Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)

Thanks for your suppport MeMe! The kind words from everyone who has posted have been heaven sent and I really appreciate and value the comments I've received. Now on to you. If you're happy with your rate of weight loss, then that's the most important thing. You're on a personal mission and the choices you make are ultimately yours. Don't gauge yourself solely by what everyone else may be doing or losing. Do what's right for you. As for the exercise, I completely know where you're coming from. I've decided that the only time I have to work out will be in the early morning. I have a husband and three boys, one in elementary, one in middle and one in high school. They all keep me very busy, and I work full tiime as well. Technically I could work out in the evening, but that would take time away from them, plus I'd be too tired. That leaves me with early morning. Maybe you can sit down and reevaluate your schedule. If you have children that you need help with, maybe you can ask your husband or another family member to look after them while you take some time out for yourself to exercise. Or you could even make it a family goal to do it together. I just decided to take the bull by the horns and told my husband that I needed his help in order for me to be able to take the time out to exercise, so we decided that he'll be driving the kids to school in the morning so that I can get an early start, go work out and then head straight to work. And maybe you won't be able to do it every day. Three times a week would be a great start. Starting a journal would be good too. It gives you the big picture on your progress and it makes it easier for you to see where you may need to make modifications to your menu. The biggest advantage is that there are some really nice people on this board and as I've mentioned before, their support is a great motivator. I don't have time to go to meetings or support groups but I need to be able to commiserate with someone when I'm feeling down and I'm also inspired by seeing others succeed. :D
8/20/03: I was good and didn't weigh myself. I've being weighing in every day and that's not a good habit. If the scale doesn't move exactly the way I want it too I freak out!

Breakfast-No time.:(
Lunch-The two boiled eggs I was supposed to have for breakfast, Crystal Light.
Dinner-Tuna salad, Crystal Light.

I've noticed that my appetite has really decreased which can actually have it's disadvantages in that I feel like I can skip a meal if I don't have time to eat. Not good, so I'll have to avoid those situations by making sure that if I don't have time to eat breakfast at home, then I have to take it to go. If I get busy at work I'll have to just shut the door to my office and take ten minutes to eat something. I should pack a lunch on days where I think I won't be able to leave the office to grab a bite. I never skip dinner unless I'm sick, only breakfast or lunch, but it's because I allow myself to become sidetracked.
Good morning, Castillo Mom! Could you please pass over some of your strength so I DON'T weigh myself everyday? I know I shouldn't worry about those numbers, but every morning I'm on that scale wishing with all my might that the little number will be smaller!

Gosh, I love how you talked to your husband about carving out some exercise time for yourself. That's what we WISHers have to do, though, isn't it? Be proactive, "grab the bull by the horns," and care for ourselves!! Your DH is a great guy to help you get your a.m. time. What's your exercise program going to be like? You'll have to start working for your exercise chippie! A couple more days for me then I'll try to attach one to my signature.

Do you like exercising in the early a.m.? That's the only time of day that I can do it--if I wait until I get home from work, it's just too late and I have no motivation (some nights I work 'til 7:30, 8:00). When school starts, my eighth grade daughter will have to get up at 5:30 and I'll have her on the bus by 6:45. I figure that will give me lots of bike/walk time before I leave for work later in the morning.

Have a good day, Castillo Mom, and stay on track! You're doing great!:Pinkbounc
Oops, I forgot to say thank you for your kind words on the other thread. . .you help me, too, Castillo Mom. We're going to do this one day at a time!!!:)
Castillo Mom,
I can completely relate to you on the appetite "issue"! I was out the other day and not really hungry but I know that the metabolism will slow down and our bodies will think we're starving them if we don't eat something every once in I grabbed a double cheeseburger with no ketchup and ripped the burger out of the buns. I never though I would enjoy a McD's burger without ketchup, but I got a packet of mayo and it was really not bad (as far as McD's goes :rolleyes: ) I had water with it...hey, a meal out for only $1.59!!! :bounce:

Some days I find I don't eat lunch until almost 2 and dinner is usually between 6 and 7, so there are nights that my poor fiance ends up being forced to wait until 8 or 9 to eat, and then I'm mad cuz we ate so late! LOL Can we win? :confused:

And yeah, how the heck do you keep from weighing everyday...I haven't moved all week (since Monday) and I keep telling myself it's fine, I started doing the 1 mile WATP last week and then this week I started doing the 2 mile AND using the total gym, so I have to be doing some good! I worked out everyday it has to be good, right? It's too soon for me for my clothes to really start feeling alot looser...little bit, but not alot.

