Less than 1 week, I think I might pee myself!.......a PTR


In having children, I have lost my mind, but found
Jun 4, 2008
I debated posting this, for fear if I do, our (ok, well, my) plans for our next WDW trip may not pan out. BUT Dh gave me the go ahead to book (silly, silly dh, doesn't know that prices for 2010 have not be released yet) last weekend when we got into a fight. Heck, if I knew that was all it would take, we'd fight all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like I said, I had my doubts about posting this, but my friends are all SICK, of hearing about my plans for WDW...they are not Disney lovers like we are (then again, maybe I am the sick one, afterall, this is more of an obsession than a want to go on vacation). So a trip report I will start!!!!!!! In a way it will be like 3 in one...that is I leave in 19 days for OBX, come home for a week then leave for VEGAS!! Finally when I get back the REAL WDW planning will start!

DH didn't want to go back to WDW again (we had been in '06 and '08), but the past few months have been hard for me. My 13yo neice had been living with us for 3 years, well she decided to move back in with her mom once school was over. I fear this is not the best decision for her, but it was not mine to make.

Our last 2 trips (DH and the boys' only trips) were 1st with my family in Sept 2006 and then with his parents in 08. In '06 we (my dad, his wife, their then 6mo old twins, me, DH, our boys then 1.5 and 2.5, my best friend, my DN and my brother) drove from PA in a 15 pass van. We had a nice time, crazy, but nice! Dh had NO desire to ever go see "some overgrown, over priced RAT" before my dad offered to pay for our trip with money he got from my grandmothers estate. He got there and called his mom, telling her how cool everything was. She seemed interested in going, as they had never been before.
So Oct 2008 we went with his parents. This time we rented a 12 pass van and drove from PA with me, DH, DN who was 13, DS then age 3, DS then age 4, MIL and FIL. I had magical plans for this trip. Sadly my MIL was happy to stay in the resort the ENTIRE time. WE did get her out, but it was only for short periods. It was less than magical (I know they say any day in Disney is better than a day at home, BUT you know how you plan and plan for a year and then 'newbies' don't care for it......way to let the air out of a balloon). I came home REALLY wanting to go back, depressed when DH said we needed a roof on the house and couldn't afford it.

It looked like no trip for Star, but then DN moved out and a trip for 2 adults and 2 children all in 1 room became possible. Not that I am happy at all DN is not with us anymore, but at least there is a silver lining!
I'll start with me...Star (really, it's my name, I have a sister named Panda). I am 29 (I'll be 30 when we go). I am a full time home care nurse, meaning I go into people's homes (like today, when I went into a house with ROACHES....ew). I enjoy my job, most of the time. I have been to WDW several times now, mostly as a teenager.

Here is a pict of us at our wedding...much skinnier than we are now!

Dh, Randy will be 37 when we go on our trip. He is a former DOD firefighter (he was working at Aberdeen Proving Ground) and is now a fire inspector/building inspector. He has been bitten by a small Disney Bug, but nothing like my Disney Bug.

A more recent one of us

Cody will be 6, almost 7 (WHAT??? That CAN'T be right....Sigh, I guess it is) when we go on our trip. He LOVES WallE. In fact when he watches the movie, he mimics everything WallE does. He will be in 1st grade for our trip, but we will be taking him out of school for it.

Shane will be 5, almost 6, when we go. He loves Star Wars. I just hope he will be tall enough to ride Star Tours in MGM (that's right, I said MGM). Guess we better start pulling his legs now! He will be in K.

Now....Whats a PTR without pictures?!?!?!


Shane at the Happiest Place on Earth


Cody and his B-day cake
Until our vacation to the OBX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I came home from Ct this past weekend to find our PC died! No power or anything. We are hoping it is only the power supply so we don't lose everything! Just my luck!

Like I said we are going to OBX, Avon to be exact. We have very good friends who live there year round. Joe is a retired Camden firefighter and Sue, his wife, worked in a MRI center and currently works at a Vet's office.

