Kait and Scott's Wishes Wedding YCG/YC Marina 4/28/13


Earning My Ears
May 25, 2011

I can FINALLY start my own PJ on here!!! I have been lurking these boards for an unnatural amount of time, and I’m so crazy excited to start my own planning journal!

About Us
First of all, my name is Kait (22), and DF’s is Scott (23). We have been together for eight years, and I have been absolutely obsessed with Disney for as long as I can remember! DF, family and I make very frequent trips there, and it is our second home ☺. I sometimes feel bad, because when DF and I began dating, he had no chance. His only choice was to love Disney along with me, and thankfully, he actually loved it, all on his own!

We both graduated from college this past year, and he works as a Ramp Agent for Southwest Airlines (which means free airfare, YAY!) and I just recently got a job at a doctor’s office as a receptionist. We have been to Disney World way too many times to count….our first time together was when I was 16 and he was 17…and on this last mini trip, he proposed!

Before I go on, here’s a picture of the two of us on one of our many trips (I can’t remember which one)


And here's another one of us at Halloween two years ago...we obviously both love Disney!

The Proposal
So, we went to WDW in July to help move friends down to Orlando, and I was hoping and praying for a proposal then, but it didn’t happen. Then, we went down with my family and a very large group of friends and I was REALLY hoping it would happen then, and it didn’t! Then we went back AGAIN for the Food and Wine Festival and it didn’t happen AGAIN!!! The other day, he asked me if I wanted to go to WDW for one night since I was starting a new job and might not be able to go back for a few months. Of course, I said yes! I would NEVER turn down an overnight trip to the World! And now, we get to the good part…the proposal!

We arrived in WDW, took Magical Express to the Pop Century and went straight to Epcot. My first clue was that he insisted on carrying a backpack around. He always wants me to carry mine, and I noticed that this was strange, but didn't put two and two together! He had also been acting sort of funny all day, walking around with his hand in his pocket, being very quiet, etc. We walked through all of the countries without stopping to look around, but when we got to Morocco, he asked if we could look around a little bit. (Morocco is my favorite country in the World Showcase). DF asked if we could take a picture, and I was being a royal pain in the butt asking why, since he never wants to actually take pictures! So we stood outside of the archway and had someone take our picture….twice…and nothing happened. After that he was REALLY in a bad mood. He suggested we go to Magic Kingdom, and once again, I was being a big pain saying I didn’t want to go to MK yet since I wasn’t done at Epcot, but once he told me Space Mountain was a five minute wait, I was all for MK. We took the monorail to MK, and like always, when we got there we headed straight for Tomorrowland through the Noodle Station. When we actually got into Tomorrowland, DF asked if we could get a photopass of the two of us in front of the castle on the Tomorrowland bridge, so we headed that way.

The photographer took 2 pictures of us, then DF said he wanted one on my iPhone, so I set the camera up and gave it to the photopass guy. As soon as I got next to DF, he said my name, and I knew exactly what he was doing! It was very simple and sweet…and I could tell he was nervous…but he said, “Kait, I love you. Will you marry me?” Of course, I said yes! The photopass guy got a ton of pictures…most of which I am not crazy about due to my weirdo faces…but I was so happy!! Of course, I immediately took him to Guest Services to get our “Just Engaged” pins, and we wore them for the next two days ☺. We spent the rest of the day in Magic and then headed to Hollywood Studios to enjoy the Osborne Family lights. It was absolutely perfect!

Here's DF trying to propose in Morocco (hand in pocket, haha!)

And here's him actually proposing and me with the typical hand over mouth reaction :)

Disney Wedding Plans
I have dreamed of getting married in WDW for as long as I can remember, and have been obsessing over “pretend planning” my wedding for two years now. Now it is actually time to plan it, and I’m all over the place! So I started a PJ and I am not actually penciled in yet…but I was just too excited to wait! We will be doing a Wishes wedding, I have WAY too much family for an Escape! Right now, we're between two months for the wedding: the beginning of January (it would be during school break when everyone is home, my uncle will be able to get time off from work, Disney is in Value season, but it will be cold and the trees won’t be all green :() or the first week of March (the weather is a little warmer, but no one will be home from school/have time off :(). The only other problem with January is, it might be a little too soon. Since you have to pay your minimum balance 90 days in advance, it might be a little too much too soon for my family and I to do…but we really want everybody to be able to come!

