June W. I. S. H. - Summer o' Fun

I’m all about family. So I want to live a healthy life so I can stay active for my family. This summer, we are finally going to the all inclusive resort in Riviera Maya that we were supposed to go to last year. My husband and I are also going to Vegas (neither of us have been there before). And we’re already planning to go to Yosemite the following summer with my parents and sister’s family.
That’s wonderful! I remember when you had to cancel the Mexico trip-and Vegas and Yosemite! What fun!
And you leave Friday for Disney-can’t wait to hear about that trip. From what I’m reading, people are having great success the last hours the parks are open. Sounds like a perfect schedule with a teenager!
We’re so fortunate our family likes to travel with us and spend time together at our place in OC. Looking forward to our family trip to Disney-and determined to get these extra pounds off before I am walking in 90+ degree heat because I have a grandson that expects his grandparents to keep up!
Now that things are slowly getting back to normal we’re planning a trip out west next summer-and I need to keep healthy and fit for wherever we end up going-I don’t want to slow the group down!
Hi all! Hopping back on the wish bandwagon after a few nutty months!

Fun/healthy stuff for the week? I just replanted my zucchini and cucumber seedlings and a couple lettuce plants are almost ready for harvest so that's pretty motivating...hard to avoid veggies when they are literally in your yard! Hoping to get my little garden fence up this week.
Hi, ShannyMcB! Good to “see” you again!
I’m all about family. So I want to live a healthy life so I can stay active for my family. This summer, we are finally going to the all inclusive resort in Riviera Maya that we were supposed to go to last year. My husband and I are also going to Vegas (neither of us have been there before). And we’re already planning to go to Yosemite the following summer with my parents and sister’s family.
Travel is so good for the soul!
Hi All! I am Stephanie and I leave in Northeast Ohio. I have been married for 16 years and have 2 kids. DD is 13 and DS is 15. I head back to the office this month for 3 days per week. This will be a huge adjustment and I will have to come up with a new workout schedule. Also DS will start to have soccer games a few night per week. Things are getting crazy around here after being home and doing nothing for a year.

This weekend had some highs and lows. Friday the weather was awful. Tons of rain and wind and the temps were in the 40's. Thankfully we had some trees taken out over the winter. A few huge trees came down by us from the wind. Saturday I got to hang out with my mom and see her new horse. DD will get to ride this one with her and go to shows. They both are so excited to do this together. Sunday started off good. I worked the beer tent at our Rib - cook off. It is a fundraiser for the high school soccer team. I didn't really want to do it but it ended up being really fun. Then DH's grandmother came over and we took her up to the rib cook off for dinner. I thought she would complain the whole time but she didn't. It was really nice being able to do this with her. Then at about 9pm DD's cough got really bad and she could stop or catch her breath. We ended up in the ER. They think it was asthma and but her on a steroid. Monday it happened again so we ended up back in the ER. This time they gave her a breathing treatment. Such a big change after that. It is defiantly asthma. We knew she had asthma but it has always been very mild. Nothing like this. Now I need to get her into the peds doc. and an allergist. I hope we don't have anymore of the episodes. It was so scary. Last night she even had panic attack in the middle of it and it made everything worse.
Hope she's feeling better soon.
Yes, the good life... my words of the week lately have all pointed to la dolce vita, this is what I've been searching for and what I want out of this summer.

Yesterday on the way home from my shoe shopping at the mall I ended up having lunch at a fancy restaurant in a marina south of where I live. It was a lovely spur of the moment choice, and very nostalgic as my brother Phil had a sailboat at that marina that was moored right by the restaurant a long, long time ago.

(not my photo, but this is pretty much the view from the restaurant) )

Another good life thing... I'm going to do a sunrise balloon trip to celebrate my birthday in a couple weeks. It is a bucket list thing and I am quite excited about it.


And most important of all the good life is founded on good health, so this is the week when I finally get my eating under control and start to feel better. Jumped on the scale this morning thinking I had possibly, accidently lost some weight but nope, it was still the same scary number.

