Kristin's low carb journal

KLH 1973

Aug 1, 2004
I am 31yrs old and have been about 20lbs overweight since 16. Met my husband than and we both got way to comfortable and lets just put it this way 15yrs later and two wonderful daughters later my scale is about to break at a whopping 305 lbs.

We went on our first cruise with kids in Sept 2003 and when I look back at the pictures of myself ( only 3 taken) I am truely horrified.

So just started planning our second cruise for 2006 so have about 24 months to get it right. My plan is to loose 20lb at a time.

My carb plan is no more than 20carbs a day and only tea or water to drink and walk 1mile a day. So keep your fingers crossed.

Oh and I forgot to mention that I am a stay at home mom and babysit the hardest thing for me is all the goodies that are in the house. :eek:
Welcome to Wish! There are lots of low carbers here, including myself. I think it is great that you are wanting to get into a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Couple of quesions:

1) have you chosen a plan to follow?
2) have you read the book for that plan?
3) do you plan to exercise?

The biggest thing to remember with low carbing is that in the beginning you are going to feel tired and worn out - it will pass. Since you are a babysitter this is a great time to teach the kids about healthy eating. Next time you go grocery shopping only buy healthy snacks.

Well so far today I have stayed on track

Breakfast: slim fast carb options
Snack: cold plain tuna
Lunch: slim fast carb options

Have drank about a liter of tea sweetned with splenda

Very tempted my kids stuff in the house but after reading all of Strings posts she has given me a ton of will power.

Hope you guys can keep me on track also LOL

I'm on Atkins low carb. I need to lose about 60LBS. Remember you are in this for the Longhall. So try to make meals as tasty as possible so that you don't get board with the food. Aslo, try having healthy snacks onhand. Celery with cream cheese or string cheese is good.
Good Luck
Kristin, another welcome to the WISH Journal board!

We'll be happy to help you stay on track but there's one important thing you need to know. You have to keep posting here, OK?? There may come a day when all your good intentions are thrown to the wind and you overindulge. Many people just give up and are too afraid to post their mistakes. Believe me, we've all made our share, and you don't ever have to be ashamed or afraid to post here.

I'm glad you've decided to join us on the healthy living road! I think your goals sound great!

Hope you have a day filled with smiles! :sunny:
Welcome to WISH Kristin! You'll find so much support here! As Dorreen said...just keep posting here...even on a bad day. We're all here to help support you. Good luck!

Well it's the end of diet day #2 and I have made it through the day!!!

Dinner consisted of roasted chicken and broc w/ cheese

I have been drinking all water and tea today and have shamfully gone to the bathroom about every 15min. Can anyone tell me if your body gets used to all the water and your bladder slows down. Or should i just be thankfull I work from home so no boss to yell at me.

Thanks for all the advice

Hi Kristin,

I PM'd you. You are doing a great job. The first few days are the hardest. You also are starting to go into ketosis, so you will find that you have to go to the bathroom frequently. This too will pass. Snacking with kids around is tough. The morning start bars are tasty, at only 2 grams of met carbs. I also like cream cheese sweetened with a little splenda. This is good with sliced ham or berries after you are off induction. I also boil some eggs, so I can make deviled eggs quickly. Some people like pork rinds, I just can't get past what they actually are. There is also beef jerky, but it is high sodium, and can be high in carbs. String cheese is my saving grace most days. has a huge recipe database. It is worth the look.

Oh, is the tea decaf? If it is caffienated that can lead to extra trips to the bathroom. I suggest green tea. Keep up the great work. I'll be checking in on you.
Up until 3days ago I have really disliked tea I have always been a diet dr. pepper fiend. So I am kinda in soda with drawl since I only alow myself to have one soda a day and the rest is tea and water. The tea is not decaf and at this point not to worried about it since I am just glad I am drinking it. Maybe after I get used to this I will change it .WELLLL the start of my morning is going great.

carb slim fast and large water!!!

Only prob is that I am not hungry but I feel like I am. Nothing is tempting me just feel like I should be eatting. But no hunger pains or you know what I mean?

Hi Kristin!