We have narrowed our venues down to a few different places—the ceremony at either the Wedding Gazebo at the Yacht Club, on Shipwreck Beach (DF is no crazy about the sand in this option though), or the Croquet Lawn (which is why I want everything to be green and pretty!). Reception possibilities are the Croquet Lawn, the Yacht and Beach Club Marina, or Shipwreck Beach (once again, DF+Sand=:(). I’m guessing the beach options are out, but we know that we want to stay around the Epcot Resort area. We usually always stay at the Beach Club or Boardwalk, and Crescent Lake is our favorite place in all of WDW. We were also thinking of a DP or Welcome Party in the World Showcase, at Isola West Plaza, and if that isn’t available, one of the locations in France. I am dying trying to figure out what date we want so I can call DFTW and get penciled in, but we’re still putting together our guest list all of that important stuff. Right now, we’re at 96 people, but we’re thinking about 20 of them won’t come. Any input on which month/week of 2013 would be best, please feel free to jump in! I am so excited to have a PJ on here, and can’t wait to spend my planning process with all of you!
Congratulations on the engagement! I love the "hand over mouth" picture. Welcome and I look forward to reading your PJ.
Congrats and Welcome!! We are getting married on Shipwreck Beach but in May. Our original plan was on the Croquet Lawn but my DF reallllly wanted the beach! You may be perfectly fine in January on the beach or the lawn, may not be completely green but people won't probably expect it to be since it's January. Depending when in March, you may be close to Spring Break and vacations. Looking forward to reading along with your plans!! We are at about the same guest count also, inviting around 100 and hoping about 80 will come! :goodvibes
awesome pictures. I got engaged in WDW in october but mine was less planned out and it was very very simple. I am happy for you with your wedding. I think January will be kind of chilly for a beach wedding so march may be better. My concern with march is the spring break time frame and that can be very busy for disney. I think may would be gorgeous and even october. I know you want to make it at a convenient time for everyone but with that and school you are stuck with june/july/august (all very hot) or december. I think you should do it at a time that the area will look the way you want it to. I think october would be very pretty.

I am getting married in december of next year because we wanted to get married by the end of 2012 it is close to christmas break and christmas at disney is gorgeous. go check out my planning journal I hope it helps.

Hey and congratulations to you both, Bless the two of you in the engagement picture! I think that is so special having that memory captured like that...

My DF video recorded me just after he popped the question and for some reason or other I began singing...'If you like it then you shudda out a ring on it... If you like it then you shudda put a ring on it... ' In the style of Beyonce! Waving my hand in the air!!! lol WIERDO! LOL (Its amazing what excitement does to you)

Any way... Looking forward to reading along with your plans! Yay to weddings in 2012! :)

Congratulations on the engagement! I love the "hand over mouth" picture. Welcome and I look forward to reading your PJ.

Thank you so much! I'm so glad we got that picture :) Glad you're following along!

Congrats and Welcome!! We are getting married on Shipwreck Beach but in May. Our original plan was on the Croquet Lawn but my DF reallllly wanted the beach! You may be perfectly fine in January on the beach or the lawn, may not be completely green but people won't probably expect it to be since it's January. Depending when in March, you may be close to Spring Break and vacations. Looking forward to reading along with your plans!! We are at about the same guest count also, inviting around 100 and hoping about 80 will come! :goodvibes

I saw that you were doing Shipwreck! I have seen so many events there, welcome parties, receptions, and ceremonies....your wedding will be so beautiful! I am so back and forth about the dates, January is cold, but I really think it's the only time most of our guests will be able to come...plus, DF is trying to be a police officer, and if he gets into the academy, the first 2 weeks of January will be the only time he is "guaranteed" off, blah! Ah, we will see! Thank you for the welcome, and I've been reading your PJ...loving everything so far!

awesome pictures. I got engaged in WDW in october but mine was less planned out and it was very very simple. I am happy for you with your wedding. I think January will be kind of chilly for a beach wedding so march may be better. My concern with march is the spring break time frame and that can be very busy for disney. I think may would be gorgeous and even october. I know you want to make it at a convenient time for everyone but with that and school you are stuck with june/july/august (all very hot) or december. I think you should do it at a time that the area will look the way you want it to. I think october would be very pretty.

