Just me and my girl…a very special 13th Birthday trip! (updated 2/20/14)

Hi everyone! I finally have a small update put together. I decided to cut them a little shorter so I could update more often than I have been.

After we were all finished up at Hollywood Studios, it was time to head over to Animal Kingdom! I like to have a full day for each park but this trip was so short. We had to split two parks so we chose DHS and AK. I’m so thankful that Disney offers a bus between these two parks. How handy! (thank you to MeMom for the tip and photo of the bus board!) There were only a handful of people waiting for the AK bus and we did have a bit of a wait but not too, too long. Soon we were there!

There were lots of these cute little creatures all over the ground. Morghan wanted one as a pet! She’s a big animal lover and she hasn’t met one that doesn’t become a friend.

Hello Animal Kingdom! It’s been too long!

This park is so beautiful! It’s very photogenic. There is just something about the way Animal Kingdom is as the day winds down. So peaceful.

Look who we saw! DiVine!

People were milling about, very fascinated with her. I had not seen her in person so was excited to finally catch a glimpse. I’ve read about her before so thought to myself how lucky I was to actually see her with my own two eyes.

Seriously, do NOT forget your shoes! That would be bad.

Expedition Everest was first of course. We decided that Morghan would single ride first and we’d pull fastpasses for a bit later for both of us. I could only ride once but Morghan could ride over and over without getting sick. I love thrill rides but once is my limit.

Then we headed over to the Safari. The crowds were quite busy this time of day.

I will only post a few pictures since I am sure you have seen a million, billon of these.

If I were an elephant, I would definitely want to be a Disney elephant!

Lazy, sleeping kitties-

Time check for EE-

We had some time to kill so we thought a snack sounded good. Morghan wanted a Mickey ice cream bar and I wanted something I have read about on other reports and just had to try for myself. Guess what it was? I knew that they had these in Animal Kingdom but wasn't sure if they are in any other parks. Any ideas? A yummy jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzel! I was on a mission and we looked everywhere for a cart that sold them. Oh yes! Morghan thought I was a little embarassing hunting this down like a fanatic. I asked a few CMs and was so thankful one finally knew what I was talking about when I described this spicy pretzel. I had it in my notes to remember to try!

(only at Disney would I pay $1.49 for ONE banana!!!)

Yummy, right? It lived up to the hype!

We spotted this wonderful CM! Her and Morghan became friends quickly, chatting about various things. She's so pretty too and never stopped smiling! Just a genuinely nice person.

And Morghan also did something she had wanted to do for a long time. She got a henna tattoo! She was fabulous with Morghan.

The henna tattoo was beautiful, very well done and lasted quite a long time. It's a great souvenir for a teenager. Of course Morghan had to text a photo to a hundred of her closest friends. You know how teenager girls are!

Where would we go next?
Signing on! I am dying to take my DD on a trip, just the 2 of us! So hard to justify all the expense on just the 1/2 the family.

You TR is making me more determined than ever :goodvibes
I may have to start a secret stash!
Great update Kelli! :goodvibes

I don't think I knew they ran a bus between AK and DHS. How convenient!

Great pictures of AK! :) My boys love those little lizards at WDW! They actually caught one once and wanted to take it home, but I made them let it go! I know, I'm so mean. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

That's great that you got to see DiVine! DS14 and I saw her a few years ago. It was awesome to finally see her in person. Glad you found your pretzel and it was good. :thumbsup2 Morghan's henna tattoo looks very cute!
I promise I will try and get to Fantasmic in 2014, our next trip! :thumbsup2 MeMom, you would giggle at how crazy we looked in the dark. It is definitely something we will always remember.

I can totally see this being me and Jill. We laugh at everything when we get to Disney World. :laughing:

And I am holding you to that Fantasmic promise! ;)
When are you going in 2014?

People were milling about, very fascinated with her. I had not seen her in person so was excited to finally catch a glimpse. I’ve read about her before so thought to myself how lucky I was to actually see her with my own two eyes.

That was good that you got to see DeVine, since you had not seen her before. She's kinda cool, but she also kinda creeps me out. I like to see her just to a) get a picture and b) watch the reactions of others, but I'm not one for standing there watching her for long.

We had some time to kill so we thought a snack sounded good. Morghan wanted a Mickey ice cream bar and I wanted something I have read about on other reports and just had to try for myself. Guess what it was? I knew that they had these in Animal Kingdom but wasn't sure if they are in any other parks. Any ideas? A yummy jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzel! I was on a mission and we looked everywhere for a cart that sold them. Oh yes! Morghan thought I was a little embarassing hunting this down like a fanatic. I asked a few CMs and was so thankful one finally knew what I was talking about when I described this spicy pretzel. I had it in my notes to remember to try!

Yummy, right? It lived up to the hype!

