Less than 1 week, I think I might pee myself!.......a PTR

I'm so glad you are going to MNSSHP!!! We love it. I'm trying to talk myself into going twice because we love it so much!!!
I think postcards would be a lovely gesture! As long as the patients and/or familes know ahead of time you're going, I don't think anyone would see it as throwing Disney in their face - hey everyone deserves a vacation! Tell them you're away re-charging your batteries to come back & give them even better attention & care, if anyone questions it. I know my grandfather & our family worshipped his hospice nurses & would have been tickled pink to get a postcard from one of their vacations. That shows that you really love your job & your patients, it's ot just a paycheck for you.

OMG are you down to 12 days now - or is it 11??

I think so too. The patients I currently have are fairly close to me. In fact one was just in the hospital was discharged today and requested to anyone who would listen that I be his nurse when he came home :lovestruc. I just wrote down their addresses and will tuck it away in my suitcase. It's funny, I go to their houses a few times a week but for the life of me could not tell you their addresses!!!!! Good thing I thought of it now!

I was thinking of going to Hospice, but with Palliative care, I get the best of both worlds!

11 days (in a few hours, 10!!) till the trip, 7 more days of work

I'm so glad you are going to MNSSHP!!! We love it. I'm trying to talk myself into going twice because we love it so much!!!

You are crazy!!!! I am glad too, now I just need to get the boys costumes! Thankfully they are REALLY into pirates so I see a Jack Sparrow in their future! I won't dress up, but I may make a shirt that says something Halloweenish. I saw some cute sayings at AC Moore. I'll talk to DH to see if he would wear a shirt that says "I don't do costumes" But I doubt it!

I just emailed both their teachers to make them aware of the trip (I got approval for the trip from the office already). So that is done! Tomorrow I might got to Party City to look for costumes. I really don't have time to order then online. Opps!

I've been working on cleaning my basement....it is partially finished, and that part has been the home of laundry that isn't really needed (blankets and odd socks) and gets done when we are caught up on other laundry. (which hardly EVER happens!) Anyway I was down there looking for our pressed penny holder (still haven't found it) and see that one of the cats has used that area for a litter box:headache: Soo guess what laundry got done!!!!! I'm not sure why he did that, but I might try putting another box down in the basement (we have 1 for 2 cats).

Tonight we have been working on homework. Cody is in 1st grade and had spelling words. Thankfully he seems to know them down pat!!!!:banana: He left his folder and assignment book either at school or daycare. He is his mother's son! I just hope whatever he misses is this easy for him! Shane's homework is a calendar of 25 items and we have to pick 15 for him to do over the course of the month. He has been working on it and has almost all of it done. Then he sat here and started writing words...random words. And spelling them all correctly!

It amazes me how different they are. Cody is street smart, he can build something with legos or play the Wii and beat levels my DH can't! Shane is book smart, he far exceeds his brother when it comes to school, it just comes so easy to him, but the Wii not so much. I am in awe of what little men they are becoming.

Today I ran to Walmart inbetween patients to pee (I know where all the clean bathroom are in the areas I work!!!!:lmao:) and they had Lego Tshirts with a small Lego set that came with it, so of course I got one for each of them! I also almost got them new Leapster games. They have a lot of them, but not the new Toy Story one or the Peguins of Madagascar. I thought about it and decided to wait to see if I'm going to get them the DSs. Now that I think of it I may pick them up (as they were on sale) and if I get the DSs I can return them. (although in talking with DH he wants to wait to get the DS until Xmas, so that solves that internal debate!) Now I have to remember lots of batteries for the Leapsters. I usually get the Enegizer Lithium as they last a lot longer!

Well I have gone on long enough...time for bed!
Just thought of one...would like some opinions

I have a short list of people who I want to send Post cards to. But in thinking of them, it got me thinking about my patients. I am pretty 'protective' over my patients and hate the idea of them being seen by another nurse. While just about all the nurses I work with are capable of giving good care, it's not me. I know what has been going on, I know what to look out for, I'm just a bit sad that they will be 'alone' for the week+ I am gone.

