Just me and my girl…a very special 13th Birthday trip! (updated 2/20/14)

Hello! I subscribed! Your meal at the plaza sounds delicious! You and megan sure got a lot of things done at the MK! Space mountain is my least favorite of the three as well. It is really bumpy and jerky! on my last trip, splash was down and we only rode space once, compared to riding BTMRR like 5 times (gotta love night xtra hrs!)

I really enjoy reading your trip report!

Hi there! Thanks for joining me. :cheer2: Riding Big Thunder five times would be awesome!!!


You did get a lot accomplished. :thumbsup2

'Ohana is one of our favorite dining destinations. We hope to be closing out 2013 with dinner there before fireworks on the beach.

'Ohana is one of my new favorites for sure. I think fireworks following would be absolutely perfect MeMom. pixiedust:

great day. I think many people go into hall of presidents for a nap.

We tried Ohanas this past trip too. Sadly we weren't super impressed with the food. We didn't like the sauces on the meet so that made it kind of a bummer for us.

Ok, so I am not an oddball falling asleep in there? I seriously could not even keep my eyes open. I didn't have any coffee that day, which was a big mistake! :coffee:

Yep! :lmao:

Awesome update! :goodvibes Loving all the pics! You guys sure did do a lot that day. What a great day! :cool1: Sorry about the teenage attitude, I know all about it. :rolleyes: Good thing she seemed to get over it fast!

Love that you ended the day at Ohana! :cloud9:

I was glad we were able to get so much done since we had just one day there. That teenage attitude is not a whole lot of fun, is it Shelly? :scared:

Great TR!! I am enjoying it.

I do, for one, enjoy It's a Small World! It's iconic!

What did you think of POR? We are staying there next month. Anything you recommend to do or avoid? It will be myself, DH, DD7 and DD3 (plus my sister's family!).

Hi! :wave: We really liked POR. It was a super pretty resort, being right there on the water. It was quiet and peaceful. You will like it! Are you getting a Royal Room?
Enjoyed the report so far!

I know a little something about teenage attitudes.. My oldest will be 21 in July, middle son is 19 (already moved out b/c like the 20 yr old doesn't like rules) and all that's left is my 16 yr old!

I took my DD for her birthday in 2011 to MVMCP as a surprise with her BFF and my DH and DM we came down for one day, stayed at CR and went to the party, had breakfast at 1900PF before leaving the next morning..
Enjoyed the report so far!

I know a little something about teenage attitudes.. My oldest will be 21 in July, middle son is 19 (already moved out b/c like the 20 yr old doesn't like rules) and all that's left is my 16 yr old!

I took my DD for her birthday in 2011 to MVMCP as a surprise with her BFF and my DH and DM we came down for one day, stayed at CR and went to the party, had breakfast at 1900PF before leaving the next morning..

Oh, whoever told me raising kids would be a piece of cake...lied! :lmao: It's a good thing they are cute! I think a surprise birthday trip would be amazing! Thanks for reading along with me.
Hi! :wave: We really liked POR. It was a super pretty resort, being right there on the water. It was quiet and peaceful. You will like it! Are you getting a Royal Room?

No Royal Room. We want to stay near my sister's fam and since they are a fam of five, we will stay in AB.
Harters2WDW said:
No Royal Room. We want to stay near my sister's fam and since they are a fam of five, we will stay in AB.

It's a gorgeous resort! You will really enjoy it. :) And how fun to be there with your sister!
I'm enjoying reading your mother/daughter TR! I know the "time is fleeting" feeling so well. Those girl trips create some wonderful memories.

Your POR room is so lovely! I think they bring out the little princess in any girl. :)
Fun day at MK! I know how it can be when you get hot, tired & a bit snippy! I'm glad you were able to turn it around quickly. :goodvibes

We saw a lot of Waldos on our MNSSHP night!
I'm enjoying reading your mother/daughter TR! I know the "time is fleeting" feeling so well. Those girl trips create some wonderful memories.

Your POR room is so lovely! I think they bring out the little princess in any girl. :)

Hi Brenda! :wave2: Time is fleeting is a perfect way to describe it. It makes my heart very sad. I'm so happy we took this trip together and I hope more are in our future!

