Kristin's low carb journal

Day 1

Starting my counting over since I have been op for so long. I am in the right place mentally and the weather outside is cool. So tonight I am going to try and do 2miles since its not terribly hot.

Meals today are gonna be low carb with 20carbs or less for the day. Going to make some sugar free jello for those bad moments.

Need to hit the grocery store tonight after walk or tomorrow. But I have enough in the frig to hold us a few. The funny thing is over the weekend I actually wanted to start being OP on Saturday and was like whats the point with Sunday and Monday BBQ's to go to.

Was really proud of the fact that Greg and I did not take any left over bbq home. So we have no temptations in the house.

Take care everyone.

Kristin:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Kristin, ready, set, GO!!! You are all ready and set to be back on the healthy living road! I can hear the determination in your post! The next few days will have their difficult moments but do your best to make good choices!

:cheer2: :cheer2: Go, Kristin, go!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Way to go Kristin!:Pinkbounc You are back!!:teeth: I know that you can accomplish any goal that you put your mind to.::yes:: Just go out there and do your best!!!!:jumping1:

Yeah Kristin!:cheer2: Woohoo!:Pinkbounc

Have a great day!


You are so ready. I know that you will be sucessful this week.::yes:: Have a GREAT walk. I'm really proud of the way that you have jumped back on program.

Day 2...Wednesday

Finished off yesterday totally OP. Nothing bad at all even though silly hubby fell OP on first day AGAIN.

So now its 8am having my slim fast and journalling. Kids have soccer tonight so I will be walking around the field while they play.

Goal is to stay under 20carbs and walk for about 40min and drink enough tea and water to make hurricain fran look like a baby pool.


Way to go Kristin! Great to see you hoppin' right back on track! I know you're going to do great today just like you did yesterday! How about drinking enough water to drown Hurricane Ivan! ;)
Kristin you crack me up! Now I know when ever I go to the bathroom today I am going to be thinking about Hurricaine Fran!

Hi Kristin,

Great job today. You should be really proud of yourself, especially with a DH who keeps giving into temptation. So did you manage all of your water?

I wanted to thank you for your support on my journal. I am very lucky to have made such good friends here. The kind words have helped me get through the day. Thanks again.
Have a good evening,
Ive been away from the journals for a couple of weeks. Wow some changes. You have move your trip up. More time to loose weight! That's good.
You joined the Y. That's good. We used to be members but the one by us doesn't have a pool. You have to drive all the way across town to use the Southside's it was a bother so we let it expire. I have excercise equipment at home. They are building a new facility out here but I heard that they are not putting in a pool because the southside had to use some of the alloted money. Bummer. So I refuse to join until they can't get it together!
I love to swim. It is so much fun it doesn't even feel like you are excercising but you are.
Keep up the great work!

Day 3

Not off to the best of starts you guys put it TOM is comming and I am always a bit bad at that time. Still walking and working out so hopefully I will even out. Talk more soon. Thanks guys for your support.

:hug: Kristin,

TOM, or DZONE is a dangerous time. Do the best you can. That is all you can ask of yourself. Look at the positives you are doing. You are continuing to walk and exercise. That goes a long way towards keeping you on a healthy track. You can try to push your water to prevent bloating. I'm sending :wizard: to help you through this.
Stopping in to say HI, hope friday was a good day and wishing the weekend is even better. Stay positive, keep walking, drink lots of water:Pinkbounc
Hi Kristin,

Just stopping by to say "hello." Hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful.
LOL day 1

Sorry missed posted this weekend. Had an insane weekend. Hubby and I finished doing our concrete patio...6hrs later and every mussle in our bodies yelling at us. Well the patio is not stunning but we saved a ton doing it ourselves. But I can say with a straight face I am no concrete finisher and my edging stinks.

So did not cook on sat since we worked outside all day so did comfort food for lunch and dinner.

Sunday we could not move without wincing so had some serious comfort food.

Monday I am feeling good have plans to go to the Y. Was OP for breakfast. Before I tell you about the last 2hrs let me remind you guys I am still OP.

Kissed my kids goodbye for school and saw the gallon of paint by the front door....planning on painting daughters room a nice shade of purple. So I asked my 9yr old daughter to please carry the paint upstairs. Not a huge request but I will give you one guess what happed at the top of the stairs.

Yes ladies your correct....she trips and spills the whole gallon of that lovely shade of purple all over the wall, carpet and clean laundry at the top of the steps.

YIKES YIKES.... so thank god for steam cleaners. It did not all come up but I can deal with what is still visible. And most of all I give myself 5 sunnies :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: for not yelling at my daughter. She knew I was upset but I told her it was OK that it was an accident ..that I was more upset about having to clean it.

Well I will update you guys later.

WOW Kristin,

You definately have control and are a great Mom. Not yelling at your daughter is a huge accomplishment in that area. My clippies aren't working, or you would see a worhip here,

Great job staying OP these las 2 hours, and that is some najor weightlifting over the weekend. I'm glad the patio looks great, My DH is VERY good at CALLING contractors to do our maintainance.:rolleyes:

I hope you day gets better,


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