Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)

I was feeling a little embarassed at the thought of reviving my journal. At first I felt like a failure in that I'm still battling with weight loss. But you know what? So are a lot of people. And if brutal honesty helps others (myself included) then so be it. The point is I'm not giving up, I've gotta keep fighting!

So what's new you may ask? Well, if you haven't read through my journal, I've had lots of ups and downs. I started on Atkins back in '04 and it worked great for me. I lost quite a bit of weight and I was only 25-30 pounds away from reaching my goal. Unfortunately I began to have some major personal problems. I lost focus on myself in the process and fell back into the old habit of comforting myself with food.

In '05 during a mini vacation to Disneyland I developed major pain in my feet and ankles and had to rent an ECV. I thought I had simply overdone it with the walking. It was soon after that I was diagnosed with moderate to severe ankle arthritis, worse on the left as well as bone spurs in my feet.

I've been struggling with this since then and my mobility has been complicated by weight gain. I'm supposed to be taking anti inflammatory meds on a daily basis and have been informed that I may benefit from steroid injections but will ultimately require ankle fusion at some point as I get older. I haven't had any injections as I'm very concerned about the side effects and take meds only when absolutely necessary. I have good days and bad days but am in pain on a daily basis. I don't dwell on it because there are people who have to deal with far worse me so I just keep going and deal with it the best way I can. The one thing that's starting to get to me is not being able to keep up with my sons and the lack of stamina I have for the activities I enjoy. We love Disneyland and in fact only live 15 minutes away and we are now DVC members with another trip coming up on about three months. There's no way I can handle that much walking so I always have to rent an ECV. I enjoy shopping with my sister but can only walk for about 15 minutes before I start to develop pain to where I need to stop and rest before moving on. I love, love, love to cook too! Yesterday I made a dish that required me to be on my feet for two hours in my kitchen. Boy did I pay for it the rest of the day as I could barely walk after that.

Other than my arthritis issue, I'm in great health. My BP, cholesterol and blood sugar are all normal. But I know I'm a ticking time bomb and that soon my clean bill of health could change drastically especially with a strong history of diabetes on both sides of my family. I hate to admit it but I'm 45 now. Wow, where has the time gone? I want to be able to enjoy my life to the fullest and I can't do that until I get this weight under control. We're thrilled that Aulani is opening up soon so we're planning a trip combining Maui and Oahu the year after next. I'm sick of being sedentary and I want to be able to go hiking and snorkeling without having to worry about my stupid ankles! I want to be able to cook without being in major pain afterward. I want to be able to go the parks without renting an ECV!

So here I am again. Don't know what the future holds but I'm going to take it a day at a time. I don't blame Atkins for gaining my weight back. It works if followed correctly, but that's just the point, I got off track. My doctor doctor recommended Weight Watchers which I've been pretty skeptical of but I agreed I would try it out. With the new Points Plus program, carbs are now counted towards your points so that's a good thing. My only issue is that fruits are counted as zero points. I've read a lot of reviews from people on Weight Watchers that are struggling with no or slow weight loss and I would venture to say that it might be that they're eating too much fruit, but then again I'm no expert.

I actually started trying to lose weight again about a month ago by using portion control and began the online version of WW 2 1/2 weeks ago. Online works better for me as I don't have time for meetings and it's just not my thing anyway. I've signed up for three months to see how things go. My starting weight a month ago was 226. I started WW on Fri. 5/20 and I was at 219.5. As of today 6/8 I'm at 215.3. So that's a loss of 4.2 lbs. on WW bringing it to a grand total of 10.7 lbs. since I started trying to lose again a month ago!:woohoo:

Now for my thoughts on WW. First off, I want to admit that I am definitely biased towards Atkins because of my past positive experience. I'm trying to give WW a chance though and remain positive but I'm still in wait-and-see mode which is why I only signed up for three months.


1. Flexibility: I can use my points however I like and am able to pull from flex points if need be. I find that helpful what with multiple celebrations going on this month.

2. Variety: I can have milk and fruit! I can have bread! I can even have waffles! But I'm being very cautious here. I'm limiting the amount of fruit I have and type as well such as berries and melon and trying to stay away from those that contain a lot of sugar such as apples and bananas. I guess it's the Atkins way of thinking I can't get away from. As for bread, I'm partaking only of the light whole wheat variety and am still drinking whole milk. There goes that Atkins thinking again!

3. Online access: I'm definitely a computer person, if I can get things done online, great! There are even WW apps I've downloaded to my phone. My fav is the product scanner that tells you how many points a product is. Love it!