I got DD into the pediatrician today. She doesn't think it is asthma. She said the puzzle pieces don't fit. So we are now going to see a pulmonologist next week. I am really hoping that we get some answers. I have read that it can be anxiety but she hasn't been bad lately so I don't think it is that. She does see her therapist next week and I will let her know just in case.
The healthier I am, the more fun to be had. I don't want to be on the sidelines watching the fun. I want to participate. I was never athletic, and I'm not interested in those activities. However, I want to be well enough to travel, able to walk, able to dance and celebrate. I look forward to summer fun and travel after two cancelled vacations to Disney. I can't wait to get on an airplane again and arrive at Margaritaville Resort in Hollywood, Florida. I can't wait for my first margarita while lounging in a beach chair or at the adults-only pool.

I look forward to my daughter's wedding one day in Disney World. I look forward to the week-long celebration. I want to be active for my future grandchildren.

The healthier my body, the more I will enjoy my life. For me, it really is all about fun. After all, you only live once.
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In three weeks we will be going to Florida! We're not seeing Mickey, just the beach. Well, DS2 is performing in an opera, so we will see that, and maybe go to a museum. It's really all about just unwinding after two very long years of raising some one else's twins! My brother got us a hotel in St. Pete Beach right on the beach so we are super excited to walk to the ocean!!

I'm Linda, living in the Pacific Northwest where today it was almost 100 degrees! Sorry to all my friends here who brought out the blankets over the weekend!! When the twins are gone in a couple weeks we will be back to being empty nesters, and I really plan to go back to how we were eating before we had two extra ravenous mouths to feed! Lots more protein and veggies in my future.

Yesterday I tried on a dress I really liked, but I'd need a girdle for it to look good! One day I hope not to need that undergarment I don't own. Obviously I didn't get it but I do need to start figuring out what I will wear to DS1's wedding in the early fall!!
Woohoo…I go to Disney in 2 days!!! In preparation for Galaxy’s Edge, we decided to watch all 3 trilogies in chronological order (prequel, original, then sequel). Tonight is the last one, The Rise of Skywalker. I was never really a huge Star Wars fan. But I have to say that I really enjoyed watching them in this order. And all within a 2 week time frame. It’s helped it to all make sense. If we would have thought of it sooner, we would have had time for Solo & Rogue One. But I didn’t want to chance not getting to the final two movies since that’s the basis for Galaxy’s Edge (or so I read).

Woohoo…I’m getting better at running, so it doesn’t seem like as much of a chore. And I REALLY enjoy the time outdoors!

Woohoo…the weather has been better this week (than over the weekend)

Woohoo…it’s June!!!! Which means the end of the longest, most challenging school year is almost over!!!
Woohoo…I go to Disney in 2 days!!! In preparation for Galaxy’s Edge, we decided to watch all 3 trilogies in chronological order (prequel, original, then sequel). Tonight is the last one, The Rise of Skywalker. I was never really a huge Star Wars fan. But I have to say that I really enjoyed watching them in this order. And all within a 2 week time frame. It’s helped it to all make sense. If we would have thought of it sooner, we would have had time for Solo & Rogue One. But I didn’t want to chance not getting to the final two movies since that’s the basis for Galaxy’s Edge (or so I read).

Woohoo…I’m getting better at running, so it doesn’t seem like as much of a chore. And I REALLY enjoy the time outdoors!

Woohoo…the weather has been better this week (than over the weekend)

Woohoo…it’s June!!!! Which means the end of the longest, most challenging school year is almost over!!!
I'm excited for you going to WDW! Have a safe and fun vacation!

I think I should rewatch "Star Wars" in chronological order, because I lost interest after the third movie was released. I was 12 and in middle school when the original "Star Wars" came out in theaters, and I was blown away. Then came "The Empire Strikes Back" when I was 15 and a sophomore in high school. The last one I saw was "Return of the Jedi" when I was 18. I didn't like all of the jumping around of prequels and sequels and stopped going to see the remaining movies. My interest might be renewed if I watched them beginning to end.

I too am so happy to be finishing this very challenging school year on June 18th. Our superintendent is limiting our furniture again this coming school year which disappointed me because I wanted to bring centers back into the classroom. Unlike the other kindergarten teachers in my building (except for the new one,) I would like my students to learn through play. Fortunately my principal gets my plan and is allowing me to have whatever I need to accomplish that!
In three weeks we will be going to Florida! We're not seeing Mickey, just the beach. Well, DS2 is performing in an opera, so we will see that, and maybe go to a museum. It's really all about just unwinding after two very long years of raising some one else's twins! My brother got us a hotel in St. Pete Beach right on the beach so we are super excited to walk to the ocean!!

