make sure that he stays as cool as possible.
Today in Sonoma County, the weather is expected to reach into the low to mid 80's. Making for an even warmer day, from what it was yesterday. Which was pretty darn hot in some areas of the county. So most definitely wear that sun screen, sunglasses and hat, when going outside today. And of course, no matter the weather, wearing sunscreen is always a great idea anyway. For the harsh and harmful UVA and UVB rays are always out there.
It's the warmest day of 2011, that's right today it hit 50 and felt hot outside. If it wasn't for the stong wind and cloudy sky the snow would be melting like crazy and I would of been wearing a t shirt around.

Of course the forecast is for it to become winter again.
Today in Sonoma County, the weather is expected to reach into the low to mid 80's. Making for an even warmer day, from what it was yesterday. Which was pretty darn hot in some areas of the county. So most definitely wear that sun screen, sunglasses and hat, when going outside today. And of course, no matter the weather, wearing sunscreen is always a great idea anyway. For the harsh and harmful UVA and UVB rays are always out there.

I am loving this weather!!!! :cool1: I'm disappointed it is supposed to cool off this weekend. I'm amazed that it stayed warm in to the evenings too. Usually were we live, even in summer if the day was very hot, the evenings get very chilly. I am so happy to not be cold. I even wore my new Capris to work today! :cloud9:
I do not know the exact temperatures at this time, but going by how it felt today... I would say in parts of Sonoma County, it saw easily in the mid to high 80's. Which is too warm for me and my cats. So we went to the beach.
I love Bodega Bay, for normally it is nice and cool there. Which it was today. One of the places that I like to eat at is The Boat House. Yummy calamari, fish and chips, oysters, even cheeseburgers they serve. So I went with half calamari and half fish with chips. Yummy! They also have fish tacos. As well as other menu items. Right next door, there is a Kite and Candy Shoppe. Where I like to go to collect my favorite flavors of salt water taffy. Then I decided to tool about up the coast, then through the Russian River area. Where at some point on River Road, I believe it was at that point, a dude on a chopper, decided to speed around me, even though I was driving the speed limit, this is a two way lane, on a narrow, busy road. Then when the dude on the cycle just made it in front of me, there was a Sonoma County Sheriff's deputy in his patrol car,across the road, parked.
The dude did this right in front of him. Of course he did not see the patrol car at first, but then he did. And what was even funnier to me, is that the dude on the chopper, saw the lights on the patrol car go off, and even before the deputy put on his siren, the dude was already pulling over and off to the side of the road, because he knew that he was the one that the deputy was going to be going after. I laughed..... I like entertaining moments.
I do not know the exact temperatures at this time, but going by how it felt today... I would say in parts of Sonoma County, it saw easily in the mid to high 80's. Which is too warm for me and my cats. So we went to the beach.
I love Bodega Bay, for normally it is nice and cool there. Which it was today. One of the places that I like to eat at is The Boat House. Yummy calamari, fish and chips, oysters, even cheeseburgers they serve. So I went with half calamari and half fish with chips. Yummy! They also have fish tacos. As well as other menu items. Right next door, there is a Kite and Candy Shoppe. Where I like to go to collect my favorite flavors of salt water taffy. Then I decided to tool about up the coast, then through the Russian River area. Where at some point on River Road, I believe it was at that point, a dude on a chopper, decided to speed around me, even though I was driving the speed limit, this is a two way lane, on a narrow, busy road. Then when the dude on the cycle just made it in front of me, there was a Sonoma County Sheriff's deputy in his patrol car,across the road, parked.
The dude did this right in front of him. Of course he did not see the patrol car at first, but then he did. And what was even funnier to me, is that the dude on the chopper, saw the lights on the patrol car go off, and even before the deputy put on his siren, the dude was already pulling over and off to the side of the road, because he knew that he was the one that the deputy was going to be going after. I laughed..... I like entertaining moments.

Haven't been out there in ages. Sometimes we stopped to look at the school from The Birds on our way to the beach. And then we would go to that Tides place with the eating places and gift shops. I don't care for fish, but I love it in fish and chips. :rotfl:
Yes... the school house is very interesting looking. Tours are offered, but I always seem to miss them. I have been inside, just downstairs though. It was the day that tours were not available, but the gift shop was open to the public. I had a nice chat with the co-owner.
I have dined at the Tides. I like the food, and the views are very nice.
It was delightful today. Mid forties and mostly sunny. Every little hole in the snow got huge. I walked on dirt in my yard for the first time since November.
It was delightful today. Mid forties and mostly sunny. Every little hole in the snow got huge. I walked on dirt in my yard for the first time since November.

Ditto we had the same weather and we now have huge holes in the yard. However right now it is raining which is making the holes bigger... but it is supposed to turn to snow overnight so we shall see what the yard looks like in the AM.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.... I think it would be fun to make a snow person. ;)


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