4. Cost: I get a discount on the program through my employer.

5. Recommended by my doctor: But then again my prior doctor gave me the green light on Atkins so go figure!

6. Weight Watchers Products: So far I've only tried one product, the coffee popcicles which are very yummy.


1. Cost: Yes, I get a discount on the program but Atkins didn't cost me anything expect for the occasional breakfast bars I would buy.

2. Website: You can blog on WW but I think I prefer journaling on the DIS. I remember getting a lot more feedback here and I'm on the boards anyway. Please most of us have the love of Disney in common!

3. Points: I didn't have to count points with Atkins. Yes I had to count carbs but it was easier than points. But then again I've only been doing WW a short time so maybe I haven't given it a fair shot.

4. Zero points on fruit: As I mentioned before, I think too much fruit or certain types of fruit may stall weight loss, at least for me personally, maybe not for others.

5. Hunger: I didn't feel hungry on Atkins. I'm still struggling with hunger on WW.

After reviewing my food choices over the last few weeks, I just realized that I'm doing a pseudo phase two of Atkins. Oh well, call it what you want, I'm making progress and making healthier choices. I'm on the road to getting my energy back and hopefully decreasing the weight my poor ankles have to bear.

Anyone is still welcome to post on my journal! I would love to hear from those of you who are on WW. I'm sure I still have a lot to learn and I really want to give it a fair shot.:)
So as I was saying, I really want to make an effort to stick with WW for a while to see how things go. I have lost weight so it seems I'm doing something right. One of my frustrations though is tracking points. I started out with a lot of enthusiasm for it but have found that calculating points for some things can be a little complicated. I'm referring to recipes I make at home that aren't listed on the site. I haven't explored every aspect of the site so maybe there's a way I can enter the ingredients of the recipe and get a calculation of how many points a serving is.

Right now I'm lacking in one area and that's exercise. Due to the progression of my arthritis, I've become more and more sedentary and have gotten into a vicious cycle. Exercise is painful but I need to do it in order to lose weight. I can't be fully successful at achieving or maintaining weight loss unless I exercise. It's going to take a lot of effort on my part but I've just got to get moving! I remember when I was younger I used to work out by lifting weights and it really helped me lose inches and feel energized. Right now I don't have the time to work out at the gym plus I need to ease into an exercise routine. I discovered Core X System Trainer that is a resistance system I can use at home. It's low impact which is a must to protect my joints and is a complete exercise program that works both upper and lower body. It came with two DVDs, one beginner routine and one intermediate. I purchased it about two weeks ago and haven't started yet so I'm making a commitment to myself here and now to start on Saturday morning. I know I'm going to be sore at the beginning and it won't be easy to get a routine going but I've just got to start rebuilding my stamina.

I guess this is as good a time as any to start documenting my progress.

6/8/11: I didn't do so well today with my meals. Need to work on not skipping, especially breakfast!

Starting weight on WISH: 215.3
Next goal: 208 (5% of my starting weight on WW).

Breakfast - None.
Lunch - Chili, diet Coke.
Dinner - Chicken, black bean and corn casserole, diet Coke.
Snack - Kirkland Cashew Clusters, 5 pieces, 3/4 cup of milk.

I'm hoping to reach my 5% goal by the first week of July. I know, sounds a little ambitious but I'm hoping that exercise will help me reach that goal!
Hello Lisa!!!

Sooo good to see you are posting. Hope you are doing well. I was on the WISH boards just the other day thinking about how I am going to start back up again with weight loss, and make it through Disney without eating too much.

Then I get this message post in my email, and see it was you!!!

Listen you are on your way to success. No looking back. I know it is hard to think about having to start over again, but you are doing well.

Weight Watchers did not work for me. I know I can't eat carbs. I thought there was a new WW program that kind of allowed you to eat low carbs. I guess that is what you meant when you said you were on phase II of Adkins.

I guess if you just eat like you did today you will be fine.
As far as exercise goes are you doing anything? Maybe you could start stretching with bands, or using exercise equipment that will allow you to use your upper body so you do not have to worry about your ankles.

Seeing your post has inspired me, Lisa.
I know it WILL be onward and upward for you. You will be successful!

Hi Connie! Wow, it's so nice that someone I know is still here!

I hear what you're saying about Atkins. It worked really well for me before and I was losing weight at a faster rate but I feel like I should keep my commitment to stick with WW for at least the three months I signed up for. It's been really hard changing my way of thinking though. Like I said, I'm almost doing a phase two Atkins because I'm being very careful with carbs and trying not to overdo it. I don't eat any white flour, I keep the bread to a minimum, no potatoes (at least not yet), no processed sugar only what I get from berries and melon and I'm being careful with that too. If I eat a tortilla it's of the low carb version. I do like the flexibility of WW though and even though I'm losing weight more slowly than Atkins I am losing so that's a good thing.