These people are the family we have chosen to have. They have a son who is my age, not married and might not ever get married, so they enjoy our kids so much! The boys call them Uncle Joe and Aunt Sue and are SOOO excited to see them at the beach! Joe was diagnosed with stage 4 laryngeal cancer last spring, had chemo and radiation. Then Xmas had to have a trach placed. They are hoping he can get the trach out soon as his breathing has improved. He has a feeding tube since being diagnosed and currently that is the only way he can eat (the radiation destroyed the inside of his mouth, he was getting therapy before the trach was placed which has been on hold since).

We are really excited to spend sometime with them. We have a few activities planned for the boys...the ferry ride, the lighthouse, the aquarium and of course the beach!

off to clean!
My DH......and I don;t mean dear!

He informed me today that our trip next year will NOT be coming out of our tax return :sad2: I then asked him just how were we supposed to pay for our trip? My good looks aren't gonna cut it!:rotfl2: And the trees in the yard have never giving us money, no matter how much we water them!:confused3

So we made an agreement. We put away $100 a month, so $50 a pay, and save what we can, change jar, yard sale, ebay and so on and what ever we don't save he will let me take from the tax return. :banana:

My plan is also to ask for Disney Dollars for Xmas for us and the boys. Their B-days are in Dec and Feb, so we often get over run with toys all at one time. Usually family gives TRU gift cards, so it won't be such a switch to ask for DD for our spending money. My mom usually give us a big gift, so I will ask for $ or DD.

We, well I, was looking into 3 different resort options...value mod and delux. All Star, CBR and WL. We have only stayed in ASMo in the past, but DH feels that will be too small for the 4 of us (other years we have had 2 rooms). I hear great things about CBR and I would LOVE to stay in WL.

So what does everyone think..any opinions on those 3 resorts?

We like the ASMo

for the food court (it is pretty yummy for a QS and has more than hambergers and sandwhiches)

The themeing of the rooms

We are familiar with it

It will allow us to stay longer as it will be cheaper

My only drawback from WL (other than price) is I don't hear great things about their QS.

Now DH asked about AKL...he wants to see the animals:rotfl2: I told him he could, but he would pay for that view!!!!

I keep hoping I get a PIN code for a delux resort or we book for free dining OR WDW has a new promo come out for next year! That or we hit the lottery!
Our vaction to OBX was FANTASTIC!!!!! I just wanted to let all my readers know (hehehehhe) that I am back and hope to write a mini TR tomorrow. As for toda, I am exausted even though I slept most of the 9 hour car ride home!
I took a day off of work to get 'stuff' done before Vegas on Sat. None of that 'stuff' included writing this, but this is WAY more fun than laundry and cleaning.

We have been to OBX 2 other times, each time staying with friends.... Joe is a retired Camden, NJ battalion chief (Fireman). Sue is his wife. Randy (my dh) met Joe thru a friend and now we have become VERY close with Joe and Sue. Last May Joe was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. Not a good diagnosis at all. He completed his rounds of chemo and radiation. He had a feeding tube place into his belly and this past Jan a trach into his neck, but so far NO CANCER!!!!!! We pray each CT scan that we will continue to get good news. We weren't sure if Joe would be up to a visit this year, so we played it by ear......

About Father's day Sue emailed me to say it was a go!!!!! WE were all so excited. I guess Joe had been moping around the house a bit, annoyed that he didn't have the energy to do the things he once did. Sue thought our visit was just what he needed.

Fri night we packed (I am such a procrastonater when it comes to that), loaded the car and set our alarms for 2am!!!! We were on the road by 3am! With the boys being so little yet we prefer to travel like this so they can sleep....or so we thought! They woke at 5am and didn't nap till after we got to Avon.


Cody Being Silly in the car


Shane in the car

I have a SEVERE phobia of bridges. Not lilttle bridges around town, but BIG bridges, so when we go thru VA (Chesapeak Bay Bridge and Tunnle) I have to medicate myself so I sleep and therefore avoid a HUGE anxiety attack. So about 2 hrs into our trip DH wakes me and tell me to pop my magic pill! Off to dream land I go.

We stopped just over the bridge at a DEnny's, eat breakfast and hit the road.


breakfast at Denny's


Almost there!!!!!