Someone posted on another thread that they're afraid they'll be doing this and find they put on the pounds after 2 weeks...I think maybe that's why I don't wait for a week to weigh...paranoia! :eek:

Thank you, too for the kind words on the other thread as well! I started a day after you, I think, so I feel like we're doing it together from the start! :)

Have a great weekend!

Karen :smooth:
Good am Castillo Mom,

How's it going? You seem to be on your track. Have you been able to get out in the am to exercise? I'm going to try the morning too, way too tired after work. Monday will be my start, I'm estimating 5:30 am before the dh & ds wake up. And I'm taking my bike in to be serviced and adding a baby seat, then I'll add a pleasure exercise outing on the weekends.

I'm on a roll now thanks to you & everyone else on these boards:Pinkbounc

Keep you focus!
Hello ladies! Sorry I didn't reply right away but I got a little sidetracked with some changes I had to make to our trip to WDW, so I was on the resort board a lot these past couple of days.

I was bad again and weighed myself both yesterday and today. I was so glad to see you all had posted because I've been feeling pretty discouraged today. I'm down to 216, so I lost one more pound. That's one pound since Monday! I'm not happy about that because I've really been watching what I eat. Maybe that should teach me a lesson not to weigh myself every day or every other day!:rolleyes: I need to post for 8/21 and 8/22 so as soon as I do that I'll have to see what might be slowing down my weight loss. I know that I can't expect to lose 7 pounds every week, and I know shouldn't anyway, but 1 pound? Sheesh!

As for exercise, I'll be starting LA Fitness Monday morning. I don't think I can exercise in the evening because for one, I don't have time, and two, I'd be too tired at the end of the day.

Thanks again for posting ladies, I sure needed to hear from you!:D

P.S. I have to admire you Meme, at 5:30 a.m. I'm snoring!:p I think it's key to enjoy your exercise routine, so if riding a bike is fun for you, you'll be more likely to stick with it. :D

Karen, I think you what you said may be what my problem is. I haven't been eating well the last couple of days. Maybe it's a slow metabolism. Thanks for pointing that out! And yes, we are doing it together. This board is the next best thing to having a weekly meeting. Actually better because I can meet with you in my jammies like I am now!:o

Lulu, your plan to exercise in the a.m. sounds great. You're lucky that you can drop off your daughter that early. My kids don't leave for school until 7:30, that's why my hubby has to take them now. If he didn't, there's no way I'd be able to work out and make it to work on time.
I was about to leave to do groceries, but I' better post to my journal or I won't have time later on.

8/21/03: I hadn't been eating well and I think my metabolism has slowed down.:(

Breakfast-Two eggs, small cup of coffee.
Lunch-No time.
Dinner-Tuna salad, Crystal Light.

8/22/03: I weighed myself. I lost one pound. Not too happy about that.

Breakfast-Cheese omelette, water.
Lunch-No time.
Dinner-Salisbury steak, 1/2 cup of broccoli, Crystal Light.

8/23/03: As I enter my menus for the last few days, I can see why I'm having a problem losing. I'll have to do better next week.

Breakfast-Two scrambled eggs, Crystal Light.
Lunch-Took my son shopping. I though I'd wait until I got home to eat lunch but lunch time turned into dinner time. Bad, bad, bad.
Dinner-Ok, I cheated a little at dinner. I bought Pollo Loco for dinner and ordered myself a chicken ceasar salad bowl. I asked the cashier whether it had rice or beans in it, she said no. Well, after I got home and started eating I realized it did have rice, about 1/2 cup. It also had some really small thin strips of corn tortilla chips. I didn't pick out the chips (too small) and had maybe three teaspoons of rice. It was delicious. I didn't feel too guilty though, because I hadn't had any carbs at all during the day.

Phew! Now I really have to go!
Good for you, 1 lb gone:Pinkbounc

I stayed the same, I'll have to do better this week. Skipping lunch is holding you back, planning everything is hard but we need to do it.

