Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)

Lisa, you are back! You are so focused and determined! Nothing's going to hold you back, girlfriend!!! :jumping1:

You're lookin' good - just keep it up! :sunny:
7/22/05 I'm pretty tired and it's 1:25 a.m., so this will be a short post.

Breakfast-Two scrambled eggs and ham, water.

Lunch-Two pieces of chicken and about 3 tablespoons of mixed veggies, diet 7-UP.

Dinner-Warm fajita salad, ice tea, sf jello for dessert.

Nighty night....
Yipee Lisa - you're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to know you are back. I have a journal now as well.
Keep it up. You know you are my idol

7/23/05 Ok, I don't know what's going on with my body but something is strange here. I got on the scale this morning and lost another pound from yesterday. Since I started back on induction on Monday, I've lost a total of 6 pounds. I find that very odd because I don't recall losing weight so quickly when I did it last August but I'm going to have to go back to the beginning of my journal to see. I'm not complaining though! Yes, I know a lot of is water weight at the beginning, but the bottom line is I'm closer to my goal. Normally I could post my weight, but I'm embarassed because of what I gained over the last couple months. As soon as I get back to my lowest weight, I'll post exactly where I'm at. Should take a month or two depending on whether I continue to lose like this or slow down so maybe by around September.

Breakfast-Confession time. I ran out of the house this morning very quickly to get to work and did'nt grab anything to eat. I know, I know, very bad! But I did bring lunch. I just couldn't see myself eating eggs again today and I ran out of breakfast bars with no time to go pick some up this morning. I wanted to run by Walmart last night but didn't get to because it was family movie night. We went to El Torito for dinner and then saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which we really enjoyed. Will be back later to post lunch.

Lunch-Two very small lc tortillas with chicken, cheese and salsa, Crystal Light and sf jello for dessert.

Dinner-Protein style burger from In n' Out. I also had about a cup of popcord and a lc (2 net carbs) Atkins candy bar. Technically those bars are for if you're already on phase two. :confused3

So I went back through my journal earlier and found that when I first started Atkins, I lost 7 pounds on induction. :scratchin Very interesting. I just can't put my finger on why a 6 pound loss in 6 days. I'm weighing myself at the same time each day and using the same scale at work. Oh well, maybe next week I won't lose anything. I just don't want to lose weight too fast plus this is very odd for me.

Well, it's 1:51 a.m. Waaay past my bedtime.
WOW - good for you on the 6 pounds!!!!!! Keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Were you on a carb binge before you started induction again? I am wondering if that decrease in carbs is allowing the hormones in your body at as a diuretic? what ever it is keep going, girl!!!!!!

So what are you doing for exercise now? I need to be doing more. I used to be obsessed with this exercise tape, and I have to get back into the groove of it - that's for sure.

Keep on keeping on, Lisa

To be completely honest Connie, I was eating my share of carbs before starting from scratch, more than my share! I mean, I never went back to the exact same eating habits as before like eating two helpings of food or 2 or 3 desserts or even soda with sugar. If I would've been eating like I was back when I was 224 pounds, I would've gained all my weight back and then some by now. Fortunately I caught myself before I could do too much damage.

As for exercise, unfortunately, I'm not at a point where I'm doing it on a regular basis. I do however, take the stairs when possible, don't park in the nearest stall, walk at the mall, etc. Better than nothing I guess, but still not where I should be. I'm working long hours, am in training and have other commitments right now that come before an exercise routine. I barely have enough energy to keep up with all of that! Today I did had a good long walk, so that's something.

Thanks for the encouragement Connie. You hang in there too!
7/24/05 Almost forgot to post my menu for today.

Breakfast: Here we go again. No breakfast today. I had to leave my house very early this morning. I did grab a lc breakfast bar but only took about two or 3 bites of it. It tasted yucchy, very dry.

Lunch-A very small piece of salisbury steak, diet Coke. I was still out and about and no time for a good meal, so I had to improvise.

Dinner-Redemption time! Went to Outback Streakhouse with MIL. Appetizer was chicken wings. Had half of a small salad and dinner was a yummy steak and steamed broccoli. The broccoli was cooked to perfection. A lost of restaurants just can't quite get broccoli right. It's either over cooked or under cooked. Very good meal. Dessert tonight might be sf jello, but that's it.