We arrived at Joe and Sue's in Avon around noon.

It was so great to finally see them after almost 2 years! We ate lunch and went to take a nap! WE were all exausted...even me who slept most of the car ride!

After our nap, it was beach time!!!!!!


1st steps onto the beach 2009!!!!


Cody and Shane making something!


Cody wrote his own name in the sand!


Shane getting ready to dig!
I am back from Vegas if anyone is reading. I hope to do a lil TR about that trip as well.........if only I could find the time!!!!!!! Life and Work has been hectic, the kids have been sick, so my 'extra' DIS time is at a minimum.

To all my loyal readers:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I will be posting some more of my OBX TR as well as Vegas...then I will move onto PTR stuff for our trip in just over a year!!!!! I had a friend leave today for WDW and another in 1 month, but I am vacationed out at the moment and while I'm happy for them, I'm excited to plan for our trip!!!
Your son's Birthday Cake is so freakin' cool!! I LOVE IT!!!

My daughter also had a Wall-e bday cake this year for 3rd birthday. It's pretty lame compared to yours, did you make it yourself?

Here's a picture of hers ......



She just recently became interested in the girlie things like princesses and so forth. So I'm hoping next birthday we'll get to do something pretty and frilly. :)

Hope you all have a wonderful trip! BTW, I LOVE the CBR!!
Reyesmom.....no a friend made the cake...I can take no credit!!!!!

Thanks for reading...I was begining to wonder if I had cooties!
I'm here!:yay: It's great to see you planning for another trip.
I'm glad your friend is doing so well with his treatment.

YAY:cool1: 2 People Read my post!!!!!!

Yes we are....we were just talking about it last night, DH and I. I am really torn where to stay. I guess I should get my butt calling WDW to get prices. So far I have just been going online to 'estimate'
:thumbsup2 I am so glad to see someone else starting trippies so far out other than myself. We'll be going 10/2010 also and once my current trip report is finished then the pre-trippie begins. My last one started at 563 days so technically I am behind. :rotfl2:
On the phone right now with WDW getting prices!

WOW do prices look high without FREE dining or any PINS!!!! I did ask if any Pins were associated with my name and he told me no, not for 2010 (which might mean there are for 2009, but we are NOT going this year :-( ) But did tell me that there might be, I could check back as it gets closer.

For these dates of Travel Sept 25-Oct 4

DH wants 2 rooms at All Star Movies if we stay there, so he priced 2 rooms with Parkhoppers, water parks, dining, insurance at $4702.
The CM then suggested a Family suite. In the past when I had priced it out, it was more than 2 rooms (at least I thought it was?) was. He quoted me $4658, so it is actually less to have a fridge and microwave and 2 bathrooms!!!!

I REALLY want to stay at Ft Wilderness Lodge which he quoted me 5137.00 for a standard view and the above packages. Not much more than 2 rooms at ASMo.

He also wants to fly this trip (in the past we have driven from PA) which will add another expense. I better get saving either way!!!! He was telling me last night that the house needs a roof, I need a new car......I don't care what happens he promised me this trip after the cruddy year I have had and our last trip being less than magical. I will be saving for this trip, so I guess in the end I get to decide where we stay!
:thumbsup2 I am so glad to see someone else starting trippies so far out other than myself. We'll be going 10/2010 also and once my current trip report is finished then the pre-trippie begins. My last one started at 563 days so technically I am behind. :rotfl2:

Well I'll have to take a gander at your TR then PTR.....

I started this TR once DH said we could go back...I was so excited but knew it was soooooooooooooooo far off. I HAD to do something to keep me from going crazy, so I have started a place to talk about my trip (since my friends were getting VERY tired of hearing about it!).

I wish there were a few more hours in the day, even 3, to get alldone that needs to.
This is the reason Joe and Sue are so special to us........

Today in the mail came a note from Sue (we usually converse by email as Sue is VERY hard of hearing, she wears hearing aides so she can hear when spoken to loudly, but does terrible on the phone, Joe has the trach so he is hard ot understand on the phone). She enclosed picts of their new guinea pig, Romeo. They used to have Doodle, but he passed away about a year or so ago. Cody is obsessed with GPs...and I will not get one as it will be another thing I have to take care of. Along with the picts was a check for $50 to get the boys some back to school stuff!!!!! How sweet is she!!!!!!!!