Any exercise? what's you plan for the week?
8/24/03: I may as well post what I ate today before I go to sleep. It was a very busy weekend. I took two of my boys school clothes shopping. Today I did groceries. I never did make it to the health food store, it got too late. That's ok because I picked up some goodies for myself at the grocery store to help perk up my menu.

Breakfast-I promised I would do better, but all I had time for was a couple of ham and cheese rolls, small cup of coffee.
Lunch-I hate to admit that I didn't eat lunch. I can't tell a lie in my own journal, can I?
Dinner-I did good this time. I had shrimp in a butter, herb and lime sauce with salad, diet Snapple.
Snack-This was the topper for me. I had an orange sugar free popsicle. It was sooooo good!

My goals for the upcoming week are to eat all three meals daily, no skipping. No weighing myself every day (although I have to weigh in tomorrow because my friend at work is dieting too and we agreed to weigh in every Monday). Exercise! Almost forgot, drink more water.

You're right AuntMeMe, I need to do better planning. I just got back from signing up with LA Fitness, so I have my first work out bright and early tomorrow morning. I'll let you know how it went tomorrow. Good night!:D
So, how did to this morning at LA Weight Loss? Did you have fun or was it hard? What will your work-out routine be? Let us know all the details. Oh, and one more thing, Castillo Mom: EAT YOUR LUNCH!!!;)

Have a great day, Workout Woman!
LA Fitness good for you-how'd it go?

I have faith the weighin will be good, I also am tempted to check but have to keep resisting.

Take the ear plugs out, I hear that lunch bell all the way at my house:p

Sorry to shout....but I just had to....forgive me??? :rolleyes:

What about if you prepare some food ahead of, all at once, cook some eggs (hard boil them and make them into yummy deviled eggs or something), some chicken...etc. and have it handy and basically ready to eat? I buy those salad bags that only have lettuce and you pay for the privledge of having them wash and cut it for you, but they are SO convenient and I don't care if they cost a little more because of it! All you have to do is grab a handful and throw it in a bowl! I've also been buying those oh so convenient packages of tuna that you don't have to drain...that can be thrown onto the lettuce, add some dressing and you've got a quick meal! I also have been buying larger packages of chicken breast so there will be leftovers from dinner, for my lunches/breakfasts...I find throwing some wing sauce on top of one and dipping it in blue cheese with some celery or a small handful of the "handy lettuce" makes a nice quick meal and it doesn't even have to be hot!

I know time is precious, but you are most important and you need to take a few minutes to eat, even if it's on the run!!! Your body thinks your starving it...and looking at what you're eating...well, it's barely enough to keep a mouse alive!!! :eek:

I said yesterday to my fiance that I am now eating because I have to more so than eating for enjoyment, which is the opposite of how it's been most of my adult's kind of cool! But you gotta keep your energy and metabolism up!

Ok, I'm done yellin' for now...I wanna see 3 meals on here for you tonight! :)

Karen :smooth:
Ok, ok! I get the message ladies!:p I promise to eat three good meals today. I actually started off pretty good this morning. I'm actually still eating breakfast; strawberries and 1/3 cup of cottage cheese. Delish! I know that I said I would most likely continue on induction but after thinking over it some more, I decided to try and add five more carbs into my diet even though I only lost the one pound last week. I got up this morning, went the health club and rode the stationary bike for thirty minutes. For me that's a lot. I lead a very sedentary lifestyle. I'm at work all day, mainly sitting in my office in front of a computer, then I get home, do what I have to do (make dinner, etc.), then watch TV before I go to bed or hop on the the DIS (more sitting at the computer). I digress, I figure I'll see how it goes with the extra carbs and the exercise. If I don't lose this week, then I'll have to readjust. I think I should be ok though.

Thanks for the tips on quick meals Karen. I bought some salad mix yesterday, so that'll help.

MeMe, I threw the earplugs out, so I can hear loud and clear now!

Lulu, I'm not sure what my routine will be yet. Tomorrow I'm going to ask one of the trainers to help me put together a routine with the weight machines. I just want to tone, not bulk up!

All of you have been an inspiration to me with all the exercising the three of you do. If you see me getting lazy, give me good kick in the you-know-what and push me out the door!:p

Guess I should get back to work.....
Back the low-carb train up a minute!!!