Goals for the work week: Water, water, water! Must make sure to eat breakfast every day. Shouldn't be too hard to do since I don't have training until Thursday. I'm very curious to see what the scale will say tomorrow. We'll see...
Bad job on not eating breakfast but at least you have recognized that and put that in to your plan for this week. Even if it's something small. Can't wait to hear how the scale was for you.

Have a good week!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
and you know you are NORTORIOUS for not eating breakfast!!!!!!!!
Why don't you start hard boiling eggs or get those Jimmy dean pre-made omelets that are around 4 grams carbs total. I do not know if you can eat those on induction, but I did, and they are good.

I also got a those turkey sausage patties. it takes no time to make and eat them on the way to work.

Having a good day I hope. Hang in there, girl.
7/25/05 Wow, what a long day. I'm going straight to posting my menu.

Breakfast-Two scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon, coffee.

Lunch-Half of a Waldorf salad, hold the apples and grapes, diet Pepsi.

Dinner-The other half of the salad, Crystal Light.

Snack-Two ham/cream cheese roll ups, Crystal Light.

I've been having trouble finding Atkins products at the store lately so I went to the Atkins website. I wonder what's going on because they have way less variety than before.

Connie, I know I need to do better with my meal planning. I'm always on the go, so I need to plan ahead. I'll have to check out those Jimmy Dean omelettes, didn't know they had those. Thanks for the tip!

Now off the DCL board for a few minutes. :boat:
Good choices today and good on getting that breakfast in!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
7/27/05 Woo, I've been so busy the past couple days and didn't post yesterday's menu.

Breakfast-Two eggs, 4 strips of bacon, coffee.

Lunch-Two hamburger patties w/cheese, sliced tomato, zucchini, diet Pepsi.

Dinner-Carnitas burrito in a lc tortilla with guacamole, diet Sunkinst orange.

Snack/dessert-Ooh, I discovered something new. I was on the Atkins website and I noticed that Hood is one of their product partners. I've been sort of curious about the chocolate milk but thought it would probably tast disgusting. I was so wrong! I love it!

Guess I should post today's menu while I'm at it.

Breakfast-Two eggs, two small sausage links, coffee.

Lunch-3 pieces of chicken, a bite of two of greens, diet Pepsi.

Dinner-Another carnitas burrito on lc tortilla, diet Mountain Dew.

Snack/dessert-Hood chocolate milk.

Chris, thanks for the encouragement. I'm trying to do better with eating my three squares.
You are rockin' there Lisa!!!!! BRAVO on getting that breakfast in!!!!!! Way to go - you'll see a great loss in not time!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Lisa!

Glad to see you were doing so well, but where are you?? I hope everything is going OK. You know you do better when you journal. ;)
Dear Lisa, I hope all is well with you. :goodvibes
Decided to try and find my old journal. Thought it was gone forever, but I tried a little trick and found it.

Anyway, think I'll try journaling again for a little while. Journaling is very time consuming for me. For those of you who drop in and visit, my apologies in advance if I don't get a chance to post to yours. I pretty much post here when I need to, and right now I need!

Started induction again on Monday March 6th due to gaining some weight back. Too embarassed to publicly state how much, but definitely not all of what I originally lost. I may stay on it for longer than 2 weeks, we'll see.

Goals: To have lost 10 pounds by 4/10. Longer range will be to lose 30 total pounds by the beginning of June.

Will come back this evening to post today's food choices.

It was good to see your journal head to the top. I do hope all is well with you and your family.

I'm actually teaching now (finished my Masters in January). It will be a while before we get enough ahead financially to plan any Disney trips--even to DL or DCA.

take care,
LAinSEA said:

It was good to see your journal head to the top. I do hope all is well with you and your family.

I'm actually teaching now (finished my Masters in January). It will be a while before we get enough ahead financially to plan any Disney trips--even to DL or DCA.

take care,

Wow, good to see you're still around! Congratulations on your Masters. I'm in the midst of a career change as well.

My son graduates high school next year so I've booked a 7 day eastern on the Magic. Can't believe he still loves Disney. Trying to also fit in a return to WDW before the cruise, but we'll see.

Nice to hear from you again. It's encouraging to "see" a few familiar folks around. Take care!


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