As for exercise, you're right, I need to do something low impact which is why I'm going to try the Core X System Trainer, no jumping around or having to get down on the ground. Once I start that I think that'll help me lose weight faster.

Hang in there with Atkins though, you know what works best for you! Remember, all of us here on WISH are in this together. What I love is that no one judges you for falling off the wagon and everyone is so supportive. Take care and see you around!:)
Good luck with doing WW! I have been on it since May 10, and lost 16 pounds already!
Good luck with doing WW! I have been on it since May 10, and lost 16 pounds already!

That's great, good job! Are you also exercising? I know that helps so I'm looking forward to starting a routine on Saturday. Thank you so much for posting, it's really encouraging to see others success on WW. Keep up the good work!
Hi Lisa! Welcome back!

We're DVC members now too and were just out in your neck of the woods staying at Grand Californian Villas last month.

You're off to a great start with your weight loss. Weight watchers worked for me way back when so if you stick to it, you'll see results. I could have chosen that this time around but I'm doing something that I could get DH on board with so we both get healthier and can support each other. We eat lots of fruit and so far I haven't had any trouble with it but it only has been a month. I have an apple, banana, pear and some berries for breakfast then usually a small cup of 100% fruit juice at night. But you're right - all that stuff affects each of us differently.

I look forward to following your continuing journey and hopefully we can keep each other motivated.
Hi Lisa! Welcome back!

We're DVC members now too and were just out in your neck of the woods staying at Grand Californian Villas last month.

You're off to a great start with your weight loss. Weight watchers worked for me way back when so if you stick to it, you'll see results. I could have chosen that this time around but I'm doing something that I could get DH on board with so we both get healthier and can support each other. We eat lots of fruit and so far I haven't had any trouble with it but it only has been a month. I have an apple, banana, pear and some berries for breakfast then usually a small cup of 100% fruit juice at night. But you're right - all that stuff affects each of us differently.

I look forward to following your continuing journey and hopefully we can keep each other motivated.

Hi Steph, so nice of you to drop by!

Congratulations on joining DVC. What is your home resort and how did you like VGC? We had the opportunity to stay at the Grand Californian as part of our perks when we first purchased and we really enjoyed our stay there, so convenient to the parks and DTD.

That's awesome that your husband is also on a program with you, it makes it easier to stick with it when you have support at home.

Take care and hope to see you around!:)
I was having computer issues last night and wasn't able to post my food for the day so here goes.

Thurs. 6/9/11: Oh boy, I have to be honest and admit that once again I didn't have breakfast but had a good day overall in terms of how I was feeling.

Coffee, hazelnut creamer - 2 points

1 cup of chicken fried rice, 1/2 cup pad thai noodles, diet coke - 18 points

Extra lean ham sandwich with lettuce, avocado, tomato and diet Coke - 7 points

WW chocolate snack cake with 1/3 cup of whole milk - 3 points

Grand total: 30 points

Things I could've done better today were drinking more water and eat breakfast.
Fri. 6/10/11: Redemption! I had breakfast this morning! I feel pumped today and with more energy. Last night I did some spring cleaning (I know, it's already summer) last night for an hour. It's rare that I ever do any major work on a weeknight but I had the energy so today I feel great about that! I did WI this morning and I'm at 214.7. Yes! I'm going to make a confession though, technically my WI day is Friday but I get on the scale each morning. I know, I know, weight can fluctuate for different reasons but I find weighing in daily is motivating for me personally.

Mini bagel, 1 tbsp. cream cheese, two strawberries, small slice of cantaloupe, coffee - 5 points.

Special K Red Berries, milk - 6 points

Fried rice, 1/2 of a Vitamin Water - 17 points

WW Giant Latte Bar - 2 points

Total points: 30 points

BTW, my points allotment changed today from 30 to 29 I guess because my weight changed?? I don't know exactly how that works so I'll have to read up on that.
Lisa - I hop on the scale almost every morning too, heck even sometimes at night or in the middle of the day.

We own at BLT, AKV and BWV. We loved staying at VGC. We had stayed concierge at the Grand Californian 2 years ago on developer points and loved it and knew we would try and stay at the villas the next time we went. I love the entrance to CA being right there and getting in early and going to Soarin. We went back to the pool to swim everyday - something we never seem to manage to do at DW even though we could use the breaks even more at DW. I wish we could go to Cali more often but hopefully we'll get out there in another 2 years. And please I want more DVC out there!