I am getting married in december of next year because we wanted to get married by the end of 2012 it is close to christmas break and christmas at disney is gorgeous. go check out my planning journal I hope it helps.


Ugh, it is so stinkin' hot in the summer in Florida! I would be so afraid I would sweat all of my makeup off and have my hair frizz if we did it then ;). I love December in Disney, it's so beautiful with the Christmas decorations! Your wedding will be GORGEOUS! I am checking out your PJ and can't wait to read it! Thanks!

Hey and congratulations to you both, Bless the two of you in the engagement picture! I think that is so special having that memory captured like that...

My DF video recorded me just after he popped the question and for some reason or other I began singing...'If you like it then you shudda out a ring on it... If you like it then you shudda put a ring on it... ' In the style of Beyonce! Waving my hand in the air!!! lol WIERDO! LOL (Its amazing what excitement does to you)

Any way... Looking forward to reading along with your plans! Yay to weddings in 2012! :)


Even though I am making a ridiculous silly face, I love that we have that picture! Your proposal sounds AWESOME!!! Too funny...Beyonce, hahaha! Thanks for dropping by and reading :)
Congrats! what a cute engagement story! The boardwalk and crescent lake is my favorite place in WDW too! That's why i want a reception at Atlantic Dance Hall so much lol. I, like you have been planning and waiting for a proposal..your story gives me hope! lol anyway im super jealous of how often you get to go to WDW and I can't wait to see how your plans turn out!
Congrats! what a cute engagement story! The boardwalk and crescent lake is my favorite place in WDW too! That's why i want a reception at Atlantic Dance Hall so much lol. I, like you have been planning and waiting for a proposal..your story gives me hope! lol anyway im super jealous of how often you get to go to WDW and I can't wait to see how your plans turn out!

I'm so glad to hear that someone else loves the BW/Crescent Lake area as much as I do! I love ADH, and have stalked many weddings there on all of my trips! It's so pretty in there! Your proposal will come, and it'll be perfect :) I waited a VERY long time, and it was totally worth it! Thanks for following along! :thumbsup2
I saw that you were doing Shipwreck! I have seen so many events there, welcome parties, receptions, and ceremonies....your wedding will be so beautiful! I am so back and forth about the dates, January is cold, but I really think it's the only time most of our guests will be able to come...plus, DF is trying to be a police officer, and if he gets into the academy, the first 2 weeks of January will be the only time he is "guaranteed" off, blah! Ah, we will see! Thank you for the welcome, and I've been reading your PJ...loving everything so far!

Thanks! Glad you are following along, we actually haven't seen anything happen on Shipwreck Beach if you can believe it! Any input you can lend, I'd appreciate! We have been in January and gone to the waterparks and its been 80 degrees. I'd much rather prefer it to be 50/60 than 90/100 but my hair frizzes easily so I'll take a little cool over a little humidity any day :cool2: (yes I am aware it'll likely be 90 in May for my wedding.. :laughing:)
Good luck to your DF with the academy! Looking forward to more of your plans!
Welcome and congrats! I love your engagement story, I'm dying to know why your fiance didn't propose in Epcot...was the mood just not right? The picture of the proposal is adorable in MK, I think he made a good choice.

I love crescent lake too, we're doing a Swan/Dolphin ceremony and having it at crescent terrace and it overlooks the lake :) I love that area!

I look forward to hearing more about your plans.
Thanks! Glad you are following along, we actually haven't seen anything happen on Shipwreck Beach if you can believe it! Any input you can lend, I'd appreciate! We have been in January and gone to the waterparks and its been 80 degrees. I'd much rather prefer it to be 50/60 than 90/100 but my hair frizzes easily so I'll take a little cool over a little humidity any day :cool2: (yes I am aware it'll likely be 90 in May for my wedding.. :laughing:)
Good luck to your DF with the academy! Looking forward to more of your plans!