Just had to share that......

NOw a question.......where to stay. I need opinions on the 3 resorts I have previously listed...ASMo Suites (we stayed in preferred rooms and liked them enough), PO Riverside and FWL. I need pros and cons with all 3, well really just the 2 new ones!

The CM suggested that we book the ASMo Suite ASAP as those fill up fast and if a better 'deal' comes along we can change our ressie. I am fine with that, but DH wants that in writing (Mr. I need it in writing about EVERYTHING!). I know it can be done.

I am REALLY hoping for a 40% off code for WL so we can stay there as this will prob be the last trip for awhile. DH didn't want to go back to WDW :-)scared1: I know, I know, he just is not as much of a WDW Nut as we all are....so sad for him!!!). He wanted to do something 'new' like the Grand Canyon or something. I think at 5 and 6 the boys are too young to enjoy that this soon. I saw it as I was flying to Vegas (we had a REALLY great pilot who went over it for us) and it was beautiful, but I think the boys are just too young to enjoy it right now. Maybe once they are 8/9/10 and in Boy Scouts? Also my mom is moving to Vegas in 2 and a half years (from NYC) so I figure we can do a trip out to Vegas, drop the kids off to MeMa so DH and I can go to the Strip for a few days, then go out to GC. That's my plan anyway. I would go to WDW EVERY Year if I could, but DH not so much.

Ok enough rambling from me. I've got mini TR to work on!
When I asked for a 40% off code, I should have been more specific...I want a 40% off code for NEXT year.

About an hour ago in my inbox I get a PIN from WDW good for 10/4/09 to 11/24/09 for

Value $69 a night
Mod $99 a night
Mod $169 a night for AKL or WL

REALLY...what a tease! There is no way we can go....I am OUT of vacation time, DH only has a few days left, and we just don't have the $$$ (we pay cash for our trips, nothing gets charged as we have no credit cards, no tempting that way) to go right now.

I can only hope something comes out for our dates next year.

Sigh......I wish I had a rich relative who would gift me the money. Oh well.
About 2 months ago I joined SR. I have about $5 in the account, but tried today for some more. I did some offers, a survey and some shopping (Vera Bradley was having a sale on a bag, along with Free shipping!!! I also ordered photos from our OBX trip to get $4 in credit on something I needed to order anyway. Not the case with VB though!).

I have a change jar which is just about ready to go to the bank for auto sorting (they don't change anything). I have $15 in winning scratch offs, $27 in bills (that were in the change jar) and a check from Fantasia for $40.52. So starts my Disney savings fund! I'll cash in the lotto tickets this week, then go to the bank with all the bills and checks and change.

Our change always goes into the jar, DH's too. My Fantasia checks will go in as well, so I am hoping for a busy few months. So far I have 2 parties booked with another lead I am working on for Sept. My commissions will all go to The WDW Fund. I get mileage checks for work...those sometimes need to pay bills, but one here or there can go in as well. Rebate checks and an other 'found' money will also go in.

Just talking out loud I guess as the more I write it down, the better I will be about actually DOING it!!!
YAY:cool1: 2 People Read my post!!!!!!

Yes we are....we were just talking about it last night, DH and I. I am really torn where to stay. I guess I should get my butt calling WDW to get prices. So far I have just been going online to 'estimate'
:lmao: I do this too! Sometimes I'm just doing "wishfull" planning.:rotfl:

When I asked for a 40% off code, I should have been more specific...I want a 40% off code for NEXT year.

About an hour ago in my inbox I get a PIN from WDW good for 10/4/09 to 11/24/09 for

Value $69 a night
Mod $99 a night
Mod $169 a night for AKL or WL

REALLY...what a tease! There is no way we can go....I am OUT of vacation time, DH only has a few days left, and we just don't have the $$$ (we pay cash for our trips, nothing gets charged as we have no credit cards, no tempting that way) to go right now.

