Lesli's Changing Life at 40 Journal

Thanks for stopping by Tracy. I have taken some time in the last week to relax a bit and actually read a book, but not the relaxation I would love to do. We were supposed to go on vacation 2 weeks ago, which would have been great after all that work, but it was postponed. Oh well.:confused3

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Water was about 65 oz, which I consider a plus since I have been struggling just to get in more than 10oz a day. I did get my daily routine schedule done. But then went to bed a bit late, so I am off a little today, but that's ok, I can get back on track. This time when I planned my routine, I wrote down goals that I would like to achieve, such as weight loss, house projects finished that are started, and a better work routine. That way, I could remind myself why there is so much focus on these areas and it won't be forever. I also put in my ultimate goal which was to have these areas become a smaller issue so that I could spend more quality time with family or time learning something new or practicing a hobby.

I didn't hit the treadmill yesterday, but I did stop to do a few stretching exercises. Still counts right?
Food started out ok, but didn't stay there. Shortly before lunch, I had some chips. Lunch was a PB&J. Had another sliver of bavarian cream bread.:rolleyes1 Supper was late at DQ after a ball game. I had 4 chicken strips w/gravy (not good), some fries, Texas toast, and pepsi. Yeah, the plan fell apart. I was so wrapped up in cleaning up the old computer and making sure things transferred to the new one well. (Note to self: Take a break!)

Food today:
Breakfast - Bavarian cream bread (it's gone), hot cup tea
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - salad w/ turkey, craisins, little cheese, almonds
PM snack - fruit
Supper - probably pizza

The only thing that will throw that off is if DH decides we are going somewhere today.

Goals today:
1. 80oz water
2. 15 min exercise
3. Follow daily routine as much as possible (see what works and doesn't work)

Everyone have a great day!
I'm sorry to hear that your vacation was postponed. Were you able to re-schedule it?

Great job getting your goals down on paper!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
So far, we haven't found a way to reschedule vacation, but I will keep working on it.

Yesterday worked on many levels and then not on others, but I just need to remind myself that things don't always go according to plan and you have to be flexible. The main point to get into a better routine is to accomplish what needs to be done to reach my goals.

Late morning, I got so tired so I took a nap. Don't know why, as I had plenty of sleep. It helped since I was really productive later, so that helped throw things off. And I got to a point in my work where I didn't want to quit so I worked longer. Should have taken the chance for a break with the family. Otherwise the schedule did keep me more focused. I know what I want to achieve.

Water was about 75 oz!:cool1: Exercise didn't happen, that is always my largest hurdle.

Food was good as planned except lunch, which was late due to the nap. Then I had a few chips & a turkey on 7 grain sandwich. Supper was pizza w/6 oz pepsi. Funny, I have DD12 now drinking water so much more that she can't hardly handle 6 oz of pop. Cool! Now she has been exercising alot more than me lately, with bike riding, treadmill walking, and swimming. That gives me a lot of hope for her.:yay:

Today was off to a late start. Went to bed a bit late and then slept horribly. Should have just gotten up like a friend told me to and done something, then go back to bed. Have to pick up DD22 today, she really needs her own car. Also need to grab a baby shower gift, a birthday present, and anything DD12 needs for camp. Guess it is an errand day at some point.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/spinach, red pepper & moz; hot tea, banana
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - ??? depends, probably out
PM snack - carrots
Supper - ???

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. 15 min treadmill (just do it)
3. follow daily routine

You know, it should be much easier to build new habits.;) Anyways, I am off to tackle the rest of the day. Hope you all have a great weekend.
The great thing about yesterday? I actually got to bed at a decent time and relaxed enough to read beforehand. That is probably, so far, my favorite part of changing routines....Creating time to relax.

The only part of my food plan that succeeded was breakfast. Missed the AM snack while getting some work done before errand running. Lunch was late and McD's 1/4 lbr w/cheese, 1/2 the fries & ice tea. Not the first choice, but we were on the road and headed into a severe storm, so thought I better grab what we could since kids were hungry and didn't know if we would get stuck at camp waiting out the storm while picking up DD22. You would have thought it was a tropical storm. Had 2 more throughout the day. Supper was a few chips and some ice cream.:rolleyes1 I just wasn't hungry, but these were not the best choices either. Water probably was under 50oz. It was just one of those days were I ended up spending more time running everywhere.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/spinach, moz, & red peppers; hot tea & strawberries
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - maybe a pork chop sandwich (cookout day)
PM snack - banana
Supper - ??? might take DH out for Daddy's day. or just have the kids make dinner for him.

