Lisa's - Kick Those Pounds to the Curb - Weight Loss Journey!


<font color=royalblue>DISneyLVR<br><font color=mag
Feb 18, 2005
Welcome to my journal!

Please feel free to comment! I would never turn away support! :)
1. Lose weight
2. Become a healthier me

1. No soda (except for Sprite to help my stomach when needed)
2. Exercise daily
3. Follow a food plan (right now I'm just going by the food pyramid guidelines - 1600 calories a day)
4. Limit 1 snack free choice per day
5. Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
6. Eat whole foods - avoid to much processed stuff.

Start Weight: 204.0
Current Weight: ?
Daily Goal: Stick to my food plan; no mindless snacking.

Egg (1 large)
Ketchup (1 tsp.)
Mushrooms (1/2 c.)
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice)
Margarine (1 tsp.)
Apple Jelly (1 tsp.)

String Cheese (1 stick)
Banana (1 medium)

Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices)
Turkey (2.5 oz.)
Mayo (1 tsp.)
Mustard (1 tsp.)
Spinach (1/2 c.)
Mushrooms (1/2 c.)
Catalina Just Right Salad Dressing (1 Tbsp.)
Chedder Cheese (1 oz.)

Blueberry Yogurt (1 cup)
Crackers with Whole Wheat (5 crackers)

Spaghetti (? - oops! I forgot to weigh it!)
Sauce (1 c.)
Garlic Bread (3 slices)
Garlic Powder (sprinkle)
Parmasen Cheese (sprinkle)
Pineapple (1/2 c.)
Sauteed Veggies (1 c.)


:sunny: No soda
:sad2: Exercise daily
:sunny: Follow a food plan
:sunny: Limit 1 snack free choice per day
:sunny: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
:sunny: Eat whole foods - avoid to much processed stuff.

Thoughts for the Day:
:teeth: I did not nush all day!
:teeth: I ate a little extra for dinner that I was planning on, but nothing to wild!

Welcome and way to go on your plans and your goals. Good job on writing that out - that will help you as you'll have it to look back when needed.

Looks like you are starting out well!!!!!! Keep it up!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Welcome to WISH!!!! This is a great place for support.

You have started off very well.

You can do this....Keep it up!
Hey there, Miss! Looking good! You know the've been there, done that and hauled bum!

Welcome again! And a cheer!

:cheer2: Lisa! Oh yes!
:cheer2: She's doing her best!
:cheer2: Gonna strive and gonna succeed
:cheer2: Kicking those pounds is what she needs!

Good luck!
This list is very powerful to me and I thought I would post it for all to see. :)

1. I am afraid to be thin because I willl get more attention.
2. I am afraid to be thin because I may be truly happy.
3. I am afraid to be thin because what else will occupy my mind all the time.
4. I am afraid to be thin because I may become fat again.
5. I am afraid to be thin because I won't be allowed to use my weight as an excuse.
6. I am afraid to be thin because I will have to be more responsible in regards to my eating habits.
7. I am afraid to be thin because I won't be able to "blend into" the crowd.
8. I am afraid to be thin because I would have higher expectations of myself.
9. I am afraid to be thin because others may have higher expectations of me.
10. I am afraid to be thin because food would no longer be able to comfort me.
11. I am afraid to be thin because I might meet new people.
12. I am afraid to be thin because outsiders may realize that I am not as confident as I appear to be.
13. I am afraid to be thin because what else would I talk about.
14. I am afraid to be thin because it's the identity that I've known for so long.
15. I am afraid to be thin because I would have to maintain my weight.
16. I am afraid to be thin because I would have to stop being destructive to myself.
17. I am afraid to be thin because being fat is a "crutch" that I regularly lean on.
18. I am afraid to be thin because I would have to go on dates since I tend to use my weight as an excuse not to date.
19. I am afraid to be thin because my life, my confidence, etc. might not improve.
20. I am afraid to be thin because I might meet "the one" who would see me as others don't - a scared, timid, etc. person.
21. I am afraid to be thin because I won't have an excuse for being lazy.
22. I am afraid to be thin because it's going to take a lot of work to get there.
23. I am afraid to be thin because my body will still have flaws.
24. I am afraid to be thin because I may never been attractive or good enough.
25. I am afraid to be thin because changing my weight involves my personality and changing everything about me.
Well, yesterday was a farce! Honestly, I don't feel bad at all. I did eat some extra calories, but still I did not stuff my face all day! Yes, it will take some time to lose those extra calories, but I'm happy with the fact that I did not just give up and eat everything in sight. I had a little treat and that's good enough for me! :)

Daily Goal: Stick to my food plan; no mindless snacking.