Fun day at MK! I know how it can be when you get hot, tired & a bit snippy! I'm glad you were able to turn it around quickly. :goodvibes

We saw a lot of Waldos on our MNSSHP night!

Hey there Amy! I just love the Waldo costume for some reason. :rotfl:

Enjoying your TR.

That is great! Welcome! :wave2:
When we last left off, we had just dined at ‘Ohana. This is a new favorite for sure! Wow, we were so impressed. Morghan was a little old to participate in the coconut races but that was sure cute to watch. We still have our leis hanging up in our house and I smile when I walk by them.

We thought we were being smart and were going to get off at a different bus stop than the main building one. It looked closer on the map. What a bad idea coming back in the dark with no idea where we were! Morghan and I seriously were running through the grass, in parking lots, looking like crazy people! We both had to go to the bathroom badly so that made it a million times worse. Oh boy did we laugh and laugh over that. Navigation is NOT our strong point. Haha!!

Anyway, the next morning we awoke bright and early. This was Wednesday, October 17th. We would be heading to Hollywood Studios in the morning and Animal Kingdom later that day. I’m usually not a fan of parking hopping (for us) but we only had three days and we both wanted to get into all four parks. So alas, we’d make it work golly gee.

We awoke to this gorgeous day. Seriously, can it get any better? It’s no wonder this is so many people’s “Happy Place”.

They were doing a little work around the pool this early morning.

Morghan brought a mascot with her from her social studies class. Each place he goes and is photographed, they get “points” for their team. Going to a new state would rack up some points! Flying on an airplane is even more points!

Port Orleans Riverside-

This morning we were going to use one of our CS credits on breakfast at the resort. We both chose the Breakfast platter. Mmmm! I love those potatoes.

We ate up and soon we were at Hollywood Studios! We love thrill rides so were super excited for back to back Tower of Terror and Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster!!

Doing the Toy Story run-

I love rope drop times! 5 minutes!!

Rope Drop also means not many and sort of blurry queue photos, sorry!

I finally beat Morghan so she was a little peeved at me. Ha!

I love the cast members here!

Good morning from Hollywood Studios!

We were about to get our scare on!

Look at this cute little picture.

Should we do some dropping?!

And drop, drop, drop we did!! Here we are. I’m screaming. Morghan is laughing of course.

Ready to rock?!

I love this view of ToT.

Oh yeah!!!! I love RNR because you feel secure with the bars that go over your head. I’m always paranoid that I am going to lose my glasses though! That thing flies!

Redneck ride photo!

A little strolling after our back to back craziness

Hello there Great Movie Ride!

This place is beautiful!

We had a female gangster. ;)

When we were done there, we decided to check out the new Star Tours. I get really horrible motion sickness and on our last trip, this one about did me in. I was hoping it was a little smoother or something not so bad.

Nope. Not good. I kept my eyes closed. I just cannot do this kind of ride, even with Dramamine.
Dump shop-

Morghan didn’t want to get in this cute car. Boo!
Slap me on the wrist if you must but I still have never seen Fantasmic. Someday…

Crowds were picking up a bit, that late in the morning.

We planned on an early lunch and weren’t too excited about our options for a CS meal here. I did a lot of research on this one and thought Starring Rolls would be PERFECT for us. I was super excited about dessert especially!
Well, it is teeny, isn’t it? It’s a little hard to navigate your options in that tiny place. The outdoor seating is very limited as well. We had to stand with our trays for a few minutes before one opened up. Since it was just us two I couldn’t ask Morghan to save a table while I attempted to carry two trays of food. I also am not a fan of taking up a big table when you could easily fit at something smaller. I saw lots of that here. Holding tables, leisurely taking your time while there were poor people just wanting to sit down.

But our food was good! :thumbsup2

I got the ham and Morghan got the turkey. We both got chips, soda and Butterfinger cupcakes. My sandwich had no dressing, which is how I like it. Morghan's had some on it that she didn’t like so she scraped it off.

Before we left for AK, One Man’s Dream was on my list. I have always walked past here on other trips, so made a note not to miss it this time!

My heart ached a bit when I was here. I hope Walt is happy with his creations. I hope his parks are everything he wished they would be. The fact that Roy stepped in after his brother’s death brought tears to my eyes honestly. I’m a sap and it just made me feel emotional. It’s such a place of magic and wonder for so many, I am so thankful to Walt for providing this for us. We make memories with our families here. It’s a place where we can forget about the worries of the world for a little while. I just felt so blessed and grateful. :goodvibes

With that done, we decided to call it a day in Hollywood Studios.