So should I send post cards to them? I don't want it to seem like I am throwing it in their face that I am in Disney, and in thinking about it, I don't think any of them will take it like that.

You are such a caring person! I hope when I'm older & need help, I will have a nurse like you!
I think your patients would LOVE to get a card from you. I don't think they would see it as your throwing it in their face. I think they will see it as you thought of them & I can see them showing off your postcard to others.

You don't have much longer!:goodvibes
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I am looking forward to rides, lots and lots of rides! My kids are ride hounds and would live at a fair if they could! They are so excited to ride the rides, I think even more so than seeing the characters. But maybe not as much as the pool!

I was telling them about the trip, how things will go once they come home from school on Friday (gonig to the hotel, the airport, the flight, DME). I tell them once we get checked into the hotel we can go to the Magic Kingdom. They tell me they want to go swimming!!! LOL! Like they haven't been swimming all summer:rolleyes: Oh well, whatever makes them happy!

I have a list of 'new' rides and shows to us (off the top of my head)
Nemo show
Beauty and the Beast
Lion King

Astro Orbitor (not sure how we missed this on past trips!)
Hall of Presidents
Haunted Mansion (this is new to DH and the boys)
Tiki Room

Test Track
The Countries rides
Soarin (new to the boys)
The 'Golf Ball' as DH calls it!


I know there are more than that, but that list is at home!
Since the boys have recently started to really LOVE pirates, I looked into booking them with the Pirates League. Of course the day we plan to go to MNSSHP they are completely booked! But they did have another day available the day we are doing MK (and LTT for lunch!). I made the appt for after lunch at 12:40, and the booking agent said that at 2pm they do a "Pirates Parade" so the boys will be tickled!

This will be another surprise for them!!!!!

Also today I got the mail and our good friends in the Outer Banks (I've talked about them before) sent a card for the boys, with a check for $100, $50 for each boy 'to buy something special' while they are on vacation. These people are just too wonderful for words! Really Amazing! I don't talk to my Dad anymore, and it just leaves me speechless that these people think of my kids!
How nice that your friends thought of the boys! And I am so excited for them for Pirate's League, they will love it.

Definitely send your patients some postcards for disney. I am sure that would make their day. So nice of you to think about them!

Your list of things that you haven't done before/would like to do has alot on there that I would say don't miss out on. My favs from your list are AK- FoTLK, Nemo. MK- PoTC, BTMRR, and HM, Epcot- Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico, Test Track, Soarin', and Maelstrom in Norway.

Woohoo for only 10 days left!!! Single digit dance is tomorrow!:dance3: Sorry couldn't help it!:rotfl:
:banana::banana::banana:9 Days!!!:banana::banana::banana:

Woot Woot, Single Didgets!!!!!!

Today I am excited for the surprises in store for the boys. They knew about the trip (although now I wish it were a surprise), they have found some of the 'extras' I have gotten them for the ride and hotels (guess I did a crummy job of hiding them)..But I have managed to plan a few surprises!

One is Pirates League....they will LOVE this!

Another is our Trex dinner and Build a Dino. I thinkm they will like this (not as much as the Pirates League though!).

I almost wish there was a Pirates meal.....for boys. There are so many Princess meals, but none that are geared to boys. Sure they like Mickey and Pooh, but it would be nice to ahve another option for them!
:cool1::cool1::cool1:8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

Today I am excited for.........a day with my Nana, Papa and Mom!

My mom was going ot fly down and surprise us, but she had to tell me since I made the dining ressies! Four Generations in 1 park!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to order the photopass CD so I will be sure to get LOADS of pictures this day. Nana is my last living grandparent and my boys' last great-grandparent. These pictures will be extra special!

The other day at TRU I got the boys M&M containers to make pressed penny tubes. Well I put them some place 'special' so the boys would not find them and so the dog would not eat them. For 2 days I have searched the house and car top to bottom. I even looked for the bag in the trash couldn't find them. Yesterday I stopped to the local grocery store and found the small ones, so I picked them up.

