Lisa's Weightloss Journal (comments welcomed!)

Lulu I noticed a pattern as I was reviewing my journal from beginning to end. I've skipped meals when I've been out and about or at work, but not at home. The reason is sometimes I'm not in a place where there's no food available that I can actually eat. For instance when I was at Costco I bought lunch for my son but the only thing I could eat from the menu was a hot dog and then I threw away the bun. At work if I take a late lunch I sometimes decide that I may as well wait until dinner to eat. I know I need to improve in this area but I've think I've gotten a little better. I was good this morning and had stawberries and cottage cheese. For lunch I'll have tortilla soup (without the tortilla part of course). I weighed in again this morning and I lost another pound so I'm at 213. Oh, about the clippie, last time I tried I couldn't get it to work. I'll have to try again when I have time. Gotta go but I'll check in tonight. Have a great calorie free day Lulu!
One Pound Happy Dance for you, Lisa!:Pinkbounc Way to go!

There is no doubt that you're eating better than you did in the beginning of your journal. You give so much to so many people and you're constantly on the go. . .I just want you to take care of yourself, OK?

I've been having some trouble getting my cheat free clippie, too.
If I learn any tricks, I'll pass them on to you.:)

Have a healthy and happy day--
OH my you are doing fantastic!!!Is it 2 lbs this week? wonderful:D

Please try to eat something at each meal you must keep the metabolism going if you want to keep going down. I try to keep an atkins bar every where so when I need something it is there. I have 1 in my purse, desk at work, car & home. It really has worked, I winded up eating one while I shopped at Target last week.

You sound so busy and need to focus at least a little attention on you-stay focused and when you finally get to shop for yourself those dresses are going to fall off of you:p
Have a healthy day, Lisa. As you go through your day, know that all your WISH friends are sending happy :D thoughts to you and encouraging you to make the right choices!

Onward and downward,
Lisa, you've been doing great and the weight is coming off, one pound at a time!

Make sure you have snacks with you for emergencies - a single serve pack of peanuts or sunflower seeds, beef jerky (check carbs!) or an Atkins bar. There WILL be times when you just can't find anything low carb and you'll need something to fall back on. I'm like MeMe - I always have an Atkins bar handy...just in case.

Onward and downward!!
You guys are so great. I'm so glad you all posted because I'm in a bit of a funk right now and you've all given me a pick me up. It's amazing how people who you've never met in person and live thousands of miles away can have such a positive effect with just a few kind words. Thank you so much.

9/9/03: I'm starting to obsess again about the scale. I've weighed myself for the past four or five days in a row. Somebody stop me! Anyway, I'm at 213 lbs. So I guess my goal for the rest of the week is to stop weighing in. I'll try to wait until Monday.

Breakfast-Cottage cheese, strawberries, water.
Lunch-Chicken salad, Crystal Light.
Dinner-Ham and sour cream rolls, salad, water.

9/10/03: Did pretty good today with the meals. I actually woke up hungry this morning which was a little weird.

Breakfast-Two eggs, two slices of bacon, one cup of milk.
Lunch-Two hamburger patties, lettuce, tomato, pickles. Had regular ketchup on my patties along with mustard and mayo. I don't think I did any damage with the ketchup though; Crystal Light.
Dinner-Crab salad, water.
Dessert-1 cup of strawberries.

I"ll have to pick some Atkins Morning Start bars, haven't bought any in a couple of weeks.

It's sleepy time. I'll check in tomorrow. Good night ladies.
Hi, Lisa! I've been thinking about the scale a lot lately, too, and I've come to the conclusion that the numbers don't really matter at all (except so that we can get new clippies, of course:)), what matters is the successful lifestyle that we're managing to lead. You knew that, though, didn't you? When you look at your journal entries and see the healthy way that you've been eating, those pounds are bound to drop off your body when you're not even looking! Success is "walking the walk" each day and taking good care of ourselves, right? So, I'm vowing to stay off the scale 'til Monday, too. . .the No Scale Challenge begins today! We'll compare notes on Monday morning?