String Cheese (1 Stick)

Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices)
Light Mayo (1 tsp.)
Mustard (1 tsp.)
Honey Turkey (2 oz.)
Spinach (1 c.)
Mushrooms (1/2 c.)
Cheese (1 oz.)
Catalina Light Done Right Salad Dressing (1 Tbsp.)

Cherry Yogurt (1 container)
Ritz Crackers made with Whole Wheat (5 crackers)

Egg Substitute (1 egg)
Mushrooms (1/2 c.)
Ketchup (1 tsp.)
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice)
Margarine (1 tsp.)
Apple Jelly (1 tsp.)
Blueberries (1/2 c.)

Fudgesicle (1)
Garlic Bread (2 slices)
Cheese (2 oz.)
Fruit Punch Juice (8 oz.)
Chips (1 c.)


:sunny: No soda
:sad2: Exercise daily
:sunny: Follow a food plan
:sunny: Limit 1 snack free choice per day
:sunny: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
:sunny: Eat whole foods - avoid to much processed stuff.

Thoughts for the Day:
:teeth: I really need to go shopping more often! LOL! I feel like all I have to eat is the kitchen table and chairs! ;)
:teeth: Ah, did make a run for the grocery store this morning. Zoom in and out...just the way I like it and now I have some tasty foods! Yum! :)
:teeth: Alright, I confess, I'm in love with Dannon's Light 'n Fit Cherry Vanilla Yogurt. It tastes awesome to me!
:teeth: Yeah, I do eat a lot of the same foods, but I am trying to buy my own groceries so then I cannot not eat them. I bought them with my hard earned money and I will eat them!
:teeth: I need to start the day with a good breakfast...otherwise I snack late at night!
Cruise04 said:

Welcome and way to go on your plans and your goals. Good job on writing that out - that will help you as you'll have it to look back when needed.

Looks like you are starting out well!!!!!! Keep it up!

Keep on :banana: :banana:


Thank you for those wonderful words! Last night I was really discouraged, but now I'm back in the game! :)

Best of luck to you! :)

eeyore25 said:
Welcome to WISH!!!! This is a great place for support.

You have started off very well.

You can do this....Keep it up!


Thank you for your words of encouragement! Last night I was so tired of dealing with myself (LOL - I know! ;)) that I almost gave up. Key word is almost!

Best of luck to you! :)

TigerCheer2009 said:
Hey there, Miss! Looking good! You know the've been there, done that and hauled bum!

Welcome again! And a cheer!

:cheer2: Lisa! Oh yes!
:cheer2: She's doing her best!
:cheer2: Gonna strive and gonna succeed
:cheer2: Kicking those pounds is what she needs!

Good luck!


I can always count on you for some encouraging words! Thank you for that! :)

I always appreciate your enthusiasm! :)

You are welcome Lisa - and hang in there, we all can do this together!!!! One step at a time my friend, one step at a time!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well, I didn't eat the best snacks last night, but, once again, I didn't stuff my face either. I don't know what is happening to me, but I sure like it! Honestly, I'm hoping to get some good habits down for the next three weeks (AH! Three weeks! :faint: ) before school starts. I love my job, but the amount of stress that occurs in the beginning of the year is unreal. Not to mention the wonderful back-to-school luncheons we are served! ;) Here's to another great day!

Daily Goal: Stick to my food plan; no mindless snacking.

Egg Substitute (1 egg)
Onions (1/4 c.)
Mushrooms (1/4 c.)
Ketchup (1 tsp.)
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice)
Margarine (1 tsp.)
Apple Jelly (1 tsp.)
Pineapple (1/2 c.)


No soda
Exercise daily
Follow a food plan
Limit 1 snack free choice per day
Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
Eat whole foods - avoid to much processed stuff.