I had a small section of one of these a long time ago, but I can't remember now if it was too spicy/hot for me. I don't know if I didn't eat more just because I was sharing, because I wasn't hungry, or because it was too much. I guess I'll have to try again so I can remember. :upsidedow

We spotted this wonderful CM! Her and Morghan became friends quickly, chatting about various things. She's so pretty too and never stopped smiling! Just a genuinely nice person.

Awww, that's fun. Friendly castmembers make for special moments in a trip. :)
It's almost bedtime, so I'm too tired to quote. I'll try to remember what I wanted to comment on.

You WILL see Fantasmic! 2014 isn't very far away!! Do you have dates yet?

Those cupcakes from Starring Rolls are just huge! Ridiculously HUGE!
But I can eat the whole thing!
Glad that you got to squeeze in a lot between the two parks in one day. I'm trying to remember whether I knew there was a bus between DHS and AK. :confused3 It seems like something I should know, but maybe not!

Devine - yeah, cool and creepy at the same time. Not sure what I think about her.

I tried a jalapeno pretzel for the first time at AK in October too! Pretty dang good!

I think that CM might have done one of my girls' henna tattoos also! I should go back and look at the pictures and see if she's in them.

Ok, that's all I can think of now.
Signing on! I am dying to take my DD on a trip, just the 2 of us! So hard to justify all the expense on just the 1/2 the family.

You TR is making me more determined than ever :goodvibes
I may have to start a secret stash!

Oh, a mother daughter trip is so, so much fun! I really hope it works out for you to go someday. :goodvibes Thank you for reading!

Great update Kelli! :goodvibes

I don't think I knew they ran a bus between AK and DHS. How convenient!

Great pictures of AK! :) My boys love those little lizards at WDW! They actually caught one once and wanted to take it home, but I made them let it go! I know, I'm so mean. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

That's great that you got to see DiVine! DS14 and I saw her a few years ago. It was awesome to finally see her in person. Glad you found your pretzel and it was good. :thumbsup2 Morghan's henna tattoo looks very cute!

Hi Shelly! You are so horribly mean! lol!!! I would say the same thing! Us moms have to stick together you know. Can you imagine bringing home a kidnapped Disney lizard?! :rotfl:

I can totally see this being me and Jill. We laugh at everything when we get to Disney World. :laughing:

And I am holding you to that Fantasmic promise! ;)
When are you going in 2014?

That was good that you got to see DeVine, since you had not seen her before. She's kinda cool, but she also kinda creeps me out. I like to see her just to a) get a picture and b) watch the reactions of others, but I'm not one for standing there watching her for long.

I had a small section of one of these a long time ago, but I can't remember now if it was too spicy/hot for me. I don't know if I didn't eat more just because I was sharing, because I wasn't hungry, or because it was too much. I guess I'll have to try again so I can remember. :upsidedow

Awww, that's fun. Friendly castmembers make for special moments in a trip. :)

Hey MeMom! You are so lucky to be in Disney right now. I am leaning towards October or November 2014. DeVine is a little creepy, yes. Very neat to look at but definitely on the creepy side. :rolleyes1

It's almost bedtime, so I'm too tired to quote. I'll try to remember what I wanted to comment on.

You WILL see Fantasmic! 2014 isn't very far away!! Do you have dates yet?

Those cupcakes from Starring Rolls are just huge! Ridiculously HUGE!
But I can eat the whole thing!
Glad that you got to squeeze in a lot between the two parks in one day. I'm trying to remember whether I knew there was a bus between DHS and AK. :confused3 It seems like something I should know, but maybe not!

Devine - yeah, cool and creepy at the same time. Not sure what I think about her.

I tried a jalapeno pretzel for the first time at AK in October too! Pretty dang good!

I think that CM might have done one of my girls' henna tattoos also! I should go back and look at the pictures and see if she's in them.

Ok, that's all I can think of now.

2014 is definitely not too, too far away, is it Sheree? I need to keep that in mind as I have had the Disney blues lately. I'm glad you enjoyed the pretzel as well. Yum!! It would be neat if your girls had the same henna CM! She was super nice. :)
We LOVE Fantasmic! Hope you get to see it next time!!

I have got to try to get me one of those Butterfinger cupcakes. Hope they have them when we go on our trip.
Looks yummy!
Your pretzel looks yummy. How spicy is it? I have thought about getting one, but I can only handle a little bit of jalapeño.
Following along on your TR.....taking a mother daughter trip with my girl (who will also be 13 at the time) in March 2014. Some of your posts make me want to cry.......about her being so grown up. I feel the same way! I cant wait to make some memories with my girl!
We LOVE Fantasmic! Hope you get to see it next time!!

I have got to try to get me one of those Butterfinger cupcakes. Hope they have them when we go on our trip.
Looks yummy!

Fantasmic is definitely on our next time list! The cupcakes were so rich but so good! :thumbsup2

Your pretzel looks yummy. How spicy is it? I have thought about getting one, but I can only handle a little bit of jalapeño.