1. 80 oz water
2. exercise (have already done some stretching exercises :yay:)

Not much going on today. Sending DS7 off to a birthday party soon, complete with Toy Story 3. Then DD12 will be finishing her packing for camp. I like these stressless days.:goodvibes

Off to conquer the rest of the day!
Down a lb this week! :cool1: Definitely back on the losing side of things.

Yesterday was relaxing which was nice, but still busy. Water was at least 80oz!:banana: Food was good, at lunch I did a brat instead. But then later I did 4 Thin Mint cookies and a few tostitos instead of a banana. Should have just stuck with the plan. Supper was Pizza Hut pizza and pepsi. The kids wanted to take DH to dinner after work. Then they surprised him with made from scratch cookies that they did on their own (little help from DD22).

Also did some more stretching exercises yesterday and felt really good!

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 slice 7 grain toast w/pb&j (not much time)
AM snack - missed
Lunch - 1 slice pizza, 2 cookies, 6 oz pepsi:rolleyes1
PM snack - yogurt
Supper - ??? (not sure what we are doing)

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. Bed at 10:30 (didn't get much sleep last night, so getting back on track)

Got DD12 off to camp, so it seems quite around here with just one. Busy week though ahead.

Everyone have a wonderful day!
Congrats on your weight loss, Lesli!:cheer2:

I'm glad you had some time to relax this weekend. :goodvibes

Hope you have a nice Monday!:hug:
Not sure what is going on with the scale. I stepped on and it read one thing, then another, about 3 lbs difference and makes a huge difference in whether I have actually lost. Trying not to focus on it too much.

Yesterday was complete waste. DH didn't want to do anything so I guess you could call it relaxing, only I was tired and took a nap, which threw the day off. Couldn't even motivate myself to read. Not sure what was going on. Maybe it was the thought that we finally had time to actually do something and we wasted it. Oh well.

Food was about as good as the day. A few cookies her, tostitos & cheese there. I just wasn't really hungry and ended up snacking. Skipped supper since I wasn't hungry. DH made a pizza late and I had 3 slices, not hungry, but the smell was good and with the day being off, it didn't help. Had some ice cream late, too late. Water was pretty good, though.

Went to bed way too late, then couldn't sleep well. Felt like I was half awake all night. So now I am fighting taking a nap. I would like to get things balanced out again.

Food today:
Breakfast - sm bowl froot loops (not the best choice, but I wanted some since last night & figured it was better to have a sm bowl now than go awry later)
AM snack - missed
Lunch - turkey sandwich w/spinach, carrots
PM snack - fruit
Supper - ???

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. 15 min treadmill
3. proper sleep tonight

So far, I have had a bookwork day & that will probably continue. DS7 is off to swim lessons and tonight is a baseball game. I have also committed to putting myself back on track with Jillian's program. It just seems that I need help in designing an exercise program, not to mention hep with meal planning lately, as I am just out of ideas. I can think of healthy meals for maintaining, but not for weight loss, something that will sustain you while losing.

I watched the first episode of Losing it with Jillian last night and she said something that made me really think. Why are you choosing failure when you can choose success? That combined with another phrase I heard recently, what would you do if you weren't afraid, has led me to a conclusion about myself that I don't think I wanted to think about.

If I wasn't afraid, I would loose weight and become again the me I set off to the side in order to take care of everyone else. So what am I afraid of? Not losing the weight, being overweight for the rest of my life and dealing with the issues my grandmother has. Ok, then if I am not proactive in my weight loss now, then am I not doing exactly what I am afraid of? I have already failed myself by allowing the fear of staying overweight become a reality and will continue to do so if I don't make a real effort to change. So actually, I am already living my fear. So why choose failure when you can choose success?

Off to conquer the rest of my day!
Getting back on track is SO HARD, but you are doing it. One day at a time.....

I feel the same way you do about those two quotes. Seems we are our own worst enemies!

Celebrate the pound that is gone & keep taking one step at a time. we CAN do this!!
Sending a :hug: your way, Lesli. I can so relate to what you've said today. It is hard to find balance sometimes. I think the best we can do is to take things day by day.

I hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
Thanks, ladies!

I succeeded in actually getting on the treadmill...was only 10 minutes, but it's a start. And I felt so good afterwards. My other exercise for the day was some stretching and learning a few new exercises to see if I can do them given limitations. Chalk it up to success for me!:cool1::banana:

All goals were met! :banana: Ok, some changes in the food. had a cookie and some tostitos w/cheese, missed the PM snack. But everything else was good. Oh I forgot, DS7 gave me a Reese's pb cup from his 3 pack (after game snack that the give out). Supper was 2 1/2 tacos and ice tea. So many pluses yesterday and I can deal with the few things that went awry.