Thoughts for the Day:
:teeth: I make a mean breakfast! Picture a light and fluffy egg omelet with mushrooms and onions and little bit of ketchup. On the side you have a wonderful, fresh piece of whole wheat toast topped with a dab of margarine and a tad of apple jelly. Your wonderful treat is topped off with a side dish of some of the summer's juiciest pineapple. Enjoy! (Seriously, I'm half tempted to eat breakfast all over again! ;))
:teeth: I wish summer fruits were, well, available more times of the year than summer! The pineapple that my dad selected was outstanding! I had some wonderful blueberries, as well. Heaven!
:teeth: Writing my list of reasons why I'm scared to be thin has really helped cleanse me of something. A big step would be for me to share it with my family. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
Hi Lisa--just read your journal and wanted to say that you are doing great!
i am going to take your idea about putting the goals in my journal and using the sunny face if i do it...hope you dont mind..i need some type of motivation!
Good afternoon!

I'm in an awesome mood and, unfortunately, it will probably die soon since I have to pay my bills! LOL! ;) However, I've had a really great day so far. I turned in a project for my Masters and have one more that I would like to finish today. :)

Daily Goal: Avoid eating the whole thing of cheese! It's just so good!

Egg Substitute (1 egg)
Onions (1/4 c.)
Mushrooms (1/4 c.)
Ketchup (1 tsp.)
Whole Wheat Bread (1 slice)
Margarine (1 tsp.)
Apple Jelly (1 tsp.)
Mixed Fruit - Pineapple, Red and Green Grapes, and Blueberries (1/2 c.)

String Cheese (1)
Peach (1)

Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices)
Light Mayo (1 tsp.)
Mustard (1 tsp.)
Honey Turkey (2 slices)
Mixed Fruit - Pineapple, Red and Green Grapes, and Blueberries (1 c.)
Spinach (1 c.)
Mushrooms (1 c.)
Cheddar Cheese (1 oz.)
Catalina Just Right Salad Dressing (1 oz.)

Rye Bread (2 slices)
Margarine (1 tbsp.)
Garlic Powder (sprinkle)
Spaghetti (1 c.)
Mixed Veggies - Onions, Green Peppers, Mushrooms (1 c.)
M&M Sugar Cookies (2)


:sunny: No soda
:sunny: Exercise daily
:sunny: Follow a food plan
:sunny: Limit 1 snack free choice per day
:sunny: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
:sunny: Eat whole foods - avoid to much processed stuff.

Thoughts for the Day:
:teeth: I am obsessed with Jewel Cheddar Cheese! I have to limit myself or I would eat the whole darned thing!
:teeth: Pineapple is so good right now! The flavors are just amazing!
:teeth: I worked out only for a short time today because my back has really been hurting me. I guess that's why I go to physical therapy for it! ;)
:teeth: I can't wait to get back to work in the sense that I will be much better at eating on schedule. My whole day is thrown off unless I have scheduled snack and lunch time (which I do in my classroom...for the kids and me! ;) )
Hi Lisa! I was wondering where you had run off too, I am glad I found your new journal! Your description of food makes me SO HUNGRY!!!!!!! I am also a summer fruit fanatic. Blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, watermelon - YUM!

You are making excellent food choices, keep it up!
Wow, you can tell that you are a TEACHER!! :teacher: You are so organized and that's wonderful for weight loss! I love reading your journal because it's so easy to follow! You have some great meal ideas, and you have set some very attainable goals. Good luck with school starting back! It's easier for me when I'm not sitting around the house all day eating. I am a SAHM, but I'll be busy when school starts back!!!!
lovinaz said:
Hi Lisa! I was wondering where you had run off too, I am glad I found your new journal! Your description of food makes me SO HUNGRY!!!!!!! I am also a summer fruit fanatic. Blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapes, watermelon - YUM!

You are making excellent food choices, keep it up!

Thank your kind note! I really appreciate it! :)
karynnix said:
Wow, you can tell that you are a TEACHER!! :teacher: You are so organized and that's wonderful for weight loss! I love reading your journal because it's so easy to follow! You have some great meal ideas, and you have set some very attainable goals. Good luck with school starting back! It's easier for me when I'm not sitting around the house all day eating. I am a SAHM, but I'll be busy when school starts back!!!!

LOL! I know I am obsessed with organization! Thank you for your kind words! It has brightened my day! :)


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