Lizzydoll73's journal (comments welcome)

B- slimfast shake
S- Take5 candy bar
L- 2 fish fillets w/ few fries
S- 1/2 slice of pizza
D- strawberry yogurt
S- 2 scoops of Breyers lite ice cream

Don't know if I'll get to exercise today. I did end up ordering the exercise bike last night. Should be here around Friday. Now I just need to find somewhere to put it. Was going to put it in my BR with the other equiptment but now I am thinking of putting it in the living room. That way when I am watching TV at night I can "ride". I guess I could always watch TV in my room and "ride". Well see how big it ends up being.
B- strawberry yogurt
S- apple w/ reduced fat PB
L- PB&J on an english muffin
S- banana
D- having chicken fajitas
S- breyers lite ice cream

did some lifting this am, more lifting in the afternoon and .5 miles on the ski machine
B- slimfast shake
S- 2 Hershey's minitures
L- chicken quesadilla
S- blueberry yogurt
D- slimfast shake & a banana
S- 1/4 of a quesadilla

lifted weights in the am & afternoon; did .5 mi on ski machine
B- strawberry yogurt
S- slimfast snack bar
L- english muffin w/ egg salad; handful of doritos
S- skipped since I had Doritos with lunch
D- slimfast shake, some baby carrots
S- Breyer's lite ice cream

lifted weights this am

Going to weigh myself on Friday. Hopefully, I can earn back my 40lb clippie. :blush:

I've been getting really tired in the afternoon. I guess it's from lifting weights? :confused3 I get so tired that I NEED to take a nap. When I wake up I feel guilty about sleeping so I exercise some more so I guess it's a good thing.

Checked the status of my exercise bike on, it has shipped and should be here tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Well, off to take a nap. :blush:

Did a mile on the ski machine after my nap. :banana:
B- english muffin w/ little butter & jelly, a banana
S- slimfast snack bar & glass of milk
L- english muffin pizzas
S- 2 handfuls of Doritos
D- slimfast shake
S- 2 scoops Breyer's lite ice cream

lifted weights for 1/2 hour and did a mile on the ski machine

Exercise bike came today! Did 2 miles while DD was in the shower. Hope to do more once the kids go to sleep.
B- Slimfast shake and a banana
S- slimfast snack bar
L- slice of sicilian pizza
S- skipped
D- slimfast meal bar
S- Breyers lite ice cream

I weighed myself today. I am down to 209.2 lbs from 212 lbs. That's a 2.8 lb drop from last week. :woohoo: I am so glad I earned my 40lb clippie back. I was feeling really bad about losing that. Next stop, 45lb clippie. :thumbsup2

Have not exercised yet because DH was home sick. We watched Flight Plan. I feel very guilty about sitting around. Maybe I'll get on the exercise bike when the kids go to sleep.

I read on the Budget Board about Universal passes, kids play free with paying adult. I convinced DH that we should do that since we will be down there already. He said yes but only if we stay onsite at Universal. So now I have to figure out where to stay. We are thinking of Hard Rock. I've never been to Universal so not sure what to plan. So far we will be doing Disney for 7 or 8 days, a day at SeaWorld and now we need to figure out how many days at Universal.
B- english muffin w little butter & jelly
S- strawberry yogurt
L- 3 pieces of french toast (should have stopped at 2)
S- slimfast snack bar
D- pizza tortilla
S- skipped

Did 5 miles on bike (it's a start, right), lifted weights for 1/2 hour

Did another 5 miles on bike
I was very bad today :blush:

B- slimfast shake
S- slimfast snack bar
L- Fish & Chips, some coleslaw
S- piece of cinnamon cake
D- 2 slices of pizza
S- another piece of cinnamon cake :rolleyes1

No exercise today
B- skipped, had to run to the store
S- another piece of that *^&%%^$ cake
L-slice of pizza
S- stole a chicken nugget ffrom DS
D- slice of pizza
S- apple w/ reduced fat PB

Did 5 miles on the bike, 1 mile on the ski machine and lifted weights for 30 minutes.
B- Entenmann's cupcake
S- skipped
L- strawberry yogurt
S- scoop of ice cream (not lite) :blush:
D- 2 eggs scrambled, sausage link and english muffin
S- ?

did 6.5 miles on the bike, lifted weights for 1/2 hour
Today is my weigh in day. I am down from 209.2 to 207! :cheer2:
I don't know what's wrong with ticker factory but I removed my old countdown to put in a new one but something is wrong with their site. I get up to picking the slider but won't let me go anymore. Oh well, I'll try again later.

B- slimfast shake
S- celery w/ reduced fat PB
L-chicken & lettuce wrap
S- a scoop of ice cream
D- chicken & lettuce wrap
S- baby carrots

Only did 2 miles on the bike, had too much cleaning and laundry to do.
B- slimfast meal bar
S- skipped
L- chicken wrap
S- celery w/ reduced fat PB
D- slimfast shkae
S- 2 scoops Breyers lite ice cream

I was very bad this weekend. :guilty: We went to a party Sat night, had 2 pina coladas, italian food and a piece of cake. Sun night we went to a Superbowl party. I had a Bacardi breezer, a slice of pizza, a piece of sub, some chips, a slice of Carvel ice cream cake and a brownie. :blush: Trying to get back on track now. I really want that 45 clippie!
B- slimfast meal bar
S- granola bar
L- strawberry yogurt
S- handful of peanuts
D- 1/2 turkey sandwich
S- 1/2 c Breyers lite ice cream

Went for a walk with the kids yesterday and today. I am so glad we have had such nice weather. I can't believe we are leaving for Disney in 24 days!
B- other half of my turkey sandwich
S- granola bar
L- slimfast shake
S- 1/2c peanuts and raisins
D- slimfast meal bar

Debating if I will take a walk today. I spent 3 hours working in the garden this am. Now my back is killing me. :rolleyes:

23 days til Disney! :banana:
B- 2 egg omelet w/ cheese, 2 slices of bacon
S- granola bar
L- slimfast shake
S- handful of doritos
D- slimfast meal bar
S- peanuts and raisins

Went for a walk in the am and did some more weeding in the garden.
Weighed myself this morning and I am down from 204.6 to 202.2. :cheer2: Now I have to focus on getting that 50 lb clippie and get to ONEderland!

B- slimfast shake
S- granola bar
L- slice of pizza
S- yogurt
D- slimfast shake
S- a brownie

I took the kids for a LONG walk today. It was probablly 2 or 3 miles which is more than we have been doing. When we got home I also mowed the lawn and I am going to count that as exercise also. :teeth:
WOW! You have accomplished so much since you started your journal! Congrats on being so close to ONEderland! I can't wait to celebrate your success! Just think of what a great time you are going to have in WDW not having to carry around all those extra pounds. I bet you feel so much better and look great,too! Keep up the great work!
You are doing AWESOME!!!

ONEderland is ALMOST HERE!!!

You ROCK!!

Have a GREAT WEekend!!
Thank you so much Cam and Julie! It's great to get some words of encouragement. :thumbsup2

Today was not the greatest day. The weather was crappy today after being beautiful all week. I ended up buying some Easter candy at Target because it was 75% off. I had a few Dove truffle eggs, OK I had 3. :rolleyes1

B- slimfast shake
S- brownie
L- veal parmesan w/ spaghetti & 2 meatballs
S- 3 Dove truffle eggs
D- skipped, felt guilty about the chocolate
S- skipped


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