Welcome to WISH! You will find a lot of support and encouragement here.::yes:: Hope you have a wonderful day!:sunny:

Well I have made it through lunch and had a carb options slim fast but was extra hungry and had some cold tuna after.

The kids started sucking up ice cream so lol I had to break out some peanuts. But I stayed strong and hopefully will not loose it tonight.

The kids are being good today so not having any extra stress from them. School starts back for them in 21 days WOOT

Hi Kristin! Welcome to WISH journaling! You will be amazed at how much this board helps you stay focused and accountable. Just putting it all out there and knowing others are reading it makes you really want to do your best and even when you don't do your best the encouragement you will receive will just lift you up and make you feel like you can do anything! I wish you all the best in reaching your goals. :)
Good morning everyone it is day 4 for me and I thought yesterday was the toughest. But this morning I woke up dreaming of sweets so instead of being bad I got out the sugar free jello I made last night and had some. It was not a hershey bar but I felt alot better LOL.

Breakfast is carb slim fast and large tea

So far I have not done a ton of excersise unless you count chasing kids, so I need to step it up a knotch. This board has been incredibly supportive and very kind. I can not thank all of you enough.

Kristin, you're doing a GREAT job!! Hang in there!

I'm throwing a WISH party on the healthy living road - wanna come?? We've got the music on, we're dancin' and laughin' and smilin'! Can you feel the party atmosphere??

:rockband: "Celebrate good times, come on!!" :rockband:

Did anyone think to warn you that we get a little crazy on the Journal board once in a while??? :teeth: :crazy:
Well after my hershey complex this morning I got it together and drank enough tea and water to fill a kids pool lol.

Lunch was good did the carb slim fast and had some tuna on the side along with another pool of tea and water.

My only concern is that I am truelly not hungry or even bored hungry but my stomach is having hunger pains and is grumbling from time to time. Does this mean my stomach is shrinking or am I just not eating enough or is my body just going what are you doing to me lady. So any advice is really appriciated.

Hi Kristin,

You are doing a great job. You probably won't be hungry, but you will need to remind yourself to eat. Make sure that you are eating at leaat 1200 calories a day. Otherwise you will go into starvation mode. Then you won't lose anything. There is a website, that will let you log all of your intake in a day. It will do an analysis of what you eat. I find tht I lose best, if my fat intake is 60-70%. One more thing, each packet of splenda has some carbohydrate in it . It contains maltodextrin to bulk. Davinci syrups is now making a SF simple syrup. You could lower your carb intake by using that to sweeten your tea. I read your post on my jornal. When I started, I barely made it through a 1 mile WATP tape. Keep at it, and you'll be able to workout as much as you want.

Keep up the great work.
Well made it through dinner and still have enough carb pts to have some peanuts tonight....its the small things in life:)

Was not able to get myself to work out today so far so maybe while big brother is on tonight I can get my butt on the treadmill and go for a bit.

Talk to you all later

You are almost through your first week!!! You're doing an awesome job, and I am really proud of you! Keep journalin'! It's definitely helping keep you motivated!!!! Now hopefully I gan get in on a little of that enthusiasm! :Pinkbounc

Keep it up! :teeth:


I am truly impressed. 10 lbs the first week.
I just happened to click on the journals this morning
& start reading yours was first. Man this is addicticing.

You are doing very well.
Keep up the good work.

I truelly think the only reason I have lost 10lbs so far is because I have to lose 150lbs:( But I got my self in this situation and It took me 16yrs to do it so it would be wonderfull if it did not take 16yrs for it not to come off:tongue:

Something I forgot to mention in my original journal entry is that for the last 8 years I have taken care of my 85yr old grandma who in the beginning was just needing someone to keep an eye on her. But the last 3 yrs was full diaper, stroke , hospital bed duty so I think I have convinsed myself that I was stress eatting.

Well I put her in a nursing home 3days before I started journel and my stress was like a 10 I would say now is a 3. Unless the kids really push it. So maybe thats what is helping me this time around ( lack of stress).

Well it is really early and having my slim fast carb shake and my liter of tea is next so I will keep you all posted as day progresses.

Thanks for all the support

::MickeyMo Kristin::MickeyMo


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