I'm Linda, living in the Pacific Northwest where today it was almost 100 degrees! Sorry to all my friends here who brought out the blankets over the weekend!! When the twins are gone in a couple weeks we will be back to being empty nesters, and I really plan to go back to how we were eating before we had two extra ravenous mouths to feed! Lots more protein and veggies in my future.

Yesterday I tried on a dress I really liked, but I'd need a girdle for it to look good! One day I hope not to need that undergarment I don't own. Obviously I didn't get it but I do need to start figuring out what I will wear to DS1's wedding in the early fall!!
It is so exciting to hear of everyone's travel plans!
I love hearing about everyone’s vacations! We’re headed to Texas tomorrow to surprise my husband’s sister for a milestone birthday. It has been fun getting clothes out and packing again! Haven’t flown in ages, but we like Southwest, so hoping it will go smoothly. And knowing our trip to Disney is still happening (late July/early August) is exciting. I don’t care how hot or crowded it will be-getting away with the family will be wonderful!

Woohoo-I have been much more in control with my meals. I haven’t replaced some of my trigger foods and that has helped. And trying on some things that are tight is a big motivation to stay on track.
Woohoo…I go to Disney in 2 days!!! In preparation for Galaxy’s Edge, we decided to watch all 3 trilogies in chronological order (prequel, original, then sequel). Tonight is the last one, The Rise of Skywalker. I was never really a huge Star Wars fan. But I have to say that I really enjoyed watching them in this order. And all within a 2 week time frame. It’s helped it to all make sense. If we would have thought of it sooner, we would have had time for Solo & Rogue One. But I didn’t want to chance not getting to the final two movies since that’s the basis for Galaxy’s Edge (or so I read).

Woohoo…I’m getting better at running, so it doesn’t seem like as much of a chore. And I REALLY enjoy the time outdoors!

Woohoo…the weather has been better this week (than over the weekend)

Woohoo…it’s June!!!! Which means the end of the longest, most challenging school year is almost over!!!
When I was in my 20's the Seattle Film Festival did a showing of the first three movies back to back, it was the first time it had been done. I don't remember being a huge Star Wars fan but went (I was kind of in to Harrison Ford so maybe that's why), but fell asleep half way thru #2. I didn't see 4,5,6 until a couple years ago and saw the second to last one... guess I have a couple to catch up on.
I love hearing about everyone’s vacations! We’re headed to Texas tomorrow to surprise my husband’s sister for a milestone birthday. It has been fun getting clothes out and packing again! Haven’t flown in ages, but we like Southwest, so hoping it will go smoothly. And knowing our trip to Disney is still happening (late July/early August) is exciting. I don’t care how hot or crowded it will be-getting away with the family will be wonderful!

Woohoo-I have been much more in control with my meals. I haven’t replaced some of my trigger foods and that has helped. And trying on some things that are tight is a big motivation to stay on track.
More travel - yea!
Woohoo... it got hot here yesterday, I think the high in the city was 86 degrees. Very unusual for this time of year where we (somewhat) affectionately call June Junuary because it is normally rather cool.

Woohoo... the front steps are gone and the porch decking is all removed, and I havent (yet) absentmindedly walked out the front door! I don't think anything is happening today but he'll be back tomorrow to put it all back together. Really looking forward to having it look nice again.

Woohoo... my balloon flight is booked!

Woohoo... I am five-for-five in completing my evening sink cleaning ritual.
I have 2 woohoo's. The first is that I lost weight again in May. I was not expecting to as I had gained 5 pounds at one point last week and we ate out a few times. I am now at the lowest weight I have been since August of 2019. I am so happy. I am doing this very slow but it is working. I have had about a 2 pound lose every month since Feb.

My 2nd woohoo is that DD seems to be doing better today. She has texted me that she is only coughing her and there and not a big deal. I also called the pulmonologist to see if I could get her in earlier and I was able to. She is going tomorrow now instead of next week. Hopefully we will start to get some answers.


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