It was super yummy! It was a little spicy but not much at all. I don't like things really hot and this wasn't at all. :)

Following along on your TR.....taking a mother daughter trip with my girl (who will also be 13 at the time) in March 2014. Some of your posts make me want to cry.......about her being so grown up. I feel the same way! I cant wait to make some memories with my girl!

Hi there! Welcome! I have cried more than once about this growing up thing. It is so, so hard. I'm thrilled you are taking a special trip as well! :goodvibes

I'm still here readers and have not abandoned you. I promise! This summer had been really busy at work and with no trip in the very near future, it's honestly kind of depressing. I will try my hardest to get an update in next week. Morghan and I are hoping for another trip together next October! (2014) I'd love to go with the whole family but they just aren't interested. :sad: So I will be taking Morghan with me FOREVER as she's my fellow addict! :thumbsup2
I cannot believe it has been so long since I have updated this Trip Report. Like seriously, it’s 2014! Ack! We took the trip in October 2012 so it’s seriously long overdue. I have the Disney blues so that’s my excuse. I’m hoping the budget allows for a 2014 trip. We will see.

When I last left off, we were in Animal Kingdom and Morghan had just gotten a neat henna tattoo. We thought we’d mosey through some of the gift shops next. I had my eyes out for a very specific souvenir that I had seen only on the Dis. I knew that AK was the place to get it. Any guesses?!?!???

I got this wonderful, large, fun coffee mug! I love it to this day and drink my morning coffee in it every, single morning – no lie. I LOVE it!

Ok, marked that off my list. Off to It’s Tough to Be a Bug! Both Morghan and I love this!

5 minute wait…score!

Cute little Disney birds

I absolutely love the carvings here.

And the funny signs/posters

Me and My Girl, who is now MUCH older…sigh

With that done, we were on our way.

I don’t wear glasses now (I got PRK eye surgery this summer) so even I look so different.

Guess where we were?

She’s ready!

So was her mom!

I was a little scared. Morghan always just laughs, the nut.

And this lug was just walking around.

And this one too.

Our next goal was Dinosaur. I absolutely adore this ride. This one I laugh during.

A few yummies-

And then we just walked for a while. Animal Kingdom to me is so fun to photograph!

It was time for us to head out. We had dinner plans.

Feeding time, which we watched for a while.

Back to Port Orleans Riverside!

Next….our most memorable character meal ever!
Great update Kelli! :goodvibes I'm so glad you are back!!

I love Dinosaur too! I am looking forward to going to AK this time. We skipped it last time. And it will just be DS14 and I. DH and DS12 don't want to go!
YAY! an update from Kelli!! You must be trapped in the house from the cold!

Love the Twins shirt!

I too have the famous DIS AK mug!! I love it!! :lovestruc

AK is a fun place to wander - there's so much to look at! I might try EE one of these years. Tried to talk the girls into it last trip, but they weren't having any of it. They see how high it goes up and think it goes straight down from there. Despite all the ride videos we show them.

So, I wonder where dinner will be???? :confused3
Great update Kelli! :goodvibes I'm so glad you are back!!

I love Dinosaur too! I am looking forward to going to AK this time. We skipped it last time. And it will just be DS14 and I. DH and DS12 don't want to go!

Hi Shelly! :wave2: Sorry it took me so long to get back here. I hope you and your oldest son have fun in AK! You two remind me a lot of Morghan and I for sure.

YAY! an update from Kelli!! You must be trapped in the house from the cold!

Love the Twins shirt!

I too have the famous DIS AK mug!! I love it!! :lovestruc

AK is a fun place to wander - there's so much to look at! I might try EE one of these years. Tried to talk the girls into it last trip, but they weren't having any of it. They see how high it goes up and think it goes straight down from there. Despite all the ride videos we show them.

So, I wonder where dinner will be???? :confused3

Sheree, how did you know I was so stinkin cold?! Perhaps because you live in this arctic tundra as well! Heehee. :rotfl: I'm glad you love that mug too. It's my favorite. I hope you can get the girls on EE, just even once.

I am still here too!

fun afternoon. I love to take pictures at AK too.

Hi Jen!!! AK is pretty, especially in the evening. Love it! :goodvibes
Glad to see you back. I enjoy reading your trip report.

Me and My Girl, who is now MUCH older…sigh

This quote made me sad though.

I took my daughter last year at the age of 6 and now she is approaching 7 and the change in her is so significant. Don't get me wrong it is great to see her growing up and becoming more of her own person but part of me really misses that complete "innocence" of youth that seems to slip away little by little. :confused3

On a happy note though her and I are going back for our second (hopefully to become annual) daddy daughter trip in May. :cool1:
I don’t wear glasses now (I got PRK eye surgery this summer) so even I look so different.

This one made me laugh in that where as you no longer need glasses I on the other hand had to get my first ever pair of reading glasses after having 20/20 vision my whole life. LOL


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