Today I'm going to try to drink all of my water--eight glasses worth. How 'bout you? Are you drinking enough during the day?

Our minds have been thinking a lot alike, because I, too, was marveling at how my new WISH friends have made such a difference, in such a short time, in my life. I'm glad you're one of them, Lisa:) Have a great day.

Thanks for the reminder to drink my water. I just can't seem to drink the entire 8 glasses. I drink about 6 a day. Hey, it's better than before I started Atkins. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't really drink much water unless it was flavored.

Let's definitely check in on Monday. When I come in to work Monday morning I'm going to make a beeline to the scale after having to wait 3 whole days. I think I need to go to Weighing In Anonynous because right I'm in serious scale withdrawal.:eek: Have a good day Lulu!:D
I know it's awfully early to be on the boards (it's not even 6 a.m. our time), but I'm feeling the urge to get on the scale, Lisa!:( Tell me to be strong! No, I can do this myself, gulp, I can wait until Monday, I know I can!:(

I'm going to try and focus on the positive behaviors that I've got to put forth today--watching my points, fitting some exercise into the day, taking my vitamins, and drinking that water. Knowing that you're avoiding the temptation of the scale, too, helps a lot, Lisa. If we can just make it to Monday there's bound to be lots of celebrating when we step on, right?:)

Have an Onward and Downward kind of day,
Lisa, hang in there!! I just know you can make it til Monday!! Besides, as Lulu said, the numbers on the scale don't even begin to tell the story of how good we're treating ourselves and the healthy habits we're building!! Even if you never got on a scale again, you'd see changes in how your clothes fit and how good your body feels - much better motivation than a silly number from a scale!!

I'm sending {{ hugs }} and extra willpower and good thoughts your way!! Knowing that I'm not doing this alone and that there are a circle of us helping and being helped by each other is so wonderful! We're in this together!! (now my eyes are getting teary at work! :D
Why do we obsess about the scale? How do you feel? clothes looser??? Why do we even have to know how much we weigh? Who invented the scale?

Oh such questions:p

Your doing great Lisa., keep it up to go down:D
Good morning all! I've managed to stay away from the scale, but sheesh, it sure is hard. My clothes are fitting looser and looser. My coworkers are actually commenting on my weight loss now. When you're at 224 pounds, it takes a while before lost pounds become apparent.

Lulu, you can do it! I know it's soooo hard, but you can do it. When you feel that magnetic force pulling you towards the scale, resist, resist! Just imagine how good we'll feel on Monday when we can hop on it on Monday. Hey, let's syncronize our watches. I weigh in at work. I come in at 9:00 and usually weigh in as soon as I walk in the door. I'll check in with you, at say, 9:30. I don't know how that works if you're in a different time zone though.

Doreen, the feeling is mutual. We are in the this together! You've all been an inspiration to me to keep going. This is as good or better than joining one of those support groups. I can talk to you guys in my jammies at 1:00 a.m.:D

Meme, I just don't know. It definitely had to be a man though.:rolleyes: I've been watching your progress too, and you're doing a great job. Keep it up (down)!:D
Lulu, I forgot that I have to be in an all day meeting on Monday so I'll have to check in around 8:00 or after 5:00. Either way, I'll post sometime Monday. Hang in there, ok?

I guest I should post my menus for the last two days.

9/11/03: Feeling pretty good, finally pulled out of my depression. I noticed that I felt like grabbing something with sugar in it,like some cookies or something, but I resisted. I'm sure it had something to do with my mood. But I'm fine now, made it over the hump.

Breakfast-Sugar free hot chocolate. I know, I should've eaten. Still have had not time to stop at the healthfood store for more Morning Start bars.
Lunch-Salad greens, Crystal Light.
Dinner-Two hamburger patties with cheese, side salad, steamed mixed veggies.

9/12/03-Did much better this day. Although I didn't have lunch, I did well with breakfast and dinner.