Also caught up on the other Losing it with Jillian episodes. It's a good show. I don't watch Biggest Loser, but this one is easier to relate to since it deals with issues facing the entire family. One lady said she wants to find herself again and Jillian asked her where she was......the answer was right here. I know I say the same often, but the answer is that I haven't gone anywhere, I just stopped making me a priority. Hmmm.....so be again the person that you are. If that is what will make you happier, healthier and feel even better about life, what is stopping you? I asked this yesterday, the answer? Nothing except me.....know that is pretty stupid. Let's face it, we all have a choice now....if you are at the point of wanting to loose weight and are not doing so, you are already at the bottom (sure it could get worse), so in reality you have everything to gain by just taking a few moments to exercise or changing the family's eating habits.

Yes, lots of the right thinking sunk back into my head again yesterday. These are all things you know, it's just things that you need to be reminded of sometimes.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1 slice 7 grain toast, hot tea
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - salad w/turkey, almonds, craisins & little mozerella
PM snack - banana
Supper - maybe something on the grill

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. exercise 15 min
3. follow the daily routine (back on track)

I am feeling really good today and intend to keep it that way. Hope you have a great day!
Way to go getting on the treadmill and on meeting your goals yesterday!:cheer2:

I hope you had a great day today!:hug:
Fairly good day yesterday. Actually started to feel more mentally relaxed, something I haven't felt in a long time. When I took DS7 to swim lessons and piano lessons, I used the time to read and relax....sometimes I try reading, but my mind is distracted so doesn't work well. Yesterday it worked wonders. Also retraining myself to stop at various points of the day and just breathe. It always amazes me how this simple thing can clear your mind and make you feel reenergized.

Food was on the track for the most part. Missed AM snack, PM snack was some tostitos and cheese. Ok, they are gone now... Supper ended up being a hot dog (running out to the game). Had 1 peanut M&M that DS7 gave me from his after game treat (really wish they would stock healthier treats for the kids). Later had 1 cookie. All in all, a much better day. Water was down a bit, but not bad.

Did some stretching exercises but not much, still need to work in a good exercise routine.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg w/ 7 grain toast, 1/2 c hot tea
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - salad
PM snack - cottage cheese & blueberries
Supper - ?????

Goals today:
1. 80 oz water
2. Treadmill
3. Tackle my desk (clear desk = clear mind)

Hope that you all have a wonderful day!
Sounds like you are getting back on track pretty quickly. Good job taking some time to relax while waiting for DS.

Hope today goes well!!
Thanks ladies! You guys are great!

Yesterday was wonderfully productive and I am really truly beginning to feel very clearheaded and more in control of things. Took care of some errands, DS7 swim lessons (reading and relaxing again), and got alot of work done. What a great boost for the next day. Of course, then when I got to bed I seemed to be wide awake. By the time I got to sleep, DH woke me thinking he needed to go the the hospital since he wasn't well. Fortunately, he started feeling a bit better so we didn't go and hoping it stays that way. Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to sleep very well. Right now I am doing well, but we shall see, may need a nap later.

Food was not so great but could have been worse. Breakfast was the only thing according to plan. Lunch was qtr lbr w/cheese, fries, and tea (on the run & I didn't eat it all, so I will call that a good thing). Missed all snacks. Supper was pizza and 12 oz pepsi. 1 cookie. The plus side is that I wasn't in the snacky mode and water was over 80oz!:cool1:

Treadmill, no, but did try to move around more. The desk is in progress and I am getting alot of work done. Just keep pushing through.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 c cream of wheat, 1/2 c blueberries, 1/2 c hot tea
AM snack - skip (Jillian's program suggests this, so I will try it)
Lunch - salad w/ turkey, craisins, almonds, little mozarella
PM snack - apple w/pb
Supper - steak kabobs w/ gr pepper & onion, rice

Today's goals:
1. 80 oz water
2. Follow Jillian's exercise circuit program (should be interesting)
3. Continue getting work off my desk
4. Nap for 1/2 hr if need so that I don't mindless eat

Looking forward to another productive day. I am really loving this mental relaxation. Just keep breathing!
Woohoo!!!:banana: Glad to hear that you had a productive day!:thumbsup2 How did yesterday go?

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
Hope the week is off to a good start for you. Mental relaxation......is it really possible?????

Hang in there. You're making it!


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