Can you guess what I found today?!?!?!?!?!?! Ding, Ding, Ding, I found the 1st tubes!!! They were in the passenger door sleeve! I was getting gas in the car today and went over to the passenger side and there they were!!!!

Guess I know what I am doing this weekend!
I can't believe you are down to single digits! Pirate League looks awesome!!! I'm sure it'll be great!

:cool1::cool1::cool1:7 Days:cool1::cool1::cool1:

This time next week we will be sitting on a plane!!!!!!:cool1:

Today I am excited for.....peace and quiet....at least I hope to get some! The boys have been doing nothing but fighting lately, DH has been in a FOUL mood and I have been too tired to do much. I'm hoping that some time away from it all will help us regroup as a family.

I have SOOOOO much to do and being on the DIS is not one of them!:rotfl: Laundry, packing, cleaning, charting, and cleaning the turtle tank is at the top of my list.....yet the DIS is where I sit (cause it is a lot more fun than any of those other things!).

Well I guess I am off to be a grown up and get something done!
I can't believe it's almost time for your trip! I've been off of the DIS a lot because I had to cancel my trip. (Stupid work.) :headache: I know it pays for my trips but they need to make their minds up as to what's going on around here. New company's coming in and you'll paid out for all of your vaca time, never mind no new company at this time you can use your time. Great, I already canceled my reservations. GRRRRR!
I hope your trip clears all of the crabbiness going around. :hug:
Just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work for your patients. I'm glad there are people out there caring for the patients because they care not because it's just a job. I hope you take the time to "recharge" it takes a lot out of you taking care of others. :hug:
I can't believe it's almost time for your trip! I've been off of the DIS a lot because I had to cancel my trip. (Stupid work.) :headache: I know it pays for my trips but they need to make their minds up as to what's going on around here. New company's coming in and you'll paid out for all of your vaca time, never mind no new company at this time you can use your time. Great, I already canceled my reservations. GRRRRR!
I hope your trip clears all of the crabbiness going around. :hug:

I hate it when our jobs come in between us and our Disney addictions!!!! LOL! But really, sorry you had to cancel your trip...is that the one in your ticker?

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work for your patients. I'm glad there are people out there caring for the patients because they care not because it's just a job. I hope you take the time to "recharge" it takes a lot out of you taking care of others. :hug:

You are welcome. Really, it's me who should be thanking my patients! What I get back is so much more than I give....most days! Yesterday I ran into a man who I saw a few months ago....it was a disaster of a visit and I was at his house for 3 hours trying ot get him placed in a rehab late on a Friday. I finally was able to, after many phone calls and frustration. Well Yesterday I saw him (he is a greeter at Walmart) and he gave me a BIG ole hug and thanked me for making a difference in his life.....
:banana::banana::banana::banana: 6 DAYS!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana::banana:

Today I am excited for..........meeting a Disser!!!! I won't mention any names, but I am really excited to meet him. He has become a FB friend as well and I am lucky to call him a friend!

It's amazing the wonderful people I have met on the DIS!
Woohoo you are almost there. Yay for meeting a DISer! I am sure that this trip is what your family needs. Just be sure to slow down and take it all in.:goodvibes
Holy Moly

5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOWSA!!!!! This week at work (well, 4 days) is gonig to DRAAAAAAAAAGGG on. Although, now I am down to 3 more work days (ah, ah,ah, ah, ah, ah... like the Count!). So even better! :banana: Talk about wanting to pee yourself!

I made my Mousekeeper envelopes. Last time we just left the money on the thing that had the Mousekeepers name, but this way I can prefill them and just take one out of the safe every day, rather than worry if we have enough in $1 and $5.

I made pressed penny tubes for the boys now that I finally found then in the super safe, super secret, place I put them! However the DOG ate the EMPTY container! That's right, no M&Ms were in it, but he ate it :sad2: UGH that dog! So now I have to get another one.

So today I am excited for........

Downtown Disney shopping!!!!!!!! I LOVE to shop! Dh and the boys are excited to go to the Lego store! OH the money they will spend!


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