Breakfast-Two egg omelette with ham and cheese, 1 cup of whole milk.
Dinner-It's difficult to describe but it's a latin dish called Picadillo which has ground beef, tomato sauce, a small amount of corn and seasoned with garlic, onion, cumin, pepper, salt, white wine, green olives. Also had salad, water.
Dessert-Two sugar free jellos.

Ok, back to work.
Hi, Lisa! Glad to see you on the board.:) One more day and we can get on the scale!:Pinkbounc Is my excitement too weird or what?! I think this is the longest I've ever gone without checking my progress, and I think it's been a good thing that we're doing for ourselves. 'Cause like MeMe says, it doesn't matter at all what the number is and we shouldn't even have scales!!!

Looks like you're eating great and held onto your healthy lifestyle even in the midst of a little "blue funk" as I call it. That's so tough to do, I think. I always want a cookie, or a pretzel, or some other yummy carb to make me feel better. . .why is that?:confused: I'm glad you made it over the hump, though. Here's a hug for good measure {{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}}--just so you know I'm here for you whenever the going gets rough.

Oh, yeah, getting weighed on Monday. I'm up around 5:30 to get DD up for school and I know I won't be able to resist past 5:31 or so (!). I'll check in with you on Monday to see how you made out. Remember, no matter what the dumb thing says, we know that we've walked the walk to the best of our ability and the number, well, whatever it is, we'll live with it!

Take care,
Weigh in tomorrow - yeah you will do so well and even if the scale doesn't move take those measurements. You are doing a fabu job - keep it up:Pinkbounc
9/13/03: This is yesterday's menu. Thought I should post it now because tomorrow will be busy, busy, busy. BTW Lulu, can't wait to weigh in!:teeth:

Breakfast-Ham roll with cream cheese, 1 cup of whole milk.
Lunch-I was at work and forgot to bring my lunch that I had made myself in the morning:rolleyes: so I had two more ham and cream cheese rolls that I keep in our office fridge; Crystal Light.
Dinner-Roast beef, salad, water.

I'm off to run errands. I'll check in on Monday night or Tuesday morning.:D
Lisa, you have such willpower!! I've been fighting my depression and the cravings that go with it for the past couple days, also. Hooray to you for not giving in and turning to food. It really won't make us feel better, will it? No!! We'll still be depressed AND we'll feel bad that we went off plan.

Good luck with the scale tomorrow! We'll still be here, no matter what number comes up!!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Doreen.:D I'm still here at work and just got back from my meeting. I weighed in and......I'm at 211! Yee ha! So I'm down two more pounds since 9/8. I'm doing my happy dance right now. It was worth the wait but I don't know if I can wait another whole week to step on the scale again.

I guess now would be a good time to post my menu from yesterday.

9/14/03 Somehow I'm going to have to get in the habit of posting the day's menu at night before I go to bed, because doing it a day or two later is confusing me and sometimes I forget what I ate.

Breakfast-Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, sugar free hot chocolate with whole milk added (very yummy).
Lunch-Don't yell at me but I skipped lunch. I had to run some errands and got back later than I had anticipated.
Dinner-Picadillo, salad, water.

This week's goal is to eat all three meals, no skipping. Now I'm off to see what you all have been up to.
Lisa, 2 pounds!!!!! YA-HOO!!! :bounce: :bounce:

I'm so proud of you!! I bet you're proud of you too!!

Keep it up, girl!!!
The Two Pound Happy Dance for you, Lisa!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

And a cheer: Go, Lisa! Go, Lisa! Go, Lisa, GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

We made it, sister! We avoided the scale AND we lost some poundages, but I'm with you: I don't think I can stay away from the scale for another week quite yet. How 'bout we take a week off from being mentally healthy and relax and obsess this next week? We'll get on the scale whenever we feel like it and not worry one darn bit, OK?:p We can have another No Scale Challenge later this month if you're up for it.

Again, big congrats to you.

I never would've been able to avoid that scale, Lisa, if you hadn't been doing it, too. Thank you.

Have a good day, tomorrow!

Oh, and I almost forgot:



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