I love the atmosphere here!!

This hilarious lady was having fun with a family as we walked by and saw me taking her photo. She stopped what she was doing, didn’t say a word and just turned to me and posed. Hahaha!! Morghan and I laughed forever at her!

And with that, we were off to Animal Kingdom!! Woot!
Great update! I was :rotfl:at you two trying to find your way back in the dark!!

What a fun and productive morning at HS! LOVE Morghan's Twins shirt of course! You got some cute pictures of the two of you! I've never seen anyone with the "chip" magic picture before!

Those cupcakes are just ridiculous!

Someday you really do need to see Fantasmic!
Slap me on the wrist if you must but I still have never seen Fantasmic. Someday…


But you are forgiven only because you did make time for...

Before we left for AK, One Man’s Dream was on my list. I have always walked past here on other trips, so made a note not to miss it this time!


Your POR pictures are nice. I love walking around that resort. It's so pretty and peaceful. I love walking along the river between POR and POFQ.

Getting lost in the dark and having a laughfest - that will be a sweet memory for the two of you for the rest of your lives. :)
Great update! I was :rotfl:at you two trying to find your way back in the dark!!

What a fun and productive morning at HS! LOVE Morghan's Twins shirt of course! You got some cute pictures of the two of you! I've never seen anyone with the "chip" magic picture before!

Those cupcakes are just ridiculous!

Someday you really do need to see Fantasmic!

It was a really fun morning at HS! I knew you'd like her Twins shirt for sure Sheree. ::yes:: Those cupcakes are seriously something else. You could share with the whole family and all would be satisfied!


But you are forgiven only because you did make time for...


Your POR pictures are nice. I love walking around that resort. It's so pretty and peaceful. I love walking along the river between POR and POFQ.

Getting lost in the dark and having a laughfest - that will be a sweet memory for the two of you for the rest of your lives. :)

I promise I will try and get to Fantasmic in 2014, our next trip! :thumbsup2 MeMom, you would giggle at how crazy we looked in the dark. It is definitely something we will always remember.

Great pics! :)

Hi there, thank you! :)
Fun morning. I haven't been to Fantasmic ever either. I would like to see it, but I don't think Claire would yet at this point.
We tried Starring rolls for a cupcake for the first time in Nov and that cupcake was so yummy!
Fun morning. I haven't been to Fantasmic ever either. I would like to see it, but I don't think Claire would yet at this point.
We tried Starring rolls for a cupcake for the first time in Nov and that cupcake was so yummy!

Ok, then I don't feel so sad since you haven't seen Fantasmic either Jen. Shame on us! ;) Starring Rolls cupcakes are heavenly! So, so yummy!
Great update Kelli! :goodvibes

I know what you mean about getting off the bus at POR in the dark, those winding paths can be a little confusing! :upsidedow

Looks like a super great morning at DHS!! My favorite place to be! :cool1: Love RNRC, TOT, and GMR!! :thumbsup2 You got to do all those and more! :goodvibes I'm so glad you got to do One Man's Dream. It is very touching. ::yes::

I had the same feelings about Starring Rolls. It's WAY too small in there, hard to navigate, and not enough seating outside. We went once and I don't think we will go back. I had the ham sandwich and it had some pretty gross dressing on it. :eek:

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day! :yay:
Great update Kelli! :goodvibes

I know what you mean about getting off the bus at POR in the dark, those winding paths can be a little confusing! :upsidedow

Looks like a super great morning at DHS!! My favorite place to be! :cool1: Love RNRC, TOT, and GMR!! :thumbsup2 You got to do all those and more! :goodvibes I'm so glad you got to do One Man's Dream. It is very touching. ::yes::

I had the same feelings about Starring Rolls. It's WAY too small in there, hard to navigate, and not enough seating outside. We went once and I don't think we will go back. I had the ham sandwich and it had some pretty gross dressing on it. :eek:

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day! :yay:

I knew you loved HS too Shelly! Our big kiddos sure love their big rides, don't they?! Morghan will be glad to know you felt the same way about the ham sandwich. She wasn't thrilled at all. :worried:


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