I can only hope something comes out for our dates next year.

Sigh......I wish I had a rich relative who would gift me the money. Oh well.
:lmao: Yes, sometimes tou need to be specific with your wishes.
This has not been a good week for me. I have epilepsy and migrane headaches. I mention both things as they both started the same day when I was 16. I had a migrane then a few hours into school I had my 1st seziure. I have not had a seziure in a number of years:banana: I wish I could say the same thing about my headaches. About 2 years ago I was hospitialized for them for 5 days. I get a headache, I get nauseous, I start throwing up my seziure meds and everyone panics (including me!). In the past 2 years I've started passing out when the pain gets bad (from what my dr said, it's my body's defense in response to the pain).

I see a neurologist who I trust 100% and when needed we 'play' around with my meds. I HATE HATE HATE playing with my meds as things tend to get worse before they get better. I have started passing out when my headaches get bad....you can tell where this is going?

Monday...headache.....Tuesday....headache. Wednesday I woke up with a headache, starting getting ready for work, as I HAD to go in (I am out of sick and vacation time). I went downstairs to get the boys socks, came upstairs and woke up on the floor.:scared1: DH tells me our 4yo found me. Not sure how long I was out for, maybe a few minutes? WE call the dr, she tells me to go to the ER as I have nausea, a flare up of IBS (so I can't take the suppositories for the nausea), vomiting (so there goes up my meds), and now the passing out. She always gets concerned when I pass out as I also have a heart condition (I know, I'm a hot mess!) and she wants to make sure I 'just' passed out.

DH took the kids to school and then me to the ER. I work as a nurse in the hospital I went to, and have made numerous trips to the ER (for myself and my family) and HATE our ER. Usually the wait is FOREVER, which only seems longer when you are feeling like crud. I also have problems with the residents in the ER as they NEVER listen to me, have accused me of being a narc seeker (someone who goes to the ER looking for a high from pain meds...my Dr quickly set them in their place on that one!) and usually send me home without making me better, telling me to follow up with my family dr in 2 days.

This trip was TOTALLY different! I didn't have to wait long to get back to be seen, they assigned me a PA who listened to me, actually called my neuro to talk with her, gave me pain meds and nausea meds right away and actually came back to check on me, gave me more meds and then sent me home, felling slightly better then when I arrived!:woohoo: Granted better was still feeling like crap, but I was not throwing up!!!!

SO now DH is on my case to go to Philly or NY to be seen by a specialist. I say I'm going back to the neuro who has seen me for 13 years, knows what we have tried in the past, what works, doesn't work, what I can't tolerate, what I can...you get the idea. On top of my headache, I am dealing with DH bla bla blaing in my ear about a new dr!

I now have new anxiety about passing out in front of the kids again. Shane was fine DH said, he wasn't scared, he really didn't think anything of it. That was this time....DH was home and I wasn't 'out' long. I worry about next time when I am alone with them and I am out longer. Will they get scared if they can't wake me? Will they go outside? Will they get hurt? In the past when I have passed out I was at work, the laywers office or at the hospital (for bloodwork). I was never home...never around the kids. Sigh.

So that has been my week in a nutshell.

In better news, DH and I are going to clean this weekend!!!! With vacation as a family for a week, me being gone for a week and life in general my house is in DESPERATE need of cleaning. During this time we will also be getting stuff together for a yard sale! For Disney Money!!!!!!! So a Clean house and Disney money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love my kids....they are so great! I introduced them to the change jar for Disney tonight. They helped me put a bunch of change into, as I explained that this money will go to the bank once the jar is filled and then we will fill it again. I explained this is why they won't be getting toys every time we go to the store, cause we need to save all of our 'monies' for Disney. They were SO excited to save money!!!!!

Guess we will see how excited once we go to Target and they can't get anything!!!!


Shane with Chief on our trip to OBX


Cody with Baxter in OBX


Just a mommy bragging about her lil men!

Both boys with MY Nana (mom's mom), their great-grandmother! They were lucky enough to have met 2 great grandmothers, a great grandfather (Cody met 2).


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