I saw a ceremony last November on SB, it was during the sunset and the sun was glimmering off of the water and I couldn't stand how stinkin' gorgeous it was...the more I think about it, the more excited I get for you!!! I completely agree with the whole colder/warm thing. My hair is crazy thick and frizzes in any sort of humidity, but I'm sure your hair will be beautiful even if it is a little warm out :) We're making a final decision about the date right after Christmas so we can at least get penciled in...it's just too crazy right now, everyone's mind is on Christmas, not wedding! Thanks for the well wishes!

:cool1: Congrats! I wish you both well in the future!


Thank you very much! :):)

Such a cute story! Congratulations!

Thank you so so much! :goodvibes

Welcome and congrats! I love your engagement story, I'm dying to know why your fiance didn't propose in Epcot...was the mood just not right? The picture of the proposal is adorable in MK, I think he made a good choice.

I love crescent lake too, we're doing a Swan/Dolphin ceremony and having it at crescent terrace and it overlooks the lake :) I love that area!

I look forward to hearing more about your plans.

Thank you thank you! I think that he was just super nervous in Epcot...he had asked some random guy who didn't seem to speak much English to take our picture with my phone, and I think he didn't trust him to get the picture at the right moment in his fit of nervousness! But it's totally okay, because now I have castle/photopass/engagement pictures all in one! Every time I stay in the Crescent Lake area I wander around the Swan/Dolphin grounds, they are so beautiful! I saw an event on the water there this summer and it was super pretty! So glad you're following along!

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear your story!

Thank you so much! I can't wait to finalize some more plans so you can read more! :goodvibes
Okay, so there's not a lot to update on...everyone in my family (including me) is so focused on Christmas that there hasn't been much time to come up with any sort of concrete wedding ideas! However, I just bought the best thing ever and have been crazily reading it since I finished baking my last batch of cookies an hour ago....Carrie's (lurkyloo's) Passporter's Disney Weddings ebook!!! I am obsessing, but it is so helpful, so I think I'm allowed to! Hopefully I'll have a more important update in my next post, but until then....Happy Holidays everyone!!!!
Words cannot express how crazy excited I am to be planning a Disney wedding, but let me just say, I am already stressed over this stinkin' guest list! This baby just keeps growing and growing.

Let me preface this by telling you all that I have a HUGE family. The plan has been to have a medium-sized wedding at Disney with close family and our group of friends that we always travel to Disney with a few times a year, and then to have a reception at home so we could celebrate with all of our family and friends. Originally, we were at 60-70 people. But then, people found out I was engaged at Christmas celebrations and kept telling me how badly they wanted to go/begged me to be invited. My great aunts and uncles, second cousins, parents of aunts and uncles, EVERYONE! So my mother and I revamped our guest list, but once we added the people who asked to go, we had to invite others..."If so and so is going, then we just HAVE to invite this one..."...that type of thing. Don't get me wrong, I really truly want my entire family to come, but we just can't afford it. We have basically doubled our guest list, and I am freaking out. I was planning on calling Disney on Tuesday before work to get the process started (I think we have our date and preferred venues...but those all depend on the number of guests), but I don't even know what to do now! I should also add, my parents are divorced and remarried, so I have a LOT of family on top of my "regular" family. Also, my father and his side...I love them very much, but they are so incredibly difficult to deal with. They get super offended over everything, and my last intention is to offend anybody. I'm so bummed that I can't afford to invite everyone, but I'm terrified that inviting these crazy amounts of people will be impossible to pay for since I know a lot of them would most likely come. BLAH. I wish I was wealthy and could afford to bring every single person that is related to me!

My apologies for the rant, but I couldn't think of a better place for some support or advice! <3 disbrides!
Phew... That rant wasn't that bad... I have seen worse!

I totally understand how you feel, we originally had a small guest list of about 30-40 people, then my dad and dfs dad kept inviting people! lol Not that I mind as they are all paying for their own flights and accommodation, its just the meal at the wedding that we will be paying for. (We is - My mum and dad and DFs mum and dad) DF and I have paid for some stuff too!

We now have 70-80 guests coming from the UK! crazy! lol As long as your happy with your venue then I'm sure if you had to tweak the guest list some people wouldn't mind. It is a head ache though! Good luck with everything!





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