Congrats on fitting in breakfast this morning. DH often skips breakfast too - he either isn't hungry or just doesn't have time. He does much better the rest of the day when he remembers to eat in the morning.
Sat. 6/11/11: By the time the weekend comes I usually pretty tired but I made a commitment to exercise this morning so I did. I finally broke out my Core X trainer and reviewed the video. Brutal honesty, right? I hate exercise! Especially on the weekend.:headache: But I made a commitment to myself that I'm going to do this. It'll be hard at the beginning but I know it'll get better. Wow, what a stark contrast to when I used to work on a regular basis years ago. I used to do weight training and aerobics at Bally's (before marriage and kids). I loved it and I used to actually cry if I couldn't work out. What happened to me?

I purchased the Core X System Trainer Kit at Costco after doing a little research. I needed to find something low impact that offered both upper and lower body resistance with core stengthening, so I think this is going to fit the bill. It comes with two DVDs, one that includes a beginner workout and the second for intermediate. In case anyone is curious here's a picture of it.


I reviewed the DVD first and then adjusted the trainer. They really stress proper body positioning during the workout in order to get the most benefit. And boy, it's definitely challenging, at least for me! The workout is about 20 minutes long and I made it to 10 minutes but my bones were cracking the whole time!:rotfl2: Thank goodness no one was up yet because I'm sure I was a sight to see!:rolleyes1 I must say, my heart really got going too and although it's going to take time to rebuild my stamina, I think this a good start. They encourage you to do the routine 3 times per week but I think I'm going to try every other day and see how it goes.

Two Eggo multi grain waffles with low sugar jam, 1 egg, 3/4 milk - 10 points.

Cheddar cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato, broccoli, crystal light - 9 points.

I was at my sister's house babysitting my niece and nephew and she had nothing I could really eat or that was appetizing. Ended up getting home at 12:30 a.m. and just had 5 Breton crackers and 3/4 of an avocado -
Keep it up Lisa! And don't worry, you will get to the point where you will miss exercise if you don't do it! I am getting that way!!
Mon. 6/13/11: I'm posting late, lot's going on right now.

Special K red berries, milk - 8 points

No time

Bean and cheese burrito (low carb tortilla), Crystal light - 16 points

Kirkland cashew clusters, milk - 8 points

Total points: 32
Tues. 6/14/11: Haven't been doing too well this week. I'm getting stressed due to my son's graduation coming up next week. He's my youngest so I'm feeling a bit sad but very proud too. My son has reached yet another milestone. Sigh, where does the time go? For those of you who have little ones, treasure every single moment because it goes by too fast.:sad1:

Special K Red Berries, milk - 8 points

Darn it, I skipped again today!:sad2:

Two bean and cheese burritos (used only one slice of cheese), water - 13 points

WW chocolate snack cake, milk - 6 points

Total: 27 points
Wed. 6/15/11: I was dragging this morning but feeling ok now but I need to get more sleep. When I'm tired my stress level goes up and stress is not good for weight loss plus I also won't have the energy to exercise. Got on the scale and was happy to see that I'm down to 213.7. Woohoo, that 15 pound clippie will be mine very soon! I'm also only 5 lbs. away from reaching my first WW goal of 5% weight loss!:woohoo: I'm hoping to reach that by the 2nd week of July.

Special K Red Berries, milk - 6 points

Lunchable, coffee/w vanilla creamer - 11 points

Chicken sandwich w/lettuce and tomato, two cups of broccoli, water - 7 points

Special K snack bar (don't remember exact name, scanned at 2 points), milk - 6 points

30 points
Keep it up Lisa, you are doing great!! Are you making sure to gets fruits and veggies, water, and healthy oils into your day?
Keep it up Lisa, you are doing great!! Are you making sure to gets fruits and veggies, water, and healthy oils into your day?

Thanks for the encouragement! Admittedly I need to do better in the fruit/veggie area but I think I did a little better this week. Still getting used to the fact that I can have fruit but being cautious as I'm not sure how my body will react. I'm doing ok with the water but haven't really been tracking oils, in fact I don't think I'm having very oil so I need to work on that too.

Overall I think I'm doing ok. I feel good!:)
Thurs. 6/16/11: Today was really busy but I managed to get in all three meals!

Special K bar, milk - 6 points

Beef barley soup, cantaloupe, pineapple, water - 3 points

Special K bar (I know, but they're good and I had a sweet tooth;)), milk - 4 points

Chick-Fil-A charbroiled chicken sandwich, fruit cup, diet lemonade - 8 points

Total points: 21 points

Ooh, I was really low on points today but it's too late to eat anything plus I'm too tired. Will try to do better tomorrow. Yay, tomorrow is weigh in!


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