Are you trying to say that sitting in front of the computer isn't exercise??? My fingers REALLY move...doesn't THAT count for something??? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Lisa...I think it's a good idea to add 5 carbs...I don't think you were eating 20 carbs to begin with, so I think you can still consider yourself to be in induction! LOL Honestly, I don't think most days I eat 20 grams either... :rolleyes:

I think as long as you're losing, even if it's 1-2 pounds a week (which we all know is the ideal amount), then it's all good!

Karen :smooth:
What was for lunch today? and how was the gym? did they give you a good routine? I did that once and never went back. I only go to the gym to do cardio now maybe after this fat slips away I'll try again.

And I better be burning some calories sitting here:p
Let's see, I've been on the computer for an hour now. How many calories do you think I've burned? Maybe if I jog in place while I'm typing that'll help. You're just too funny Karen!:p

Tomorrow when I go to the gym, I'm going to ask for some assistance with the machines so I can get a routine going. I want to do an aerobics class, but I don't think I'm ready yet. Saturday morning they have a water aerobics class but I need to get a new bathing suit before I start.

8/25/03: I weighed in and I'm still at 216. So that means I lost a total of 8 pounds on induction. Not too shabby. Hopefully my metabolism will speed up a little this week with the exercise. Ok ladies, you're my witnesses that I promise not to weigh myself until next Monday. If I even put one pinky toe on the scale before then, may the scale add 100 additional pounds as punishment.:eek:

Breakfast-1 cup of strawberries, 1/3 cup cottage cheese. I savored every bite of those berries.
Lunch-Bunless cheeseburger, two slices of tomato, diet Snapple.
Dinner-Tuna salad over salad greens, diet Snapple, sugar free popsicle.

I think I did pretty good with the meals today. I still need to do better with the water though. I only had three glasses today.
Good morning, Castillo Mom! Congratulations on a SUPER day yesterday!! You did three meals and everything! AND you went to the gym! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: Lots of celebration bounces for you!

I think that in time you'll look at your mornings at the gym as your special time just for you; I know that's how I look at my morning bike rides and time on the treadmill. It's getting so that I like it almost (and I mean almost) as much as my morning coffee and evening skinny cow!:p

We're all in this together, Lisa, remember that. We're here to watch out for you and lift you up when things get tough. You're fighting a good fight--keep it up.

Umm, I see that you're not going to weigh in until next Monday?
I think I want to do that, but I don't think I can. . .could I try to stay off it just until Thursday? You have the right to yell at me if I step on it before then, gulp.

Just a thought before I go: what if you lost "only" one pound a week for an entire year. . .that one pound doesn't seem so little any more, does it?

Have a good one!
You had a fabo day, way to go:Pinkbounc

I never did water aerobics but heard it's great. Get a new suit & go. and I know how that scale calls my name everyday but we must pretend not to hear it. I weigh on Saturday but should I do Friday if I leave for the weekend?

I have faith you will soon be at the 10 lb mark, yeah will you get a clippie?
Hello ladies! Didn't have time to post today. My boss is on vacation so that means I get to deal with the staff all by my lonesome for the next two weeks. I think I must've heard my name called a hundred times today. I got none of my own work done. I thought if I was asked one more question, I would scream! I shouldn't complain though, they're a pretty good bunch.

8/26/02 I did better today with the water intake. I had 7 glasses of water. I ate well too, except I feel like I over ate, but I don't think I actually did. I worked out again today but I got to the gym late, so I didn't have time to work with the personal trainer; I rescheduled for tomorrow morning. I did twenty minutes on the stairclimber (felt the burn) and twenty minutes on stationary bike.

Breakfast-Two eggs, three slices of bacon, 3/4 cup of strawberries, water.
Lunch-Herb chicken breast, salad, water (tired of chicken at staff meetings).
Dinner-Stir fry chicken. I know this sounds really weird, but I put cheese on top. Also salad, diet Snapple.
Dessert-Sugar free popcicle.

Lulu, it was nice to have some alone time. I think I could get used to this exercise thing.

I've been meaning to ask you, what's a skinny cow, sounds interesting.

Keep away from that scale Lulu. If I can do it, so can you! Don't make me use my mother voice, it goes up about ten decibels!

You know, I never thought about how if I lost only one pound a week for one year I'd be 52 pounds lighter. That's a good way to look at it.

MeMe, I'm so afraid to go bathing suit shopping. All those bright lights and mirrors in the fitting rooms. The thought makes me shudder!:eek:


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